Inscriptions Trader NPC
Tokar Terrius
I think it would be great to introduce an inscription trader. It would standardize the pricing of the inscriptions which can be pretty irratic but more importantly it would save people having to sit in kamadan for an hour when they are after one of the more obscure inscriptions that people tend never to keep hold of. Love to hear you thoughts on this one and sign if you would be in support of this.
I think it would ruin the inscription market altogether, personally. Inscriptions are only found as drops from Gold/Purple/Sometimes Blue weapons. If an inscription trader appeared, there'd be no reason to try to buy inscriptions from real people who spent time killing things and getting them. They'd be so accessible, and the trader would make the supply go so far up, and the demand would decrease until an Energy +5 inscription would be worth as much as a Superior Spawning Power rune.
@Kanyatta Ever heard of supply and demand???
its already hard enough to find a forget me not inscription and i aint paying 100k for it, cos i really dont believe thats the acctual value of it. -_-
its already hard enough to find a forget me not inscription and i aint paying 100k for it, cos i really dont believe thats the acctual value of it. -_-
mmmkay i am bad
inscriptions will be basically worthless if implemented
/not signed
/not signed
oooh, definitely /signed.
Diddy bow
/signed, inscriptions already are worthless, except for the ones you can get 1-2K for, you still would with this.
If anything its an easy way to pick up those ones everyone else bins.
If anything its an easy way to pick up those ones everyone else bins.
Originally Posted by I D E L E T E D I
@Kanyatta Ever heard of supply and demand???
its already hard enough to find a forget me not inscription and i aint paying 100k for it, cos i really dont believe thats the acctual value of it. -_- |
Curse You
Unsure of the use of this, but it could be a good way for me to get rid of all those inscriptions I have but don't want to be arsed to sell to other people.
You've obviously never seen one of its threads before. (it is the gender neutral personal pronoun, not they)
Originally Posted by I D E L E T E D I
@Kanyatta Ever heard of supply and demand???
its already hard enough to find a forget me not inscription and i aint paying 100k for it, cos i really dont believe thats the acctual value of it. -_- /signed |
Originally Posted by mmmkay i am bad
inscriptions will be basically worthless if implemented
/not signed |
inscriptions will be basically worthless if implemented
I think this would be a great idea, currently the market for these is messed up to begin with.
I have 4 +5 Energy, 3 %20 Spell, and a ton of wrappings and martial inscriptions from farming in hard-mode. I wanted a simple %20 Enchant sword handle, but I don't have time to sit around spamming for people to buy them.
I have 4 +5 Energy, 3 %20 Spell, and a ton of wrappings and martial inscriptions from farming in hard-mode. I wanted a simple %20 Enchant sword handle, but I don't have time to sit around spamming for people to buy them.
There are two problem when it comes to inscriptions and other weapon and offhand upgrades.
1. The 'most used' can be easily found by trading, but the less used are almost impossible to find unless they drop for you.
No one keeps them for later selling.
Have you ever seen a +%20 of Ogreslaying mod for daggers? Neither have I.
2. The Second is PvP. Let's say you are a PvP-only account player and you get a nice drop in the Zaishen/HoH chest.
How do you mod it?
By salvaging more gold items? That could take ages! That's senseless in PvP!
By buying from other players? Again we end up with the 'no one sell this' thing.
Both issues are fixed in the very same way:
- Weapon upgrade traders.
Just like rune traders where added to PvP, you add them and done.
That would bring some things:
- Wise prices: mods like the +30HP ones could go high, 1k..50k depending on what they upgrade, mods that almost no one wants and most people just sell to merchants without salvaging could be purchased for 100g.
- Fast modding. No need to wait two weeks if you are looking for a +20% damage vs Ogres or something like that.
- Deflation. Yep. More salvage and perfect salvage kits would be purchased because more people would sell mods to the traders. And if you make the trader pay a % based on a logarithmic progression of the sell price when the mod it's not perfect and sell only perfect mods, you get things like: A Player sells a +10HP for 300g, and another gets to buy a 30HP it for 10k. It's retired more than the amount that enters.
I would make that the % paid for the item is 25% of the price of the next. and make the minimun sell price 25gold.
+30HP for sword.
* Buy from trader price: 30k.
* Sell to trader prices:
29HP: 7.5K (25% of previous)
28HP: 1,875g (25% of previous)
27HP: 460g (25% of previous)
26HP: 115g (25% of previous)
25HP: 29g (25% of previous)
24..10HP: 25g (minimum)
- More coherence. That would make the weapon system more like the armor system and more like the PvP current system. Make the whole unified and standarized.
