Screenshot: Guild Wars' Most Wanted
Go Scarlet! I was wondering when you'd finally hit your groove and win an assignment!
*applauds and gives a garland of plastic sensory organs*
And this is the second week in a row that we've chosen the same armor set for an assignment... Spooky! All hail the unstoppable power of the Mesmer!
And Ao, I'm really sorry to see you go this week. You've done so well throughout the contest and I hope that you'll still be playing along with us.
*applauds and gives a garland of plastic sensory organs*
And this is the second week in a row that we've chosen the same armor set for an assignment... Spooky! All hail the unstoppable power of the Mesmer!
And Ao, I'm really sorry to see you go this week. You've done so well throughout the contest and I hope that you'll still be playing along with us.
The Last Anthem
Originally Posted by Tender Wolf
But you have to stick with your primary profession. We don't want to see an elementalist waving a sword around. We want to see an actual battle scene showing us how your primary profession owns!
Grats Scarlet!
hmm I don't know what time zone you live in Scarlet but I live in EST..uhm.. I can get on just about all day friday and saturday and thursday any time after 2-ish o.O, if you could post a time you can get on that'd be great
Oh, wow. Thanks so much guys! This assignment was so extremely fun! My story to the picture really explains the photo itself, so I'll post it in the feedback thread for all who want to see
So sad to see you go Ao! You were such a great addition to this competition, you made it tough for us! Continue to post shots please!
This next assignment looks tricky...hmmm. Render, I'm in Arizona (I think it's central mountain time or something)? We'll have to discuss it in game.
So sad to see you go Ao! You were such a great addition to this competition, you made it tough for us! Continue to post shots please!
This next assignment looks tricky...hmmm. Render, I'm in Arizona (I think it's central mountain time or something)? We'll have to discuss it in game.
Tender Wolf
Originally Posted by The Last Anthem
so that means I have to find a wand or staff? my monk doesn't own any actual monk weapons..LOL shields and giant swords ftw <3
The Last Anthem
mm I'll try to catch you ingame then sometime in next few days
*wishes she woulda kept some of the awesome wands* >< I found one on my necro though, lol..
*wishes she woulda kept some of the awesome wands* >< I found one on my necro though, lol..
I wasn't expected to be in this competition and I didn't expect to go that far! It was really fun
Good Luck All for your next assignment ^^
Good Luck All for your next assignment ^^
The Last Anthem
sent in mine, totally fail at writing parts
also want to thank Scarlet here for being a very good and patient partner ^^ was fun
also want to thank Scarlet here for being a very good and patient partner ^^ was fun
That's my submission (read: "ego trip") hotmailed in... This was fun
And many thanks to Nymph for being such a wonderful costar! We have to do some more screenshotting together sometime!
And many thanks to Nymph for being such a wonderful costar! We have to do some more screenshotting together sometime!
Alrighty! Sent mine in through yahoo email. I only sent in two photos, not three, as I felt confident with the two I selected. Hopefully they will work! Also my stories made a lot of the photo, so I can't wait to post those!
Thank you SOOO much to Render for her unbelievable patience! She rocked, and was an awesome modeling partner.
Thank you SOOO much to Render for her unbelievable patience! She rocked, and was an awesome modeling partner.
Ok sent mine in through PM. I guess that's all of us.
Thanks Deus, you were awesome to work with and for being patient and sure, anytime! Just give me a pm whenever
Good Luck all!!!!
Thanks Deus, you were awesome to work with and for being patient and sure, anytime! Just give me a pm whenever
Good Luck all!!!!
Hmmm...looks like Tender didn't get my submission when I sent it on Moday? I replied to your message Tender, but just in case you don't check your pms I'll say it here. I sent my submission to your yahoo email, so maybe check that? I can always send it again. Thanks.
Tender Wolf
Here they are! The results for assignment #7! hehe
Nymphalis Antiopa
Hmm...why do I think my profession is the best? Well, since Nymph was my first character I might be a little biased . I think rangers are the best because they pretty much can do everything; they are so flexible and versatile. They can cause so many conditions, interrupt, run. A good ranger, can shut down pretty much any class. Rangers are also good survivors with stances that block attacks, and they can have a trusty pet/companion with them. I also think rangers are awesome because they are the only class that I had no trouble with doing those Insignia quests in Shing Jea lol.
Judge 1: Awesome job! I can totally see why rangers are awesome by your story and description. You're right, a good ranger can shut down a spellcaster entirely, plus they can cause conditions to help drain a foe's health. And of course the stances that block attacks don't hurt either. lol @ tricks are for kids. As for your picture, think you could have done better, as I've seen what you can do in the past. I love how I can see both your and Deus's face, and I saw you first and you are the most prominent in the photo. However, there are a few things that bother me a little bit, like all the sparkles and the green aura (I know the cape couldn't be helped). I can also see the streak from your arrow (you missed! ), and though it would have been difficult, I still think it would have been better if you'd been able to capture the shot with the arrow in the bow.
