Originally Posted by Bryant Again
ANet doesn't have anything like that, so the trolls are forced to spread themselves.
I knew Arena Net was up to something, insidious Spreading of Trolls, That's what we get instead of
I'm saying the (huge) majority of people on the forums are idiots
I'm not entirely sure what you mean here.
You can invest untold hours in to GW and develop your character and it will always be your character. In WoW you have to pay to keep your investment, even if you only want to play a few times a month--
you will have to pay to keep your time invested.
Blizzard's Next MMO will be a Guild Wars Clone.
To assume that so many people are not enjoying WoW is very upsetting.
As I stated earlier
the line between too much fun and addiction is very blurred. It can be very upsetting to the unsuspecting.
Believe it or not people actually do have fun with it, a *lot* of fun.
You call it fun, but for many, I call it boarder-line or full-blown addiction.
Not everyone manages their time correctly with it, true, but you can be easily hooked if you love the game. That's why WoW is so easy to point at: Not only do people manage their times incorrectly, but their spending money to do so.
Agreed, and that is why WoW's Evercrack formula does what it does--sucking away lives with stimulus addiction much like a gambling addiction, all in the name of
Too much FUN.
Again, it's gonna be the quality and what you like in a game that get's you hooked.
WoW is the Grand Master of Quality Grind and has cornered the market here.
There have been numerous people here who've stated about "how addicted they are to Guild Wars." How do you perceive that?
There have been a few, yes, but if they choose the can try and quit without penalty. In WoW if you choose to quit you loose all access to that invested time, you loose your place in the Great Grinding Gear Race, you loose you usefulness as a pier of equal Stat Standing, all your time invested is completely negated. Were the game played for fun and stats meant very little? . . . Those finding Stats the primary draw of WoW are addicts in truth, and pehaps suffering blind denial as well.
And since we're quoting WoW forums here, I'll try leaving with this.
You see, there really are
not thousands of threads like this in GW:
Good bye to WoW
Nor are there documented family freak-outs like this (yet) in GW:
WoW's effect on Family Life.
Freakout, Keyboard Murder
You make GW2 like WoW and you'll have a lot of people with WoW-like symptoms and Boob Tube Vids like above.
Sure GW has the occasional posts stating that "I'm addicted and my grades are suffering" yada, yada. But GW was not designed to addict its player, WoW was.