If you were a member of A-net staff for a day
Sakura Az
if i could work at anet...... not a clue what i would do.. prolly pretend to be lost all day and wander around and look at all the cool art and designs and play gw.
I'd be a gamedev. I would write a nice little code triggered by "/nolootscaling", when everybody was to lunch, and I must make a "phone call". he he he he
I'd be a lead designer and make the Kurzick and Luxon skills PvP only and have the title's degenerate at the same rate as the alliance standing of a guild.
Vl Vl D
I would take position of the skid mark leaver and blame others.
CEO. I'd stick two fingers up at the suits from NCSoft, then sell Arenanet to the highest bidder. Be it Sony, Microsoft heck even EA! Then I'll get all the money and move to Canary Islands.
Originally Posted by Lorde
I would make a post here as a official Anet member. It would be a post of epic proportions.
- remove factions + nf + eotn
- ban certain scrubs
- go over to korea to negotiate an ending of conscription
- bring koreans back
-i'd also tell izzy he's bad
Tough decision... I would EITHER:
Rewrite all the cutscene dialogues for Factions. Factions did have a great story, but the dialogue they used to tell the story was absolutely terrible. And perhaps modify Togo's appearance a little so that he looks more like a respectable sensei and less like a talking hamster (I had enough of the whole hamster thing watching Hurricaneger).
Take over ANet's PR department. The game's advertising campaigns have been absolutely deplorable (if my agent did the same with any PR that I needed doing, I would have him fired immediately followed by a public execution with a worldwide broadcast). Loads of things that could be improved there.
Rewrite all the cutscene dialogues for Factions. Factions did have a great story, but the dialogue they used to tell the story was absolutely terrible. And perhaps modify Togo's appearance a little so that he looks more like a respectable sensei and less like a talking hamster (I had enough of the whole hamster thing watching Hurricaneger).
Take over ANet's PR department. The game's advertising campaigns have been absolutely deplorable (if my agent did the same with any PR that I needed doing, I would have him fired immediately followed by a public execution with a worldwide broadcast). Loads of things that could be improved there.
I would take the job of whoever organises the weekend events and do something that'll bring people to the lesser explored parts of guild wars (and bring back costume brawl).
Like some sort of special mission at Maguuma Stade.. make people regret being run straight to Sanctum Cay :P
Like some sort of special mission at Maguuma Stade.. make people regret being run straight to Sanctum Cay :P
I would solve all problems.
Shanaeri Rynale
Just a few simple things, since i'd only have a day
Make prot spirit target other ally...
Make spiteful spirit a mesmer skill
Delete Ursan blessing and all other 'buff' PvE skills.
Make the max guild size 1000
Give every monster in the game a res skill in HM
Put back the Rift Guardians
Add in a quantity button to the rare mat seller
Oh, and as a end of day i'm going joke. Create a Hugggee update with 20,000 files that does nothing at all. Then watch wiki and the forums go pop as people speculate what it could be..
Make prot spirit target other ally...

Make spiteful spirit a mesmer skill
Delete Ursan blessing and all other 'buff' PvE skills.
Make the max guild size 1000
Give every monster in the game a res skill in HM
Put back the Rift Guardians
Add in a quantity button to the rare mat seller
Oh, and as a end of day i'm going joke. Create a Hugggee update with 20,000 files that does nothing at all. Then watch wiki and the forums go pop as people speculate what it could be..
~ Dan ~
I'd ruin Izzy's life by making a good skill balance and being perma hired.
I would "blow the whistle" on loot scaling and all the anti farming measures that are in the game. And i would figure out which GM is giving me lag periodicaly. It really gets frustrating!
Im not sure what position I would have, but I would remove loot scaling, allow 7 heroe parties as 3 flagged heros and 4 customisable hench, and sort out all of the current henchmen skillbars.
I would delete Nightfall.
