Swear Filter (in game)
I can sait it.
I NEVER curse. Ever.
Not a single time in my whole life. I'd rather roar and shout and gesticulate and wave hands, but never curse. It's just that I'm not used to that.
But remember this:
- The chat filter it's not an excuse to curse. It's not a permission. It's there for those that do not obey the rules and curse anyways.
I NEVER curse. Ever.
Not a single time in my whole life. I'd rather roar and shout and gesticulate and wave hands, but never curse. It's just that I'm not used to that.
But remember this:
- The chat filter it's not an excuse to curse. It's not a permission. It's there for those that do not obey the rules and curse anyways.
Originally Posted by MithranArkanere
I can sait it.
I NEVER curse. Ever. Not a single time in my whole life. I'd rather roar and shout and gesticulate and wave hands, but never curse. It's just that I'm not used to that. But remember this: - The chat filter it's not an excuse to curse. It's not a permission. It's there for those that do not obey the rules and curse anyways. |
I don't like censorship so I have it off, and IMHO that's why there's a "no filter" option.
I don't mind my cursing, my friends' cursing, or anyone's everyday cursing. But when asked POLITELY I'll watch my language... because my goal isn't to offend people. If I do, just state that I've offended you and I'll say "sorry, didn't mean to offend" or something equivalent. I rarely go "OMFG ****ING NOOB!!!!", but I have before; someone messes up at the end of a 2-hour mission, you'll have the roughly same reaction from the remaining party members - unless you run with religious folks or something along the lines.
EDIT: Yesterday I ran The Deep with two guildies, remaining were PUGs. At one point one started to insult me for no reason. He told me to put my filter up so he couldn't see me insulting him. I promptly ignored the guy. Oh and he started writing his insults on the radar after, and apparently he was raging at me in local as well.
That about covers it. Violate at you own risk.
(j) In the Game(s), characters have the privilege of sending server wide messages called "Chat Messages." With this privilege comes a high level of responsibility on the part of the user. Due to the fact that this communication channel has the ability to impact every player on the server, NC Interactive will not tolerate any inappropriate behavior of any sort in this chat channel. This includes but is not limited to: inappropriate language of any sort or any attempt to escape the profanity filter, inappropriate or vulgar content of any sort, repeated "spamming," or "flooding" of the chat messages channel, or any other conduct determined to be inappropriate by NC Interactive Support, in its sole discretion. Any violation of this term or rules of conduct may, in the sole discretion of NC Interactive, lead to the temporary removal of the character's ability to communicate, the account being suspended for a set period of time, or lead to permanent account closure. |
Ok another thing you people need to know; this game is rated 'Teen' in America. Now I don't know about you people, but by the age of 13, I already knew pretty much every single curse out there just from school/college. Now unless you're some sheltered and pretty dam spoiled child, you will at least know the basics (OH MEH GOD TEH F WORD LOLOLOLOL) and if you're young enough not too, you shouldn't be playing.
Simple as.
I don't use the curse filter as an excuse to curse. I simply am telling you; It is there because it is for people who do NOT wish to see/their children to see cursing and swearing. If you turn it off, you are agreeing to see any amount of vulgarity with cursing and swearing that there is. If Anet start banning for this, well then they should start banning the people who try to swear but can't because they have their curse filter on. The 13-14 year olds. Sure, they didn't swear, but the intent is there. Now unless you've been swearing EXCESSIVELY at everyone in sight, I'm pretty sure Anet won't pick on you for a single F-word-slip. Hell, probably half of GW minimum would have been banned by now :/
Another thing you should know; I swear more rarely than it might seem. Most of my insults, should I be insulting anyone (which usually only happens to people I know well as a joke, or completely un-cooperational dimwits) I don't use curse words. I simply use long words, strange words, and things that make people stop and think "what the crap?" I can't think of any particular example, but since none of them are sexual, racist, sexist etc, they are perfectly allowed.
Simple as.
I don't use the curse filter as an excuse to curse. I simply am telling you; It is there because it is for people who do NOT wish to see/their children to see cursing and swearing. If you turn it off, you are agreeing to see any amount of vulgarity with cursing and swearing that there is. If Anet start banning for this, well then they should start banning the people who try to swear but can't because they have their curse filter on. The 13-14 year olds. Sure, they didn't swear, but the intent is there. Now unless you've been swearing EXCESSIVELY at everyone in sight, I'm pretty sure Anet won't pick on you for a single F-word-slip. Hell, probably half of GW minimum would have been banned by now :/
Another thing you should know; I swear more rarely than it might seem. Most of my insults, should I be insulting anyone (which usually only happens to people I know well as a joke, or completely un-cooperational dimwits) I don't use curse words. I simply use long words, strange words, and things that make people stop and think "what the crap?" I can't think of any particular example, but since none of them are sexual, racist, sexist etc, they are perfectly allowed.
Aris the Accurate
if you dont agree with it don't sign the eula.
Fril Estelin
Originally Posted by MrSlayer
Now I don't know about you people, but by the age of 13, I already knew pretty much every single curse out there just from school/college.
