Note: Dupers exist still, and somehow anet isnt fixing or caring u make the call!
max gladius
I am totally fed up with the fact that Duppers are still ingame.... how is it possible for someone to go from less then 1 stack of ecto to over 30 stacks in the mater of months...
I am upset by this because i am a high end trader, and know how to make money, i have done this many ways and times, yet i see ppl coming out of the wood work offering 2 windows of ectos for items, yet again...
This money cant be ebayed, unless the person is absolutely insane and has tens of thousands of real money to blow on a game...
So, you make the call, does anet not care, or are they just not smart enough to track threw logs where this is coming from?
NO im not calling all high end traders duppers, i myself was quite high end trader for a time, but this is getting rediculous
Please dont post any names or such... just share your thoughts on the matter.
I am upset by this because i am a high end trader, and know how to make money, i have done this many ways and times, yet i see ppl coming out of the wood work offering 2 windows of ectos for items, yet again...
This money cant be ebayed, unless the person is absolutely insane and has tens of thousands of real money to blow on a game...
So, you make the call, does anet not care, or are they just not smart enough to track threw logs where this is coming from?
NO im not calling all high end traders duppers, i myself was quite high end trader for a time, but this is getting rediculous
Please dont post any names or such... just share your thoughts on the matter.
Mortal Amongst Mere Gods
I believe Anet does care that there are dupers imbalancing the ingame economy, but there aren't enough people to see every action taken by every member playing worldwide. Sometimes it goes unnnoticed.
The problem with dupers still being around is not that Anet doesn't get rid of them. It's that there are people who are selfish or stupid enough to work up the nerve to actually cheat and get riches for themselves while screwing over everyone who actually worked for a similar reward.
The problem with dupers still being around is not that Anet doesn't get rid of them. It's that there are people who are selfish or stupid enough to work up the nerve to actually cheat and get riches for themselves while screwing over everyone who actually worked for a similar reward.
I don't understand if you think that former dupers are still playing because their accounts were not permanently banned, or you think that there are "new" dupers which after the fix have been able to find new ways to duplicate items (or maybe use the same old way, but this would involve that the dupe exploit was not actually fixed).
My idea is that Anet is doing just like VAC does on Counter Strike, they do not ban right away, but take their time to identify all the cheats and then BAM, all cheaters are banned on single day.
Just my 2 cents.
Just my 2 cents.

I think this topic can get clouded very easily. I have two friends who are incredibly, incredibly rich.... I can't even begin to imagine their bank accounts. Yet they're not dupers, they've been in the right place at the right time to make awesome deals. It's unfair to automatically label someone as a "duper" because they can deal in 1500e + armbraces. The reality is that the economy was influenced by the duping, prices inflated, and that alot of the really highend trading is now done in this price range, even though they had nothing to do with the duping.
Chris Blackstar
The only way to stop this inflation is not to practice it. Everyone should stop offing 100K+XX ectos for items, just offer a price between 1 and 100K for items, and shun players who offer otherwise by not trading with them.
Malice Black
Again with the duping threads..
The only way to get rid of duped braces is to delete every single one of them...good luck getting people to agree to that.
The only way to get rid of duped braces is to delete every single one of them...good luck getting people to agree to that.
Originally Posted by Malice Black
The only way to get rid of duped braces is to delete every single one of them...good luck getting people to agree to that.
The people whining about the dupers are more annoying than the dupers themselves.
Originally Posted by arcanemacabre
Or, Anet could simply make all armbraces non-tradeable. Simple fix.

It's not that simple to resolve the problem.
max gladius
its not "full resolution" but its better then what they have done lately... which is nothen.... cant stack shields
Malice Black
Originally Posted by arcanemacabre
Or, Anet could simply make all armbraces non-tradeable. Simple fix.
Originally Posted by makosi
WTS: 250 Tormented Strength Shields - 60 ectos each.