Yeah. Perfect.
Inscriptions worldwide and weapon upgrade traders.
That's what we need.
1. The 'most used' can be easily found by trading, but the less used are almost impossible to find unless they drop for you.
No one keeps them for later selling.
Have you ever seen a +%20 of Ogreslaying mod for daggers? Neither have I.
2. The Second is PvP. Let's say you are a PvP-only account player and you get a nice drop in the Zaishen/HoH chest.
How do you mod it?
By salvaging more gold items? That could take ages! That's senseless in PvP!
By buying from other players? Again we end up with the 'no one sell this' thing.
Both issues are fixed in the very same way:
- Weapon upgrade traders.
Just like rune traders where added to PvP, you add them and done.
That would bring some things:
- Wise prices: mods like the +30HP ones could go high, 1k..50k depending on what they upgrade, mods that almost no one wants and most people just sell to merchants without salvaging could be purchased for 100g.
- Fast modding. No need to wait two weeks if you are looking for a +20% damage vs Ogres or something like that.
- Deflation. Yep. More salvage and perfect salvage kits would be purchased because more people would sell mods to the traders. And if you make the trader pay a % based on a logarithmic progression of the sell price when the mod it's not perfect and sell only perfect mods, you get things like: A Player sells a +10HP for 300g, and another gets to buy a 30HP it for 10k. It's retired more than the amount that enters.
I would make that the % paid for the item is 25% of the price of the next. and make the minimun sell price 25gold.
+30HP for sword.
* Buy from trader price: 30k.
* Sell to trader prices:
29HP: 7.5K (25% of previous)
28HP: 1,875g (25% of previous)
27HP: 460g (25% of previous)
26HP: 115g (25% of previous)
25HP: 29g (25% of previous)
24..10HP: 25g (minimum)
- More coherence. That would make the weapon system more like the armor system and more like the PvP current system. Make the whole unified and standarized.
Yeah. Perfect.
Inscriptions worldwide and weapon upgrade traders.
That's what we need.
Shayne Hawke
If ANet isn't going to give us a marketplace (and we won't go into that issue, because there's already a few threads out there devoted to that), they can at least give us a way to get the inscriptions we want for our weapons.
Actually, if that's done, there won't be a whole lot of necessity to farm for that certain inscription or anything. Players already have the ability to make whatever armor they want in whatever way, and this would give us the chance to do the same with weaponry.
Actually, if that's done, there won't be a whole lot of necessity to farm for that certain inscription or anything. Players already have the ability to make whatever armor they want in whatever way, and this would give us the chance to do the same with weaponry.
At least make it stack please ~_~
mmmkay i am bad
Originally Posted by Coloneh
inscriptions will be basically worthless if implemented /signed |
Master Sword Keeper
Yea implement as per Rune Trader.
+5 nrgy always will be in the top 2 highest platinum rakers.
But there's a catch, you can only buy these inscrips from trader if you have unlocked them.
+5 nrgy always will be in the top 2 highest platinum rakers.
But there's a catch, you can only buy these inscrips from trader if you have unlocked them.
Originally Posted by I D E L E T E D I
@Kanyatta Ever heard of supply and demand???
Not really.
The decrease in the prices of higher mods would be compensated with the increase of speed when selling.
Now, selling a mod takes:
a) 15minutes...5hours spamming in town.
b) 1..30 days with forums/auction sites.
With trader:
a) Instant
On top of that, all mods would have their markets, and we could really see what people want, not what some people think what people want.
For example, thanks to the Irontoe Dungeon, +20% agains dwarves would have a great market.
Currently you don't see many people selling them.
The decrease in the prices of higher mods would be compensated with the increase of speed when selling.
Now, selling a mod takes:
a) 15minutes...5hours spamming in town.
b) 1..30 days with forums/auction sites.
With trader:
a) Instant
On top of that, all mods would have their markets, and we could really see what people want, not what some people think what people want.
For example, thanks to the Irontoe Dungeon, +20% agains dwarves would have a great market.
Currently you don't see many people selling them.
Sparks Dawnbringer
/signed This has been brought up before but there is always a chance someone will listen this time. I also think a weapons and off hand trader would be useful.
Operative 14
MithranArkanere, the title says inscriptions, not weapon mods. 
