anybody else abandoned what people called "co-op"
I've never really co-oped to begin with. I have a tendency to just chat in towns for like 2 hours and then do a 5 minute quest before logging off or to wander aimlessly until I get to a town(this is in Prophecies obviously). I help guildies when they need it but my guildies are all loaners too. *lol* I followed the bunny in the first GWEN preview event. Would you really wanna pug with me?
Lord Sojar
Originally Posted by upier
Even when I co-op it's my show!
I hate anyone stealing my thunder! So I tell everyone what to run and if they refuse it - I just kick the bastards out of my guild! Well, most parts of that is true .... |
But yes, this thread = dead horse and it has been beaten into a bloody pulp of horse goo.
I play entirely solo because my experiences with random people in game have been terrible.
The last time I PUG'd was during the first few weeks of the introduction of the Domain of Anguish. Needless to say, those were a few weeks of failure. Other than that, the last time I PUG'd was probably for some missions in Factions, but I did use henchmen back then too. Heroes ftw.
I vanquished the three areas around leviathan pits with an alliance member today. It was her first time vanquishing and she didnt have many skills, but She did everything I asked and managed to piece together and buy the skills for 4 decent better-then-henchmen bars and it all went really smoothly, except for a few times when she would rambo into 3 mobs at a time and die. But hey, it was her first time in HM and we vanquished some difficult places.
Thats as far as I'll co-op in this game, an alliance member willing to learn.
Thats as far as I'll co-op in this game, an alliance member willing to learn.
I used to PUG a lot in Prophecies and Factions and altough sometimes the group failed, I can honestly say I had more fun.
Nightfall and GWEN I did mostly solo (H/H) even though I tried to PUG a little, because I like it, but it is hard to find people now that most just H/H.
IMHO Heroes killed a lot of the multiplayer aspect of GW, for me.
Like others pointed out this subject has been discussed over and over again.
Nightfall and GWEN I did mostly solo (H/H) even though I tried to PUG a little, because I like it, but it is hard to find people now that most just H/H.
IMHO Heroes killed a lot of the multiplayer aspect of GW, for me.
Like others pointed out this subject has been discussed over and over again.

Bryant Again
I abandoned co-op because I myself had better alternatives.
I do all my PvE with Fenix and paragon heroes, and we win
I barely ever PUG. Barely ever PUGed since NF effectively killed PUGs. Thank God for that, because PUGs are almost universally abysmal. No wonder almost no one does it any more. I do hard mode with 1 buddy and 6 Heroes, or maybe 2 or 3 buddies at max and the rest Heroes. But PUGing, no way.
In my opinion most PUG players are the ones who PUG because they suck too bad at the game to beat the game without PUGing. Something that any good player can do with one hand tied behind his back. Which is why they usually never PUG. This is why ever since NF came out there have been very few PUGs, and millions of threads to the effect of "everyone should stop using heroes/henches, if you don't wanna play with *me* (read: very bad PUG player who needs to leech off your competency at the game and will waste your time and aggravate you immensely with horrible playing) you should play a SP game, not GW." Which of course neglects the sales point on the back of the original GW box that states you can play GW solo if you want to.
GW illustrates that co-op in a semi-complex game such as GW, simply doesn't work for the public at large. The lowest common denominator players far, far out-number those who can play competently or better. Trying to mix them together and make them co-op together doesn't work.
In my opinion most PUG players are the ones who PUG because they suck too bad at the game to beat the game without PUGing. Something that any good player can do with one hand tied behind his back. Which is why they usually never PUG. This is why ever since NF came out there have been very few PUGs, and millions of threads to the effect of "everyone should stop using heroes/henches, if you don't wanna play with *me* (read: very bad PUG player who needs to leech off your competency at the game and will waste your time and aggravate you immensely with horrible playing) you should play a SP game, not GW." Which of course neglects the sales point on the back of the original GW box that states you can play GW solo if you want to.
GW illustrates that co-op in a semi-complex game such as GW, simply doesn't work for the public at large. The lowest common denominator players far, far out-number those who can play competently or better. Trying to mix them together and make them co-op together doesn't work.
I quit joining PUG's ages ago, except for rare occasions. I do play with real people fairly often though, but it's people I already know.
I'd prefer to create my own sinergy with heroes.
Between a good player with a build I didn't choose or my heroes, I prefer the first. A player can really create some scary combos if they know how heroes works.
Between a good player with a build I didn't choose or my heroes, I prefer the first. A player can really create some scary combos if they know how heroes works.
I rarely use henchies........ mostly I join up with 1 other person who I know is decent and we take 3 heroes each. I hate henchies but if I have to I will use them.
As far as pugs go sometimes I crave the human interaction :-p lol. But I get over it very quickly. I pug even less then I use henchies which isn't a lot.
As far as pugs go sometimes I crave the human interaction :-p lol. But I get over it very quickly. I pug even less then I use henchies which isn't a lot.
Heroes and Henchies are the way to go. Someone asked me recently how my survivor stayed alive for so long, I just responded "Use Heroes and Henchmen"

we needed a new thread for this?
Stolen Souls
Originally Posted by MistressYichi
![]() we needed a new thread for this? |
About as much as we need 60 people asking if we need another thread for this. >.>
Kaida the Heartless
Heroes /w my friend >>> Not Playing the Game >>> Guildmates >>> PUGs
H/H everything i can except bonuses.