Guild Wars Xport - Display your info in Xfire
The WoW feature wasn't created by anyone from Xfire, they simply implemented an existing feature. Blizzard run the WoW Armory...Guild Wars doesn't have anything like it so it's logical that developing a custom feature such as this for GW will take more time.
Just adding my voice here that I am also awaiting for this! Looks cool!
Sorry about the lack of updates. I've been juggling so many projects, and this one has so many aspects that need to be completed before I can get something out. It still works, so I don't have to worry about any radical changes. It just needs things to be finished off. I am in the last weeks of this school year, so I will have some more time to work on it soon.
Reaper of Phear
Wow, looks like an awesome idea.
If you need testers of any kind, lemme know, just PM me.
If you need testers of any kind, lemme know, just PM me.
This sounds awesome!! I'd like to beta when this comes out.
I hope this project is still on. Are you overwhelmed by the features? Perhaps you should concentrate on a 'lite' version first, and then add in the more advanced features. At least this would be a lot more coordinated and you won't be swamped with trying to get all the features ready at the same time.
Holly Herro
Wow this was a great idea [=
Keep on working on it ^.^
Keep on working on it ^.^
Striker IV
this fell off the top posts 
now that xfire got updated to not mess with my gw ( again )
heres hoping for a beta /update

now that xfire got updated to not mess with my gw ( again )
heres hoping for a beta /update
Sweet Mystery
I used to use Xfire but then stopped..... this will certainly make me go back to running it..... so looking forward to see a beta version to test or even release candidate 1

why u wont let us to use beta version? my friend used it about 2-3 months ago. maybe we r waiting fo sth big? xD
Striker IV
yea summers here , hopefully we might get a taste of this............

Calista Blackblood
cant wait

Sai Rith
Wow, nice job! I will be using this!
project abandoned? any info plz :>
Calista Blackblood
still no news

Screenshots on first post are gone too

Zephyr Jackson
/cry i got too exited
Maybe time to close the topic, becaus it is kinda dead.
No, still alive. I'm really considering just going with what I have for now. The biggest problem, is that I don't want people to be using old versions, if something changes, or I make a modification that is critical.
However, my laptop is in the shop, and I don't have a computer capable of running VS so I can fix it up and compile it. Shouldn't be too much longer, but yeah, sorry about the wait.
However, my laptop is in the shop, and I don't have a computer capable of running VS so I can fix it up and compile it. Shouldn't be too much longer, but yeah, sorry about the wait.
Calista Blackblood
ooh thanks for the update
cant wait

Thanks for the heads up, I recently started using Xfire and this looks awesome.
Yeah, just whang it out, then you have hundreds of beta-tester all ready to give you feedback.
Wear armor
Wear armor

we r ready for help and counting on u ;p

Calista Blackblood
one month later,still nothing

Dervish Kid
wow..look nice. i dun really care for xfire though. i have enough crap on my computer.
Striker IV
Well , beta or not, im still willing to try it and even help with feedback. There isnt much out there for us guildwars users compared to the extras for other games.
Even though this isnt a must have for social/gaming, its there, and it helps.
Even though this isnt a must have for social/gaming, its there, and it helps.

sad, looks like it never gonna be released ;/
Well maybe if he stoped working on it i would love to have the code and try to finish it.
panic button!?
So yeah, I've become inundated in other things in life, so I haven't had time to continue working on the project. Would anyone like to take over? The project is coded in C, and you would need to understand C fully and a bit of Assembly. I can explain how it works, but you would ultimately need to understand it.
Add me on Xfire, username: gammasts, if you are interested (and please put a custom add message).
Add me on Xfire, username: gammasts, if you are interested (and please put a custom add message).
Divinity Sword
Maybe you could release it like source code, that way anyone could fiddle with it ultimately (hopefully) finishing it

it would be cool if u can release it as is made for now, and im sure some1 will continue ur gr8 work.
I think I ought to bump this with a "Wheres gammasts now?" and "Did anyone ever PM him on xfire and get the source? Can you share it if you arent working on it?"
pls just post it as open source
i added him on xfire, but that was an hour ago haha
i can try and make it working, but an open source release would be awesome, as i can code in C and a bit in ASM, but not perfect.
i can try and make it working, but an open source release would be awesome, as i can code in C and a bit in ASM, but not perfect.
If you manage to get the source, please upload it somewhere and I'll look into it. I'm pretty keen at this stuff - very.
Oh man I want this bad