Originally Posted by holymasamune
That's pretty interesting. Maybe another way to calculate it is to judge it by stuff such as radar range (since they list the exact number of feet it is), and can confirm this? :P
I was trying to work it out based on 'real' world measurements.

for instance, one thousand feet in game, as shown by the fade by distance, seems like a very short distance to me. Or another example, the Evil lich's spell 'Life Vortex' steals health from foes within 30 feet.
Originally Posted by http://gw.gamewikis.org/wiki/Life_Vortex
The description says 30 feet, which is approximately 3/8 of the aggro bubble range. [Source: Factions Manual, page 100]
Looking on page 100 shows that the aggro bubble is "roughly 88 feet" in radius (so 176 feet total diameter.) Does that seem a little small to anyone else considering the visual distance?
I was trying to work out the distance based off of what we might use to pace off in the real world.
Originally Posted by MithranArkanere
Character steps are not a good starting point.
You should use the radar. The 'inside' of the radar is about 300meter wide.
As I said above in response to holymasamune, I was trying to pace this out based off of our real world measurements. The ingame measurement system seems too small to me.
Originally Posted by Desxtus Ironheart
what on earth made you want to find this out?
I was very bored last night and I have been wondering about it for a few weeks.
Originally Posted by zwei2stein
Strides are usually assumed to be masured while moving normally, not running as that gives less strides per mile.
You can try it for yourself.
Not quite true. I think most three foot measuring strides are elongated so that they actually equal 3 feet. In this case, I was erring on the side of three feet per stride just out of ease of calculation. But, also, considering my dervish is female, so she's shorter then her male counterparts, and of midrange height, her shorter running strides might be closer to three feet than other availible measurements.
Originally Posted by max gladius
A unit of distance called a mile was first used by the Romans and denoted a distance of 1,000 paces (one pace is two steps, 1,000 paces being, in Latin, mille passus)
could easily figure a "Tyrian Mile" (err how they named a world after a continent and changed history i still lack the ability to understand)... but take a "average size warrior" would be my thought, figure how far from point a to b, then do as u said above and measure it out large scale...
i said "average size warrior" because it seems all historical measurements and such were based off of "average size male".... just to stick with "historical" ways
** edit, bored doing math, i think ur measurements is off by around 200 feet for that distance, or such, using ur derv as the "measurer" and pace and such, i get 1452 feet for the 1650 feet u got... i think, hurting my head brb.. hahaha
err that 1000 paces = 5000 feet, from their measuring ...so that would have to be readjusted to equal a "current mile" measurement.
That's quite true. The reason I did this with my Dervish was becuase she's the only one who isn't abnormally tall, and I wanted to use a good, average, height.
1452 feet sounds like it could be a plausible number as well. I would be intrigued to see what your calculations show.
As I said, this is all based off of my estimations of other estimations. There is a very wide range for error. This isn't really meant to be a completely factual thing, just an interesting estimation and study of the ingame distance measurement.
That, and the fact that the 'world' we have access to in Tyria is small enough to fit in the metro area of a good sized city. I live in a city that's over 35 miles across, and it is naught but a tiny pinprick on the face of the planet. I could be off by a very, very large amount, and yet that would still mean that the area we've had access to is
incredibly small. Before I did this, I was thinking it was about 20-30 miles across. Of course, Elona might just be a very small continent. However, it's hard to find a straight peice of land in any of the other campaigns to try this technique with.