Make Fat Characters
When you make a character you can choose its height with a "scroll" bar... but what about setting his weight too? I want a fat monk!
not sure if that would work with the current system GW is useing, Anet would have to rework all the armors in each different size to make sure the armor looks right on a fat char.
I would like a fat sin LOL.
I would like a fat sin LOL.
Originally Posted by IslandHermet
not sure if that would work with the current system GW is useing, Anet would have to rework all the armors in each different size to make sure the armor looks right on a fat char.
Fat female characters? Can we make them skinny too?
i wanna see my derv be a big fat blob, swingin around with his scythe xD
would be like steve-o gone fat xD
would be like steve-o gone fat xD
All the fat characters died out. In this world dominated by monsters, I think we must apply Darwin's theory of the most fit will survive. :P
I'd like to see different body shapes, like a fantastically curvy female Assassin or an atheltic build monk. Fat people aren't that appealing to me (I'm easily eatable), but more variety is a good idea.
/signed for variety, not just chubby monks.
/signed for variety, not just chubby monks.
Originally Posted by cerb
When you make a character you can choose its height with a "scroll" bar... but what about setting his weight too? I want a fat monk!
Alot of the male monks are fat in certain NF armors...(The towel look.)
Originally Posted by IslandHermet
not sure if that would work with the current system GW is useing, Anet would have to rework all the armors in each different size to make sure the armor looks right on a fat char.
I would like a fat sin LOL. |

Originally Posted by IslandHermet
I would like a fat sin LOL.
anyway, i don't see how this would help, but honestly i don't care if they do it.
Ollson Gabire
Originally Posted by Ekelon
All the fat characters died out. In this world dominated by monsters, I think we must apply Darwin's theory of the most fit will survive. :P
anyhow, /signed because i want a fat, balding warrior
Originally Posted by Ekelon
All the fat characters died out. In this world dominated by monsters, I think we must apply Darwin's theory of the most fit will survive. :P
have you seen some of todays wrestlers, Big daddy V for one, Think he is 500+ pounds and can move faster then most 200 pound people.
Here's a mental image:
300lb Cynn, belly dancing....
300lb Cynn, belly dancing....
There's allready fat characters...see the warrior
Americans should get a fat character by default, haha.
i kinda wanted a fat warrior :\ and a fat sin would be funny too. they should also let us customize facial hair! i like my wars fat and rugged ;D
Zahr Dalsk
I want to make my Ritualist fatter. Male Ritualists seem almost too well-muscled for casters, particularly when you put on Elite Kurzick and the tattoos emphasize their iron-strong arm muscles.
/signed,I want a fat,cigar smoking monk.
Numa Pompilius
although I'll sign anything which means more options for customization.
although I'll sign anything which means more options for customization.
"GLF 1 more, must be under 200 lbs"
Seems like Anet has something against obesity :O
Seems like Anet has something against obesity :O
Haha yeah, and move speed could be proportional to weight
Originally Posted by Antheus
Here's a mental image:
300lb Cynn, belly dancing..... |
Swift Thief
It represents America.
It represents America.
We should make a petition for other customizable things, like Parkinson's, or Downs Syndrome.
You'd have to redesign every single armor set in the game.
Armor doesn't just cover people's skin in this game. It replaces a persons body. GW's character models are like giant lego blocks. They just stick five pieces together to make you (well 6, the face is the only thing that is preserved when you place an armor peice on the head). You can notice this with all sorts of armors. For example, change your chest piece around and you can notice your female rt getting more busty, more skinny, or more curvy, depending on what armor you put on them.
You'd have to redesign every single armor set in the game.
Armor doesn't just cover people's skin in this game. It replaces a persons body. GW's character models are like giant lego blocks. They just stick five pieces together to make you (well 6, the face is the only thing that is preserved when you place an armor peice on the head). You can notice this with all sorts of armors. For example, change your chest piece around and you can notice your female rt getting more busty, more skinny, or more curvy, depending on what armor you put on them.
