Lol, or after you get back, your minipet's lives expired >_<. No food or water O_O .
*finds skeletal remains of koss*
*finds skeletal remains of koss*
Originally Posted by kerpall
Lol, or after you get back, your minipet's lives expired >_<. No food or water O_O .
*finds skeletal remains of koss* |
They aren't flesh and blood creatures.
Originally Posted by Jette Antral
I'd like it if your minipets dedicated in your GW1 account's hall of monuments "grew up" while you were gone, and they became ridable for your characters in GW2. Ridable Mallyx!
![]() |
(although mini moa i could imagine to be dead by gw2)
Azael Durge
Originally Posted by You can't see me
I'd go either way, but I don't see this as something we need. Seriously, if you're just looking for a game that implements anything that's just "pwnage", you're in the wrong franchise. Can't there be one game that doesn't add things because they're "l33t"?
I was thinking they could implement it for that thing we all play for.....come on now what was it?....OH YES! Fun!. I think your imagination is limited, mounts would make the game more immersive and would be especially great in world pvp. You and your mates could all go out on your horses galloping through the trees shooting arrows/swinging at charr. Or diving through clouds on your winged beast, scrapping the tops of mountains. Or even used to pull carages and supplys.
Originally Posted by Azael Durge
I was thinking they could implement it for that thing we all play for.....come on now what was it?....OH YES! Fun!. I think your imagination is limited, mounts would make the game more immersive and would be especially great in world pvp. You and your mates could all go out on your horses galloping through the trees shooting arrows/swinging at charr. Or diving through clouds on your winged beast, scrapping the tops of mountains. Or even used to pull carages and supplys.
I would say no, because mounts seem really gimmickey.
mounts would be damn nice in GW2
Honestly, yes.. i think we should get mounts.. but they shouldnt cost gold. I think there should be a very hard quest to get one that requires skill instead of gold-buyers stroking their e-peen because they spent the most money.
Originally Posted by Greaterbeing
Honestly, yes.. i think we should get mounts.. but they shouldnt cost gold. I think there should be a very hard quest to get one that requires skill instead of gold-buyers stroking their e-peen because they spent the most money.
You can't see me
Originally Posted by Koudelka
I would say no, because mounts seem really gimmickey.
what's the point of having mounts if we can map-travel?
Originally Posted by You can't see me
Gimmicks are the trademark of GW2.
Mounts. Races. Jumping. Etc. |
Seriously though, I think loading into LA and seeing a load of animals everywhere is slightly annoying. At least you can (imagine to) stomp on minis when they get on your nerves. Hey, didn't I hear Gaile on wiki's gaile-chat say something about a stable ages ago? Mounts are /notsigned by me.
Well it all depends how big "LA" will be in GW2. Besides, you don't always gotta go to d1 if you get annoyed that easily.
If GW2 outposts were larger than gw1 outposts, then using a mount to increase speed travelling to places would be cool.
As for quests, only way not to mess it up would be: Solo quest + Customized mount. but good idea anyways.
If GW2 outposts were larger than gw1 outposts, then using a mount to increase speed travelling to places would be cool.
As for quests, only way not to mess it up would be: Solo quest + Customized mount. but good idea anyways.
I can only see mounts as means to make certain things unique to particular areas or to improve combat.
Never as means of transportation between outposts. That would be plain senseless in GW.
Never as means of transportation between outposts. That would be plain senseless in GW.
Well, several of my friends are WoW fans, and as bad as an example that is... IF guildwars is adapting a larger server type of system, they will need larger outposts. If you have ever watched someone (or personally) walked throughout a WoW outpost, you will see they are pretty darn big.
I know a mount for the sole purpose of outposts would indeed be stupid, but if GW2 is going to be as big as they say... I would certaintly not doubt the size of outposts anet is willing to make.
I know a mount for the sole purpose of outposts would indeed be stupid, but if GW2 is going to be as big as they say... I would certaintly not doubt the size of outposts anet is willing to make.
Originally Posted by You can't see me
Gimmicks are the trademark of GW2.
