GW2 to have voice chat?
Like it or not voice chat is going to become more and more common in online games. I'd like to see what Anet would do with such a system. I was not personally impressed with how it worked out in World of Warcraft, but who know's, this could work out very well.
I'd love to talk to all of my guild mates, I don't play guild wars for the immersion, for that I'd go play something not-online.
I'd love to talk to all of my guild mates, I don't play guild wars for the immersion, for that I'd go play something not-online.
Originally Posted by HardWonFame
Like it or not voice chat is going to become more and more common in online games. I'd like to see what Anet would do with such a system. I was not personally impressed with how it worked out in World of Warcraft, but who know's, this could work out very well.
I'd love to talk to all of my guild mates, I don't play guild wars for the immersion, for that I'd go play something not-online. |
Voice chat, though more common, is in no way necessary nor is there any proof that it improves the gameplay experience. It also doesn't address issues of profanity or harassment, as it is a medium that is much harder to control. Furthermore, it won't aid in the already hard to decipher writings of people who have english as their second language.
Also, just because you don't play GW for the immersion or atmosphere doesn't hold true for everyone else.
Originally Posted by Biostem
Blood and gore is increasingly common in games now, too - does that mean that all future games should have it? No.
Voice chat, though more common, is in no way necessary nor is there any proof that it improves the gameplay experience. It also doesn't address issues of profanity or harassment, as it is a medium that is much harder to control. Furthermore, it won't aid in the already hard to decipher writings of people who have english as their second language. Also, just because you don't play GW for the immersion or atmosphere doesn't hold true for everyone else. |
And in multi-language team, I speak 2 languages fluently, and I know Japanese enough to be understood by most Tokyoites and have general discussions. Therefore, when we have teams where people speak French and English (I had a Japanese guy the other day as well), I'm the one that has to translate everything. Well trust me, I can focus my typing in French, and my voice in English, or vice-versa. I ask the English-speakers to get on Vent (usually my friends) while I translate instructions in French in team chat. Really helps me.
So yes... I wouldn't mind the voice chat in-game. Until then, I have Vent, suits me x].
I'm pretty sure most players won't find themselves instructing others how to play, or having to translate amongst teammates. You give a very specific example of where voice chat is better, yet still can't point out how it is better overall.
Games like GW are intended to draw you into a fantasy world - I don't need the cracking voice of pre-pubescent boys telling me my ele is hawt or asking if my necro will be their GF. It's not even the fact that you will surely be able to play w/o using voice chat - it's the fact that it will be *required* by some elitist snobs otherwise they'll kick you...
Games like GW are intended to draw you into a fantasy world - I don't need the cracking voice of pre-pubescent boys telling me my ele is hawt or asking if my necro will be their GF. It's not even the fact that you will surely be able to play w/o using voice chat - it's the fact that it will be *required* by some elitist snobs otherwise they'll kick you...
Moonlit Azure
Oh, I forgot about foreign languages.
Since those RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOers can't speak english in the ENGLISH district I'm against now.
It'll be like this:
Como estas?
Parle vous Francis?
(Chinese symbols)
Since those RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOers can't speak english in the ENGLISH district I'm against now.
It'll be like this:
Como estas?
Parle vous Francis?
(Chinese symbols)
I'd kill to be able to message my entire friends list at the same time.
Relevancy...who needs it?
Relevancy...who needs it?
i would like intergrated voice chat but why are they hiring video chat engineers what their gonna make video chat in gw2 lol that would be weird and a dead zone for child molestors and micheal jackson.
I bet the idea of adding built-in voice chat is a micro-payment option being tossed around.
So, I wouldn't be surprised if they do it, and I wouldn't be surprised if you actually do want it, you pay for it.
So, I wouldn't be surprised if they do it, and I wouldn't be surprised if you actually do want it, you pay for it.
Yeah leave it alone get Vent or TS as it will be another problem for slow loaders.When ppl are having a problem with it more support tickets for NCSoft.
1 up and 2 down
I can see GW2 now....
Expert group forming for [insert final boss name here] must have voice chat activated!11!!1
Expert group forming for [insert final boss name here] must have voice chat activated!11!!1
Originally Posted by 1 up and 2 down
I can see GW2 now....
Expert group forming for [insert final boss name here] must have voice chat activated!11!!1 |

I imagine it would be like this.
Group leader clicks voice chat icon in party formation window.
Anyone seeing that group in party search window sees the icon.
I am given 100 dollars.
That's how I would do it.
Oh, I forgot to mention all the elements my party search window would use.
Fields to type in, to specify exactly what you are looking for.
It would show group location, setup and skill bars.
What they are looking for prof wise.
The voice chat activated icon.
Totally awesome GUI design. Uses icon themes based on Crazy Mean Baby.
and a button to click to give me 100 dollars.
Originally Posted by Biostem
Blood and gore is increasingly common in games now, too - does that mean that all future games should have it? No.
