Do you get BSOD's or reboots while running GW?


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005


WHY doesn't ncsoft admit that people are having major problems with GW, resulting in crashes and BSOD etc?
Perhaps it's just me and 10 other unlucky souls with these problems?

ncsoft are probably working ungodly hours to solve this, but (at least) I would feel so much better if they would just go public and
admit that this is a major problem right now.
Please help.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005

UK, or is it? *confused*


Is it me or have you accidentally done this same post twice?? Delete one of your older posts of the same thing, before both of these threads get closed!

click Edit on your post. on the Delete Message, click on the Delete message option. Ignore the editing function and click on the Delete Message JavaButton. Your message will then be deleted.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005


Weird, well I can't find out how that would be possible though? (To close it)
But I've learned how to make a poll...

It seems to be impossible to delete a "thread starter". Np doing so with replies though.
I'd very much like to delete this thread as well, to make improvements on the title...


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

I dont have any problems people have on these forums, only a bit of lag sometimes which I can life with atm.

Maybe GW really boosts up your CPU temp. and your PC reboots? Ever thought about a good airflow?


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2005

ThePostman, there IS something wrong with the code... Think of this: I've tried about Anything a "normal" person could do with his/her computer:

1. I've changed all the hardware in this computer three times and it still keeps crashing.

2.I've tweaked the BIOS, no success there either.

3.I've formatted my computer 3 times now, and taking away ALL "unnecessary" hardware (eg. 2nd CD-rom, 2nd harddrive) aswell as getting the newest drivers for Everything

4. I've moved this computer to a friend with a 100/10 fiber line, no change.

5. Since i was so friggin desperate, I actually made a customized water-cooling system for my VGA/CPU (took me about 20hours to create). Although my computer/vga now can be overclocked like mad, I still Can't play GW!

Yes, I'm pissed off at the moment bqs of the fact that I've spent ~45$ on this game, atleast 30 hours to try and getting it to run and the fact that tech support is a complete friggin joke. When i had a graphic problem with WoW, I got a response within 10 minutes, and the problem got solved shortly after I got the email. I'm still waiting for the NCsoft tech-support to reply to me...after 3 days and 5 mails...

EDIT: Yes, I played the beta(s) and informed NCsoft about the problem. They basically told me to shut up.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005


Zero Tolerance


I haven't had problems, but ive seen some people who have. I'd wait for the first patch at least before making to big of a deal though. (I had to wait 2 months for the first KOTR to work with my old system)


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2005

Yeah, but is it reasonable to keep paying customers waiting? Would You like to wait two months for a pizza? By the time it arrives, it's cold and you dont want it.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Apr 2005


Europe United [EU]


Originally Posted by Thelesto
Yeah, but is it reasonable to keep paying customers waiting? Would You like to wait two months for a pizza? By the time it arrives, it's cold and you dont want it.
Don't forget, it'll be moulded by that time...

In reply to the post, i don't have any problems here at all.

To those who have a BSOD, please notify me with the driver it fails with. Or a screenshot/picture of your monitor BSOD.. So i could help you solve it.



Academy Page

Join Date: May 2005

Infection X [HacK]


how about posting the specs on what you're running and what exactly you're doing when a BSoD appears. Just saying hey I get a BSoD and I've done x x and x things is great but still doesn't help us (or NCSoft for that matter) figure out what is causing it. If you say when I press 4 or more keys down on the keyboard at the same time then we know what to look for. As to the original topic, I've never had 1 problem with GW and I'm running a system that is five years (at the least it might be 6 or 7) old with a powersupply that is on its last legs.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Apr 2005


Europe United [EU]


Well, how about this.

Post a pic of your BSOD, or type the error out.
Make a report of your computer hardware, use dxdiag or everest (

What you were doing at the time of the crash/bsod/restart/whatever.

And we'll do our best to help you out.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2005


Need another option on the poll (I occasionally get crashes, but it's not too bad). I have had 2 crashes in 100 hours or so of gaming.

That being said multiple people in my guild have common crashes, somtimes having to restart missions multiple times to get everyone through. If there was an option to let someone rejoin a mission it would take care of alot that nonsense...