Jumping. |
Originally Posted by roflcopter2445
what's the point of having mounts if we can map-travel?
/notsigned |
Originally Posted by bosstweed
I think that'd work in the GW universe quite nicely.
Having a class based around mount expertise would be very enjoyable, actually. So hell yeah, why not. |
i think we should have mount races, like rollerbeetle races except you are on a mount of your choice.
go glint go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
go glint go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just saw this gw2 FAQ ( can this be stickied?) and:
/notsigned. Gimmickey, annoying, and now thankfully has less point.
Will map travel stay in the game? Yes. |
just for novelty value yes.
maybe a wee bit of increase speed.
because since its not instanced its gonna be a nice bit of walkies, think about zoning to ranak and tryignto get to snake dance, its a long walk, a speed buff would be nice. this is in gw terms, easier to vizulise
maybe a wee bit of increase speed.
because since its not instanced its gonna be a nice bit of walkies, think about zoning to ranak and tryignto get to snake dance, its a long walk, a speed buff would be nice. this is in gw terms, easier to vizulise
As long as we have big, black wolfs as mounts... I say yes
I fail to see the point in mounts when we have map travel.
Originally Posted by Earth
I fail to see the point in mounts when we have map travel.
There is no point. Just as a Novelty item, people could argue the same with minipets. Point? no. Just because they are cool? basically.
Originally Posted by Guildwars 2 wiki
Will there be mounts?
Mounts will not be necessary for travel, because traveling will still be possible using portals and map-travel. However, there may still be mounts for other purposes, but we don't know yet. Most likely, temporary "mounts" like Junundus or Siege Devourers may be included due to their popularity in OGW. |
Originally Posted by bathazard
There is an answer if i ever saw one!
Namoko Masakise
What about combat, unlike the seige devourers and worms. No replacing skillbars. Instead, every mount adds two skill slots for "mount skills", horses would have a charge and, some trapeling or something. Mounts would be easily avible, but better looking ones cost more, without being better, like armors are now.
Mounts would enable moving while attacking, and melee attacks would get bonus damage from the speed. Casting would be possible while moving. Of course, not all skills would be usable while mounted, and some could be onlu usable while mounted.
Mounts would enable moving while attacking, and melee attacks would get bonus damage from the speed. Casting would be possible while moving. Of course, not all skills would be usable while mounted, and some could be onlu usable while mounted.
So, what I gather, the argument for mounts in GW, since there's no map travel, is for a PvE buff, or really big minipets.
I still fail to see a point.
I still fail to see a point.
/notsigned. If I want to play WoW, Ill buy it
Azael Durge
The fact of the matter is, if they introduced mounts and you dont like them you wouldnt be forced to ride them. Some of us would love not because we want the speed boost but it makes the whole thing feel just that bit more speacil. Use your imagination! Would you not love to fly through the air on a winged beast through a mountianous gorge dodging rocks trying to attack some sort of beast? Galloping through trees upon a horse/wolf/creature shooting arrows and swinging your blade, jumping over fallen trees or over large gaps. Heres one you would have to love, flying over a vast ocean making attacks on corsair ships or flying around attackting the dragons which dwarf you.
Originally Posted by Azael Durge
The fact of the matter is, if they introduced mounts and you dont like them you wouldnt be forced to ride them. Some of us would love not because we want the speed boost but it makes the whole thing feel just that bit more speacil. Use your imagination! Would you not love to fly through the air on a winged beast through a mountianous gorge dodging rocks trying to attack some sort of beast? Galloping through trees upon a horse/wolf/creature shooting arrows and swinging your blade, jumping over fallen trees or over large gaps. Heres one you would have to love, flying over a vast ocean making attacks on corsair ships or flying around attackting the dragons which dwarf you.
Player: "Where's yur mount?"
Koudelka: "I don't have one."
Player: "WTF ZOMG NOOB!"
Koudelka: "Sorry but I see them as somewhat -"
Player: /kickfromparty.
Oh... that sounds so fun. And as I have previously stated, the FAQ says map travel is here to stay, and that they will have temporary mounts (like now).
