My GW2 Assassin Concept



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Sep 2007

standing on your last control point, while the rest of your team is to busy killing mine

The Luminaries [Lumi]


My GW2 Assassin

V 2.0

When playing the assassin, I notice there are two types of builds: Spiking (used mainly in PvP) and what other MMO's call a "light tank."(Used mainly in PvE) Making the assassin in GW2 lean heavily toward one of the types would alienate the people who play the other type; therefore in my assassin CC I have separate attributes for the two. The two attributes would allow skills of the according type to be more effective and give players a more satisfying experience when playing either. One of the problems with having the two skill types in one attribute as GW has now is the combination of the two to make imbalanced builds. An example of this problem, are the builds that start off with black spider strike -> twisting fangs/Horns of the Ox -> Moebius strike -> and spam finishing damage with death blossom. Another problem with the current assassin is its ability to have up to and over 5 skill chains. By limiting the number of skills an assassin can use, single skills can become more powerful and more effective. The Shadow Arts line of skills will include movement, healing, and debuffing skills.

Armor, Energy, and Weapons

Armor, energy, regen, and health will remain the same as it is now in GW. It is fairly balanced and allows the assassin to use its skills effectively.

For Assassination:
Damage: 7-17
Attack Rate: every 1.10 seconds
Added Bonus: additional 10% chance to crit

Blade- (added mainly because assassins look neat with swords ;D)
Damage 10-20
Attack Rate: every 1.25 seconds

For Combat:
Dual Wielded Blades-
Damage 10-20
Attack Rate: every 1.25 seconds

New Class Specific Armor Mods:

Assailant’s Insignia: +2% damage while under the effects of a contract(explained later)
Keen Insignia: +3% chance to crit
Shinobi Insignia: +2% chance to block while under the effects of an enchantment
(All stack per piece)

New Class Specific Runes:

Rune of Zeal: gain 1 energy on crit (non-stacking)
Rune of Envy: steal 3 health on crit (non-stacking)

Skills and Attibutes

Critical Strikes- Same effect, but change the +1...3 energy gain on crit break points to 4…8…12 attribute points. Some assassin CC’s have changed this attribute to %chance to block, but in a game like Guild Wars, this is somewhat imbalanced. The energy gain on crit lets the assassin use many skills without losing too much energy, and with this assassin, have energy readily available after using a spiking chain. The Critical Strikes line of skills will be composed of “Jutsus” a type of perfected stance (keeping to the ‘sins’s Asian influence), that cannot be stripped and adds an IAS. Jutsus cannot be used with a stance.

Perfect Form[E]- 5en 25 recharge - jutsu. For 0...25 seconds whenever you use an attack skill, that skill criticals. You attack 0...30% faster.

Inevitable Hands[E]- 5en 20 recharge - jutsu. For 0...20 seconds whenever you use an attack skill, that skill cannot be blocked. You attack 0...30% faster.

Critical Zeal- 5en 20 recharge - jutsu. For 0...20 seconds whenever you critical, you gain 1 en. You attack 0...15% faster.

Killer's Resiliency- 5en 15 recharge - jutsu. For 0...15 seconds whenever you use an attack skill, you remove one condition from yourself. You attack 0...10% faster.

Swift Fists- 5en 10 recharge - jutsu. For 0...10 seconds you attack 0...40% faster.

As the Wind- 5en 15 recharge - jutsu. For 0...15 seconds you move and attack 0..15% faster.

Assassination- Works as weapon mastery for Blades and daggers.
Assassination-based assassins do not dual wield Blades due to its cumbersome nature when trying to kill a simple target. Adding points to the Assassination attribute increases its skills on an exponential scale, meaning heavy points need to be put into this line to make it effective, and using its skills with few points has a negative effect. The skills in this line will act like the dagger master skills currently on the assassin, however the chain is now: Lead -> Dual -> Finisher. Lead and Dual work like before, but Finisher attacks three times adding to damage. ALL of these skills will have at least 15 sec recharges, due to their heavier damage and ability to apply multiple conditions. Using Lead, Dual, and Finishing attacks disables other melee skills for the L, D, F skills’ recharge recharges. As mentioned before, Assassination skills include Contracts, which add an extra effect to attacks and have an ending reward for successfully completing a combo. Not fulfilling a contract quickly enough will end it prematurely. Contracts only work against one foe at a time.