Tender Wolf
lol That would be funny. Yes I'd like to have the option of choosing body type as well as height. It would make characters more unique. /signed
I'd rather have ANet let us choose from 3 predefined genotypes. Adding a fat slider could screw up how the textures look. If I remember, the height slider also expands your character in the X and Z dimensions a little as well to keep them in proportion.
I'd rather have ANet let us choose from 3 predefined genotypes. Adding a fat slider could screw up how the textures look. If I remember, the height slider also expands your character in the X and Z dimensions a little as well to keep them in proportion.
/not signed I see enough enormous walking tubs of cellulite of all kinds here in New York City. Approximately 20 per minute. That really adds up! Really don't need to see more in a game of all places. The fat male warriors are enough.
Uber Mass
i would like to see more possibilities in the build of a character..
But if i want to see fat people ill go to america
But if i want to see fat people ill go to america

Shayne Hawke
This thread has some epic moments in it.
But no, I don't think I need fatter/skinnier characters in this game. Want fat? Go to McDonalds. Want bones? Watch skating.
But no, I don't think I need fatter/skinnier characters in this game. Want fat? Go to McDonalds. Want bones? Watch skating.
Meo Yeong
Originally Posted by cerb
When you make a character you can choose its height with a "scroll" bar... but what about setting his weight too? I want a fat monk!
Horus Moonlight
Having a 500+lb sin in exotic armor shadowstepping to you makes for some fun times.
Having a 500+lb sin in exotic armor shadowstepping to you makes for some fun times.
Cherng Butter
It'd be incredibly funny, but I'm not sure how it would work out for armor and designs and stuff. Maybe for GW2?
It'd be incredibly funny, but I'm not sure how it would work out for armor and designs and stuff. Maybe for GW2?
U Wanna Die
i personally dont want 50 fat ass warriors sync dancing in LA
STOP America bashing
We know you are jealous. Thank you.
We know you are jealous. Thank you.
Master Ketsu
Wont happen, at least not in GW1. 3D Models need to be modeled knowing that they would have to be capable of being stretched to appear to have different weight in advance for it to work out without some very messed up geometry. Stretching the vertexes without already having extra poly's around to accommodate the spherification would result in the skin textures looking stretched and the models looking anatomically incorrect.
Unless your asking Anet to spend mass time remodeling and re-rigging all the base character models....
Unless your asking Anet to spend mass time remodeling and re-rigging all the base character models....
/not signed
but part of me REALLY want to see an obese assassin shadowstep and pwn someone.
but part of me REALLY want to see an obese assassin shadowstep and pwn someone.
Rekiara Malevu
First, I am fully in support of more customization options. Not so much fat characters for the sake of fat characters, but the option to choose your body type would be very welcome. I loved the SWG character generator when I played it years ago - sliders for all the major body parts (except the rump!), including facial features. It really allowed for you to make the character you pictured in your head. Of course, even with all the options available, the game still ended up with a population breakdown something like: 47% skinny blondes, 47% musclebound bros with spiked hair and 6% all 6 million other combinations combined.
Anyway, it's also worth remembering that any change to character body choices would require a lot of extra work from the item side of the design as well. All of the armor and weapons in the game would have to be reviewed, and possibly reworked, to ensure there aren't any clipping / scaling issues with the new character models. Given that, I'd rather see this as a feature in GW2, where all the armor and weapons can be programmed properly from the start for varying character body types.
Anyway, it's also worth remembering that any change to character body choices would require a lot of extra work from the item side of the design as well. All of the armor and weapons in the game would have to be reviewed, and possibly reworked, to ensure there aren't any clipping / scaling issues with the new character models. Given that, I'd rather see this as a feature in GW2, where all the armor and weapons can be programmed properly from the start for varying character body types.
I think 3 or so basic body types would suffice; thin, average, and large. Certain extremes shouldn't be included; this is a game about adventure & fantasy. We don't need morbidly obese characters. It may be funny, but it'd be more immersion breaking.
Other than basic body type, you could also have muscular and smooth options; so thin and muscular would get you a Bruce Lee look, while large and smooth might get you someone fatter looking...
Other than basic body type, you could also have muscular and smooth options; so thin and muscular would get you a Bruce Lee look, while large and smooth might get you someone fatter looking...