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

In regards to the temperature idea, try this:

GW does indeed heat my CPU way more than any other program or game does. But it is only GW that does it. Surely this means it is a fault in GW, as I do not have any problems elsewhere.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005


Regarding "posting specs in here"
I'm having a conversation with Ncsoft about my problems right now and I just sent them my DxDiag after running all available tests in it (I passed on all).
Earlier on I've sent them full specs out of Sisoft Sandra as well as BSOD's. Perhaps a few of you here are sharper than their support staff, but let's keep this thread short and post specs etc in other threads, please.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

I've sent them the everest report and my direct x diag, still waiting for another response as I have done everything they suggested, and I have my case open and have cleaned it with a paintbrush to make sure there was no dust left in there.

Still getting freezes, but no error message. If I play on lowest video settings it will freeze and I will have to power down by holding the power button (sometimes it will get stuck on a sound when this happens, but running the game with --nosound doesn't help).

If I turn the video settings to anything but the lowest it will just flat out restart my comp when it decides to have a problem. When I get back to windows there is no error message, but I do have the whole "active desktop recovery" thing.

I have bought a new video card so far, because my GeForce 4 ti 4200 was running HOT. Now I have:

ECS Motherboard with VIA chipset (newest drivers)
Nvidia Geforce fx 5500 128 meg
sb audigy
intel p4 1.7 ghz
netgear wireless network card

my HDs are maxtors.

I have 3 ram sticks, each is 256 meg, I have tried running with each on its own to make sure the different brands didn't affect the game (they are all the same speed though).

Everything is up to date and like many others the beta ran perfectly fine with higher video settings and no lockups.

It should be noted the weird thing I have noticed - at the login screen even it will stutter every now and again, with the sound and video pausing for a second. That is how I can distinguish between my PC having problems and my lag, since when its my PC the sound cuts for a split second too.

Any help as always is appriciated, I have also provided tech support with everything. They have at least replied a couple times, and I have continued to do everything they ask, but it still locks up.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2005

I'm in the same boat. Random reboots within 10 minutes of playing usually. I've never seen a BSOD, it just goes black and makes me hard reboot or reboots itself.

I've done everything they've asked and everything that I've read on every GW forum. Nothing's helped.

Tech Support, while being very prompt, has been extremely frustrating because they insist it's a problem with my power supply. Granted, my computer doesn't have the greatest power supply in the world (200W, it's a small form-factor case by Shuttle), but I've never had any issues with any other games. They're trying to tell me that their menu screen draws more power than 200+ heroes in one place all with power effects going off in City of Heroes? If that's not something wrong with the code, I don't know what is.

The other reason I don't think it's a power problem is because when the game runs, it runs BEAUTIFULLY. I run 1280x1024, 4AA, everything on High except reflections and shadows (Default and Medium respectively) and it's silky smooth.

For the record:
Athlon 2400+
ATi Radeon 9800 Pro
1GB DDR (2 sticks of 512, one Crucial, one Centon)

I've also got a PCI slot fan and a TDK 880N DVD burner in the computer, but both are disconnected right now just in case it's a power issue. Considering disconnecting them has had no noticeable affect on the game, (yet again) I don't think it's a power issue.

What really pisses me off is their insistence that it's my problem and not theirs. I just asked them straight out in an email, "Are you really going to tell me that there isn't even the slightest, most remote chance that this could possibly be a problem with the game client?"

Let's see how they respond to that one.

Emperor Mordred

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2005

i had problems with 2 350W power supplies with GW and other games, my pc just turned off (=power off), now i have a 550W and never had problems again.

my bet is that it isn't the fault of Guild Wars

Principa Discordia

Principa Discordia

Site Contributor

Join Date: Apr 2005


I'm using an Asus K8V-SE motherboard, an AMD Athlon64 3400+, 2Gb OCZ Platinum RAM, and a Chaintech 6600GT AGP. I don't have one single problem with Guild Wars whatsoever.

I've noticed a few mentions of power supply units in here, and anyone using a 200w PSU is pretty much asking for trouble. I'm using a 350w PSU, and it works, but I worry so I'm buying a 600w PSU with dual 12v rails just to be sure (for when I install my cold cathodes, LED's, and new cooling.)