Judge 2: Excellent reasoning for why rangers are so great! Your photo matches well with the story, but I think that it is a little dry. Firstly, the background is so plain and you don't stand out a whole lot against it. Deus actually stands out more than you do. Also, white glittery stuff near Deus and the green cloud around you is actually a bit distracting.
Judge 3: Your story was short, sweet, simple and to the point. I especially loved the part about "Silly mesmer, tricks are for kids." I have mixed feelings about your shot though. On one hand I can clearly see what you wrote about in the story (distracting his spells and whatnot) but aesthetically I think it falls short. The angle is a bit awkward, and all the particle effects are a bit distracting. The landscape however, seems to suit your ranger well.
Deus Toutatis
The first thing that people notice when they see a Mesmer is what they're wearing. Mesmer armor is both fashionable and functional (but mostly fashionable), and even the poorest of Mesmers still manages to look classy and ready for the proverbial royal visit. Mesmers have a more stylish wardrobe than you.
Mesmers have a unique primary attribute: Fast Casting. This allows them to activate any spell or signet at a greatly accelerated rate. Considering that seven of the ten professions use spells, and that nine of the ten professions use signets (with an overlap between the two groups that covers all ten); in a contest of speed the Mesmer is always going to be the clear winner. Mesmers are faster and more mentally agile than you.
The Mesmers' dance routines, the Riverdance and Gypsy Stomp (for want of a better name for the latter), are both extremely difficult styles to master. They require fast and extremely precise footing to be able to dance without falling over or injuring yourself, and the styles can take months, if not years, to perfect. Even in combat, Mesmers pull off delicate and graceful moves; exquisite aerial twirls and swift fencing maneuvers (a sport that is also difficult to master) as they unleash chaos upon their hapless victims. Mesmers are better on their feet than you.
The Mesmer's skill repertoire shows it to be a profession based around counterstrategies. No matter what an enemy is capable of throwing at them, the Mesmer has access to skills that allow them to interrupt or disable opponents, sap away their inner strengths, and punish the enemy for even trying. The Mesmer barely needs to lift a finger as the enemy's perceptions are turned around. In this sense, the Mesmer doesn't even need a physical weapon; the most powerful weapons at their disposal are the minds of their enemies, and the powers of mesmerisation allow them to strike deep in their enemies' most vulnerable points; their greatest fears that are usually hidden. One might argue that this is an invasion of privacy and unnecessary cruelty as it essentially equates to telepathic assault, but to Mesmers this is a necessary survival technique and the most effective strategy to bring an opponent - any opponent - down (and as a Mesmer will never reveal what he or she sees once an enemy's mental defences have been breached, this also proves that Mesmers are more trustworthy than you).
Mesmers are better than you, and your Warrior, and your Elementalist, and your Monk, and your Assassin, and your Paragon... One Mesmer is better than your whole Guild. Don't even bother to try to prove otherwise; any pathetic attempts you could possibly make to challenge the Masters of All can only end with one conclusion: you failing on the most epic level imaginable, and you being owned by a guy in tights. Please, spare yourself from the surfeit of embarrassment that is guaranteed to result from the misguided notion that you could even be a Mesmer's equal, let alone a Mesmer's superior.
Judge 1: Nice story! rofl I laughed so hard at the guy in tights part. And I love how you added the current bounty bonus to your story. The way you wrote it makes me really fear to disagree that mesmers are 1337. Your picture is outstanding as well, you are definately the most prominent in the photo, I just think it might have been better to go with a different angle to see just a bit of Nymph's face. But overall, excellent job, I can totally see Nymph cowering in fear as you, the fearsome mesmer, stands there messing up her mind. Awesome job!
Judge 2: Wow. Exceptional. Your story was incredible, and your photo works SO well with it. The photo itself is lovely even on its own. My only complaint is that the top half of your background is a bit boring. It does however make Nymph blend in with it which keeps the attention on you. Wonderful job.
Judge 3: I love the "in your face" attitude of the beginning of your story, to me its pretty convincing! That style you used it just...just awesome. Nice use of skills in your story as well! As for the shot, I do see the part where your mesmer uses IW as the finishing blow. Dues certainly looks grand, and poor Nymph! I almost can feel her pain. Great job on this assignment, you really have shown that mesmers are powerful beings.