I'd want to see what PR or QA Testing is like behind the scenes at ANet. Besides, there's not much else that I have experience with that's relevant to GW :P. Coding is limited to VB, HTML, and CSS. Creative capabilities are limited to doodling and spriting - not exactly GW art :P
Edit: added QA Testing
Edit: added QA Testing
I'd make everyone coffee and "nerf" the cups by putting a hole in the bottom.
Had I the choice I'd take up the role of Director and remove more from the GW1 budget and push it into the GW2 project to help speed it up a little more. Things like changing weekend events to week events once a month. Less time spent on skill balancing and insignifigant changes and that time reallocated to fixing bugs.
I'd also split Gaile's tasks between 2 people. one researcher who would actively search forums & whatnot for ideas and problems within the community and report them to developers (but not reply directy through forums as they currently do as it causes unnecessary stress to staff and no-one needs stressed staff), and one community relations who would have a larger presence ingame since that's where the majority of people are.
Had I the choice I'd take up the role of Director and remove more from the GW1 budget and push it into the GW2 project to help speed it up a little more. Things like changing weekend events to week events once a month. Less time spent on skill balancing and insignifigant changes and that time reallocated to fixing bugs.
I'd also split Gaile's tasks between 2 people. one researcher who would actively search forums & whatnot for ideas and problems within the community and report them to developers (but not reply directy through forums as they currently do as it causes unnecessary stress to staff and no-one needs stressed staff), and one community relations who would have a larger presence ingame since that's where the majority of people are.
I'd play minigolf at my office few hours and call it a day around 10am.
isamu kurosawa
I'd be the person who makes everyone tea and coffee while handing out biscuits. That way i get to be everywhere, watching what everyone is upto, possibly add to peoples work agenda while they are not looking....
Originally Posted by Faer
I'd be a GM and ban you.
Damn you! I was going to say GM! D:
Yeah so, GM, then annoy everyone else in the office about all the people I have banned in the short 8 hours i'd be there.

Not "if" but "when you will be " "for ever"
And of course snatch the sourcecode

Nah, I think I'll just be gamedesigner. Improve chest drops and remove loot scaling. Revert the -2 damage on shields and Knights, so it once again counts for all damage, not just physical. And maybe add in a few more item mods, inscriptions and insignia, such as -2 damage / +45 health when affected by shout/chant on shields, etc.
I'd totally and utterly overhaul most paragon skills and look into mesmers too if there was time left.
And of course snatch the sourcecode

Nah, I think I'll just be gamedesigner. Improve chest drops and remove loot scaling. Revert the -2 damage on shields and Knights, so it once again counts for all damage, not just physical. And maybe add in a few more item mods, inscriptions and insignia, such as -2 damage / +45 health when affected by shout/chant on shields, etc.
I'd totally and utterly overhaul most paragon skills and look into mesmers too if there was time left.
I would make the game subscription based. The extra funding would be used to fine tune game elements and ensure that broken parts are IMMEDIATELY removed/fixed, not just after a year like now (or worse, never...).
I'd pimp my account with a gazillion ecto's en gold =D
I'd be the Big Cheese, and order the team to:
- add extra storage tabs, or just increase the tabs from 20 to 50 slots.
- add armor storage
- add dye storage
- add key storage
- add guild storage
- add a Event Hat NPC that stays for 1 week after each finale event to hand out hats to people that missed the finale, in exchange for doing some themed quests.
- add new Halloween/Wintersday quests
- make my wintersday contest hat the winning entry ^^
- increase stacks from 250 to 2000
- add 2 extra character slots for GW:EN
- add more stuff to the online store worth buying, such as Charr Slippers.
- remove the anti-farming code, so loot-scaling won't be a problem anymore.
- remove the timer on soul-reaping
- give pets corpses again
- make runes and insignia's stackable and set a fixed price for insignia's
- let the free chests/treasures give good and gold drops every time, and no more grapes/decreased gold. I mean c'mon, you can only use em once a month!
