You know the type of things I'm talking about - "Assassins are fragile", "Rangers don't do damage", "melee fighters need IAS (increased attack speed)", etc., etc.
Most of these myths are flat out wrong and the rest are arguable at best. But my main rant here is about the people who insist on infecting the threads in these forums with this useless crap.
For example (and the one that set me off on this.) was a guy asking for suggestions on how to improve a DPS build for a ranger. About half the responses he got were from nitwits whose only contribution was to say "Rangers are good for interrupts and spreading conditions, not DPS". Not only is this statement argueably false, but as it turns out the OP was aware of that, but wanted to do a DPS ranger build anyway.
So, all I'm asking is - if you can't contribute to the OP's question/problem, don't muck up the threads by posting a bunch of useless crap based upon unsupported myths.