Originally Posted by mafia cyborg
I am a causal PvE gamer.
one of the things i enjoyed most in guildwars was making my own builds.(especially "solo" builds)
it was great to have 100+ skills all balanced between them (balanced through PVP which is the only way of balancing skills against each other!) from which to choose and make up builds
since the introduction of these overpowerered pve skills (to accomodate whiners).....the choice of skills is now very limited and builds have become duller....cos at least 3 are gonna be PVE skills.  (that means choosing 3 out of only just 10 of your title track skills)
i see myself now forced to go and max out these retarded titles ( i never been interested in titles)just to be as strong and imbalanced as anyone else.
all the 100s of pvp skills in the gw game are now almost worthless as they can't compare to how strong these pve are. it's a shame.
possible solution:
- limit these pve skills just to eotn dungeons.
that way ppl also won't complain much about grinding titles as these titles will only matter in those dungeons (which are for harrdcore gamers and nolifers anyway) .
- or please limit these PvE skill to 1 per build. (like an extra elite)
Okay, lemme get this straight. You're saying that by ADDING MORE skills, they've LOWERED the selection of skills?
And you're saying that it was great that PvE skills were balanced through PvP standards?
And you're not FORCED to max out titles, or FORCED to use the PvE skills. Why do you care what others are doing in Pv
E? The E stands for environment, not player.
And the 3 PvE skills on a bar is a LIMIT, not MANDATORY.
Also, there's no such thing as "pvp skills". If by "pvp skills", you mean "skills that can be used in PvP", well, lets see:
"all the 100s of pvp skills in the gw game are now almost worthless as they can't compare to how strong these pve are."
If you were as good in PvE as you SAY you are, you'd know that 3 PvE skills won't constitute a decent bar. You can, nay, SHOULD use these "obsolete pvp skills" to support these PvE skills, and vice versa. And if you're telling me that Ursan Blessing is more powerful than a well-constructed SF build, a decent Curses build, a decent Warrior build, or a 55 Monk in PvE......Let me have some of what you're smoking, please.
Ordinarily, I'd support you because your cause is for PvE, but after seeing how poorly constructed your argument is....
/unsigned for being owned by common sense.