Scarlet Renoux:
Mesmerize: (Verb): 1) To hypnotize. 2) To spellbind, to fascinate. 3) To compel by fascination. These three definitions describe the true meaning of what a Mesmer is. Yes, Warriors can use brute force to break their way through barricades and objects. Yes, Elementalists can use nature to their advantage, and yes, monks can heal wounds and bring life to mortals. But there is one thing no profession can do; cause mental distractions and chaos to the enemy’s mind. By the simple cast of a spell, a Mesmer can disrupt the casting of a resurrection chant, causing an entire mob of foes to be picked off one by one. A Mesmer can force damage to be done when an enemy attacks, while they are completely unaware of the source. Penetrating right through thoughts, Mesmers can change the surroundings and environment one stands in, promoting insanity. Mesmers, maybe looking physically weak or elegant, can use pure brain power to conquer.
Judge 1: Very good job portraying why you think mesmers are the best profession! Their weapon is definately their mind. And you portrayed this well in your photos. At first I was like, this isn't a battle scene. But then I realized, mesmers use their minds to kill their foes. I like how you have Scarlet looking so subtle and confident as Render is in the background suffering from things that have been done to her mind. You are the most prominent thing in the photo, the only thing is perhaps you could have stood a little closer to Render so that we could see you both. Otherwise, great job!
Judge 2: Your explanation as to why Mesmers rock so much was awesome. Using the actual definition of mesmerize was a very cute touch and it really fits in well with Scarlet's personality. Your writing definitely boosted your overall score this week. Don't get me wrong, your photo is very nice, but I was expecting to see it appear as if you were casting a spell on Render, or a little more "action" involved rather than just standing there confidently.
Judge 3: Ah, I enjoy the use of illusion magic in a more creepy sense like that...I certainly wouldn't want to mess with scarlet! It seems a bit random though, but at least it explains the shot. I really like the attitude look on scarlet with this one. That, and your still the center of attention even with poor render in the background. However, just looking at the shot itself I don't really see anything exceptionally mesmery.
Render Me Useless
Monks are by far the best class
As Render said, Piss me off, you die
But if I love you, you'll live forever =)
Judge 1: lol! Very cute and creative pose! I love how it looks like Render is about to kick Scarlet. Ouch. I did notice you first but my eyes did avert to Scarlet rather quickly, but you are still the main focus. However, part of this assignment's score is in the writing part, and though you said monks are by far the best class, you failed to mention why you think so. You pretty much just said that Render is cool unless you make her mad and that's it. We know writing isn't your strong point but it seems maybe you were more focused on the shot than the explanation because we don't know why you think monks are so great.
Judge 2: The photo is cute, it really does look like you are going to kick Scarlett! Scarlett is a little bit too bright in this photo, though. I think if you had chosen a location where her armor would blend in more, it would have made you pop out of the photograph better. Also, I think you missed the part of the assignment where we stated that writing is worth 1/3 of your final score. Sadly, that will cost you.
Judge 3: Poor Scarlet! The dance emote seems to have worked well in a vicious standpoint (don't bug the monkie!) However, I'm a bit disappointed with the shot as well. The lighting is very dark, except for the one ray on scarlet, which perhaps should have been on you if anything. I'm also not sure about your armor choice, but to me it just dosen't seem to match right. I know that monks can be tough...but I think when you think of monks first people don't tend to imagine them exactly kicking people...Not to sound like I'm completely complaining about everything, but you also forgot that part of the points also comes from the writing.
There you have it! Expect results later on today or tomorrow, along with assignment #8!
Nymphalis Antiopa
Hmm...why do I think my profession is the best? Well, since Nymph was my first character I might be a little biased . I think rangers are the best because they pretty much can do everything; they are so flexible and versatile. They can cause so many conditions, interrupt, run. A good ranger, can shut down pretty much any class. Rangers are also good survivors with stances that block attacks, and they can have a trusty pet/companion with them. I also think rangers are awesome because they are the only class that I had no trouble with doing those Insignia quests in Shing Jea lol.
Judge 1: Awesome job! I can totally see why rangers are awesome by your story and description. You're right, a good ranger can shut down a spellcaster entirely, plus they can cause conditions to help drain a foe's health. And of course the stances that block attacks don't hurt either. lol @ tricks are for kids. As for your picture, think you could have done better, as I've seen what you can do in the past. I love how I can see both your and Deus's face, and I saw you first and you are the most prominent in the photo. However, there are a few things that bother me a little bit, like all the sparkles and the green aura (I know the cape couldn't be helped). I can also see the streak from your arrow (you missed! ), and though it would have been difficult, I still think it would have been better if you'd been able to capture the shot with the arrow in the bow.