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

I have the same problem, black screen lockups where i have to reset it myself and the random reboots.I'm at the point in tech suport where they asked for my video card temp, which mind you is close to 10C higher than any other game i play(hl2 included at a higher resulotion), i've planed to buy some arctic silver 5 for my cpu and gpu but at this point, i don't really think it's going to help much if at all. really pisses me off thinking i wasted 50$ on a game i can only play for 15 minutes-who knows before it locks up.

350w. power supply
winxp sp2
2.1ghz althlon xp 2600+
512mb 2100 ram
xfx 6600gt agp
sound blaster live


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005


Interesting idea, about this being (possibly) related to output power.
That's something I'll be following up tonight.
Another thing that came to mind (probably also should have been in this poll):
For you that does have problems running GW, did you ever play the Beta?
Quite a few people are upset about the game crashing after the official release (since it worked fine in Beta) so perhaps there are a few things left in the registry - which are not affected by uninstalling / reinstalling the game?

Emperor Mordred

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2005

Originally Posted by LtMansson
Interesting idea, about this being (possibly) related to output power.
That's something I'll be following up tonight.
Another thing that came to mind (probably also should have been in this poll):
For you that does have problems running GW, did you ever play the Beta?
Quite a few people are upset about the game crashing after the official release (since it worked fine in Beta) so perhaps there are a few things left in the registry - which are not affected by uninstalling / reinstalling the game?
my pc started to have power downs the 2th day of the E3 for everyone exactly 1 year ago.

but my pc suddely got unstable at all time.
power downs after 5-15 minutes, especially in games.

also changed my asus motherboard, don't remember the exact name of the board.

it was a new pc at that time: i had it 3 weeks before the power downs, and it took 4 months 'till i found the problem (very bad pc shop...)

the new generation graphic cards need alot of power
had a temporary 9600xt 128mb and i got no power downs anymore, but my onboard soundcard turned itself off, so i changed the motherboard (also a power issue?)
i hope it will solve your problem


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

I can buy the whole "its your power supply" for many people, but I am running a slower system with a non-state of the art video card. I have a 300W power supply as well, and I am getting the same problems. Everything is getting cooled properly, so I want to know what part of Guild Wars needs to overheat my system on the menu screen?

Some times I can play for almost 30 mins, but that is just about the peak. I've just been playing solo until this gets fixed.

I did play the beta, and I uninstalled everything, so unless it buried a time bomb deep within my registry that shouldn't be a problem.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005


reality, did you have these problems during the Beta?
If not, then the question to Ncsoft would be: Has they made any MAJOR grafix/sound code updates after the final beta!?
I doubt it.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

Beta ran silky smooth with no lockups and graphical detail set to med-high.

The only thing I have done since then is add a wireless network card in place of my normal one. I really don't think that is causing it though =/


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

I've also played in two betas, the pubic one with my fx 5200 and the one in jan. with my 6600gt, had NO problems at all with either and ran the jan. one with maxed out settings at 2180x1024 with 4aa, now it crashs even if i have everything on low and in 800x600.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005


Do we smell a rat?
I my self was in the Final beta but didn't play more than a few hours (tops 8h - but I can't recall having any problems then...)

So, here's the million $ Q, what is the differences between final Beta and the official release?

Server load?
Major code update?

Let's brain storm.

Just wished someone at ncsoft would read this...

Principa Discordia

Principa Discordia

Site Contributor

Join Date: Apr 2005


For anyone who is wondering if it's their power supply, it's not really the watts rating of the power supply itself that's the issue with graphics cards the 12v rail is. You could have a 600w PSU, but if it's only got under 18a on the 12v rail then you're probably going to have trouble, especially with newer graphics cards.

I usually recommend a PSU with 18a on the 12v rail, or with dual 12v. My current 6600GT is running on a PSU with 16a on the 12v rail, and while I have no problems with it, I do worry a lot. That's why I'm upgrading my PSU this weekend to a 600w with a dual 12v rail.

