Can you get banned for this?
It's Sypherious. Of course he'd plan to do it.
Asraiel Deathraiser
Originally Posted by Berek it in the face.
On topic.. If you wanna do it do it tbh..and @ the guy further up who said "I've done it many times never been banned" way to go admitting it on forums with your char name posted up? ¬_¬ |
Originally Posted by Sypherious
Ok, let's say your an officer, and you kick every member in the guild, then leave. Then the leader sens pics of the status to, saying that you kicked everyone. Is this a ban? I'm sure they wouldn't ban someones $100 dollar account for this.
Count to Potato
its happened so many times in my guild, nothing happened to the kickers
~ Dan ~
Originally Posted by Sypherious
No, I didn't do this...yet. And I'm not going to, after I read the replies. Not going to risk it...
Originally Posted by You can't see me
but I know some guilds are promoting everyone to officers just so that doesn't happen.

street peddler
sypherious likes to make these joke stir shit up threads...he also made the "i hate women" thread..
Smile Like Umean It
Why do the mods continue to allow you the privilege of making threads? I don't think I've yet to see you post anything of substance.
But, to answer your question. Yes, I think that you're going to highly piss off everyone in the guild and they're all going to report you. It's sad that you would even think of doing something so idiotic and immature.
But, to answer your question. Yes, I think that you're going to highly piss off everyone in the guild and they're all going to report you. It's sad that you would even think of doing something so idiotic and immature.
Kendar Muert
It IS a bannable offense, but only a temp ban. It might be perma depending on your record.
I now keep a list of every member in the guild I am in, because this happened once.
I now keep a list of every member in the guild I am in, because this happened once.
bel unbreakable
not some one you would want behind you in a fight i think if hes not ashamed of himself he really should be.
Originally Posted by Sypherious
No, I didn't do this...yet. And I'm not going to, after I read the replies. Not going to risk it...
As has been stated before... Dickish.
Originally Posted by Sypherious
No, I didn't do this...yet. And I'm not going to, after I read the replies. Not going to risk it...
does Sypherious mean "SPOON" in some language somewhere?
seems like he is always stirring shit up, for no reason.
seems like he is always stirring shit up, for no reason.
LOL Who cares. Being a jerk in a game won't get you anywhere. Also, I highly doubt you would get banned.
Originally Posted by Asraiel Deathraiser
he was talking about griefing in general, not kicking guildmates
It happened in our guild once... the leader had a seperate list however and she re-invited everybody. lol
Basicly you can't get banned for doing it... but if you do... you are quite immature.
Basicly you can't get banned for doing it... but if you do... you are quite immature.
Originally Posted by AlienFromBeyond
You were seriously thinking of doing it? You're pathetic.
Zeek Aran
I'm sorry, but, deleting posts here and not closing doesn't seem smart to me. Is there anywhere else this can go? The OP already said he won't now.
Wonders why this isn't locked yet and why the cats haven't showed up either?
Wonders why this isn't locked yet and why the cats haven't showed up either?
Zahr Dalsk
Lock, he's just seeking attention.
And that's why everyone in my guild in an officer.
And here's a cat picture :
And here's a cat picture :
you wont get banned , but its pointless to do
I like where this is going.