Judge 2: Excellent reasoning for why rangers are so great! Your photo matches well with the story, but I think that it is a little dry. Firstly, the background is so plain and you don't stand out a whole lot against it. Deus actually stands out more than you do. Also, white glittery stuff near Deus and the green cloud around you is actually a bit distracting.
Judge 3: Your story was short, sweet, simple and to the point. I especially loved the part about "Silly mesmer, tricks are for kids." I have mixed feelings about your shot though. On one hand I can clearly see what you wrote about in the story (distracting his spells and whatnot) but aesthetically I think it falls short. The angle is a bit awkward, and all the particle effects are a bit distracting. The landscape however, seems to suit your ranger well.
Deus Toutatis
The first thing that people notice when they see a Mesmer is what they're wearing. Mesmer armor is both fashionable and functional (but mostly fashionable), and even the poorest of Mesmers still manages to look classy and ready for the proverbial royal visit. Mesmers have a more stylish wardrobe than you.
Mesmers have a unique primary attribute: Fast Casting. This allows them to activate any spell or signet at a greatly accelerated rate. Considering that seven of the ten professions use spells, and that nine of the ten professions use signets (with an overlap between the two groups that covers all ten); in a contest of speed the Mesmer is always going to be the clear winner. Mesmers are faster and more mentally agile than you.
The Mesmers' dance routines, the Riverdance and Gypsy Stomp (for want of a better name for the latter), are both extremely difficult styles to master. They require fast and extremely precise footing to be able to dance without falling over or injuring yourself, and the styles can take months, if not years, to perfect. Even in combat, Mesmers pull off delicate and graceful moves; exquisite aerial twirls and swift fencing maneuvers (a sport that is also difficult to master) as they unleash chaos upon their hapless victims. Mesmers are better on their feet than you.
The Mesmer's skill repertoire shows it to be a profession based around counterstrategies. No matter what an enemy is capable of throwing at them, the Mesmer has access to skills that allow them to interrupt or disable opponents, sap away their inner strengths, and punish the enemy for even trying. The Mesmer barely needs to lift a finger as the enemy's perceptions are turned around. In this sense, the Mesmer doesn't even need a physical weapon; the most powerful weapons at their disposal are the minds of their enemies, and the powers of mesmerisation allow them to strike deep in their enemies' most vulnerable points; their greatest fears that are usually hidden. One might argue that this is an invasion of privacy and unnecessary cruelty as it essentially equates to telepathic assault, but to Mesmers this is a necessary survival technique and the most effective strategy to bring an opponent - any opponent - down (and as a Mesmer will never reveal what he or she sees once an enemy's mental defences have been breached, this also proves that Mesmers are more trustworthy than you).
Mesmers are better than you, and your Warrior, and your Elementalist, and your Monk, and your Assassin, and your Paragon... One Mesmer is better than your whole Guild. Don't even bother to try to prove otherwise; any pathetic attempts you could possibly make to challenge the Masters of All can only end with one conclusion: you failing on the most epic level imaginable, and you being owned by a guy in tights. Please, spare yourself from the surfeit of embarrassment that is guaranteed to result from the misguided notion that you could even be a Mesmer's equal, let alone a Mesmer's superior.
Judge 1: Nice story! rofl I laughed so hard at the guy in tights part. And I love how you added the current bounty bonus to your story. The way you wrote it makes me really fear to disagree that mesmers are 1337. Your picture is outstanding as well, you are definately the most prominent in the photo, I just think it might have been better to go with a different angle to see just a bit of Nymph's face. But overall, excellent job, I can totally see Nymph cowering in fear as you, the fearsome mesmer, stands there messing up her mind. Awesome job!
Judge 2: Wow. Exceptional. Your story was incredible, and your photo works SO well with it. The photo itself is lovely even on its own. My only complaint is that the top half of your background is a bit boring. It does however make Nymph blend in with it which keeps the attention on you. Wonderful job.
Judge 3: I love the "in your face" attitude of the beginning of your story, to me its pretty convincing! That style you used it just...just awesome. Nice use of skills in your story as well! As for the shot, I do see the part where your mesmer uses IW as the finishing blow. Dues certainly looks grand, and poor Nymph! I almost can feel her pain. Great job on this assignment, you really have shown that mesmers are powerful beings.
Scarlet Renoux:
Mesmerize: (Verb): 1) To hypnotize. 2) To spellbind, to fascinate. 3) To compel by fascination. These three definitions describe the true meaning of what a Mesmer is. Yes, Warriors can use brute force to break their way through barricades and objects. Yes, Elementalists can use nature to their advantage, and yes, monks can heal wounds and bring life to mortals. But there is one thing no profession can do; cause mental distractions and chaos to the enemy’s mind. By the simple cast of a spell, a Mesmer can disrupt the casting of a resurrection chant, causing an entire mob of foes to be picked off one by one. A Mesmer can force damage to be done when an enemy attacks, while they are completely unaware of the source. Penetrating right through thoughts, Mesmers can change the surroundings and environment one stands in, promoting insanity. Mesmers, maybe looking physically weak or elegant, can use pure brain power to conquer.