- add new armor to EotN for all professions except warrior, to compensate for Silver Eagle armor, and NO MORE RESKINS!
- fix armor clipping issues and "ugly" armor bugs
- have tournament tokens give you 1k balthazar faction when used, with a fixed market value of 500g.
- make engame greens acceptable to the HoM
- add guild hall customization options to the guild lord, such as holiday decorations, a fireworks master, day/night cycle, pub with bartender that sells all sorts of ale...
- perform CPR on the Monastery Scribe.
- ban all the bot farmers/spammers/online gold sellers.
- ban all hackers!
- buy more cookies for themselves, for making a great game!
- Make GW2 even better! w00t! And send a free copy to me =D
hm... did I forget anything?
ah yes: add guildroster tabs for all the guilds in an alliance.
I'd be the Big Cheese, and order the team to:
- add extra storage tabs, or just increase the tabs from 20 to 50 slots.
- add armor storage
- add dye storage
- add key storage
- add guild storage
- add a Event Hat NPC that stays for 1 week after each finale event to hand out hats to people that missed the finale, in exchange for doing some themed quests.
- add new Halloween/Wintersday quests
- make my wintersday contest hat the winning entry ^^
- increase stacks from 250 to 2000
- add 2 extra character slots for GW:EN
- add more stuff to the online store worth buying, such as Charr Slippers.
- remove the anti-farming code, so loot-scaling won't be a problem anymore.
- remove the timer on soul-reaping
- give pets corpses again
- make runes and insignia's stackable and set a fixed price for insignia's
- let the free chests/treasures give good and gold drops every time, and no more grapes/decreased gold. I mean c'mon, you can only use em once a month!
- add new armor to EotN for all professions except warrior, to compensate for Silver Eagle armor, and NO MORE RESKINS!
- fix armor clipping issues and "ugly" armor bugs
- have tournament tokens give you 1k balthazar faction when used, with a fixed market value of 500g.
- make engame greens acceptable to the HoM
- add guild hall customization options to the guild lord, such as holiday decorations, a fireworks master, day/night cycle, pub with bartender that sells all sorts of ale...
- perform CPR on the Monastery Scribe.
- ban all the bot farmers/spammers/online gold sellers.
- ban all hackers!
- buy more cookies for themselves, for making a great game!
- Make GW2 even better! w00t! And send a free copy to me =D
hm... did I forget anything?
ah yes: add guildroster tabs for all the guilds in an alliance.
then I could tell them whats going wrong with the numerous bugs and hopefully slide in a couple ideas for the game.
then I could tell them whats going wrong with the numerous bugs and hopefully slide in a couple ideas for the game.
I'd find out what the new Professions for Utopia were going to be a post them on the internet....
and then get fired.
and then get fired.
I'd siphon money off to GWG on the sly.
Balan Makki
I'd put Riddlin in the coffee maker then convince everyone that Guild Wars really needs is an "I Win" button.
Summon them all into a large conference room, then announce that there would be no more doughnuts until they supplemented the present wimp weapons with really good weapons. Some new weapons too. Paragons get assault rifles, Assassins get heavy Sniper Rifles with a scope! If necessary I would threaten to take away the pizza as well!
Orange Milk
I'd ban everyone who begs for gold in any chat for a week for being lazy, stupid, and annoying.
I'd increase the amount of people you can put on "ignor"
add in some code so that when you move a "stack" of anything from storage to inventory or viceversa the window pops up that asks how many you would like to move, like when you trade.
I'd increase the amount of people you can put on "ignor"
add in some code so that when you move a "stack" of anything from storage to inventory or viceversa the window pops up that asks how many you would like to move, like when you trade.
Guns are pretty damn wimpy Wilebill
you sure you don't prefer a cat launcher?
you sure you don't prefer a cat launcher?
remove the soul reaping timer.
add a hairstyle changer
MORE hairstyles
and make pve and pvp seperate but equal skill wise
and more/better colorable areas for armour.
add a hairstyle changer
MORE hairstyles
and make pve and pvp seperate but equal skill wise
and more/better colorable areas for armour.