Viskan Warwind

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

Black Tide


I am having similar problems as everyone else it seems. (note right now, i'm at work so I don't have my exact specs w/ me atm)

I have 2 copies of GW. One on my PC, and one on my wifes. My PC works fine, never had a problem with it. My wifes always crashes.

I know that both PC's one stick of 512ram. I think mine is SD..and hers is DDR.

My wifes mobo is newer than mine. I don't have the specs on the mobo's right now.

My processor is P3 900 something. I think hers is a Intel Pentium 4 2.6 gig or something like that.

Mine is home built, her grandparents bought hers from (I think it was Dell or Compaq or something).

I think my Vid Card is a radeon 7000 128 or somewhere around there. Hers is an onboard factory one, Intel 82865G.

I have an 80gig HD...and hers has a 40gig HD.

I can get my wifes PC to run GW's...but I believe I have isolated "when" it crashes. I can run around, fight, talk to NPC's, and zone to different places...however there is some lag.

But, when it crashes is when I open the inventory and try to move an item more than 1 space over...or double click an item to equip it. If I move the item only 1 space over, then it just jumbles the images a little bit, then I close the inventory and re-open it and it looks normal again.

Furthermore, I have almost the exact same PC at work. The only noticible differences between her PC and my work PC is that my work has an ACPI Multiprocessor PC and hers has a Uniprocessor PC and my work PC has a Intel Pentium 4 2.8 gig. I don't have any problems what so ever running GW's on my work PC...all the while running several other programs in the background and switching back and forth all the time.

My wifes PC & mine are connected to DSL via a router. Mine has a direct connection (wired) and hers is a wireless.

Whenever the problem occurs, it's always either a complete shutdown/restart...or the black screen of death and then I have to manually restart the PC.

I have already defrag'd her PC...which did need it. I used to have 1 stick of 256 & 1 stick of 512 in hers, but I took the 256 out...still no change. All drivers are up to date. She is running SP2 I believe.

What do you guys think?


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005


Viskan, welcome to the club of no idea.
I'm sorry to say that alot of us seems to be out of options by now.
I've just about done everything in the world but flipping my puter upside down.
Did ncsoft remove all pets? My poor ol' Cat just vanished and I had a roll back (quests done, was suddenly undone).
The update did nothing for me...


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2005


I used to have mysterious reboots in Camelot. I tried EVERYTHING to solve the problem, and finally gave up.

About three months ago, my 450W power supply bit the dust and I replaced it with a gi-normous 600W PS. My local shoppe only stocked 400W units and these huge 600W things. I run a 4-disk RAID, so the 400W supply wasn't going to pack it.

Since replacing the power supply: no crashes in Camelot. Guildwars runs flawlessly.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

I posted in the other thread ( ), same problems as everyone else. Sudden reboot after "X" mins playing.

Im of the opinion that all we can do is wait for the GW development team to get their @!#$ together and release a fix, BECAUSE IT IS A PROBLEM WITH THE CLIENT CODE.

I swear if I hear another person suggest defragging my HD and uninstalling/reinstalling my video drivers after the previous 11 pages in the other thread I'm going to saw their hands off with the dull edge of my useless GW cd, and slap them silly with 'em.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005


Mojofilter, Hrhr
Yeah, I was this close breaking my keyboard in half yesterday.
ncsoft actually sent me their "fix-all-premade-bugs-guide" again (which I got last week, and has replied to - and which they've already responded to a.s.o)...
The worst thing was that it was just pasted into it all, the brackets [put problem here] was still in it... no edits.
Makes you pop.

Emperor Mordred

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2005

Originally Posted by Mojofilter
I posted in the other thread ( ), same problems as everyone else. Sudden reboot after "X" mins playing.

Im of the opinion that all we can do is wait for the GW development team to get their @!#$ together and release a fix, BECAUSE IT IS A PROBLEM WITH THE CLIENT CODE.

