You go to Great Temple of Balthazar for something as innocent as...testing a build at the Isle of the Nameless.
It's loading. Ding! 100%. Your screen loads. PING! You get this whisper.
Jsadk Sajkld: welcome to [insert site].com, offers guild wars gold at LOW PRICES! Instant delivery, great deal, buy today!
I'm tired of these. It happens the second I warp there. About half the time, if I sit there, they'll resend it every 15 seconds or so. This is tedious, and my ignore list only gets these people on. I'll block maybe ten or so of these people, but each time I go there, more appear.
These are in American servers, not international by the way. International is worse. Can we ban these lifeless avatars off the face of Tyria, please?

Since there's some of you who can only say "Don't hang out in the GToB..." here's my response. The 19/20 times I visit there, it's because I'm swapping from PvE to PvP worlds, testing a build, or getting and selling Zaishen Keys. Once I'm done, I get out of there and move about my business. If I'm there longer, it's for selling the key, or simply swapping out skills to make the build better. Does this still bug you? The problem is not that I should just ignore or completely avoid an area that's built in the game to be used. I'm stating that Anet needs to find a way to find and decapitate these annoying gold selling buzzards, quick. This has been very recent, and it's continuing on because nothing is stopping them. Fix this mess!