Buyer's remorse: Eye of the North
Has anyone request some kind of refund for Eye of the North?
$5 for the Pre-release, 'priviledge of the preview event with limited access'
$39.99 for the game itself ($34.99 if pre-release was bought)
Seems like this weekend is a preview event for Eye of the North and looks free, limited access?
Discounted to half price in less than three months, $19.99.
At the time of the expansion's release there were no cheaper alternative online or locally so I bought it through the online store. I know expansion packs usually go for cheap after awhile but under three months? What frustrates me is not long after its release I went away for seven weeks so from my point of view the expansion was discounted in a few weeks time.
I will be writing a request to have a partial refund of some kind. This was an overpaid for expansion like some other thread said. Don't bring up issues of Bonus Mission Package when that offer was out before Eye of the North options and people had already spent it on character slots or other things.
$5 for the Pre-release, 'priviledge of the preview event with limited access'
$39.99 for the game itself ($34.99 if pre-release was bought)
Seems like this weekend is a preview event for Eye of the North and looks free, limited access?
Discounted to half price in less than three months, $19.99.
At the time of the expansion's release there were no cheaper alternative online or locally so I bought it through the online store. I know expansion packs usually go for cheap after awhile but under three months? What frustrates me is not long after its release I went away for seven weeks so from my point of view the expansion was discounted in a few weeks time.
I will be writing a request to have a partial refund of some kind. This was an overpaid for expansion like some other thread said. Don't bring up issues of Bonus Mission Package when that offer was out before Eye of the North options and people had already spent it on character slots or other things.
i agree that GWEN was too expensive for what we got. less than half the content of a normal new classes or char slots....its a shame...although i bought it and enjoy seems as if the BMP (which is why i bought it from the online store) will soon be released as a seperate purchase.
It is a lesson for you to think where you spend your money, especially if you don't have much income. Stupid is not the one who asks, but the one who pays.
Divine Slaya
Do you honestly believe that ANET is going to give you a refund? As with any product, the price typically drops over a period of time. Perhaps the price of Eye of the North dropped a bit faster than everyone expected, but that is something you are going to have to deal with. You paid the price for receiving a product upon release instead of waiting a few months for the price to drop.
Stolen Souls
When I bought the three campaines, I felt I got my money's worth for all of them. INCLUDING Factions. The expansion though...totally different story. Not worth more than $20, imo. And yes, I feel stupid for paying as much as I did for it.
To be honest, asking for a partial refund because a product has dropped in value is a fairly silly idea.
I mean, can you imagine what the stock market would be like if that happened on a regular basis?
"Fairly static" springs to mind.
You pay more to get things early.
You get the new toys RIGHT when they're available, you get your fun as soon as you can. And you pay for the privilege.
People who didn't want to pay the full price, or who weren't eager enough to buy it on release, or who were just too busy at the time...can get it for a cheaper price, because demand has fallen. This is how basic economics works.
I might as well take a list of all of my old computer games and wander through the bargain bins at the local game store, noting which ones are now only 2 quid each.
And then demand 28 quid refunds for them.
I mean, can you imagine what the stock market would be like if that happened on a regular basis?
"Fairly static" springs to mind.
You pay more to get things early.
You get the new toys RIGHT when they're available, you get your fun as soon as you can. And you pay for the privilege.
People who didn't want to pay the full price, or who weren't eager enough to buy it on release, or who were just too busy at the time...can get it for a cheaper price, because demand has fallen. This is how basic economics works.
I might as well take a list of all of my old computer games and wander through the bargain bins at the local game store, noting which ones are now only 2 quid each.
And then demand 28 quid refunds for them.
Sure you can write that letter.
Or, you could introduce yourself to economics, and say hello to the real world of money.
I buy a car. Two days later another car dealership (or even the same one), sells the same exact car for 5,000 dollars less to someone else. Will I get 5,000 dollars credit? No, I won't, because in returning my car to buy the other dealerships one, I will end up still paying a lot, and even then, I must return it, not ask for a partial refund.
Alternatively, I bought a surround sound theater the other week from Best Buy. Randomly, the next day, I went in (oh girlfriends and their need to shop for shoes), and saw it was almost 100 dollars cheaper. I got my receipt, haggled with the customer service, and got the difference. But that was only one day's difference and it would have cost them more to restock and resell then a price-down.