I'll be the CEO.
I'll set all A-Net staff the task to get the equipment I need to have my PvE toons PvP ready.
They'll have an hour to get all their toons suited and booted (for farming, chest running, whatever).
Once the hour is up, all gold, inventory, and storage is emptied.
They'll each be given 5k and a shopping list consisting of greens, golds, collector items, crafter items, and mods I want.
How they get these is up to them, but no trading between themselves.
In addition, they will have to spend at least an hour in the following activities:
1. Farm greens
2. Farm gold
3. Farm for gold items (any as long as they are of the required weapon type)
4. Farm for mods/inscriptions
5. Farm for collectables/material
6. Chest run
7. Spam WTB <whatever>
No one leaves until I get what I want. All coffee is free. A swear box will be provided whereby the donations gladly received will go straight into my pockets.
As any good boss, I would like to motivate my team, so their Xmas bonus will rest upon the completion of the task, and their ability to tell me afterwards that they had fun.
I'll set all A-Net staff the task to get the equipment I need to have my PvE toons PvP ready.
They'll have an hour to get all their toons suited and booted (for farming, chest running, whatever).
Once the hour is up, all gold, inventory, and storage is emptied.
They'll each be given 5k and a shopping list consisting of greens, golds, collector items, crafter items, and mods I want.
How they get these is up to them, but no trading between themselves.
In addition, they will have to spend at least an hour in the following activities:
1. Farm greens
2. Farm gold
3. Farm for gold items (any as long as they are of the required weapon type)
4. Farm for mods/inscriptions
5. Farm for collectables/material
6. Chest run
7. Spam WTB <whatever>
No one leaves until I get what I want. All coffee is free. A swear box will be provided whereby the donations gladly received will go straight into my pockets.
As any good boss, I would like to motivate my team, so their Xmas bonus will rest upon the completion of the task, and their ability to tell me afterwards that they had fun.
Stolen Souls
I'd wanna be teh guild leeder of ANET.
-flick the server switch on and off repeatedly.
-reset the cost of ectos and rare mats. Then when everyone was hyped up, I'd do a full rollback
-rearrange monster types and spawn locations. Titans on Shing Jea island? I think SO!
-go to Presearing Ascalon as a GM and ban everyone that deserves it (80% of everyone there)
Then I'd:
-Reset Elonian Treasure chests
-Nerf Ursan Blessing
-Remove the buff from GW:EN
Have fun. ^_^
-flick the server switch on and off repeatedly.
-reset the cost of ectos and rare mats. Then when everyone was hyped up, I'd do a full rollback
-rearrange monster types and spawn locations. Titans on Shing Jea island? I think SO!
-go to Presearing Ascalon as a GM and ban everyone that deserves it (80% of everyone there)
Then I'd:
-Reset Elonian Treasure chests
-Nerf Ursan Blessing
-Remove the buff from GW:EN
Have fun. ^_^
I'd make everyone's chars into a new race...Pickle Weasels! Mwahaha...head of a pickle, body of a weasel. Then, when you got a DP, your head would get rubbery and droopy like cheap pickles. Instead of monster wielding weapons for melee or casting, they would try to sandwich your head on a cheeseburger and eat it. Oh what fun that would be!
Originally Posted by Yosh
Save Togo.
That's it. |
I dare you to get stuck again Joko/Mhenlo/Danika/Togo/...
Bastards ....
So since all of A.Net would be busy doing that - I'd rush into accounting and say that my daughter is being held hostage and if I don't transfer 2 million bucks to a certain account by the end of the day - they'd kill her!
1. Scenario 1 - they transfer the money, I quit GW and buy myself a PS3.
2. Scenario 2 - they let my "daughter die" and WE have the confirmation that A.Net are indeed EVIL!11
A win-win situation I tell you!