Judge 1: Very good job portraying why you think mesmers are the best profession! Their weapon is definately their mind. And you portrayed this well in your photos. At first I was like, this isn't a battle scene. But then I realized, mesmers use their minds to kill their foes. I like how you have Scarlet looking so subtle and confident as Render is in the background suffering from things that have been done to her mind. You are the most prominent thing in the photo, the only thing is perhaps you could have stood a little closer to Render so that we could see you both. Otherwise, great job!
Judge 2: Your explanation as to why Mesmers rock so much was awesome. Using the actual definition of mesmerize was a very cute touch and it really fits in well with Scarlet's personality. Your writing definitely boosted your overall score this week. Don't get me wrong, your photo is very nice, but I was expecting to see it appear as if you were casting a spell on Render, or a little more "action" involved rather than just standing there confidently.
Judge 3: Ah, I enjoy the use of illusion magic in a more creepy sense like that...I certainly wouldn't want to mess with scarlet! It seems a bit random though, but at least it explains the shot. I really like the attitude look on scarlet with this one. That, and your still the center of attention even with poor render in the background. However, just looking at the shot itself I don't really see anything exceptionally mesmery.
Render Me Useless
Monks are by far the best class
As Render said, Piss me off, you die
But if I love you, you'll live forever =)
Judge 1: lol! Very cute and creative pose! I love how it looks like Render is about to kick Scarlet. Ouch. I did notice you first but my eyes did avert to Scarlet rather quickly, but you are still the main focus. However, part of this assignment's score is in the writing part, and though you said monks are by far the best class, you failed to mention why you think so. You pretty much just said that Render is cool unless you make her mad and that's it. We know writing isn't your strong point but it seems maybe you were more focused on the shot than the explanation because we don't know why you think monks are so great.
Judge 2: The photo is cute, it really does look like you are going to kick Scarlett! Scarlett is a little bit too bright in this photo, though. I think if you had chosen a location where her armor would blend in more, it would have made you pop out of the photograph better. Also, I think you missed the part of the assignment where we stated that writing is worth 1/3 of your final score. Sadly, that will cost you.
Judge 3: Poor Scarlet! The dance emote seems to have worked well in a vicious standpoint (don't bug the monkie!) However, I'm a bit disappointed with the shot as well. The lighting is very dark, except for the one ray on scarlet, which perhaps should have been on you if anything. I'm also not sure about your armor choice, but to me it just dosen't seem to match right. I know that monks can be tough...but I think when you think of monks first people don't tend to imagine them exactly kicking people...Not to sound like I'm completely complaining about everything, but you also forgot that part of the points also comes from the writing.
There you have it! Expect results later on today or tomorrow, along with assignment #8!
Sali Su and co.
Love the poses this week - but what happened with the backgrounds? :s
Scarlets was my fav. for the week. Its really good to see you've improved so much. I kinda did doubt the judges decision on keeping you in the contest earlier on, but you've certainly stepped up! Your take on the mesmer profession was quite clever too, not many people would have portrayed it the way you have i think. So good one!
Scarlets was my fav. for the week. Its really good to see you've improved so much. I kinda did doubt the judges decision on keeping you in the contest earlier on, but you've certainly stepped up! Your take on the mesmer profession was quite clever too, not many people would have portrayed it the way you have i think. So good one!
Ahh! Awesome shots everyone! Lol @ Deus' dance comment. Love it! I'll post the story that went with the background of my photo in the feedback thread, in case anyone wants to see it.
Hmmm it was kinda short but clear for ... Renders explanation ... her profession is the best because she has the power of life ... if she likes you .. youll live forever as she will heal any wound back .. if she doesn't, she will just let you die in battle ;P.
I kinda enjoy Scarlets concept this week ...she trapped her foe in an illusion and just waits patiently for her foe to die in his delirium ... and with such a confident and cruel look >.> ... i like that.
Still overall i like Renders shot the best ( did Scarlet get impaled in that iron bar after you kicked her ? )
I kinda enjoy Scarlets concept this week ...she trapped her foe in an illusion and just waits patiently for her foe to die in his delirium ... and with such a confident and cruel look >.> ... i like that.
Still overall i like Renders shot the best ( did Scarlet get impaled in that iron bar after you kicked her ? )
Tender Wolf
Deus Toutatis: 9+9+9=27
Scarlet Renoux: 8+8+7=23
Nymphalis Antiopa: 7+7+7=21
Render Me Useless: 6+6+6=16
This puts Deus and Scarlet up for immunity, Nymph and Render up for elimination.