You are talking about a digital service (you bought the game online), which giving the partial refund for would be worthless to where you bought it from. Even a hard copy doesn't concern a live retailer (even though you can't typically return a copy in the first place that has been opened).
Add the fact that it is the holiday times, and everything gets a price cut (note only retailers are cutting prices for EoTN, MSRP is still the same), and now you complain? Some common sense here goes a long way. Expansion packs generally drop in price after a month, so a price drop during holidays, three months later, is actually fairly understandable. The difference is negligble for the amount of stress you are placing on it, unless you are a poor teenager who should have been more suave with limited funds.
So sure, you could write that letter. Just realize that coming to terms with reality is a lot easier, even if a little disencouraging. But its how the world works.
Or, you could introduce yourself to economics, and say hello to the real world of money.
I buy a car. Two days later another car dealership (or even the same one), sells the same exact car for 5,000 dollars less to someone else. Will I get 5,000 dollars credit? No, I won't, because in returning my car to buy the other dealerships one, I will end up still paying a lot, and even then, I must return it, not ask for a partial refund.
Alternatively, I bought a surround sound theater the other week from Best Buy. Randomly, the next day, I went in (oh girlfriends and their need to shop for shoes), and saw it was almost 100 dollars cheaper. I got my receipt, haggled with the customer service, and got the difference. But that was only one day's difference and it would have cost them more to restock and resell then a price-down.
You are talking about a digital service (you bought the game online), which giving the partial refund for would be worthless to where you bought it from. Even a hard copy doesn't concern a live retailer (even though you can't typically return a copy in the first place that has been opened).
Add the fact that it is the holiday times, and everything gets a price cut (note only retailers are cutting prices for EoTN, MSRP is still the same), and now you complain? Some common sense here goes a long way. Expansion packs generally drop in price after a month, so a price drop during holidays, three months later, is actually fairly understandable. The difference is negligble for the amount of stress you are placing on it, unless you are a poor teenager who should have been more suave with limited funds.
So sure, you could write that letter. Just realize that coming to terms with reality is a lot easier, even if a little disencouraging. But its how the world works.
Where is Eye of the North $19.99?
If you're talking about the in-game store, look at the prices on everything there....its called a holiday promotion. Everything is 50% off. The price goes back up when the promotion is over. It happens all the time. Especially during the holidays.
You can't go back to stores months later and ask for a refund because they are having a sale on an item you bought in October.
I googled to see who is selling Eye of the North for cheap, and I can't seem to find anyone......hmm....the only people really selling under $29.99 were on Ebay.
Request a refund, but they are just going to laugh in your face.
If you're talking about the in-game store, look at the prices on everything there....its called a holiday promotion. Everything is 50% off. The price goes back up when the promotion is over. It happens all the time. Especially during the holidays.
You can't go back to stores months later and ask for a refund because they are having a sale on an item you bought in October.
I googled to see who is selling Eye of the North for cheap, and I can't seem to find anyone......hmm....the only people really selling under $29.99 were on Ebay.
Request a refund, but they are just going to laugh in your face.
I find the complaints about GWEN bizarre, it's my favorite GW release after Prophecies and I'm still busy working my way through the dungeons. There's far more content here than most people seem to realize (I've spent far longer playing GWEN than I did Factions, for example), but i guess that won't stop whiners from doing what they do.
As to price drops, that's the nature of PC games. Wait awhile and everything gets cheap, you pay for impatience. In this case, I think it was a good investment, but to each his own I suppose.
As to price drops, that's the nature of PC games. Wait awhile and everything gets cheap, you pay for impatience. In this case, I think it was a good investment, but to each his own I suppose.
Avatar of Odin
i paid 20 pounds for a few new skills and some stupid heroes, woot.
Eye of the North was just a stupid unnecessary marketing gimmick that we all fell for.
Eye of the North was just a stupid unnecessary marketing gimmick that we all fell for.
Onarik Amrak
Hmm, although I don't have remorse, I do feel a little short-changed.
Can you just close this, tards not understanding what a expansion is. Look at other games expansion's: Oblivion = New islands , CoD = New missions. GW:EN gives you more content than you think so get over it.
I'm a 34 year old professional who makes a pretty good income, so $40 doesn't hurt, I don't feel ripped off.
I'm more disappointed at the lack of content, how it seems half done, half realized. So many recycled armor skins, there are only about 3 complete dungeons worth of design, the rest is just the same rooms rearranged. Disappointed at the product and the development. Was hoping for more.