![]() It's not that simple to resolve the problem. |
It fixes the biggest issue of way overpriced items due to the dupe. That's the main problem. Let them have their riches, as long as it doesn't make such a large impact on the high-end items.
Originally Posted by max gladius
its not "full resolution" but its better then what they have done lately... which is nothen.... cant stack shields
Originally Posted by max gladius
its not "full resolution" but its better then what they have done lately... which is nothen.... cant stack shields
Disallowing trading of Tormented weapons would go down like a lead balloon with the community.
If I was the person who had like over 7 stacks of ambraces I would have sold them one by one. Guess hackers aren't that smart :S.
Originally Posted by Chris Blackstar
The only way to stop this inflation is not to practice it. Everyone should stop offing 100K+XX ectos for items, just offer a price between 1 and 100K for items, and shun players who offer otherwise by not trading with them.
Martin Alvito
Originally Posted by HayesA
I like this idea the most. If you don't like it, stop offering so damn much. As a buyer, you historically have way more power over the sellers.
One does not act in a vacuum. When you buy an item, you're playing a game with the other guy; his choice to sell to you is based on his preferences over your offer as compared to the expected value of holding onto the item and waiting for a new draw from the "lottery" of possible offers (discounted by the expected time price of waiting).
Stripped of the jargon: refusing to offer something close to market price simply ensures that you will never, ever get the item you want, because the seller knows it's worth it to wait for the better offer that is certain to come along reasonably quickly.
The buyer may enjoy some power asymmetry in an immediate interaction, but it's limited by the other actors in the system.
Martin Alvito
ANet isn't going to do anything about the situation because the original dupe went on for too long; there are simply too many ersatz armbraces and ectos to destroy, even if ANet could identify them (and I doubt that they can...coding oversight there driven by an unrealistic belief in the integrity of the servers, IMO).
I'm not totally convinced that duping is continuing; the people at the top end of the system are very, very good at concentrating existing wealth into their own hands through shrewd trading and the exploitation of information asymmetries about what the richest players can and will pay for items.
You can't make money (quickly) these days on the small-ticket (sub 100k) and moderate-ticket items (100k to + 10-20e or so). So the gains from trading are concentrated in the hands of a much smaller subset of players than they used to be. The upshot is the wealthiest people in the system can make money a lot faster. Granted, that money is worth a lot less than it used to be, but the barriers to entry for serious trading mean that the overall capacities of the richest players are rising a lot faster than they once did.
This effect doesn't require ongoing duping. All that's happened is that the shrewder players have, over time, concentrated the majority of the duped armbraces in a small number of hands. Hence the ridiculous prices on items with fixed supply; those prices are driven by increases in the capacity of the richest players to pay (which sets the upper bound on prices for such items).
The only way to solve the problem is to create some way to destroy those items, which requires introducing something that ectos/armbraces can be traded for that people want more than the ectos/armbraces. Since everybody and his brother has oodles of ectos, any efforts to introduce a prestige item that can be traded for with ectos is probably doomed from the start. (See: Chaos Gloves. Great idea, but the supply of ectos in the game didn't even feel it.) Anything that's going to cost more than 75 ectos is going to have to be AMAZING to seriously impact the supply of ectos/arms; somehow I doubt that ANet's art department has that kind of time to toss into GW1 at the moment.
ANet isn't going to do anything about the situation because the original dupe went on for too long; there are simply too many ersatz armbraces and ectos to destroy, even if ANet could identify them (and I doubt that they can...coding oversight there driven by an unrealistic belief in the integrity of the servers, IMO).
I'm not totally convinced that duping is continuing; the people at the top end of the system are very, very good at concentrating existing wealth into their own hands through shrewd trading and the exploitation of information asymmetries about what the richest players can and will pay for items.
You can't make money (quickly) these days on the small-ticket (sub 100k) and moderate-ticket items (100k to + 10-20e or so). So the gains from trading are concentrated in the hands of a much smaller subset of players than they used to be. The upshot is the wealthiest people in the system can make money a lot faster. Granted, that money is worth a lot less than it used to be, but the barriers to entry for serious trading mean that the overall capacities of the richest players are rising a lot faster than they once did.