Level designer (and I confess I've been tempted to make a stab at applying for one) or a tester because I'm a tester anyway. I've been doing it for over 8 years so I'm pretty decent at it by now.
Then again, I could not probably get a lot done in a day.
I know as a tester, a day is barely enough to learn what you should be testing, much less write a test plan, dig into the code to figure out what it should be doing, write test cases, any other number of crazy stuff testers have to do (and I do a lot of planning in my current test role, a lot of coordiating stuff, so then my approaches tend towards working really closely with the team and knowing their strengths so there's always that, and all kinds of crazy stuff...).
But it would probably be enough for me to poke at it with finding bugs in mind.
Community relations would probably be fun as well, I'm pretty patient when I want to be, and I like working with people where I can. I've got to do some fun customer stuff in my current job (chats, working with people on newsgroups, meeting with my product's users at events, lots of fun stuff).
Bah, someone would actually remove a couple of the most hot looking professions in the game and THEN design hot armors for what's left? I think not! I think there'd be riots if paragons and rits didn't get more hot armors because they're gone.
(then again, I <3 EotN armors, so what do I know, I'm just a dumb software tester with a big can of energy drink today...)
And I'd make the entire staff eat my awesome fudgy brownies of chocolate death with frosting on top.
Then again, I could not probably get a lot done in a day.

But it would probably be enough for me to poke at it with finding bugs in mind.
Community relations would probably be fun as well, I'm pretty patient when I want to be, and I like working with people where I can. I've got to do some fun customer stuff in my current job (chats, working with people on newsgroups, meeting with my product's users at events, lots of fun stuff).
Bah, someone would actually remove a couple of the most hot looking professions in the game and THEN design hot armors for what's left? I think not! I think there'd be riots if paragons and rits didn't get more hot armors because they're gone.
(then again, I <3 EotN armors, so what do I know, I'm just a dumb software tester with a big can of energy drink today...)
And I'd make the entire staff eat my awesome fudgy brownies of chocolate death with frosting on top.
Separate PvE and PvP....FOREVER!!!
Peek into the GW2 story
get myself a free copy of every coming item related to GW
WRITE some quests myself, the cynn+mhenlo or koss+melonni kind
Finally, make an EPIC quest to finally kick the damn charr outta my house!!! Me and Gwen shooting them down with Spontaneous Combustion

EDIT: oh, and also learn the secret why there are no 20 energy spells in the game.
Peek into the GW2 story
get myself a free copy of every coming item related to GW
WRITE some quests myself, the cynn+mhenlo or koss+melonni kind
Finally, make an EPIC quest to finally kick the damn charr outta my house!!! Me and Gwen shooting them down with Spontaneous Combustion
EDIT: oh, and also learn the secret why there are no 20 energy spells in the game.
You can't see me
Programmer in Cheif.
I would...
~Remove the Zaishen Chest
~Create the Tormented Armor Set
~Make Chaos Gloves actually look nice with armor sets, especially on the warrior
~Create a new Set of Assasin FoW
~Create a new mini mission: "Kill Alesia"
~Redesign the Eye of the North Armor Sets
~Give tournament tokens a use in PvP, IE, double faction scrolls at cost of tokens
~Remove all blessings
~Engineer a few new rares, most being caster items. We need more rare caster items.
Programmer in Cheif.
I would...
~Remove the Zaishen Chest
~Create the Tormented Armor Set
~Make Chaos Gloves actually look nice with armor sets, especially on the warrior
~Create a new Set of Assasin FoW
~Create a new mini mission: "Kill Alesia"
~Redesign the Eye of the North Armor Sets
~Give tournament tokens a use in PvP, IE, double faction scrolls at cost of tokens
~Remove all blessings
~Engineer a few new rares, most being caster items. We need more rare caster items.
Ork Pride
I'd be the guy who fires the guy who though of "loot scaling."
Martin Firestorm