I swear if I hear another person suggest defragging my HD and uninstalling/reinstalling my video drivers after the previous 11 pages in the other thread I'm going to saw their hands off with the dull edge of my useless GW cd, and slap them silly with 'em.
does suggesting to change your PSU count too?

cause i don't believe those theories that the client code sucks.
code can't cause overheating or sucking up too many power


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

Buy an ATI video card. Geforce is sucky, in GW and many other games. Clean up your system of spyware and virii, if unable - clean install of WinXP. And of course, if your CPU overheats, well, get it cooled. it's not GW's fault that it uses CPU extensively - CPU is meant to be used, you know? If you computer works fine when idling on your office tasks or sub-par games like WoW, it does not mean it can handle the real load. Again, none of the game's fault.

On all of the comps, some with very dated hardware, that I have installed GW, it plays smoothly, with maybe a couple of crashes a week ago and over 100+ hours played on each. I don't believe in coincidences, I believe in proper hardware/software and straight hands. GW has been very solid, both in beta and in release.

Viskan, your situation is almost definitely the on-board card. Two things to try - lower the vid settings to minimum, and try your card in wife's computer (I assume you have installed latest directx). Either 1 or 2 would most definitely solve your problem.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

It ran solid for me also in the jan beta, i played with this same system, but come release i get crashs.
Nothings changed cept for the few times i've reinstalled windows. i've reinstalled windows twice since i got the game two weeks ago trying to get it to run right, this last time i did it, i just installed drivers and and the game, it still crashed.
about the overheating deal, someone wanna tell me why i can play hl2 for hours stright and never have my gpu go above 58C, but 5 minutes into gw and it's already past 62C and on the way up? i'd belive it was my hardware if other more graphical games crashed but they just don't, and none make my gpu temp go that high. i'll admit my system doesn't run the coolest, and isn't the most up to date but all the other games i play just don't crash like gw does


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

well, because it's the most advanced of your games settings on minimum?


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

I really don't think gw is more advanced than hl2, doom3, and farcry. It looks good, but not that good, and i play hl2 maxed out at 2180x1024 (don't get 60fps but more than playable) and so on. i can't play gw on lowest of the low at 800x600 for more than 20 minutes or so before it freaks out and black screen crashes on me.I'm running a 6600gt, I don't see why I should go buy some ati card when the more graphical games games run fine.

but don't get me wrong, i'm not dissing gw at all, i've been waiting for this game to come out since early sept. last year when i first heard about it. it just kinda pisses me off that i waited that long and only played 2 weekends without worrying about it crashing in the middle of a mission/quest


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005


Kuklovod, there has been a few replies in this thread regarding different fixes.
What you and other (Helpful people) seem to dismiss is the fact that most of us that do get BSOD's did not have these problems in the Beta (final Beta incl.).

So the fix we're looking for could not (?) be hardware/driver related on the client side.

I tried to get some brainstorming started earlier in this thread...


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

I got random reboots every few hours, too.
It starts with sound problems, mainly weapon and spells sounds effects missing. Then i get some white-blueish rectangle around my pointer.
A few minutes after that i get a bluescreen without any text(or reboot if i enable auto reboot).
Weird thing is : switching to windowed mode seems prevent the crash when i already have the above signals
At least doing so saves me from aborting quests/missions.
Guild wars is definitely the only game in the last few months that had such a major bug for me.

My system :
AMD Athlon xp (Barton Core) 2500+ @2Ghz (400Mhz FSB) (running prime95 stable)
Abit NF7-S rev2 (nforce 2)
2*512 MB Twinmos DDR PC3200 CL2.5 running in dual channel mode
Radeon 9800Pro 128MB


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

psh, i wish i had some kinda warning when mine was about to crash, it just does it.


Keyboard + Mouse > Pen

Join Date: Apr 2005


Just a suggestion, but instead of filling one thread up with over 200 posts, can you guys and gals post the problem directly on the forum, there is a thread sticked at the top with some solutions to problems as well.

Reference Thread

It might have an answer in there for your problem. If not just post a new thread for us to help you with. As the problem is solved, I can just copy and paste the thread into the section for others to read and try out as well. It might take a while, but we can help as much as we can, its just useless trying to post in threads filled with people saying different things on different problems.

(On a personal note, I just won't bother answering people if they decide to hijack someone elses problem post, thats just rude.)