Voice chat, though more common, is in no way necessary nor is there any proof that it improves the gameplay experience. It also doesn't address issues of profanity or harassment, as it is a medium that is much harder to control. Furthermore, it won't aid in the already hard to decipher writings of people who have english as their second language. Also, just because you don't play GW for the immersion or atmosphere doesn't hold true for everyone else. |
I have not yet been in a highly organized, successful guild that does not make use of some form of voice chat for their more involved activities.
Also I do agree that there could be issues with profanity / privacy over integrated chat systems, but I don't think it would be too different from the local chat now.
Originally Posted by Washi
Because most random players do not need voice communication? Do you want to hear random noobs screaming in pugs? Seriously, If you need it, there is no problem to get it, if you don't... you don't.
Silly Warrior
Originally Posted by Zinger314
It won't happen. Too much money for ArenaNet.
Bryant Again
Originally Posted by Biostem
Blood and gore is increasingly common in games now, too - does that mean that all future games should have it? No.
Originally Posted by -Loki-
Most games that have voice chat have a mute player function. Generally, even in Counter Strike, I've found most people are actually helpful on VOIP and very few people use it for garbage. But then, I don't play on american servers, so I guess that might be.
Originally Posted by Silly Warrior
I could see it being possible. If they are claiming to start persistence worlds on servers, why not voice chat? Things are getting cheaper.
Originally Posted by Bryant Again
There have been just a few servers on TF2 and CS:S that I've found to be distasteful. Other than that, not much of a problem, really.
Bryant Again
Originally Posted by -Loki-
It seems to have become a gaming myth - Counter Strike players are immature/dickheads/wankers/whatever. People seem to ignore the fact that every other games PvP community is exactly the same. And they - including CS - aren't that bad, when you actually play it.
What about those who want to start using it for trading and you want to talk to a guild member.You don't want to mute it when talking to them unless there are several channels that would be a huge cost and server load.There could an auction house to do that in but I can see using in game chat for stuff like that.Who would be the voip server admin?
Voice chat in Guild Wars would obviously not work in towns, as the overlapping conversations would be too cluttered. Working with group members is sensible. However, the bandwidth usage would be an issue.
Originally Posted by Bryant Again
The worst online gaming playerbases I've met have been GW, Dawn of War, SC and the WoW forums.
Even the so called 'all christian server' was saturated with swearing and racist comments.

It was hard finding a server of people who weren't whacko.
So far the best community for me was Everquest 2 pre PvP.
2 years and I only met 1 person who was an arse. And we met up again the next weekend and cooled off and became allies.

Then PvP came and the forums were literally flooded with adrenaline junky, e-peen obsessed, abrasive whack-a-doos.

I don't hate PvP, but sometimes the competitive element being introduced to a game attracts the world's most socially inept individuals.
Rather than reinventing the wheel with a voice chat system, I'd prefer if they included hooks into Vent, TS2 or whatever that highlighted the names of party members who were speaking. You'd need to know what Vent name corresponds to what in-game name though.
Then again, maybe voice chat isn't that hard to write in... could be the case if there are third-party libraries that do most of the work.
Then again, maybe voice chat isn't that hard to write in... could be the case if there are third-party libraries that do most of the work.
Originally Posted by Sirius-NZ
Rather than reinventing the wheel with a voice chat system, I'd prefer if they included hooks into Vent, TS2 or whatever that highlighted the names of party members who were speaking. You'd need to know what Vent name corresponds to what in-game name though.
Then again, maybe voice chat isn't that hard to write in... could be the case if there are third-party libraries that do most of the work. |
So how can you hear someone who's not on your server?
Unless GW (or Anet... blah) could manage servers, where both TS and Vent can log at the same time. I'm not even sure if it would be possible, but that's a solution I can find with the nonexistent programmation background I have. Log into one server, provided by "GW", limited to your team (at another extent, guild or alliance) via your voice chat client, and the party leader can set access to the "current team leader's" tab. You could have more tabs, guild, alliance, friend-list at some extent... (No. Local. Chat. Option. PLEASE.) embedded to a Voice Chat window.
Not even sure if it'd work, but eh... might as well shoot my ideas no? x]. Or maybe this idea has been given before, I didn't read the whole thread.
Originally Posted by Biostem
I'm pretty sure most players won't find themselves instructing others how to play, or having to translate amongst teammates. You give a very specific example of where voice chat is better, yet still can't point out how it is better overall.
Limu Tolkki
No way, leave it to vent/ts if you want to speak.
Originally Posted by Zinger314
It won't happen. Too much money for ArenaNet.
Abonai Laguna
no thanks i pass on this 1
Well, since my thread got rezzed I thought I would give an update onto this. Arena Net is still listing the text/voice/video chat engineer job on their website, so it would appear they are still wanting to go ahead with this.
romeus petrus
Not going to happen, too much $$$.
Thank God for Vent.
Thank God for Vent.