Beast[E]- 10en 20 recharge - Lead. This attack strikes for +5...25 damage and target foe is knocked down for 0...4 seconds.

Unsuspecting Strike- 5en 20 recharge - Lead. This attack strikes for +5...25 damage, and an additional +5...35 damage if your target is above 90% health. This attack cannot be blocked.

Savage Strike- 5en 15 recharge - Lead. This attack strikes for +5...30 damage, and an additional +5...10 damage if target foe is using a spell. This attack interrupts target foe's action.

Viper Fangs- 10en 20 recharge - Dual. This attack strikes for +5...30 damage, and inflicts poison for 5...25 seconds.

Wild Blades- 5en 15 recharge - Dual. This attack strikes for +5...25 damage, and removes target foe's stance. This attack cannot be blocked.

Dragon Jaw[E]- 10en 20 recharge - Dual. This attack strikes for +5...35 damage, and inflicts burning for 0...5 seconds.

Bestial Assault- 5en 20 recharge - Finisher. This attack strikes for +5...20 damage, and inflicts bleeding and deep wound for 2...25 seconds.

Exhausting Assault- 5en 15 recharge - Finisher. This attack strikes for +5...20 damage and interrupts target foe. If target foe was using a spell, this skill inflicts exhaustion.

Shatter Rain[E]- 10en 20 recharge - Finisher. This attack strikes for +5...15 damage, and an removes an enchantment each time it hits. This attack cannot be blocked.

"There will be no escape"- 5en 2 cast 12 recharge - Contract. For 5...24 seconds your attacks against target foe inflict cripple for 1...3 seconds. If you successfully execute a combo target foe suffers -2...5 health degeneration for 5...12 seconds. Ends if you do not start a combo after 3...10 seconds.

"Their death will be swift"- 5en 2 cast 12 recharge - Contract. For 5...24 seconds your attacks against target foe have 0...10% armor penetration and deal +1...10 damage. If you successfully execute a combo target foe's maximum health is reduced by 5...15% for 3...15 seconds. Ends if you do not start a combo after 3...10 seconds.

"They wont know what hit them[E]- 10en 3 cast 12 recharge - Contract. For 5...24 seconds your attacks against target foe inflict dazed for 1...3 seconds. If you successfully execute a combo target foe is knocked down. Ends if you do not start a combo after 0...6 seconds.

Combat- Works as weapon mastery for dual wielding blades. Combat-based assassins dual wield blades to better take on multiple opponents. Adding points to Combat works in the same way as Assassination, only being effective until large numbers of points are invested. Combat will include low recharge, spamable melee skills that allow the assassin to have high constant DPS, such as Death Blossom currently in GW. There will be three types of melee skills combat assassins use: Main attacks, Offhand attacks, and Dual Strikes.
Attack chains for Combat assassins can go:
main -> offhand -> dual
offhand -> main -> dual
main -> dual
offhand -> dual
main -> offhand -> main -> offhand... -> dual
offhand -> main -> offhand -> main... -> dual
using both a main and offhand before a dual will trigger a secondary effect, and recharge all main and offhand attacks.
It will also include defensive enchantments and skills that allow for light tanking despite the assassin’s somewhat low AL, such as Critical Defenses.

Sweeping Strike- 5en 2 recharge - Main attack. Strike target foe and adjacent foes for +5...30 damage.

Falcon Strike- 5en 4 recharge - Main attack. Strike target foe for +5...30 damage and adjacent aerial foes are knocked down.

Thrusting Strike- 5en 2 recharge - Main attack. Strike target foe and foes adjacent to target foe for +5...30 damage.

Critical Strike- 5en 4 recharge - Offhand attack. This attack criticals and you gain 2...7 energy.