I'm more disappointed at the lack of content, how it seems half done, half realized. So many recycled armor skins, there are only about 3 complete dungeons worth of design, the rest is just the same rooms rearranged. Disappointed at the product and the development. Was hoping for more.
I already know it's been some time and this is about this weekend too.
Does it hurt to try or have you all given up? That road easier to take for some.
Amazon had it for a week or so at $19.99. I make good money but that doesn't mean it's okay for me to pay for something which people are getting to get for free.
Don't spout economics when you're just learning it kiddies.
Does it hurt to try or have you all given up? That road easier to take for some.
Amazon had it for a week or so at $19.99. I make good money but that doesn't mean it's okay for me to pay for something which people are getting to get for free.
Don't spout economics when you're just learning it kiddies.
Well, I imagine you're perfectly entitled to the free preview weekend too, you know.

Skyy High
You got access to it earlier, and you got the BMP if you bought it online.
It was definitely priced in a "gouge away" zone where they knew people who had all the chapters would want it even if it was a bit of a rip.
Also I'd say, be careful about buying it right now until they decide what to do with the bonus mission pack access. It would suck to buy it now and then they decide in a week to bundle it with GW:EN... it's much better than the stuff in GW:EN.
Also I'd say, be careful about buying it right now until they decide what to do with the bonus mission pack access. It would suck to buy it now and then they decide in a week to bundle it with GW:EN... it's much better than the stuff in GW:EN.
Crom The Pale
Im very happy with the content I recieved from eye of the north and for the money I spent on it.
No complaints or refund requests from me.
No complaints or refund requests from me.
Originally Posted by Stolen Souls
When I bought the three campaines, I felt I got my money's worth for all of them. INCLUDING Factions. The expansion though...totally different story. Not worth more than $20, imo. And yes, I feel stupid for paying as much as I did for it.
super strokey
I thought it was a really good value, new skills, lots of dungeons, lots of story parts that fill in a few blanks, sets up GW2, new baddies and new quests to do. I bet if you did everything in gwen it would almost take as long as say factions. Of course i got the BMP wiht it too which is nice.
Croco Clouds
Well, come to think about it, the content is not even 50% of nightfall. But the prices are nearly the same. The map is not even that big. The game can be finished in less than 3 days. i.e. Kind of a Big Regret
didnt the pre release also have some nice bonus weapons as well?
totally greedy
then why didnt you wait if that amount of money counts to you?
Originally Posted by reddswitch
Has anyone request some kind of refund for Eye of the North?
$5 for the Pre-release, 'priviledge of the preview event with limited access' $39.99 for the game itself ($34.99 if pre-release was bought) Seems like this weekend is a preview event for Eye of the North and looks free, limited access? Discounted to half price in less than three months, $19.99. |
totally greedy
then why didnt you wait if that amount of money counts to you?
Buying something is always the buyer's choice. In no way is Anet required to refund your money, since you could have waited a few months for the price to go down anyway. I think it's just silly that people think a store is supposed to look after their best interests money-wise... come on, everyone is out to make a profit, and if they manage to do so in a perfectly normal way, you have no right to complain because you fell for it.
Just because you think the game wasn't worth it, doesn't mean everyone else thinks the same way. Every time you buy a new game you run the risk of the game not being to your taste, but that doesn't automatically entitle you to a refund. You bought the game for whatever price, so you'd better deal with what you got.
By the way, I absolutely love Gwen. It's my favourite along with Factions and definitely worth the money I paid for it (bought it from the ingame store).
I don't see the free weekend as cheating or any way lessening Gwen. When you bought the game, Anet didn't promise anything about not having a free access weekend. They don't owe you, so stop complaining.
Just because you think the game wasn't worth it, doesn't mean everyone else thinks the same way. Every time you buy a new game you run the risk of the game not being to your taste, but that doesn't automatically entitle you to a refund. You bought the game for whatever price, so you'd better deal with what you got.
By the way, I absolutely love Gwen. It's my favourite along with Factions and definitely worth the money I paid for it (bought it from the ingame store).
I don't see the free weekend as cheating or any way lessening Gwen. When you bought the game, Anet didn't promise anything about not having a free access weekend. They don't owe you, so stop complaining.
Dione Davore
Originally Posted by reddswitch
Has anyone request some kind of refund for Eye of the North?