This effect doesn't require ongoing duping. All that's happened is that the shrewder players have, over time, concentrated the majority of the duped armbraces in a small number of hands. Hence the ridiculous prices on items with fixed supply; those prices are driven by increases in the capacity of the richest players to pay (which sets the upper bound on prices for such items).
The only way to solve the problem is to create some way to destroy those items, which requires introducing something that ectos/armbraces can be traded for that people want more than the ectos/armbraces. Since everybody and his brother has oodles of ectos, any efforts to introduce a prestige item that can be traded for with ectos is probably doomed from the start. (See: Chaos Gloves. Great idea, but the supply of ectos in the game didn't even feel it.) Anything that's going to cost more than 75 ectos is going to have to be AMAZING to seriously impact the supply of ectos/arms; somehow I doubt that ANet's art department has that kind of time to toss into GW1 at the moment.
I gotta admit gladius is correct. What anet did in response to the duping incident was ban all the people who duped within 1 day to 1 week of the event. those who knew of the method way in advance did not get banned.
i think the reason anet isnt doing anything about those dupers is because it would be too hard to determine who really did dupe outside of the context ot that one week where people duped like crazy.
oh and in response to quick money, it really isnt hard to make money in this game still. ive made 500k in 4 days (albeit 7 hour grindfests each) running HM missions and various titles to get all the destroyer weapons. the only problem is with people who have 200 armbraces. regardless of how long u played, its unlikely someone has that much money without some sort of duping history 200 armbraces = 20000k + 6000 ectos.
i think the reason anet isnt doing anything about those dupers is because it would be too hard to determine who really did dupe outside of the context ot that one week where people duped like crazy.
oh and in response to quick money, it really isnt hard to make money in this game still. ive made 500k in 4 days (albeit 7 hour grindfests each) running HM missions and various titles to get all the destroyer weapons. the only problem is with people who have 200 armbraces. regardless of how long u played, its unlikely someone has that much money without some sort of duping history 200 armbraces = 20000k + 6000 ectos.
Count to Potato
Monkey Pwner does it again! to find dupers would require historical server checks, and i think anet working gw2..
Duper = Duplicator. Duplication of items devalues the rest of the communities efforts in working for the same goal. (i.e. farming all them gemstones extensively, only to find out that other players out there have managed to cheat/duplicate their way to hundreds of that same one item that you've been farming for forever and a day). The sad part is that there are still people roaming around with that quantity of armbraces and similarly high-priced items. There's no way in HELL that any 1 individual (even with multiple, multiple accounts) can EVER achieve such a high quantity of armbraces. So sad how one person works so hard for an armbrace while the other just laughs his way maliciously and exploits the gaming system for an exponential quantity of that same armbrace that takes all too much time to acquire.
No Anet might not care since they're preoccupied with GW2. I don't really care either. Personally, it doesn't affect my game in the least bit. When you have it all, you really can't manage to care about what everyone else is doing.
Why do people care so much about these things in the first place? Are there not more important things in life to worry about? Or perhaps some people really don't have anything else important in their life. o_O? If people showed this much passion in real life this world would be a better place but unfortunately some of you spend your passion online via video games.
@OP You've power traded your way to a huge amount of wealth already. I'm certain you can buy 99% of everything GW has to offer. Why does it then bother you that others have more cash flow then you albeit legit or not? Let it go. You have everything you need. You are a winner. Game is over. If it's just a matter of principal then take it elsewhere. You're fighting a meaningless battle. Do some volunteer work. Donate to charity. Help the homeless. There are far greater causes to be concerned about then "ectos" and "ambraces". Does your mother/wife/girl friend know what you're up to?