Deus Toutatis: We felt you did very well this week. You portrayed your profession wonderfully and your writing went right along with it! It made us fear mesmers! lol
Scarlet Renoux: Another mesmer, up for immunity! We love the creative approach you took to this assignment, showing how mesmers are deadly because they use their minds to take down their foes. Your story went right along with it!
This was a VERY tough choice, you both did outstanding this week! But unfortunately only one of you can win. But this guarantees you both a spot in the final three!
Congratulations! You may choose an in-game prize of any of the prize options that have been listed in this contest before or +3 points added to your next assignment.
Nymphalis Antiopa: Your story was fine on its own but your picture we felt could have used some more work. There were several little distractions here and there that took away from the main focus of the shot. We know you can do better!
Render Me Useless: 1/3 of the scoring this week was for your explanation, and we really didn't see why you thought that monk was the best profession, more like a biography of Render. And your picture was fine, but as was mentioned, monks aren't known for kicking others, but healing them and keeping them alive.
This was also a tough choice but looking back on previous assignments (and ones yet to come), one of you sadly has to go.
Stay tuned for assignment #8!
Deus Toutatis: 9+9+9=27
Scarlet Renoux: 8+8+7=23
Nymphalis Antiopa: 7+7+7=21
Render Me Useless: 6+6+6=16
This puts Deus and Scarlet up for immunity, Nymph and Render up for elimination.
Deus Toutatis: We felt you did very well this week. You portrayed your profession wonderfully and your writing went right along with it! It made us fear mesmers! lol
Scarlet Renoux: Another mesmer, up for immunity! We love the creative approach you took to this assignment, showing how mesmers are deadly because they use their minds to take down their foes. Your story went right along with it!
This was a VERY tough choice, you both did outstanding this week! But unfortunately only one of you can win. But this guarantees you both a spot in the final three!
Congratulations! You may choose an in-game prize of any of the prize options that have been listed in this contest before or +3 points added to your next assignment.
Nymphalis Antiopa: Your story was fine on its own but your picture we felt could have used some more work. There were several little distractions here and there that took away from the main focus of the shot. We know you can do better!
Render Me Useless: 1/3 of the scoring this week was for your explanation, and we really didn't see why you thought that monk was the best profession, more like a biography of Render. And your picture was fine, but as was mentioned, monks aren't known for kicking others, but healing them and keeping them alive.
This was also a tough choice but looking back on previous assignments (and ones yet to come), one of you sadly has to go.
Stay tuned for assignment #8!
Tender Wolf
It's down to the final three! You three have come a long way since the beginning, but after this, one of you will have to leave. So the purpose of this week's assignment is to show us why we should keep you in the competition for the final two.
Now is the time to wow us, but in a certain way. We want you to make us want you. Strip down to your skivvies and pose in a tempting way, something that'll make us feel guilty if we let you go. In addition, you'll be asked to write a poem. But not just any poem! Valentine's Day is approaching, and because this week we want you to show us why we should let you stay, your poem should be written to us, and it should flatter us! Half of your score will come from the poem. It doesn't have to rhyme and length doesn't matter.
The suspense is getting close! Make us drool and not want to let you go! (I can imagine everyone's face this time. lol) There are 20 points possible for this week's assignment, 10 for the picture and 10 for the story. This assignment will be judged similar to the second one, only the picture won't be judged based on how well it went with the story. They will be their own separate things. Good luck!
This assignment is due no later than Wednesday, Feb. 13. To send it, you can PM it to me here on Guru, or send it to one of the following emails (but just in case, it might be helpful to let me know you sent it there so I won't forget to check it).
[email protected]
[email protected]
More rules:
- No editing (other than cropping), modding, PhotoShop, etc.
- Please send a cropped and uncropped version of your picture
- No headgear
I'm going to have a mod put the public vote option up now! Viewers, this is where you come in! You can help decide who will win Guild Wars' Most Wanted (between the final three, if the first place winner is eliminated we'll go with who got the second most votes)! Go nuts! lol
Oh my goodness! Renderrr! ):
I'm so sorry you had to go! It's so sad, seeing we finally bonded during the photoshoot! ): You did so good it this competition. You rocked it so hard! PLEASE continue to post more in feedback!!! We have to take more screenshots together.
So sad ):
I'm so sorry you had to go! It's so sad, seeing we finally bonded during the photoshoot! ): You did so good it this competition. You rocked it so hard! PLEASE continue to post more in feedback!!! We have to take more screenshots together.
So sad ):
Lord Xarax
Hello everyone.