Seems like a pretty obvious move, and I think it is quite analogous to the rune trader. The only thing I have a problem seeing is how they would handle imperfect inscriptions, unless they wanted to have a separate listing for 15^50, 14^50, 13^50, and so on.

Seems like a pretty obvious move, and I think it is quite analogous to the rune trader. The only thing I have a problem seeing is how they would handle imperfect inscriptions, unless they wanted to have a separate listing for 15^50, 14^50, 13^50, and so on.
All I have to say is /signed
Zahr Dalsk
Originally Posted by Kanyatta
I think it would ruin the inscription market altogether, personally.
very good idea.
Oh, well, and just inscrptions would be senseless, like a trader just for Insignia.
A trader for inscriptions would have also other weapon/off-hand upgrades, of course, with the same panel that you can see in the Priests of Balthazar, just like with armor upgrades.
It's all the same, upgrades.
Ones for a type of item, ones for another type, but all is the same.
A trader for inscriptions would have also other weapon/off-hand upgrades, of course, with the same panel that you can see in the Priests of Balthazar, just like with armor upgrades.
It's all the same, upgrades.
Ones for a type of item, ones for another type, but all is the same.
Originally Posted by Kanyatta
Obviously I have, because I mentioned it at least once in my post. Supply will rise drastically, and thus, demand will drop, making all inscriptions worthless.
in all honesty which inscriptions are worth anything? "i have the Power", "forget me not", " apptitude not attitude" and "Strength and Honor" "Live for today" and some of the +10AL vs X dmg inscriptions . No one ever uses any of the other inscriptions. And if this trader was acctually built into the game, inscriptions like "Measure for Measure" might acctually be bought, so that you might get a higher chance in getting a ruby from those ruby daggers that dropped while you was playing in vabbi.
Dont you think it would be nice for all the players to get a couple of hundred gold coins for their "i have the power" inscription rather than a couple of 1000 players getting 1-2k for it???
Originally Posted by Curse You
You've obviously never seen one of its threads before. (it is the gender neutral personal pronoun, not they)
easiest way would be
make a search mode
where you've got a list from all items in categories like
then you search for your item in that categorie
and the search tool searches whole game in whole world for any of thos beeing sold then u get the list and you can choose
bingo !!!
make a search mode
where you've got a list from all items in categories like
then you search for your item in that categorie
and the search tool searches whole game in whole world for any of thos beeing sold then u get the list and you can choose
bingo !!!
That may be added in the suspected Xunlai Market upgrade.
But just that won't do.
Traders sell things even if they are sold to merchants.
That's why runes never salvaged and some scrolls have such low prices.
Supply comes from what Drops, not from want people sell.
Even if you add the market system, if no one offers it, you don't solve anything.
Traders would be there specially to make available those things no one sells.
But just that won't do.
Traders sell things even if they are sold to merchants.
That's why runes never salvaged and some scrolls have such low prices.
Supply comes from what Drops, not from want people sell.
Even if you add the market system, if no one offers it, you don't solve anything.
Traders would be there specially to make available those things no one sells.
/signed for inscriptions and for weapon prefixes and suffixes. Upgrade prices (other than a very rare few) have dropped to nothing, so it wouldn't hurt to make these cheap commodities more accessible to everyone.
Much better idea than most of the other crap in Sardelac :P
As noted above, make the trader work with not only inscriptions but with unlocked weapon modifiers too.
As noted above, make the trader work with not only inscriptions but with unlocked weapon modifiers too.
Pyro maniac
easier then adding an auction house
easier then adding an auction house
Originally Posted by Kanyatta
I think it would ruin the inscription market altogether, personally. Inscriptions are only found as drops from Gold/Purple/Sometimes Blue weapons. If an inscription trader appeared, there'd be no reason to try to buy inscriptions from real people who spent time killing things and getting them. They'd be so accessible, and the trader would make the supply go so far up, and the demand would decrease until an Energy +5 inscription would be worth as much as a Superior Spawning Power rune.
/notsigned |
To "Divine Ambassador": lol! I'm surprised you still have interested with this game lad! ~ Roast Bunny
Well, as I've already said, the decrease in prices is compensated with the increase in speed and the increase of upgrades that would have demand.
5 30HP upgrades for 2K sold in one day are more than 1 sold for 10k in 5 days spamming or going to forums.
5 30HP upgrades for 2K sold in one day are more than 1 sold for 10k in 5 days spamming or going to forums.