I just don't see the point in this. Who are we pretending to be? Heroes? Crusaders? If you want to fight the good fight GW is nowhere near it. It's a virtual video game. It's FAKE. This hardly effects anyone because most people don't actually know duping has ever happened. I can guarantee 95% give or take that are playing in-game right this very second don't give a hoot. All those threads that have been up about this topic are from the people who for some odd reason actually do care and needless to say it's not a very big crowd. I can do a head count if you want. Give it a week or 2 and this thread will be buried and no one will care of it ever again.
@OP You've power traded your way to a huge amount of wealth already. I'm certain you can buy 99% of everything GW has to offer. Why does it then bother you that others have more cash flow then you albeit legit or not? Let it go. You have everything you need. You are a winner. Game is over. If it's just a matter of principal then take it elsewhere. You're fighting a meaningless battle. Do some volunteer work. Donate to charity. Help the homeless. There are far greater causes to be concerned about then "ectos" and "ambraces". Does your mother/wife/girl friend know what you're up to?
I just don't see the point in this. Who are we pretending to be? Heroes? Crusaders? If you want to fight the good fight GW is nowhere near it. It's a virtual video game. It's FAKE. This hardly effects anyone because most people don't actually know duping has ever happened. I can guarantee 95% give or take that are playing in-game right this very second don't give a hoot. All those threads that have been up about this topic are from the people who for some odd reason actually do care and needless to say it's not a very big crowd. I can do a head count if you want. Give it a week or 2 and this thread will be buried and no one will care of it ever again.
The results of a poll are a poor way of determining an objective fact. Either there are undetected dupers, or there are not -- whether we think they exist or not has no impact on whether or not they actually do exist.
As for myself, I don't have sufficient knowledge to say one way or the other whether there's dupers out there right now or not.
As for myself, I don't have sufficient knowledge to say one way or the other whether there's dupers out there right now or not.
Onarik Amrak
This is a joke poll/thread right?
Does anet care about duppers ingame any more?
How do we, the players, answer that? We don't work for Anet.
Does anet care about duppers ingame any more?
How do we, the players, answer that? We don't work for Anet.
If ppls still Duping i dont kwon...
But everyday i see more pandas in towns... twice at same city sometimes...
But everyday i see more pandas in towns... twice at same city sometimes...
Originally Posted by Malice Black
This would screw over as many people as deleting them.
Armbraces are for crafting weapons. If you want to use them to trade with then you're filthy rich already.
Aera Lure
The poll options I find a little odd. I think its obvious Anet cares about the duping issue. To think otherwise is folly.
Now do they have enough manpower to catch everything? Were they able to wipe it out permanently or has it come back in an adjusted form? Duping when it pops up in other online games, in my experience, seems never to fully go away. Once an exploit method is found, its then constant cat and mouse back and forth as one side tries to get around the other etc. Not saying that is necessarily the case with Guild Wars, its just given past experience I suspect there is still some duping going on. Pure speculation on my part.
There are, of course, some extremely rich players in the game that dont cheat, and imho I think its all too obvious Anet cares, so I had to vote "Yes" in the poll. Doesnt really answer the OP's post though since I also do agree it likely duping continues, if only on some smaller more discreet scale.
Now do they have enough manpower to catch everything? Were they able to wipe it out permanently or has it come back in an adjusted form? Duping when it pops up in other online games, in my experience, seems never to fully go away. Once an exploit method is found, its then constant cat and mouse back and forth as one side tries to get around the other etc. Not saying that is necessarily the case with Guild Wars, its just given past experience I suspect there is still some duping going on. Pure speculation on my part.
There are, of course, some extremely rich players in the game that dont cheat, and imho I think its all too obvious Anet cares, so I had to vote "Yes" in the poll. Doesnt really answer the OP's post though since I also do agree it likely duping continues, if only on some smaller more discreet scale.
Originally Posted by Chris Blackstar
The only way to stop this inflation is not to practice it. Everyone should stop offing 100K+XX ectos for items, just offer a price between 1 and 100K for items, and shun players who offer otherwise by not trading with them.
Some few rare pets and some few rare weapows...
