How much ingame money have flushed down the drain?
i salvaged 3 sets of fow few weeks back..ecto were 10-15k when i bought them..i got like 60 ecto 40 shards n a bunch of iron all together, woot!

Blew millions and I had nothing to show for it. Good times.
I havn't really wasted much money tbh, go me!

Lets see.... A good 90 million. I do regret some of the investments I made which are now worthless/nerfed items (list will be too damn long forget about that) but thats ok. After all, a game is for fun. Still have a few hundred K left which will be spent on a dozen or so 15k armors and then I'll be broke and done with guildwars.
Several hundred thousand on characters that never made it to level 20. Most didn't last more than 3 days.
Not even going to get into the other crap.
Not even going to get into the other crap.
Nothing more than 500k for sure, but above the 200k. Deleted sets and sets of 55 armors, 1k sets, stuff I barely use anymore, items I've merched by mistake (req10 legendary sword bought for 20k when they were at 100k+, req10 celestial longbow bought for 65k...)
Smile Like Umean It
4 or 5 million, I know for sure. And that's from armors alone.
But the good news is I've made more than that.
But the good news is I've made more than that.
hmmm yeah around 4-5 mill and i still gotta get r2 sweet tooth and ale hound

10 characters and 10 sets of 15K do the math in the old days a lot of trolls have perished for my addiction to armor.
P.S. the most expensive thing I have bought besides armor is a 10k axe (1st and only weapon I have ever bought)
P.S. the most expensive thing I have bought besides armor is a 10k axe (1st and only weapon I have ever bought)
Once i did an estimate of how much gold everything on my warrior (including signet of captures for skill hunter) and it came out to be around 3.8 million.
I have 9 other characters, so i'd say around... 6 million?
I don't even know how i keep so much gold up, honestly.
I have 9 other characters, so i'd say around... 6 million?
I don't even know how i keep so much gold up, honestly.
Um... good question.
Not counting materials... rit has 9 elite sets... various chars have elite sets... bunch of cap sigs... well over 1 million, maybe close to 2 million.
That's the point of it though! No point in accumulating if you're not going to spend it.
Not counting materials... rit has 9 elite sets... various chars have elite sets... bunch of cap sigs... well over 1 million, maybe close to 2 million.
That's the point of it though! No point in accumulating if you're not going to spend it.
Grasping Darkness
ive spent many, many millions of gw gp and given away millions just in random acts of fun. flushed down the drain? no. ive had my days of being angry but in the end gw has definately been the most fun game and best online experience ive ever had.
focker, out
focker, out
None; I never delete characters or anything so I always get to keep what I buy.
Probably have spent a good 700k on stuff over the last couple of years, but none of it was wasted as I'm still playing the characters and enjoying their armor.
3 million or more probably...includes armors, weapons, dyes etc.
ups im bad w/ monies
ups im bad w/ monies
Lady Ana Stacia
Millions on tons of armor sets that eventually got deleted, weaps you name it

id have to say upto 5 mil b4 zaishen chests came out....add another mil so far, after the zaishen chest came out. and continueing. /fun.
but ye im in the same boat with some ppl, havent wasted it by deleting characs that ive spent aton on. but have deleted ones with 15k sets...may they r.i.p.
but ye im in the same boat with some ppl, havent wasted it by deleting characs that ive spent aton on. but have deleted ones with 15k sets...may they r.i.p.
You know, this will teach me to only read the last page of a thread. *read the OP*
Wasted? I still play the characters. I've never deleted a char with a 15k set. It's time that's wasted, but I've had fun. Lots of fun.
Wasted? I still play the characters. I've never deleted a char with a 15k set. It's time that's wasted, but I've had fun. Lots of fun.
Martin Alvito
Originally Posted by wanmoke
You know, this will teach me to only read the last page of a thread. *read the OP*
I stand by my statement. HoD + q9 runic + q9 stygian reaver = millions and millions...and that is STILL only the tip of the Titanic-eating iceberg, despite the fact that I still retain possesion of multiple mini beetles.
Martin Alvito
Ack....double post > me. Feel free to delete if you are perusing and your name's text is green.
okay here goes. 4 sets of fow, numerous 15k armors, numerous dye mixing pre dye preview, r5 lucky, r6 chests(8k chests) plus a lot more.
Wasted because account banned, all lost.
Wasted because account banned, all lost.
ive done some really dumb stuff, like gotten legendary skill hunter for 6 toons, bought enuff keys to run myself up to elite treasure hunter and oracle of wisdom, never bought fow armor, its all crappy, but i have had 9 fully decked out guild halls, spent at least 500k on changing the capes a lot, countless weapons bought and sold at a loss when i was sick of them or they were no longer popular (colossal scimitar anyone?), boardwalk tickets omg hahaha blew 230k last event, all in all tho i think ive given away more than ive wasted, and thats somewhere around the 20mil mark i think, farming has always been my thing, been playin 21 months............. yeh heh....
~ Dan ~
Originally Posted by viscus
spent at least 500k on changing the capes a lot
Originally Posted by Malice Black
Millions. Couldn't put an exact figure on it.
Probably only a few platinum. Since I can never be bothered to make money I feel the need to be careful with what I do have. Once or twice I've done the obligatory accidental merch but not to anything too valuable - I've never been that lucky!!
To be honest, I don't understand why people feel the need to remake characters as often as they do...
To be honest, I don't understand why people feel the need to remake characters as often as they do...
I've deleted lots of low-level characters and a few 20's, but none with armor more than 1.5k. Spending gold on skills for the deleted toons probably cost more. Total I'd guess 100k+ but nowhere near the millions others have spent.
o m g pizowned
4 fows, prolly 6 or 7 15k armors, 9 or 10 1k armors and i've given away 2.5mill+
e like the other people millions. bought 3 extra sets of armor inclduing vabbi for hom, full set of destoryer weapons customized for hom, been scammed 1million+ for being dumb early days of gw, customzied many MANY tyrian 15>50 weapons like crystallines, and etc. oh well, dont regret it but i know ive wasted much and will continue to do so LOLOL.
So much I can't remember what it was exactly except my ranger's obsidian armor that I salvaged last year. That's over a million I guess.
- Ganni
- Ganni