Arcing Strike- 5en 2 recharge - Offhand attack. Strike target foe and adjacent foes for +5...30 Damage.

Trampling Ox - 5en 4 recharge - Offhand attack. Strike target foe for +3...25 damage, if you are moving or attacking faster than target foe, that foe is knocked down.

Fox Thrust - 5en 1/2 cast 2 recharge - Offhand attack. This attack cannot be blocked.

Masterful Strike[E] - 5 en 2 recharge - Melee skill. This attack strikes for +2...25 damage and counts as both a main and offhand attack.

Blades of Steel - 5en 4 recharge - Dual Strike. Strike target foe for +1...7 damage for each assassin skill on your bar. If both a main and offhand attack precede, adjacent foes take 1...7 damage for each assassin skill on your bar.

Death Blossom - 5en 2 recharge - Dual Strike. Strike target foe and all adjacent foes for +20...30 damage. If both a main and offhand attack precede, adjacent foes take 20...30 damage.

Hunting Beast[E] - 5en 8 recharge - Dual Strike. Strike target foe for +5...30 damage. If both a main and offhand attack precede, all adjacent foes are knocked down.

Counter- 5en 10 recharge - Skill. For 1 second you cannot attack, and the next attack against you is blocked. Your next attack does 100...200% of the damage blocked.

Critical defenses- 10en 1 cast 30 recharge - Enchantment Spell. For 0...10 seconds, you have a +75% chance to block. This skill refreshes every time you achieve a critical hit.

Assassin's Comfort- 5en 1/4 cast 15 recharge - Enchantment Spell. For 20 seconds, you gain +1 health regeneration for each assassin skill on your bar and an additional +3 regeneration if you are under the effects of a jutsu.

Shadow Arts- This line of skills will include movement and positioning skills, as well as self healing skills. Movement and positioning skills include stealth-like skills, as well as shadow steps. Shadow steps will be changed to: move swiftly to target, meaning snares and cripple have effect on the speed of a shadow step, and it will require line of sight. Shadow steps will also have a WoW shadow step effect, providing a brief speed increase, and small damage bonus.

Appear[E]- 5en 1 cast 5 recharge - Shadow step. Move swiftly to target foe.(100% chance of failure with Shadow Arts 4 or below)

Vanish[E]- 5en 1/4 cast 20 recharge - Shadow step. You are no longer targeted by foes, and become inconspicuous. Move swiftly to random location in the area.

Inconspicuous- 10en 2 cast 20 recharge - Skill. If you are not within earshot of a foe, you become non-hostile to all creatures and move 80...30% slower. This skill ends if you use another non-contract skill. Lasts for 5...10 seconds if Critical Strikes are 4 or below.

Tactical Retreat- 5en 30 recharge - Stance. For 3...20 seconds you move 33% faster and gain 5 health each second you are running.

Cheat Death- 5en 1/4 cast 60 recharge - Skill. For 3...8 seconds, the next time you would receive fatal damage, that damage is negated, you are teleported to a random location in the area, and healed for 20...120 health.

Siphon Speed- 5en 1/4 cast 20 recharge - Hex spell. For 5...15 seconds target foes moves 33% slower and you move 33% faster. This spell recharges 50% faster if cast on a moving foe. Half range.

Expose Defenses- 5en 1 cast 20 recharge - Hex spell. For 2...12 seconds target foe cannot block while moving. Half range.

Paralyzing Fear- 10en 1 cast 20 recharge - Hex spell. For 2...12 seconds target foe cannot use stances and has a 0...20% chance to miss. Half range.

Shatter Dagger- 10en 1 cast 15 recharge - Hex spell. Send out a Shattering Dagger at target foe. If target foe is using a skill, they are interrupted and they cannot be the target of enchantments for 0...3 seconds. Half range.

EDIT NOTES: yays assassin hate!!! seriously people if I wanted a thread about why assassins are the worst thing to ever happen to GW, I would have made one. Thanx to the people who complemented my attempt to revise the class, both of you. The ninja picture is actually Factions concept art. Deadly arts will remain out of my concept because most of what people have complained about with the assassin's imbalancedness is directly related to that skill line. Runes changed to activate on crit.