Originally Posted by Zinger314
The people whining about the dupers are more annoying than the dupers themselves.
Just because there was one incident with people duplicating items, does not mean that every rich person is a duper. Some people play this game A LOT. Some people farm Underworld whenever we have favor, they know how to trade their good items, and they CAN make stacks of ectos in a matter of months.
Originally Posted by Aera Lure
The poll options I find a little odd. I think its obvious Anet cares about the duping issue. To think otherwise is folly.
Now do they have enough manpower to catch everything? Were they able to wipe it out permanently or has it come back in an adjusted form? Duping when it pops up in other online games, in my experience, seems never to fully go away. Once an exploit method is found, its then constant cat and mouse back and forth as one side tries to get around the other etc. Not saying that is necessarily the case with Guild Wars, its just given past experience I suspect there is still some duping going on. Pure speculation on my part. There are, of course, some extremely rich players in the game that dont cheat, and imho I think its all too obvious Anet cares, so I had to vote "Yes" in the poll. Doesnt really answer the OP's post though since I also do agree it likely duping continues, if only on some smaller more discreet scale. |
Originally Posted by Zinger314
The people whining about the dupers are more annoying than the dupers themselves.
But my whining about the dupers is... i dont want my account ban because i buy a dumped iten...
Originally Posted by max gladius
I am totally fed up with the fact that Duppers are still ingame....
how is it possible for someone to go from less then 1 stack of ecto to over 30 stacks in the mater of months... |
And how do you know they weren't simply power trading ?
6am3 Fana71c
This thread is pointless. And I don't see why anyone would care if anything is still duped in Guild Wars. The only people who might care is over-passionate collectors of rare items who fear their uber elite items will be less rare, or they won't be able to buy yet another 100K + xxx ecto item. Less QQ more pew pew.
crazy diamond
I love how so many people seem to know without a doubt that duping most certainly is going on.
Crom The Pale
Those that found the orriginal dupe were not fools. There is a good chance that they moved items through several accounts and Anet cant possibly spend the time to review every trade that took place between the day duping started and when they stopped it.
That being said its only a very minimal impact on the game, these dupers are not hording items that ever other player wants and cant have. They purchase a few high end items that most people would never get anyway and the rest they sell to make gold which they probably sell on Ebay.
What has been done can not be undone, you cant unfire the gun.
That being said its only a very minimal impact on the game, these dupers are not hording items that ever other player wants and cant have. They purchase a few high end items that most people would never get anyway and the rest they sell to make gold which they probably sell on Ebay.
What has been done can not be undone, you cant unfire the gun.
These threads are getting out of hand, A-Net has already said that when they see a trade go down that is huge they look at it, I am sure that is they saw 30 Arbraces they would look into it. We all know that the r9 Eternal Blade is the latest example that everyone is QQ'ing about dupers over, the fact is when something is made that public A-Net will look into it and ban the proper people. Yeah, they almost certainly had to eBay to get that kinda fortune on top of farming/power selling 24/7. In the end you just need to trust A-Net to get rid of all these people and to continue to work at it. Yeah I know that no one can trust A-Net because they nerfed your 1337 farm and won't balance PvP and sometimes you DC from the game and it is always there server's, but just drop this duping topic already.
crazy diamond
Originally Posted by Reason
These threads are getting out of hand, A-Net has already said that when they see a trade go down that is huge they look at it, I am sure that is they saw 30 Arbraces they would look into it.
Originally Posted by crazy diamond
I didn't know ANet had people round the clock monitoring every single trade.
I am sure they don't, hence why they have said they look back at LOGS, even if there was someone looking at it around the clock they could not monitor ever trade in game.
Originally Posted by 6am3 Fana71c
This thread is pointless. And I don't see why anyone would care if anything is still duped in Guild Wars. The only people who might care is over-passionate collectors of rare items who fear their uber elite items will be less rare, or they won't be able to buy yet another 100K + xxx ecto item. Less QQ more pew pew.