$5 for the Pre-release, 'priviledge of the preview event with limited access' $39.99 for the game itself ($34.99 if pre-release was bought) Seems like this weekend is a preview event for Eye of the North and looks free, limited access? Discounted to half price in less than three months, $19.99. |
I should've bought a quart instead. At least that would have resulted in some amount of amusement.
Things are always cheaper later. No economics, just life. I feel I got my money's worth with GWEN. I have had fun with my guildies, gotten some fun lore, neat skills, gorgeous scenery, new weapons etc. Fact is, money doesn't go far. $40....a single night out with my guy costs more than that. Take my son to a movie, in my area with popcorn you just spent that. For this $40- I've had many many hours of fun and I'll get many more. Is it perfect? No, but hey I'm a realist. NOTHING in life is perfect. You have as much fun as you can. Live laugh and move the hell on. You don't "deserve" a refund and you won't get one. For myself...I see no reason to ask.
I haven't even gotten a L20 character yet to see the GW:EN specific stuff, but I don't have any remorse. With their holiday promotion I nabbed all three chapters + the expansion for about $115. That's a fraction of what I spent on WoW and will give me at least as much game time, probably a lot more.
From what I've read, yeah, doesn't sound like as much game play as you get from the three chapters even though it was priced similarly, but you've got to take the sales model into account. If the $40 extends the amount of time you spend with GW even a mere two months, you've gotten your money's worth relative to the genre and they've gotten additional funds for fuelling the server costs and GW2.
From what I've read, yeah, doesn't sound like as much game play as you get from the three chapters even though it was priced similarly, but you've got to take the sales model into account. If the $40 extends the amount of time you spend with GW even a mere two months, you've gotten your money's worth relative to the genre and they've gotten additional funds for fuelling the server costs and GW2.
Originally Posted by reddswitch
Amazon had it for a week or so at $19.99. I make good money but that doesn't mean it's okay for me to pay for something which people are getting to get for free.
I'd be fine with what I paid if they gave me two character slots for buying it...
Shadow Spirit
Originally Posted by reddswitch
I will be writing a request to have a partial refund of some kind. This was an overpaid for expansion like some other thread said
Good luck with that then...
I'll be busy enjoying GW:EN, which I don't regret buying at all.
Do people feel ripped off? yes
Does that surprise me or anyone? no
why? because they're in it for the money as is any other business. Think about PS3 for example. When it first came out, it was $650 so all those hardcore people who line up at Bestbuy jump in and get it. About 6-8 months later price drop. Same with Apple iPhone. After first hardcore people buy it they want to appeal to next group of people who won't pay 39.99. I did preview but I didn't buy it online. I bought it from store a bit cheaper with box/etc.
Now they trying to reach to more customers. Let it be a lesson not to buy something when it's fresh on the market. I paid a bit more but not as much as I would've if I bought it on release day. and people who buy it from now on will pay even less.
I got factions CE for about 50 where normally it was like 90. In the end they get their money and you lost because you didn't wait but it's like that for anything. I didn't want to pay 40$ for an e-code. I could've waited more to save more but that was my choice.
Does that surprise me or anyone? no
why? because they're in it for the money as is any other business. Think about PS3 for example. When it first came out, it was $650 so all those hardcore people who line up at Bestbuy jump in and get it. About 6-8 months later price drop. Same with Apple iPhone. After first hardcore people buy it they want to appeal to next group of people who won't pay 39.99. I did preview but I didn't buy it online. I bought it from store a bit cheaper with box/etc.
Now they trying to reach to more customers. Let it be a lesson not to buy something when it's fresh on the market. I paid a bit more but not as much as I would've if I bought it on release day. and people who buy it from now on will pay even less.
I got factions CE for about 50 where normally it was like 90. In the end they get their money and you lost because you didn't wait but it's like that for anything. I didn't want to pay 40$ for an e-code. I could've waited more to save more but that was my choice.
Originally Posted by Croco Clouds
Well, come to think about it, the content is not even 50% of nightfall. But the prices are nearly the same. The map is not even that big. The game can be finished in less than 3 days. i.e. Kind of a Big Regret
I personally was happy with the amount I paid for GW:EN. It is short if you only play through the main quest line trying to barrel through to the end. However, I like questing so I found a lot of "extra" content doing side quests, dungeons, etc. My only gripe is that the Charr quest line was a bit weaker than the others (fewer areas or quests) but that may have been a design decision because they figure you've already dealt with them in Prophecies. Given the content level plus the BMP, I'd say the price was fair in comparison to the full chapters.