There is about time for that. And plus...Prophecies weapons should be inscriptable already...why they still aint?
There is about time for that. And plus...Prophecies weapons should be inscriptable already...why they still aint?
The only problem I can see with the traders is that because their stock starts at 0, it will take some time for the prices to reach market values and the stock to become stable. Especially since some people will hold onto their mods until stability is achieved for maximum profit. This is a minor problem and will self correct over time.
Currently I am using storage box 3 to store perfect mods that I think I may make use of someday. When a weapon upgrade* trader is added I will, upon my next login, dump all of these mods onto the trader without caring about their price in order to lessen the time before stability is achieved.
If ANET wants to confirm that my IP address matches the IP address used by the account linked to the IGN in my profile, I give permission for the Guru admins to give ANET my posting IP address.
If anyone else has a similar stash of weapon mods it might help if you also promise to do the same.
*I count inscriptions as weapon upgrades
The trader can only sell what players have sold to it in the first place. So unless there are a large number of players who just merchant all the inscriptions they get I don't see it doing much to the supply.
After all just look at all the other traders to see a market that isn't screwed, except in the case of items nobody wants.
Just like the rune trader made runes worthless ?
Or the dye trader makes dye worthless ?
Or the material trader making materials worthless ?
But that never happened. So what makes the inscription market any different ?
Where would this extra supply come from since the trader can only sell the mods that players have sold to it ?
The OP is just wanting ANET to take the existing code with the only modifications being the items being bought/sold and the NPC this happens at. A very minor change. But what your asking for here would require more coding work. And when a player sells a non-perfect mod, what would happen to the traders stock of that mod ?
- If it goes up then you are increasing the supply, causing the price to drop.
- But if the stock increase is not enough to cause a big enough effect on the price, you will be having the trader selling the mods for more than they are worth. Leading to inflation.
And how would the traders price be effected by players selling the non-perfect mods to him ?
So I don't like the idea of these changes. It would be much better to just have the imperfect mods treated as completely separate items and let market forces decide their price.
Because both would make use of them, and it makes sense for the same NPC to handle both. And I remember people asking for a weapon mod trader as far back as the Sorrows Furnace release (which was about when I joined GW).
So why shouldn't the traders stock both ?
Either have separate listings or only list the perfect mods and leave the imperfect mods alone. Given the number of mods I think it would be best if the trader only stocks the perfect mods, and maybe one level below perfect for a select few ones. The rest will be stuck at minimum price anyway, so it isn't worth having a trader for them.
Currently I am using storage box 3 to store perfect mods that I think I may make use of someday. When a weapon upgrade* trader is added I will, upon my next login, dump all of these mods onto the trader without caring about their price in order to lessen the time before stability is achieved.
If ANET wants to confirm that my IP address matches the IP address used by the account linked to the IGN in my profile, I give permission for the Guru admins to give ANET my posting IP address.
If anyone else has a similar stash of weapon mods it might help if you also promise to do the same.
*I count inscriptions as weapon upgrades
Originally Posted by Kanyatta
I think it would ruin the inscription market altogether, personally. Inscriptions are only found as drops from Gold/Purple/Sometimes Blue weapons. If an inscription trader appeared, there'd be no reason to try to buy inscriptions from real people who spent time killing things and getting them. They'd be so accessible, and the trader would make the supply go so far up, and the demand would decrease until an Energy +5 inscription would be worth as much as a Superior Spawning Power rune.
/notsigned |
After all just look at all the other traders to see a market that isn't screwed, except in the case of items nobody wants.
Originally Posted by mmmkay i am bad
inscriptions will be basically worthless if implemented
/not signed |
Or the dye trader makes dye worthless ?
Or the material trader making materials worthless ?
But that never happened. So what makes the inscription market any different ?
Originally Posted by the end is near
Ok so the supply skyrocket while the demand stays the basically the people that go out and get those inscription make nothing while you can get your forget me notInsc for 10 g. To me that dosent seem fair at all.
/notsigned |
Originally Posted by MithranArkanere
- Deflation. Yep. More salvage and perfect salvage kits would be purchased because more people would sell mods to the traders. And if you make the trader pay a % based on a logarithmic progression of the sell price when the mod it's not perfect and sell only perfect mods, you get things like: A Player sells a +10HP for 300g, and another gets to buy a 30HP it for 10k. It's retired more than the amount that enters.
