Originally Posted by Nevin
Hes referring to epic style bosses, such as the ones in L2 and WoW.
Examples... http://media.pc.ign.com/media/846/84...g_3795462.html <-- Boss http://www.l2nordic.dk/cms/media/pics/frontl.jpg <-- Player Size Gotta use your imagination, theres videos online though. |
Would actual BIG bosses have been better? and should GW2 have them?
Originally Posted by Nevin
Hes referring to epic style bosses, such as the ones in L2 and WoW.
Examples... http://media.pc.ign.com/media/846/84...g_3795462.html <-- Boss http://www.l2nordic.dk/cms/media/pics/frontl.jpg <-- Player Size Gotta use your imagination, theres videos online though. |
...watch the youtube video and there are 4 bosses and an end boss to kill, in that end section and that gives you a good idea the size I meant.
Hate to compare to WoW but
compare to
compare to
Jaythen Tyradel
IF by Giant you mean Epic or Epic Like battles..then /signed
Zeek Aran
Finally, it doesn't hurt to look at Fish' avatar.
I was pretty happy about Glint's, Frostmaw's, and whatever the name of the spider from Slavers, sizes. That's a horribly worded sentence, but anyway, the wurm bosses always make me happy. I thought The Mountain Heart was pretty epic, and really wanted to see more bosses like him. Then I killed Urgoz. The thing I don't like about any of them, they never move. Shiro and the Lich move around, but no one else. Bleh, boring.
I was pretty happy about Glint's, Frostmaw's, and whatever the name of the spider from Slavers, sizes. That's a horribly worded sentence, but anyway, the wurm bosses always make me happy. I thought The Mountain Heart was pretty epic, and really wanted to see more bosses like him. Then I killed Urgoz. The thing I don't like about any of them, they never move. Shiro and the Lich move around, but no one else. Bleh, boring.
I was under the impression most people were familiar with L2.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K1FQRdF0WZw <-- WoW epic bosses. (LOL @ Linkin Park music)
Heres one for L2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDOArVTNLfo
Personally I'm not a fan of staring at feet while fighting, casters have a better out look.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K1FQRdF0WZw <-- WoW epic bosses. (LOL @ Linkin Park music)
Heres one for L2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDOArVTNLfo
Personally I'm not a fan of staring at feet while fighting, casters have a better out look.
they should have like an end-game thing
like when you go 'Dragon Hunting' and kill all the dragons, they all awaken Primordus, and you have to kill him.
and he's as big as a whole country :P
like when you go 'Dragon Hunting' and kill all the dragons, they all awaken Primordus, and you have to kill him.
and he's as big as a whole country :P
We need bigger meaner bosses that can swallow you whole and keeps looking for more.
Chik N Nuggets
molotav rocktail wasnt big enough for you? jeez... your picky
Lord Sojar
Originally Posted by freekedoutfish
The thing though, is that Frostmaw and Abaddon are very much stationary bosses who dont move around and give any real challenge. The same could be said for Glint to an extent. You just have to avoid their attacks and do damage in between.
I accept that bigger bosses should also go hand-in-hand with decent fights and they should be intelligent and not just a lump of meet to throw damage at. But when you get a boss like Shiro who just looks like an averag Joe, it doesnt realy give any real sense of taking down something immense. Yes he's a tough fight at times, but he just doesnt look it. A personally would just like the bosses to be more defined, other then having a colour around them. Something you might actually feel intimidated by. I mean a dark summit drawf boss? Scarey!!!!! < sarcasm Now if they had a drawf boss (i know its unrealistic but still) who was twice your size... that would be interesting. But I dont mean something off the scale, just something bigger then most other creatures. Something you see coming which actually makes you back away! |
Originally Posted by Chik N Nuggets
molotav rocktail wasnt big enough for you? jeez... your picky
imho, it doesn't really matter. Heck, size doesn't really matter at all in an mmo. Only time I think of boss size is in an fps. Naturally, the small and fast bosses are usually tougher.
Gambit Shinobi
I experienced BIG bosses in Final Fantasy XI and let me tell you, it's cool only the first 5 or so times you fight and kill them. After everyone's figured out the strategies of how to kill these uber/grand bosses, it just becomes a 1-2+ hour boring "fight," mainly consisting of cookie-cutter tactics and teams to bring them down.
Sure, GW2 can copy games like WoW and FFXI and implement BIG bosses/fights, but I think it'd alienate a lot of the playerbase of GW eventually. If ANet does it correctly though, it'd be very interesting to see how their versions of grand dragons will be like and how tough of a fight they'll be. If ANet does it wrong, it will just be an annoying grind to take these huge bosses down, once people figure out how to beat them...