I've been lurking here for a while. Time to come out of the closet, yes indeed. Scarlet, that last picture is just ... wow, yummy..... I would give the world to be a golden dragon right now. Hot hot hot! There is nothing as enticing as unattainable beauty. Intimidating and enchanting. Oh yes, this wammo is under your spell..
I've been lurking here for a while. Time to come out of the closet, yes indeed. Scarlet, that last picture is just ... wow, yummy..... I would give the world to be a golden dragon right now. Hot hot hot! There is nothing as enticing as unattainable beauty. Intimidating and enchanting. Oh yes, this wammo is under your spell..
Queen Kitiara
Ahhh ha hahahah ! OMG Xarax snap out of it!!!! *smacks Xarax's big muscles* Wake up fellow wammo!!! that is a MESMER you are talking too! What if word goes across the boards to TMW and your nemesis' Oogami and Nihil hear of this??? You will never hear the end of it!!! ha ha haha !
*casts hex-breaker*
/drags Xarax back to TMW "I don't blame ya Xarax, the mesmers kicked butt this round"
Nice work guys and gratz to the top 3!!!! Gah can't believe you're at this stage already! *gives Render a hug* be proud girl! You have made some wonderful memorable shots! <3 <3 <3
*casts hex-breaker*
/drags Xarax back to TMW "I don't blame ya Xarax, the mesmers kicked butt this round"
Nice work guys and gratz to the top 3!!!! Gah can't believe you're at this stage already! *gives Render a hug* be proud girl! You have made some wonderful memorable shots! <3 <3 <3
Oh. My. Gods.
This I really did not see coming; I honestly expected to be KO'd this week. I hope somebody brought some smelling salts...
Once again, I don't feel right about giving the victory garland to myself:
*awards Scarlet with a garland of assorted deadly weapons to pwn opponents with*
Render, it's really a suprise to see you go considering how well you've done in the competition so far. I'm with Scarlet: please keep posting more in the feedback thread. Your shots are always fresh and inspiring, and I'd really love to see more from you!
This I really did not see coming; I honestly expected to be KO'd this week. I hope somebody brought some smelling salts...
Once again, I don't feel right about giving the victory garland to myself:
*awards Scarlet with a garland of assorted deadly weapons to pwn opponents with*
Render, it's really a suprise to see you go considering how well you've done in the competition so far. I'm with Scarlet: please keep posting more in the feedback thread. Your shots are always fresh and inspiring, and I'd really love to see more from you!
The Last Anthem
bah oh well x.x it was fun but as oogami said that was what it meant and that is what monks do and since the assignment said no length limit I figured I didn't have to write a story o.O
good luck final 3 ^^ maybe I'll do this next assignment..without the poem hehe..
good luck final 3 ^^ maybe I'll do this next assignment..without the poem hehe..
I really wasn't expecting this, I thought I was going to be eliminated. still in shock
Congrats to Deus and Scarlet! You deserve a victory garland too Deus!
*awards Deus with a victory garland*
and Render, I'm surprised to see you go, you've had some amazing shots in this competition. I honestly didn't think that it would be you. ): Please keep posting more!
I really wasn't expecting this, I thought I was going to be eliminated. still in shock
Congrats to Deus and Scarlet! You deserve a victory garland too Deus!
*awards Deus with a victory garland*
and Render, I'm surprised to see you go, you've had some amazing shots in this competition. I honestly didn't think that it would be you. ): Please keep posting more!
Tender Wolf
hehe This week's decision was very hard to make. It's even harder when we're so close to the end. But I agree, I hope you keep posting Render! I enjoyed having you and everyone else in my contest. Can't believe there are only two weeks left. And since I now know how to make videos I'll post the winner (like the votes and such) that way. But that's not yet!
Lord Xarax
Originally Posted by Queen Kitiara
Ahhh ha hahahah ! OMG Xarax snap out of it!!!! *smacks Xarax's big muscles* Wake up fellow wammo!!! that is a MESMER you are talking too! What if word goes across the boards to TMW and your nemesis' Oogami and Nihil hear of this??? You will never hear the end of it!!! ha ha haha !
Ok, will stop cluttering up this contest thread now!
Good luck to all of you. I am very impressed with everyones work, it is very inspiring (and mesmerizing )
Stalker Haras
Pole added as per request.
You know, it's really funny; I was just looking at the first page of this thread and I realized something:
In the photo collage of all of the contestants, Deus, Nymph and I are all next to each other. Now isn't fate odd?
In the photo collage of all of the contestants, Deus, Nymph and I are all next to each other. Now isn't fate odd?