EDIT NOTES 2: No, I didn't mean +4...8...12 energy on hit, geeze people. Preparations changed to "Plots" which end after a chain has been completed, and end prematurely if you do not execute a chain fast enough.

EDIT NOTES 3: Took some suggestions and changed shadow arts to include some shutdown. May be a bit over powered though. Plan on updating Assassination skills and overhauling Combat skills soon.

EDIT NOTES 4: Changed plots to contracts, and reworked combat skills. Added dual wielding to combat, and made jutsus require max Critical Strikes to keep up indefinitely.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Sep 2005

Guild Hall, Vent, Guesting, PvE, or the occasional HA match...

Dark Alley [dR]

if assassins are in GW2, I'm not buying it

Alex the Great

Alex the Great

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Feb 2007 a problem with that?



Originally Posted by Yichi
if assassins are in GW2, I'm not buying it
because only YOUR favorite class DESERVES to be in gw2

would you kindly stfu and talk about the concept?

btw, I like the idea of further opening the gap between spiking and light tanking, but it would be hard to balance.

Stormlord Alex

Stormlord Alex

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Dec 2005

Beyond the Forest of Doom, past the Cavern of Agony... on Kitten & Puppy Island

Soul of Melandru [sOm]


Originally Posted by Alex the Great
because only YOUR favorite class DESERVES to be in gw2
No, because Assassins are a lame, one dimensional class that can either insta-gank or fail and add nothing to PvP asides from overpowered crap. M'kay?

total overhaul of assassins is good, and could feasably be done in GW (kill 1234567 spikes - change skills like Black spider so you can't skip through chains to dual attacks; kill any of that lame DA spammer stuff, make L-O-D chains potent on their own, and change hexes and attack skills so 'sins can do something useful other than insta-gib - imagine if Falling Spider was essentially a Bull's Strike. rawr)

Lord Darksoul

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2007


Originally Posted by Stormlord Alex
No, because Assassins are a lame, one dimensional class that can either insta-gank or fail and add nothing to PvP asides from overpowered crap. M'kay?

total overhaul of assassins is good, and could feasably be done in GW (kill 1234567 spikes - change skills like Black spider so you can't skip through chains to dual attacks; kill any of that lame DA spammer stuff, make L-O-D chains potent on their own, and change hexes and attack skills so 'sins can do something useful other than insta-gib - imagine if Falling Spider was essentially a Bull's Strike. rawr)
QQ moar please.

monks are overpowered because they can heal themselves.

Sins have weaknesses too. Blindness, blocking, poor durability, long recharge times of some skills, etc.

Just 'cause you're incapable of finding those weaknesses don't make them overpowered.

Stormlord Alex

Stormlord Alex

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Dec 2005

Beyond the Forest of Doom, past the Cavern of Agony... on Kitten & Puppy Island

Soul of Melandru [sOm]


Originally Posted by Lord Darksoul
QQ moar please.

monks are overpowered because they can heal themselves.

Sins have weaknesses too. Blindness, blocking, poor durability, long recharge times of some skills, etc.

Just 'cause you're incapable of finding those weaknesses don't make them overpowered.
A typical response from a clueless player.
Everything has counters. Spiritspam, air spike, FoC spike, thumpers, ritspike, bugged Signet of Ghostly Might, and AoGrenth all had counters too, and they still got hit hard.
I don't want the 'sin dead, I want an interesting class with depth that actually adds something to GW, right now the sin is a class where a monkey can roll his finger down the numbers keys and get a kill. Tell me what the assassin actually adds to gameplay asides from something that can farm NPCs and allows bad players to compete, and you get a cookie.

Till then, go get a clue. kthx



Hugs and Kisses

Join Date: Oct 2005

Scars Meadows

Guild Wars 2 needs the 6 core classes. That's it and nothing more.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2007


Guild Hopper!


