What do you refuse to do?
After playing this game for 2+ years, there are simply some things others value, that i'll either never do, or participate into. for instance:
Gold Sinks like FoW armor, or boardwalking
Title displaying
Absurdly priced ugly skinned "rare" items
Ursan anything
Tanking (i'm a warrior)
What are some of the things after playing GWs for a while now, that you guys either haven't done, or refuse to do? anything for gold spending, to certain forms of play can be mentioned.
Gold Sinks like FoW armor, or boardwalking
Title displaying
Absurdly priced ugly skinned "rare" items
Ursan anything
Tanking (i'm a warrior)
What are some of the things after playing GWs for a while now, that you guys either haven't done, or refuse to do? anything for gold spending, to certain forms of play can be mentioned.
Davros Uitar
Refuse to do Ursan thus far, and no reason to expect that I will come across anything that can't be done conventionally.
Have no FOW armour - more because I prefer the look of the 15K kurczik wammo armour than anything about the price.
Oh - and refused to participate in the loopholes re Duncan, HOS and guild ferry - just on principle
Have no FOW armour - more because I prefer the look of the 15K kurczik wammo armour than anything about the price.
Oh - and refused to participate in the loopholes re Duncan, HOS and guild ferry - just on principle

Most of the titles: Drunkard, any of the higher level rep grind titles (+4, basically, since 4 is about as high as you can get for most of them without having to grind out the extra levels by repeatedly farming out areas), Lucky/Unlucky, etc. I can think of few things that aren't outright painful that are a bigger waste of my time (MY time mind you, I don't care what others do with THEIR time so save your breath telling me why I'm wrong) than sitting for hours grinding out a silly little phrase or a skin change for my toon.
I also basically quit all PvP. PvP players in Guild Wars seem to be on about the same emotional and maturity level as Counterstrike players and, frankly, if I wanted to be insulted by children who's only accomplishment in life is their amazing ability to permanently avoid a tan, I'd go hang out in a local LAN party.
Yes, little boy, you're better than me at clicking the mouse, congratulations on your amazing life accomplishment. I have a nice, fat paycheck, a house, two cars, and a girlfriend. You might get the first three of those things, so I'll surely be crying myself to sleep tonight next to the one thing I know you'll never manage to attain.
I also basically quit all PvP. PvP players in Guild Wars seem to be on about the same emotional and maturity level as Counterstrike players and, frankly, if I wanted to be insulted by children who's only accomplishment in life is their amazing ability to permanently avoid a tan, I'd go hang out in a local LAN party.
Yes, little boy, you're better than me at clicking the mouse, congratulations on your amazing life accomplishment. I have a nice, fat paycheck, a house, two cars, and a girlfriend. You might get the first three of those things, so I'll surely be crying myself to sleep tonight next to the one thing I know you'll never manage to attain.
There's nothing I will refuse to do, within the rules of the game, if the rewards are worth it. I'm not the biggest fan of title displaying, but when i'm getting bonuses for it (LB, EotN Rep, etc) I'll leave it on.
Mork from Ork
Outside of pre-searing - never ever sell to or buy from other players. It's not worth the hassle.
Yes. I refuse to tank now as it's boring and I see it as crap.
But no one else does (besides you Magikarp). Warriors should attack in PvE and PvP. That boring BS Obs tank, bond and 3 eles is HORRIBLE. GTFO DIAF GRBAP just yuck. I will immediately throw a barrage of insults, and other things (like apples) at any team that uses those things, if I'm in the team.
But no one else does (besides you Magikarp). Warriors should attack in PvE and PvP. That boring BS Obs tank, bond and 3 eles is HORRIBLE. GTFO DIAF GRBAP just yuck. I will immediately throw a barrage of insults, and other things (like apples) at any team that uses those things, if I'm in the team.
This is just a game... if I feel like buying a FoW armor or a rare weapon I do (if I have the money, of course), if I don't I just don't... But now I'm a Zaishen Chest addict

Jongo River
Trade, challenge missions and paying to enter elite zones are things I avoid. The first and last, I'd say I actually resent a little.
Ill grind titles use goldsinks such as FoW and collect expencive perfect stat weapons.I would also tank if the occasion calls for it, but i don't like Ursan.
It should of stayed as a gimicky mission specific thing like the Junundu.
It should of stayed as a gimicky mission specific thing like the Junundu.
I refuse to PvP. I think it's dumb and stupid to just kill other people, where's the point in that, run into the same map over and over and just try to kill people. And the PvP crowd are often immature /rank egotrippers that think they're ub3r1337 while they're just stupid kids.
I'm not vanquishing much even though I title grind because I think its dull and boring, and I almost have a LDOA character and am nearby rank 10 Kurzick from FFF, so I think that sais something...
I'm not vanquishing much even though I title grind because I think its dull and boring, and I almost have a LDOA character and am nearby rank 10 Kurzick from FFF, so I think that sais something...
I hereby refuse to pug. and grind.(farming excluded).
play monk
play monk
farm anything.