Tokar Terrius
They wouldn't have to be "e-peen", Ultima Online had pretty disposable horse mounts. They were cheap as chips and if you died it would wander around and quite likely get killed. A cheap disposable mount would be a good addition to gw2 i think, /signed.
Originally Posted by Koudelka
No. Personally is sounds really stupid actually. Sorry but if I wanted to have to put up with a zoo everywhere I went... I'd go to a zoo. And yes, it will affect people who would rather not have one:
Player: "Where's yur mount?" Koudelka: "I don't have one." Player: "WTF ZOMG NOOB!" Koudelka: "Sorry but I see them as somewhat -" Player: /kickfromparty. Oh... that sounds so fun. And as I have previously stated, the FAQ says map travel is here to stay, and that they will have temporary mounts (like now). |
Asuras make golems. Why not to make a towering golem you can ride when you need to fight as a warrior but you are too small to do so?
Tender Wolf
I think if we'll have our warping in Guild Wars 2, we won't need the mounts because we don't want a WOW clone.
But if we won't have our warping, then yes, mounts would be great.
So it pretty much depends on how the travelling will work in GW2 when it comes out.
But if we won't have our warping, then yes, mounts would be great.
So it pretty much depends on how the travelling will work in GW2 when it comes out.
Numa Pompilius
Map travel >>>>> mounts.
We have map travel, and you say they're mainly for speed buffs? Well...
[skill]Sprint[/skill][skill]"Charge!"[/skill][skill]Storm Chaser[/skill][skill]Dodge[/skill][skill]Escape[/skill][skill]Flame Djinn's Haste[/skill]
And many more...
Also, for GW2, I am for this idea: get rid of map travel IF...
-We don't make it total hell to get from town to town, or at least have some between so you don't need to be out in the wilderness for an hour.
-GW2 will have Asura and Asura Gates, right? I'm thinking each major town can have Asura Gates leading to each other major town, so we can at least get to the general region we desire...
We have map travel, and you say they're mainly for speed buffs? Well...
[skill]Sprint[/skill][skill]"Charge!"[/skill][skill]Storm Chaser[/skill][skill]Dodge[/skill][skill]Escape[/skill][skill]Flame Djinn's Haste[/skill]
And many more...
Also, for GW2, I am for this idea: get rid of map travel IF...
-We don't make it total hell to get from town to town, or at least have some between so you don't need to be out in the wilderness for an hour.
-GW2 will have Asura and Asura Gates, right? I'm thinking each major town can have Asura Gates leading to each other major town, so we can at least get to the general region we desire...
mounts ftw we can avoid the annoying mobs.
For Non seige mounts, The only reason i would want one is to be epeen :P. If you simply arent good enough at the game to get the mount, then :/ SoL.
The only way to keep it to Skill > buying gw gold / getting runs / buying mount...
Would be that they are obtainable by solo quests. Sort of like Asuran Polymock, as you move up you get bette pieces. Except, mounts would be auto customized.
SO the only way you could get a sweet mount, is if you are good at thje game. Which means Skill = rewarded.
OR you could give mounts (auto customized ofcourse) as B-day gifts. All the same rarity, but different skins.
The only way to keep it to Skill > buying gw gold / getting runs / buying mount...
Would be that they are obtainable by solo quests. Sort of like Asuran Polymock, as you move up you get bette pieces. Except, mounts would be auto customized.
SO the only way you could get a sweet mount, is if you are good at thje game. Which means Skill = rewarded.
OR you could give mounts (auto customized ofcourse) as B-day gifts. All the same rarity, but different skins.
X Bane Claw X
/rumor Dedicated mini pets will be available mounts. Accounts with rainbow phoenix will have access to "epic" mounts. :P
X Bane Claw X
Originally Posted by Eldin
Also, for GW2, I am for this idea: get rid of map travel IF... -We don't make it total hell to get from town to town, or at least have some between so you don't need to be out in the wilderness for an hour. -GW2 will have Asura and Asura Gates, right? I'm thinking each major town can have Asura Gates leading to each other major town, so we can at least get to the general region we desire... |