I honestly don;t see why they're thinking of it. As others have said, TS/Vent is available, and to integrate VoIP would just be more work, more bandwidth, more hassle(aka support tickets). I'd much rather they spent the man hours that would go to creating a VoIP system to more(to me) important things, like fixing anything that's broken in GW, so that if they do something similar for GW2, they'll have a better idea of how to make it work the first time, cutting down on bugs. I've heard of people using Vent or TS for GvG for a couple years now, so why the sudden desire for an in-game chat system?
Seems like giving a fish a bicycle to me.
Seems like giving a fish a bicycle to me.
Zahr Dalsk
Aslong as it is good voice acting, it'll be okay.
SOGWTT has opposed this topic.
*can't believe no one hasn't said the opposition yet*
SOGWTT has opposed this topic.
*can't believe no one hasn't said the opposition yet*
6am3 Fana71c
What the hell is wrong with everyone saying no?
If you don't want it, don't use it.
I for one really hope this gets implemented...makes life easier.
If you don't want it, don't use it.
I for one really hope this gets implemented...makes life easier.
if only my internet could support voice chat... *sigh(btw cant get better internet cause of where i live)
Originally Posted by 6am3 Fana71c
What the hell is wrong with everyone saying no?
If you don't want it, don't use it. I for one really hope this gets implemented...makes life easier. |
Holly Herro
Originally Posted by 6am3 Fana71c
What the hell is wrong with everyone saying no?
If you don't want it, don't use it. I for one really hope this gets implemented...makes life easier. |
Everyone will go and whine about it "No, I don't want to hear retarded 12 year olds swearing at me, when I abuse them bla bla"
This will be optional. If it wasn't, people would stab other people.
Wait, who needs that?
6am3 Fana71c
Originally Posted by Gorebrex
If you want to use voice chat in GW, use one of these.
And if it gets implemented I'm 100% sure there will be some Mute button for all of you carebears who prefer to hide behind keyboard.
Lord Sojar
nvm,,,,,........ /agree with SOGWITT.
It's pretty clear that many people her have never used a voice chat system in an MMO.
I have, often, in WoW and LOTRO.
When you have voice chat on, you *ONLY* hear people in your party/group. Period.
You *DO NOT* hear gold sellers and random idle chatter in town, or anyone outside your group. No one can "spam" you in voice chat, unless they're in your party, and that's never happend in thousands of hours of playing (for me).
In my experience, in-game chat has *NEVER* caused lag, on any system, even when running on slow hardware like a laptop. A program like Vent is MORE LIKELY to cause lag than a built-in system, because it requires running a second program that can not directly coordinate with the game.
Voice chat is essential to coordinating complex activities among 10-40 people, and it can be very useful even in 5-8 man groups.
The *ONLY* drawback I have found to voice chat is that, very rarely, there could be a problem caused for female players. I have four female gamers in this house (my being the sole male of the domain); over the course of three years playing MMOs, we have had ONE instance of verbal sexual harassment while in voice chat. And that guy was booted from the guild instantly.
Voice chat is used for difficult, end-game, hardcore play, where people are serious about completing the mission.
I have, often, in WoW and LOTRO.
When you have voice chat on, you *ONLY* hear people in your party/group. Period.
You *DO NOT* hear gold sellers and random idle chatter in town, or anyone outside your group. No one can "spam" you in voice chat, unless they're in your party, and that's never happend in thousands of hours of playing (for me).
In my experience, in-game chat has *NEVER* caused lag, on any system, even when running on slow hardware like a laptop. A program like Vent is MORE LIKELY to cause lag than a built-in system, because it requires running a second program that can not directly coordinate with the game.
Voice chat is essential to coordinating complex activities among 10-40 people, and it can be very useful even in 5-8 man groups.
The *ONLY* drawback I have found to voice chat is that, very rarely, there could be a problem caused for female players. I have four female gamers in this house (my being the sole male of the domain); over the course of three years playing MMOs, we have had ONE instance of verbal sexual harassment while in voice chat. And that guy was booted from the guild instantly.
Voice chat is used for difficult, end-game, hardcore play, where people are serious about completing the mission.
this was posted like 8 months ago.
Actually I started this thread about 3 and 1/2 months ago, but the posting is still listed on the Arena Net jobs page. Was kind of hoping we could get some kind of comment from Gaile about what the possible plans might be, but that obviously didn't happen.
Lady Lozza
Originally Posted by ChaoticCoyote
The *ONLY* drawback I have found to voice chat is that, very rarely, there could be a problem caused for female players. I have four female gamers in this house (my being the sole male of the domain); over the course of three years playing MMOs, we have had ONE instance of verbal sexual harassment while in voice chat. And that guy was booted from the guild instantly.
It is actually vaguely disturbing to jump ingame start chatting to your team mates then have someone say: "you're a girl, will you be my girlfriend"...
Thankfully not likely to happen in GW as I don't PUG much anymore at all.