I would make that the % paid for the item is 25% of the price of the next. and make the minimun sell price 25gold. +30HP for sword. * Buy from trader price: 30k. * Sell to trader prices: 29HP: 7.5K (25% of previous) 28HP: 1,875g (25% of previous) 27HP: 460g (25% of previous) 26HP: 115g (25% of previous) 25HP: 29g (25% of previous) 24..10HP: 25g (minimum) |
- If it goes up then you are increasing the supply, causing the price to drop.
- But if the stock increase is not enough to cause a big enough effect on the price, you will be having the trader selling the mods for more than they are worth. Leading to inflation.
And how would the traders price be effected by players selling the non-perfect mods to him ?
So I don't like the idea of these changes. It would be much better to just have the imperfect mods treated as completely separate items and let market forces decide their price.
Originally Posted by Operative 14
MithranArkanere, the title says inscriptions, not weapon mods.
![]() |
So why shouldn't the traders stock both ?
Seems like a pretty obvious move, and I think it is quite analogous to the rune trader. The only thing I have a problem seeing is how they would handle imperfect inscriptions, unless they wanted to have a separate listing for 15^50, 14^50, 13^50, and so on. |
For the case of the 'starting' trades, I'm sure they would do like it was made with the new runes and the white dye. Price wnt down reaaally fast.
I bet they added a 'base' stock for starters.
Hm... non-perfect mods would increase the stock in progression too:
30HP : +1
29HP : +0.5
28HP : +0.25
20HP: +0.001
17..10HP: +0.0001 (minimum)
With this, selling 1000 10HP wont give 1000 +30HP. ONE +30HP would require selling 10,000 10HP.
See? Nothing so hard.
Having each mod would be a bit too much, and, let's face the truth, people would buy just 'almost perfect' ones. Runes come in 3 grades of rarity, but a weapon upgrade may have 20.
That would be a bit too much addition for the used items.
Maybe just three stages. Blue, Purple and Gold.
I bet they added a 'base' stock for starters.
Hm... non-perfect mods would increase the stock in progression too:
30HP : +1
29HP : +0.5
28HP : +0.25
20HP: +0.001
17..10HP: +0.0001 (minimum)
With this, selling 1000 10HP wont give 1000 +30HP. ONE +30HP would require selling 10,000 10HP.
See? Nothing so hard.
Having each mod would be a bit too much, and, let's face the truth, people would buy just 'almost perfect' ones. Runes come in 3 grades of rarity, but a weapon upgrade may have 20.
That would be a bit too much addition for the used items.
Maybe just three stages. Blue, Purple and Gold.
Skyy High
Originally Posted by I D E L E T E D I
How will the supply change in any way? They already drop in masses. Just most people cba to sell them so they just merch them.
If there wasn't that annoying 12char thing, this line wouldn't exist.
If there wasn't that annoying 12char thing, this line wouldn't exist.
Originally Posted by MithranArkanere
Hm... non-perfect mods would increase the stock in progression too:
30HP : +1 29HP : +0.5 28HP : +0.25 ... 20HP: +0.001 ... 17..10HP: +0.0001 (minimum) etc... With this, selling 1000 10HP wont give 1000 +30HP. ONE +30HP would require selling 10,000 10HP. See? Nothing so hard. |
At this point I think it would be better for you to say how you think ANET should determine the relationship using all the data they have instead of saying what you think the values should be.
Having each mod would be a bit too much, and, let's face the truth, people would buy just 'almost perfect' ones. Runes come in 3 grades of rarity, but a weapon upgrade may have 20. That would be a bit too much addition for the used items. Maybe just three stages. Blue, Purple and Gold. |
- Your idea.
- Have the trader not stock the imperfect mods. Maybe in a few cases (like 15^50) the trader could stock the mod just under perfect. But if it does then have the trader treat them as completely separate items and let market forces determine how their prices are related.
Assuming we can get an acceptable multiplier chosen, what does your tweak add that makes it worth the extra work ?
Originally Posted by Skyy High
You just answered your own question. Trader = fewer people merch = more inscriptions stay in the market = higher supply.
That seems a bit selfish to me.
And ANET can always adjust the drop rates to keep the prices stable.
Originally Posted by bilateralrope
The trader can only sell what players have sold to it in the first place. |
I was under the impression the trader had infinity Energy +5's and 15^50's or whatever. (Which would in fact, crush the supply and demand of the whole thing). If the trader can only sell what player's have sold to it, then it makes perfect sense, and is pretty feasible.