What a BIG dragon/wyrm looks like in a video game:
Sure, GW2 can copy games like WoW and FFXI and implement BIG bosses/fights, but I think it'd alienate a lot of the playerbase of GW eventually. If ANet does it correctly though, it'd be very interesting to see how their versions of grand dragons will be like and how tough of a fight they'll be. If ANet does it wrong, it will just be an annoying grind to take these huge bosses down, once people figure out how to beat them...
What a BIG dragon/wyrm looks like in a video game:
Leviathan kuunavang and Glint are the only real bosses
Abbadon was in bondage from when Lyssa used to do kinky stuff to him so he couldn't actually put up a fight.
I'd love some huge ass bosses, great fun
Migits shouldn't be bosses
Size doesn't matter?
Thats what all the guys compensating for something say >.>
Wow im vulgar today >.<
Abbadon was in bondage from when Lyssa used to do kinky stuff to him so he couldn't actually put up a fight.
I'd love some huge ass bosses, great fun
Migits shouldn't be bosses
imho, it doesn't really matter. Heck, size doesn't really matter at all in an mmo. Only time I think of boss size is in an fps. Naturally, the small and fast bosses are usually tougher. |
Thats what all the guys compensating for something say >.>
Wow im vulgar today >.<
Its really about having something thats ascetically pleasing more then anything. If theres one thing everyone could agree on, GW lacks a certain sense of epicness. Now don't get me wrong, it has it in bit size pieces- For example the battle of Turai and Palawa Joko, that cutscene was epic, the mission battles were epic. Large, Over the Top, Gorey, and Beautiful = Epic.
Saelis Scarfang
Scarier bosses would be nice. Might be cool to turn a bend and see him towering over us.
In GW, though, the bosses themselves aren't very hard because it's not a game of x damage vs y damage, it's the skills, so naturally a team of 8 with the correct skills would wipe out a boss by himself.
So, yeah for the organised charr teams. I had to face two groups that just wouldn't separate the other day, they had like three healers and a full balanced team, it was really annoying to keep trying with henchmen and heroes.
In GW, though, the bosses themselves aren't very hard because it's not a game of x damage vs y damage, it's the skills, so naturally a team of 8 with the correct skills would wipe out a boss by himself.
So, yeah for the organised charr teams. I had to face two groups that just wouldn't separate the other day, they had like three healers and a full balanced team, it was really annoying to keep trying with henchmen and heroes.
Big bosses would be awesome. But also, bosses that are actually hard to kill would be great too. BHA = completely pwns any and every boss in GW (except for a couple of gimmick bosses, which are also easily pwned with specific skills). Lots of other very universal ways to pwn every boss in GW too. Bosses in GW2 should have their difficulty factor upped by at least 100x, because there are no difficult bosses in GW. Giving them a big size is a secondary issue to that
Personally i think massive bosses would only work if GW2 was an MMORPG not a CCORPG or whatever GW1 is.
For it to work there would need to be a threat to the town and a real town feeling among players so players would actually want to group together to defend the towns
This may sound a bit crazy but how about towns being attacked every xx hours by large "epic" monsters (likely dragons) and the players band together to defend the town?
Remeber in events when you get the "Someone (can't remeber name) is calling for heroes at xxx to defend" think it was the Canthan thing
Anyway GW2 could have a "Dragon sighted approaching xxxx town, ETA 10mins, please fly to our aid!!" ect to make people feel a little more in touch with the game. When i play other RPGs I see me walking round looking at the enviroment, when i play GW i see me looking at a PC screen. It just doesn't draw me in like other games do and i think some creatures people feel they want to band together to stop would help.
oops forgot the reason people would want to help defend. Heres the idea :
When a creature attacks it will start to damage the town (as they do) the longer its allowed to attack the less aesthetically pleasing the town becomes. Also the people, say merchants, dye traders and such, will need to rebuild their lives so may have to bump prices up. There a reason for RPG nice pretty scenery lover and gold conscious players to defend towns.
For it to work there would need to be a threat to the town and a real town feeling among players so players would actually want to group together to defend the towns
This may sound a bit crazy but how about towns being attacked every xx hours by large "epic" monsters (likely dragons) and the players band together to defend the town?