Now unless you're some sheltered and pretty dam spoiled child, you will at least know the basics (OH MEH GOD TEH F WORD LOLOLOLOL) and if you're young enough not too, you shouldn't be playing. |
Anet will never, ever try to push further with "cleaning" the language (because, as said before, this is so subjective), they would furthermore loose a significant number of people (I guess most feel that it is their right to swear and, even if they don't, will fight for this "inalienable" right). But I'm very happy that they accept reports and sometimes ban people based on these reports. I'd be interested to know what the OP said or did (who only posted 2 messages in this whole thread!) for getting banned.
Those that swear and automatically point at the "profanity language", fail in a major way: there is NO way that a program can decide automatically what it is, language is too complicated (a good example of that is French, the perfect language for swearing, see the Merovingian character in Matrix Reloaded). You may be "swearing in good company", in private, but bear in mind that there are people who will swear to insult, provoke and hurt others. And the profanity filter will not help, because it can be bypassed. So even with filter on, you should be able to report.
As you said yourself, "Simple".
If you turn it off, you are agreeing to see any amount of vulgarity with cursing and swearing that there is. |

Overall I'll say that cursing isn't a bad thing, but it's definately not a good thing, some people are very religious and will report you just for writing **** (which btw is * four times in case someone didn't get it...you never know). I haven't been reported for cursing before because I hold my tongue and only curse after a really bad defeat (loss in the Ab 0 to 511 for instance...don't ask) If you watch your language and always apologize after cursing (I say something like"God ****'t we lost!!! Sorry for the language but OMFG!!!! and haven't gotten reported yet so I must be doin something right ^^)
put simply
/unsigned because the filter doesn't count as a get away with cursing free card.
put simply
/unsigned because the filter doesn't count as a get away with cursing free card.
Tender Wolf
Originally Posted by slowerpoke
..how bout stop swearing
thats a surefire way of not getting banned ![]() |

Shayne Hawke
Remove chat abuse option and move it to spam.
Remove chat abuse option and move it to spam.
Sir Pandra Pierva
Those who get around the filter Reported
Those who turn the filter off should be banned
Honestly get rid of the suspending thing if the launguage is seen without the filter on but if it seen while you are on then you got a problem
Those who turn the filter off should be banned
Honestly get rid of the suspending thing if the launguage is seen without the filter on but if it seen while you are on then you got a problem
So wait, is there something I'm missing here? There's a filter you can switch off, which is one of the first things I did when I started playing. :P That to me seems like implied permission to use at least a little bad language. If we're allowed to curse at all, why is it a bannable offense? It's not like you drop the F-bomb and everyone sees "****" or anything.
Swearing doesn't offend me. I curse in-game, but usually only around friends or when a mission goes REALLY badly. :P I hope I'm not gonna get a banhammer for Wintersday.
Swearing doesn't offend me. I curse in-game, but usually only around friends or when a mission goes REALLY badly. :P I hope I'm not gonna get a banhammer for Wintersday.
Curse You
Originally Posted by Redfeather1975
As for me, when anyone has heard me swear, they always say how incredibly weird it was to hear me swear, as I just don't do it.
On the other hand, the people I play online with are totally used to me swearing.
I only ever type things out when there's a reason that basically everyone would agree on; team loosing because of leavers/leechers, getting spiked by the entire enemy team, etc. I have yet to be banned.
Zahr Dalsk
I curse liberally and often, usually to insult other players.
I got very bored with GW and now I usually just join to be an ***hole to new players.
I have yet to be banned.
I got very bored with GW and now I usually just join to be an ***hole to new players.
I have yet to be banned.
Deus Bato
I curse at the merchants when they refuse to pay me.
He speaks the truth, and you all shall listen.
Originally Posted by Zahr Dalsk
I curse liberally and often, usually to insult other players.
I got very bored with GW and now I usually just join to be an ***hole to new players. I have yet to be banned. |
He speaks the truth, and you all shall listen.
Instead of cursing use the Shakespearean Insulter.
"You speak unskilfully: or, if your knowledge be more, it is much darkened in your malice."
"Thou mewling clay-brained fustilarian!"
I feel bad for people like the OP though, because I curse a lot. I use disgusting curses as well, things that make people revolt in districts and spam "REPORT HIM", yet I've never been temp banned. Very odd.
"You speak unskilfully: or, if your knowledge be more, it is much darkened in your malice."
"Thou mewling clay-brained fustilarian!"
I feel bad for people like the OP though, because I curse a lot. I use disgusting curses as well, things that make people revolt in districts and spam "REPORT HIM", yet I've never been temp banned. Very odd.
Zahr Dalsk
Originally Posted by Nevin
"Thou mewling clay-brained fustilarian!"
Nevin gains 1 epeen!
Julia-Louis Dreyfus
i don't see the problem, if you get banned for language i think you deserve it. simply because if i call someone a jackass in RA/TA/HA and they will whisper me back "i just reported you for swearing", and i reply "f*** off, report that" i haven't been banned once for swearing. im pretty sure it has to be excessive or going around the filter.
Deus Bato
The only reason I think anybody should be banned for swearing is if they go around major towns yelling "Everybody here masturbates furiously to pictures of polar bears." And then immediately leaving to the international district.
Zahr Dalsk
*shifts feet guiltily*