In the photo collage of all of the contestants, Deus, Nymph and I are all next to each other. Now isn't fate odd? |
Deus is looking forward to the shooting for assignment 8, although the real thing to ponder about is whether the judges are just using this as another excuse to see him without a shirt
You asked for it!
Nemesis Xero
I placed my vote, good luck to the final three sad to see Render go though, she had some amazing screenshots...
Tender Wolf
Thanks Stalker!
Okay viewers, you can now start casting your votes! The judges (including myself) WILL NOT vote there, as we'll have our own final vote when the contest is over.
Okay viewers, you can now start casting your votes! The judges (including myself) WILL NOT vote there, as we'll have our own final vote when the contest is over.
The Grumple
Ow wow! Its so exciting to see my fellow contestants at this stage in the contest! when we first saw all the submitted photos, i would never have picked this final 3 combo!
I voted for Scarlet.
Why? Most improved in my opinion. Nymph and Dues have been quite consistent in their shots, always producing good stuff - but Scarlet really stepped it up after she booted me out haha. and improvement is really important, cos it shows she is putting in lots of effort ^_^
go girl, I didn't see you making it this far, but thank god you did!
I voted for Scarlet.
Why? Most improved in my opinion. Nymph and Dues have been quite consistent in their shots, always producing good stuff - but Scarlet really stepped it up after she booted me out haha. and improvement is really important, cos it shows she is putting in lots of effort ^_^
go girl, I didn't see you making it this far, but thank god you did!
Awe! Thank you so much Gracie. >.< And I'm so sorry for being the b**** to boot you! Quite honestly, I think I should have gone that week. But thank you again, you were awesome!
Stalker Haras
Once again Tender, you've done it again. It's disheartening to other contestants to see a host/judge post pictures of just one contestant with you. If you're going to do so, do it for all of them, not just one. I've warned you of this before. It's not fair to the other remaining contestants.
Alrighty! I sent in my submission through PM. It took a while, but I believe I got a good photo and poem. Before I go on, I would like to say something to Deus and Nymphalis.
You both have been excellent competition, and have done awesome in every assignment, nomatter what score was given. I loved working and competing with you both, you are very worthy opponents! Haha. I just wanted to say that no matter who goes home, whether it is me or one of you two, I had an awesome time in this competition! Love you guys!
You both have been excellent competition, and have done awesome in every assignment, nomatter what score was given. I loved working and competing with you both, you are very worthy opponents! Haha. I just wanted to say that no matter who goes home, whether it is me or one of you two, I had an awesome time in this competition! Love you guys!
Good Luck to the final 3!!!
Great to see you still there Scarlet... Yule says Hi!!
I'm not sure yet who I will vote for, I think all 3 of you have come up with some fantastic shots... I need to go back and look at all the shots again.
Good Luck!!
Great to see you still there Scarlet... Yule says Hi!!
I'm not sure yet who I will vote for, I think all 3 of you have come up with some fantastic shots... I need to go back and look at all the shots again.
Good Luck!!
All right sent in submission! Poems are really not my cup of tea, so I did my best. hehe
Scarlet and Deus, you guys have been awesome competition and I'm really grateful to be here competing with you two.
Good Luck!!!
Scarlet and Deus, you guys have been awesome competition and I'm really grateful to be here competing with you two.
Good Luck!!!
...and that's my submission Hotmailed in now too.
I'm useless at giving speeches so I'll keep this short. This contest has been amazingly good fun, and I'm honoured to be in the final three alongside the both of you (in all honesty, I expected to be KO'd very early on - although I hope I've managed to show that men can hold their own in a field otherwise dominated by stunningly gorgeous ladies).
Good luck to both of you!
I'm useless at giving speeches so I'll keep this short. This contest has been amazingly good fun, and I'm honoured to be in the final three alongside the both of you (in all honesty, I expected to be KO'd very early on - although I hope I've managed to show that men can hold their own in a field otherwise dominated by stunningly gorgeous ladies).
Good luck to both of you!
Julius K Foxglove
I don't suppose we'd be able to get a portfolio of sorts from the final three..? Having trouble deciding on who to support.
One way or another, good luck to you all!
One way or another, good luck to you all!
Queen Kitiara
Ya, Ya I'm with Jules - Slideshows FTW baby!!!
So excited for u guys! Good Luck!!!
So excited for u guys! Good Luck!!!
Did somebody call for a slideshow of the final three in here?
I'm stuck with Windows Movie Maker so it's perhaps not the best quality, but it shows the assignment portfolios for all of us in the final three (and I threw in the initial application shots too for good measure). Hope it helps
I'm stuck with Windows Movie Maker so it's perhaps not the best quality, but it shows the assignment portfolios for all of us in the final three (and I threw in the initial application shots too for good measure). Hope it helps