Pick A or B regarding Ursan Blessing
pumpkin pie
Just like to know: please this is not a debate weather Ursan Blessing is good or bad no flaming and trolling just vote please, and if you like, explain why and where you use it. Do you use it everywhere.
A) who has not use Ursan Blessing at all after getting the skill (not counting the time you have to use it in the quest, blood washes blood if not mistaken)
B) Ursan all the way
For me it is A, because, frankly I don't think ursan blessing is easy to use ... and I dislike melee, I've also been in group where the players who uses ursan have die miserably! and me the one not using it have to rebirth them many times. so I don't think I am using that anytime soon. Plus I love my skill bar too much.
A) who has not use Ursan Blessing at all after getting the skill (not counting the time you have to use it in the quest, blood washes blood if not mistaken)
B) Ursan all the way
For me it is A, because, frankly I don't think ursan blessing is easy to use ... and I dislike melee, I've also been in group where the players who uses ursan have die miserably! and me the one not using it have to rebirth them many times. so I don't think I am using that anytime soon. Plus I love my skill bar too much.
Okay... A.
Ursan Blessing is a fine addition to the game, but it doesn't mix well at all with a Beastmaster Ranger's skillbar.
Ursan Blessing is a fine addition to the game, but it doesn't mix well at all with a Beastmaster Ranger's skillbar.
B for me, but only really when I'm using sword since not all my skills work against all mobs.
Allways A.
B only at DoA.
I very much preffer running cyr of pain + ether nightmare with my mesmer with hard ress.
Much more useful.
B only at DoA.
I very much preffer running cyr of pain + ether nightmare with my mesmer with hard ress.
Much more useful.
Numa Pompilius
C), which is B) + "stopped using it because it is mind-killingly boring".
Neo Nugget
A, just because i'm too lazy to get my norn rank any higher than 2 right now:P
Otherwise, yeah i probably wouldn't mind getting my DoA monument.
Otherwise, yeah i probably wouldn't mind getting my DoA monument.
Kela Ven Tori
A) and B)
I have never used (and probably will never) UB, although I am r10 norn and r8 LB - this is because I'm a monk (only really play 1 char as going for r6 KoaBD) and am too busy healing. I have however healed Ursanway groups in DoA, norn farm PUGs and during a few of the harder HM missions. I still play with Ursanway PUGs in DoA, but thats the only time I really encounter it regularly.
I have never used (and probably will never) UB, although I am r10 norn and r8 LB - this is because I'm a monk (only really play 1 char as going for r6 KoaBD) and am too busy healing. I have however healed Ursanway groups in DoA, norn farm PUGs and during a few of the harder HM missions. I still play with Ursanway PUGs in DoA, but thats the only time I really encounter it regularly.
Stop giving people silly choices, or all will answer with C...
Most people will have used Ursan Blessing at least a few times to check it's power, readers of this forum for sure.
Most people will have used Ursan Blessing at least a few times to check it's power, readers of this forum for sure.
A. I like my skills Hubby Takes B. - We disagree over dinner all the time
I pwnd U
A. Ursan is not something I like to use.... I prefer being able to pick and choose skills I see best for each area.
'A' here, but I never used any PvE skills when I played. Maybe if you turned into an actual bear I would've tried it out.
Bryant Again
'A' over here.
I'm an A!
A with a dash of B. My rank just doesn't make it worth while right now. Later on once I start farming for my hero and dungeon books... yeah. Ursan.
The Pkat
C. It bored me out of the game.
Aera Lure
As a warrior it's hard to beat always having a running skill, doing 150 armor ignoring dmg every 5 second and an eoe knock down. And the extra 20 armor / 200hp is always fun too.
I used it in all my vanq areas / DOA / fow / uw.... and so on. Finished most of the dungeons off before I got my rank up.
Just love to leroy into a group. give them a sec to all start hitting me then knock them all down while the monks try and catch up.
B) ... maybe C) Ursan 99% of the time.
I used it in all my vanq areas / DOA / fow / uw.... and so on. Finished most of the dungeons off before I got my rank up.
Just love to leroy into a group. give them a sec to all start hitting me then knock them all down while the monks try and catch up.