Remeber in events when you get the "Someone (can't remeber name) is calling for heroes at xxx to defend" think it was the Canthan thing

Anyway GW2 could have a "Dragon sighted approaching xxxx town, ETA 10mins, please fly to our aid!!" ect to make people feel a little more in touch with the game. When i play other RPGs I see me walking round looking at the enviroment, when i play GW i see me looking at a PC screen. It just doesn't draw me in like other games do and i think some creatures people feel they want to band together to stop would help.
oops forgot the reason people would want to help defend. Heres the idea :
When a creature attacks it will start to damage the town (as they do) the longer its allowed to attack the less aesthetically pleasing the town becomes. Also the people, say merchants, dye traders and such, will need to rebuild their lives so may have to bump prices up. There a reason for RPG nice pretty scenery lover and gold conscious players to defend towns.
Thorondor Port
Glint is large. Kunuvang is large. Rotscale is large.
Anet makes dragons for you
Anet makes dragons for you
Big Bosses? As in...bigger than the city you were just in? No. In general I like the way Anet did things in that regard.
I have to wonder if the OP has played thru because of his references to bosses in general....but I guess he has.
Personally I'm happy to be able to avoid participating in a "Raid" on a boss. I came from Ever Quest and I am glad that I don't have to get together 20-40 real people just to take down one boss to finish a quest. I enjoy being able to walk out the door and slay two bosses all by my little lonesome without any trouble at all. In fact I enjoy it soo much that I do it nearly on a daily basis.
I would however like to see one thing different about bosses. When you kill a boss....you should get something for it. Even if it's just a pile of rocks or some other common crafting material....you should always get something.....it IS a boss after all....right? Oh sure the 600xp is nice too....but not as important when you've got 36 skillpoints racked up.
I have to wonder if the OP has played thru because of his references to bosses in general....but I guess he has.
Personally I'm happy to be able to avoid participating in a "Raid" on a boss. I came from Ever Quest and I am glad that I don't have to get together 20-40 real people just to take down one boss to finish a quest. I enjoy being able to walk out the door and slay two bosses all by my little lonesome without any trouble at all. In fact I enjoy it soo much that I do it nearly on a daily basis.

I would however like to see one thing different about bosses. When you kill a boss....you should get something for it. Even if it's just a pile of rocks or some other common crafting material....you should always get something.....it IS a boss after all....right? Oh sure the 600xp is nice too....but not as important when you've got 36 skillpoints racked up.
heug bosses?
*plays the final fantasy battle music*
*plays the final fantasy battle music*
mazey vorstagg
Yes it would've been. With bosses, Bigger does mean better as it's more epic.
And oddly enough, everyone here has said something good.
And oddly enough, everyone here has said something good.
I'd of love some big bosses that you have to take down differently
Like the indestructible golem but bigger.
The big sand wurms in the desolation should come come on land.
Also gw2 note.
Why are the Ancient Dragons apparently so small? Primordius seems small to me. Make em bigger T_T
Like the indestructible golem but bigger.
The big sand wurms in the desolation should come come on land.
Also gw2 note.
Why are the Ancient Dragons apparently so small? Primordius seems small to me. Make em bigger T_T
Bigger does mean better as it's more epic. |
Standing and whacking away at a giant's little toe does not give me the feeling of an epic battle.
Crom The Pale
Differnt classes are certainly going to feel differently abou this.
I think some large dominating boss type foes might force warriors to change their thinking and builds rather than sitting and whacking at the foot of the beast. Or what will they do if flying creatures are introduced that can not be hit by melee weapons?
What really drives the concept of a large boss battle for me is the idea that it would require much more party strategy than any of the current bosses do. An example would be to have party members with snares that bring a flying boss into range of the war. A war might also need to move around the boss, placing himself directly in the line of fire to block attacks against other party members.
I think some large dominating boss type foes might force warriors to change their thinking and builds rather than sitting and whacking at the foot of the beast. Or what will they do if flying creatures are introduced that can not be hit by melee weapons?
What really drives the concept of a large boss battle for me is the idea that it would require much more party strategy than any of the current bosses do. An example would be to have party members with snares that bring a flying boss into range of the war. A war might also need to move around the boss, placing himself directly in the line of fire to block attacks against other party members.
What really drives the concept of a large boss battle for me is the idea that it would require much more party strategy than any of the current bosses do. An example would be to have party members with snares that bring a flying boss into range of the war. A war might also need to move around the boss, placing himself directly in the line of fire to block attacks against other party members. |
I want an ele that can cast a whirlwind I can ride to the bosses shoulders! Or the ability to climb up his front using my sin's daggers!
I want a dragon attacking a town so that I have to run and jump along the rooftops to fight him or jump onto him!
One of the things that i personally thought when GWEN was going to be released, it was going to have unique bosses for each dungeon. Kind of like Urgoz, The Deep. But to my dissamay it was the reskinned over sized monsters or usual ghost npc.