Anyway, good luck on your refund attempt. Be sure to let us know how it goes.
It did what it said on the tin, firstly you cant get a refund, they wont give you one and the game isnt too costly anyway so if a 10% refund is alot of money to you... go sell your computer now.
Secondly the game was fine, decent story, good graphics, good extra missions (dungeons ect), new titles and armor and weps, I dont care if they're reskins, its just tough. If you played the game just for armor and weps anyway you got what you deserve.
Third and finnaly, GW:EN was a great game, it had great content with loads to do, if you dont like it quit Guild Wars because this was its all about. Oh and PvP but your not involved in this.
Secondly the game was fine, decent story, good graphics, good extra missions (dungeons ect), new titles and armor and weps, I dont care if they're reskins, its just tough. If you played the game just for armor and weps anyway you got what you deserve.
Third and finnaly, GW:EN was a great game, it had great content with loads to do, if you dont like it quit Guild Wars because this was its all about. Oh and PvP but your not involved in this.
Originally Posted by CHunterX
I'd be fine with what I paid if they gave me two character slots for buying it...
Bryant Again
Originally Posted by Onarik Amrak
Hmm, although I don't have remorse, I do feel a little short-changed.
Aside from that, I don't really find it terribly enjoyable. At the time I was excited: "Kick ass, dungeons!," but I'm oddly finding it more enjoyable going through Factions and Nightfall again either through vanquishing or completing the games with a different character.
At least I got the BMP, but I felt like I could've been just as happy with additional character slots instead (I am running a little short on those.)
Originally Posted by Crom The Pale
Im very happy with the content I recieved from eye of the north and for the money I spent on it.
No complaints or refund requests from me. |
It's probably been said, but I'll say it again. With almost everything you buy (especially games), the price almost always drops at some point. That's why I'm rarely an early adopter. Why buy a game for $49.99 when I can get it for $29.99 in a few weeks? Now this isn't always the case. There have been times that I have bought a game on the day it's released (i.e. GW:EN), but I'm never surprised when they drop the price. In fact, it's expected.
GWEN was announced in February in the same magazine article that announced GW2. You could see then that all of the marketing resources and developer attention was already on GW2. The article talked about flaws in Guild wars... those were things that the developers were aware of, thought worsened gameplay, and yet were not going to fix in GWEN. These Devs knew they were releasing a flawed product and, reading behind the lines, you could see that way back then.
"Our product is flawed and here's how its flawed but we arent going to fix it in this expansion we have for sale" is VERY DAMNING to hear from a developer.
So I waited. I wanted to play GWEN, but saw no point in being an early adopter or paying full price. I thought it was worth about the same price to me as a budget console game.
I picked up my copy of GWEN last week for $20, the price I thought it was worth way back when...
I got my copy for the price I wanted to pay for it, but I missed out on the early exploration of dungeons (before the cookie cutters formed), missed out on the bonus pack, and missed out on the bonus pre-order weapons. I'm fine with all that.
"Our product is flawed and here's how its flawed but we arent going to fix it in this expansion we have for sale" is VERY DAMNING to hear from a developer.
So I waited. I wanted to play GWEN, but saw no point in being an early adopter or paying full price. I thought it was worth about the same price to me as a budget console game.
I picked up my copy of GWEN last week for $20, the price I thought it was worth way back when...
I got my copy for the price I wanted to pay for it, but I missed out on the early exploration of dungeons (before the cookie cutters formed), missed out on the bonus pack, and missed out on the bonus pre-order weapons. I'm fine with all that.
Originally Posted by Nekretaal
I got my copy for the price I wanted to pay for it, but I missed out on the early exploration of dungeons (before the cookie cutters formed),
Tommy McTom
I don't regret it at all.
I got the free weekend, bonus mission pack and I made at least 500k from items while they were still highly priced (been able to buy 3 sets of 15k armour + still have 340k in my bank).
Also I make around £200 a week working part time so I could easily afford it.
I got the free weekend, bonus mission pack and I made at least 500k from items while they were still highly priced (been able to buy 3 sets of 15k armour + still have 340k in my bank).
Also I make around £200 a week working part time so I could easily afford it.