Have you gotten a req 7 or 8 item recently?
Kerwyn Nasilan
8s yes I have seen lots of them white, and own a req.8 jade sword that droped a while ago.
Croco Clouds
A req 8 shield of wing, shitty mod tho
I got a req7 crenellated sword 15%-10 (max and gold)
I've just realised i've had a req 8 gold healing ahnk for 2 years now luls.
No. But I've gotten a lot of req 12.
Got today req8 inscribable earth scroll (blu) if someone interested pm me ^^
Im still getting lots of q 8 max golds. You just have to know where to look. It really is that damn simple same for q7 max golds.
Requirement 7 max golds no longer drop. Prove me wrong. As for req. 8 max, yes, those do drop, but they are uncommon, or even rare. The last one I found was a req. 8 inscribable Tall Shield in Sept., found in EotN.
Originally Posted by quickmonty
No. But I've gotten a lot of req 12.
Originally Posted by MisterB
Requirement 7 max golds no longer drop. Prove me wrong. As for req. 8 max, yes, those do drop, but they are uncommon, or even rare. The last one I found was a req. 8 inscribable Tall Shield in Sept., found in EotN.
i do believe thats q7 and max and there are others
As I've said you just need to know where to look.
got this one lately :
too bad it's not max, but I think req 7 max should drop, and manitoba is right, you need to know where to look for it
too bad it's not max, but I think req 7 max should drop, and manitoba is right, you need to know where to look for it
spun ducky
In my long time playing since the betas and when it switched over to req 7 from unconditional I would say by far and beyond the most req 7 skins in circulation are celestial based from the large number of chest runners in nahpui quarter pre nightfall. I also think it is of note that a lot of req 7 and other amazing items became merchant food along with became victim to dead accounts. I in personal experience always did the best chest running in twin serpent lakes before the key chest system existed as far as crystallines/req7/other rares were concerned. I can't prove or deny whether req 7 drop or not still but from what I've seen in recent time they no longer are in the sql database just from my own farming experience. So take it as you will they are more than likely a dead item that are more for collections than actual use as unconditionals have suffered the same fate.