Originally Posted by Pandora's box
Botting is a sign that the game droprates are too low, with the result that players who don't want to do all kinds of repetitive actions find ways to get the stuff they want in a differend way. The obvious solotution is: re-balance the current economy system and increase droprates drasticly.
Sure, there always will be people who are never satisfied, so bots won't vanish from the game. But when everyone is able to get good stuff within a reasonalble amount of time, no one would care anymore.
no.thats the absolute false way...
drop rates are ok.....the only drop rate that could be raised if that for example of colors like black and white ...
or drop rates of rare materials and that they drop also in higher amounts..then only 1-7 ...look only at common materials..they drop in like amouts over easily over 30 pieces in the later and high end areas...but there are also rare materials..that I#ver never seen..that ever dropped more than only 1 piece >.> things like monster eyes/fangs for example..or any gemstones...they drop absolutely not...othe then through chests ... what sucks imo
but what must be really changed is..that they MUST not exist any super rare things..like minipets...which are so rare.. that people make ridiculous insane prices for them like 100 platin and hundreds over thousands of ectos ...
THAt MUSr be stopped and the drop rate of these must be increased.. so that these insane prices will drop finally....they need to become alot more common... no minipet SHOULD cost more then 100 Platin !! ABSOLUTELY NOTHING should...
then about rebalancing the economy.. the game needs more merchant npcs.. which sell things..like upgrades..insignias and so on.. and then all those npc#s should sell their stuff for FIXED prices... an economy that is lead through supply and demand will EVER lead sooner or later into a broken inflated economy destroyed by farm botters and gold sellers
Why for example could Runes not be sold all at fixed prices...
all minor ones cost ever 100g ..all greater ones will cost ever 500g and all superior ones will cost ever 1 Platin ..so simple ... there is absolutely no need to sell them over supply and demand with ever changing prices ....
same with colors.. let all colors simple cost 500g ..done
same again with upgrades.. let them all cost 500g to 1 platin.. games with market npcs selling all stuff at fixed prices are much more immune vs inflation...because gold sellers and botters won't effect the economy then