Originally Posted by Magikarp
After playing this game for 2+ years, there are simply some things others value, that i'll either never do, or participate into. for instance:
Gold Sinks like FoW armor, or boardwalking Title displaying Absurdly priced ugly skinned "rare" items Ursan anything Tanking (i'm a warrior) |
But i'll add some more for me.
HA egos. (who think they can /rank anyone anywhere even though they most probably got it from a lame build on a double fame weekend.)
The common AB idiot.(people who throw childish insults such as 'kurdick' or 'suxon'....shame you can't avoid them

Sarevok Thordin
Ursan, FoW, Zergway and the like.
Pugging for anything other than PvP(which generally is necessary. Most of my friends aren't into PvP).
That's... about it actually. ^_^
That's... about it actually. ^_^
Aera Lure
Play alone with H/H. Bored beyond belief now with that, though I'll play with a friend and heroes, minimally.
Ursan. Have already done most things in HM and dont see the need for it.
The afk titles like Drunkard and Sweet Tooth. I am not spending real life time just clicking a button at timed intervals for hours, for no reason at all.
Re-roll my monk. Not going to happen.
Edit: Inspired from a post below: when I am monking if someone uses Ursan I refuse to heal them. They can use their consumables. I've yet to allow myself to be in an Ursan group, and I wont use it myself, so its not likely to ever come up. Its just on principle.
Ursan. Have already done most things in HM and dont see the need for it.
The afk titles like Drunkard and Sweet Tooth. I am not spending real life time just clicking a button at timed intervals for hours, for no reason at all.
Re-roll my monk. Not going to happen.

Edit: Inspired from a post below: when I am monking if someone uses Ursan I refuse to heal them. They can use their consumables. I've yet to allow myself to be in an Ursan group, and I wont use it myself, so its not likely to ever come up. Its just on principle.
Farming, titlehunting, having expensive armor because it's expensive (i have no elite armor whatsoever, because i like the regular ones better
Refuse to ursan in a team where the monks usually WUN contribute a set and they assume ursans must bring a set of consumables. Very irritating.
Divinus Stella
For PvP i never play anything thats lame and try to avoid teaming with people that do play lame.
For PvE i dont think theres anything i consider out of bounds, not really too fussed about any of the farming areas since factions came out, a lot of people get hung up on things like ursan blessing farming getting people 50k an hour for brainless button mashing, when you compare that to 500k worth of runes per hour just farming caromi or net about 5 ectos worth around 16k each in the pre-nerf underworld run it all looks pretty pathetic.
For PvE i dont think theres anything i consider out of bounds, not really too fussed about any of the farming areas since factions came out, a lot of people get hung up on things like ursan blessing farming getting people 50k an hour for brainless button mashing, when you compare that to 500k worth of runes per hour just farming caromi or net about 5 ectos worth around 16k each in the pre-nerf underworld run it all looks pretty pathetic.
i try to never let a request for help go unanswered.
I won't buy FoW
I won't Participate in the HoM
I don't farm faction titles (Factions/GWEN)
I don't HA (too old to be yelled at by children)
I won't use lockpicks in GWEN except for Hard Mode
I won't buy FoW
I won't Participate in the HoM
I don't farm faction titles (Factions/GWEN)
I don't HA (too old to be yelled at by children)
I won't use lockpicks in GWEN except for Hard Mode
The common AB idiot.(people who throw childish insults such as 'kurdick' or 'suxon'....shame you can't avoid them.) |
I mean, you can tell them that there are three points completely open and undefended, but they're all still going to stand in the middle and get torn apart by a minion army to defend a rez shrine that they don't actually need.
I refuse to use heroes or henchmen in normal mode unless required by the quest or mission. As a result, I spend most of my time soloing with a party of 1...or finding the rare PuG to meet the harder challenges.
Squishy ftw
I refuse to play a Tank build.
I refuse to play a full spiritspammer build.
I refuse to play a full spiritspammer build.
* Refuse to pug.
* When I used to HA I refused to participate in spikes and gimmicks. I wanted fame through balanced play. I Got my deer, I was happy and I didn't cheapen it
Anything else is fair game as I play with friends and they don't ask stupid stuff of me o_O;.
* When I used to HA I refused to participate in spikes and gimmicks. I wanted fame through balanced play. I Got my deer, I was happy and I didn't cheapen it
Anything else is fair game as I play with friends and they don't ask stupid stuff of me o_O;.
Using consumables to complete an area/dungeon/mission as means to achieve it rather than for emergencies or mishaps.
Playing with pug's for any reason other than wanting to play with real people : Having trouble finishing a level/mission/dungeon for example.
Many titles
Factions point farming, even if those PvE skills are handy sometimes.
Using lockpicks even in HM
Being rude impolite or a pr*ck
Playing with pug's for any reason other than wanting to play with real people : Having trouble finishing a level/mission/dungeon for example.
Many titles
Factions point farming, even if those PvE skills are handy sometimes.
Using lockpicks even in HM
Being rude impolite or a pr*ck
Play a wammo.
Rocky Raccoon
Play with anyone who spews racist, sexist, indecent, etc comments and acts like a 10 year old.
Refuse to tank, just stupid imo.