B) ... maybe C) Ursan 99% of the time.
Fril Estelin
Something in-between A and B, but closer to A: used it for the Factions' Masters because I got it a bit before finishing Factions. It very quickly became too much of a "1-2-3-4-5" kind of play and I've not used it since then. I hope to re-use it once more for fun with guildies in the UW, just to see what an UB group plays like. I can easily understand why people would go for A or B

A, but i do count on getting my Norn title up so it is more effective.
The only times i use Ursan are when i can't be bothered doing a skill bar, or just running a friend's character through a quest or something.
The only times i use Ursan are when i can't be bothered doing a skill bar, or just running a friend's character through a quest or something.
A...Ursan ain't so great if you are soloing without heroes or henchmen.
Destro Maniak
Ursan All the way
My warrior with ursan+pain inverter+dwarf waeapon spell target other to cast upon the opther ursan+sig of stamina and stuff. MY WAR OWNS!!!
Ursan All the way
My warrior with ursan+pain inverter+dwarf waeapon spell target other to cast upon the opther ursan+sig of stamina and stuff. MY WAR OWNS!!!
Smile Like Umean It
A. I like having skills of my choice. And being able to switch up whenever I like. Plus my ele doesn't like being that close.
I enjoy playing different professions, with .. you know.. a skill bar.
I enjoy playing different professions, with .. you know.. a skill bar.

I don't like using preselected skill sets; it seems boring to me somehow. This is also why I don't much care for the Jujundu worms in Nightfall and also didn't really enjoy the BMP.
I don't like using preselected skill sets; it seems boring to me somehow. This is also why I don't much care for the Jujundu worms in Nightfall and also didn't really enjoy the BMP.
Chik N Nuggets
why do people put c)?
there is no c) option....
anyways for me its b)
there is no c) option....
anyways for me its b)
Please can this be the last Ursan Thread of any description, sooner or later its going to turn into a flame fest with people calling for nerfs and others telling them to just not use it then
Please can this be the last Ursan Thread of any description, sooner or later its going to turn into a flame fest with people calling for nerfs and others telling them to just not use it then
Yang Whirlwind
I alway play my ele - and I really like playing with a full skill bar!
I also feel the damage output I can deliver with a couple of meat shields in front of me is at least as impressive!
I alway play my ele - and I really like playing with a full skill bar!

I also feel the damage output I can deliver with a couple of meat shields in front of me is at least as impressive!
Mr. G
Mainly A, but B in DoA
UB has been a real change for ritualists and assassins and like
it allows us to actually do something sure it might be "as good or skilled as my uber teh leetest zomg noob hax lolololz cookie cutter build" butAt least i get to areas of the game I havnt had a chance to SEE since they we're released
UB has been a real change for ritualists and assassins and like
it allows us to actually do something sure it might be "as good or skilled as my uber teh leetest zomg noob hax lolololz cookie cutter build" butAt least i get to areas of the game I havnt had a chance to SEE since they we're released
Uber Mass
option C) It bored to death thats why i stopped using it. My bearsuit is in my closet now ( next to my bunnysuit )
Originally Posted by Gregslot
Allways A.
B only at DoA. |
jesus christ, another ub thread...
Uber Mass
Originally Posted by Mr. G
Mainly A, but B in DoA
UB has been a real change for ritualists and assassins and like it allows us to actually do something sure it might be "as good or skilled as my uber teh leetest zomg noob hax lolololz cookie cutter build" butAt least i get to areas of the game I havnt had a chance to SEE since they we're released |
Sub Frost
Seeing has i don't agree with either option, c) Only use it sometimes.
Kaida the Heartless
A. Not as much fun as playing with class skills.
Squishy ftw
C) I consider and use UB as a farming build. I use it to join fow/uw/ DOA pugs and that's it. When it comes to normal gameplay -> A). As ursan takes away what I like most of this game, making builds/party setups.
Between A and B - I used Ursan only to finish 2 last missions in Nightfall and one or two dungeons, then it was too boring.
A in general, B in DoA.
I use it once in a blue moon. So neither A nor B for me.
Ursan turns players, good or bad, in to players that can win Hard Mode. Much like pvxwiki builds.
Good players will win either with Ursan, wiki builds or their own creations.
Ursan turns players, good or bad, in to players that can win Hard Mode. Much like pvxwiki builds.
Good players will win either with Ursan, wiki builds or their own creations.
OP doesn't make any sense.
No need for it.
No need for it.