It's like when i wanted to go to the Forgemaster, i was sitting with my materials in my inventory in TOA for literally hours over two days trying to find a group.
Of course, none of the kids wanted a warrior if he wasn't W/E Obs Tank.
I was like wtf, last time i went there we were three W/Mo with mending 2 years ago and we managed well, you don't need a tank.
It's like when i wanted to go to the Forgemaster, i was sitting with my materials in my inventory in TOA for literally hours over two days trying to find a group.
Of course, none of the kids wanted a warrior if he wasn't W/E Obs Tank.
I was like wtf, last time i went there we were three W/Mo with mending 2 years ago and we managed well, you don't need a tank.
Burst Cancel
Oh oh oh, I got one! How about inflating my ego and acting comically self-important by posting in threads like this one?!?
PvE..so boring beyond belief.
play monk
play N/Rt (Much rather just use my Rit/anything)
Hard mode outside farming
play monk
play N/Rt (Much rather just use my Rit/anything)
Hard mode outside farming
isamu kurosawa
I refuse to even entertain a team with a tank in it, given up on trying to help them actually learn to play the game properly long ago.
I will rarely play in pugs in general anymore i only do so if my alliance are offline or i see something that sounds interesting (the one in a million pug trying a decent build etc).
I'll never get rid of my ogre-slaying knife, coolest weapon in the game.
I will rarely play in pugs in general anymore i only do so if my alliance are offline or i see something that sounds interesting (the one in a million pug trying a decent build etc).
I'll never get rid of my ogre-slaying knife, coolest weapon in the game.
Rocky Raccoon
Originally Posted by Burst Cancel
Oh oh oh, I got one! How about inflating my ego and acting comically self-important by posting in threads like this one?!?
I refuse to constantly hold someone's hand, or lend someone I can't meet face-to-face items or gold.
I refuse to take crap from other players; I'll leave and do the mission/dungeon with hench if I have to.
As will most others, I believe. That guy's getting almost as bad as some other members on this forum when it comes to 'help' topics. The boy seems to like his hand being held (see above), have the Japanese made a fake girls hand yet? I know they've made a fake lap...
I refuse to take crap from other players; I'll leave and do the mission/dungeon with hench if I have to.
Originally Posted by quickmonty
I refuse to answer any more posts by Sir Tidus
I refuse to pay for a run.
I refuse to accept payment for a run, or helping someone in any way.
I choose not to PuG
I refuse to answer any more posts by Sir Tidus
I refuse to accept payment for a run, or helping someone in any way.
I choose not to PuG
I refuse to answer any more posts by Sir Tidus
Originally Posted by Ctb
I also basically quit all PvP. PvP players in Guild Wars seem to be on about the same emotional and maturity level as Counterstrike players and, frankly, if I wanted to be insulted by children who's only accomplishment in life is their amazing ability to permanently avoid a tan, I'd go hang out in a local LAN party. Yes, little boy, you're better than me at clicking the mouse, congratulations on your amazing life accomplishment. I have a nice, fat paycheck, a house, two cars, and a girlfriend. You might get the first three of those things, so I'll surely be crying myself to sleep tonight next to the one thing I know you'll never manage to attain. |
My GW personal dont's
1: Pay people for a "ferry" or a "run"...anywhere I have ever struggled didn't take me very long to figure out a way to overcome. I understand ppl who are trying to make money doing this, but the practice makes bad players stay bad players who in turn need to pay for more runs.
2: Join groups for PvE....did this a few times when i was frustrated by my Heroes and Henchies not helping enough, after a few times of ppl wanting to re-build my skill bar, argue over whether to get the bonus or not, pick treasure off the ground before battles are over, and to top it off show even less horse sense and discipline than Heros do, I decided Heroes and Henchies FTW, and have yet to look back.
3: Make a second character- at least so far I really like the one I have, and the Idea of starting over at square zero currently over-rides any desire I have to try something different. Sure I could have a PvP only, but dont like the "only" part.
My third personal wont is the most likely to be broken, if nothing else just to have a pack mule.
1: Pay people for a "ferry" or a "run"...anywhere I have ever struggled didn't take me very long to figure out a way to overcome. I understand ppl who are trying to make money doing this, but the practice makes bad players stay bad players who in turn need to pay for more runs.
2: Join groups for PvE....did this a few times when i was frustrated by my Heroes and Henchies not helping enough, after a few times of ppl wanting to re-build my skill bar, argue over whether to get the bonus or not, pick treasure off the ground before battles are over, and to top it off show even less horse sense and discipline than Heros do, I decided Heroes and Henchies FTW, and have yet to look back.
3: Make a second character- at least so far I really like the one I have, and the Idea of starting over at square zero currently over-rides any desire I have to try something different. Sure I could have a PvP only, but dont like the "only" part.
My third personal wont is the most likely to be broken, if nothing else just to have a pack mule.
Refuse to tank.
Croco Clouds
Survivor title = hell no
PvP = Not at all (Excluding Alliance Battle), what's the point anyway? u don't get nice weapons/armor as in PvE
PvP = Not at all (Excluding Alliance Battle), what's the point anyway? u don't get nice weapons/armor as in PvE