Originally Posted by The Phantom
Guild Wars 2 needs the 6 core classes. That's it and nothing more.
QFT for sure...............

Lord Darksoul

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2007


Originally Posted by Stormlord Alex
A typical response from a clueless player.
Everything has counters. Spiritspam, air spike, FoC spike, thumpers, ritspike, bugged Signet of Ghostly Might, and AoGrenth all had counters too, and they still got hit hard.
I don't want the 'sin dead, I want an interesting class with depth that actually adds something to GW, right now the sin is a class where a monkey can roll his finger down the numbers keys and get a kill. Tell me what the assassin actually adds to gameplay asides from something that can farm NPCs and allows bad players to compete, and you get a cookie.

Till then, go get a clue. kthx

This is where I laugh. If a monkey can roll his fingers down the keyboard and kill you, that's pretty pathetic. Here's a few skills even RA players will use that will easily destroy sins' capability of easy 1-2-3-4-5-6 combo kills. I'll even put up the guildwiki for these skills so once you cap the elites in pvp or trap farm the Zaishen you can grab these skills and kill sins.

Originally Posted by Stormlord Alex
Tell me what the assassin actually adds to gameplay asides from something that can farm NPCs and allows bad players to compete, and you get a cookie.
You can pretty much say that for all non-core professions. What does the Paragon that add that's so great, shouts? What does the Dervish do, scythe attacks, wow I look lieks the grimz reaper nows! What does the Ritualist do, wow spirits! So, please get a clue, because you're incapable of killing sins, does not mean they are unbalanced or broken.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2007

Eternal Knights Alliance [RotK]


i personally like all the professions exept for the assassin but that is getting extremely off topic, the op probably doesnt care so shut up everyone unless you have somthing to say about his concept.
personally i dont care for it. it seems you are trying to add MORE damage to the asassin when that is not what they need, they can already do amazing damage they dont need more, in my opinion what they need is survivablitly. i refuse to add asassins into my group anymore because of the sad fact- 99% of assassins are noobs that aggro a mob, deaths charge in out of monks range, and then get the hell smashed out of them and die. then they like yelling at the monks for the no heals when they have ....60 armor? right? maybe 70 anyway, point is, they arent tanks and they try to.

i think they should cut out assassin for gw2, as far as i can tell it was a poor attempt to make a high damage dealing warrior (i think they perfected this attempt with the dervish though, seriously, i deal twice as much damage w/ derv then with war and i still tank better then them)

anyway, nice concept but i dont think it would work well with the game

Stormlord Alex

Stormlord Alex

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Dec 2005

Beyond the Forest of Doom, past the Cavern of Agony... on Kitten & Puppy Island

Soul of Melandru [sOm]


Originally Posted by Lord Darksoul
I'm under the impression you know nothing - any fool can list counters. Rather than debating the inherent flaws of the 'sin, you're merely insulting my ability as a player, which says a lot about you and your argument (you're a scrub with no actual argument, or you realise what you believe is wrong and flaming is the only way forward) Prove otherwise and we might have a debate.
Untill then, I'll just laugh at you.

and yes, the other non-core proffessions are pretty bad too - I'm not sure what retard at Anet thought it would be good to make a character with the damage and armour of the warrior at range, with a permanent IAS and silly partywide unstrippable damage and defense buffs. Every non-core class has added little but gimicks, but this thread isn't the GW2 Paragon concept



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Dec 2007

somewhere over the rainbow....


Originally Posted by Yichi
if assassins are in GW2, I'm not buying it

someone's a sore loser :P *coughs monthly*

kinda like it but vamp and zealous runes r overpowered i would also like to see deadly arts return in gw2 but less like the deadly arts spike and more like a buff to the damage you do with your daggers. Like hexes that would make it so that you double strike or hit critical everytime you hit target foe (elite skills imo).



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Sep 2005

Guild Hall, Vent, Guesting, PvE, or the occasional HA match...

Dark Alley [dR]

Assassins, like most other "rouge" classes, add nothing but degenerative gameplay. I will take a common class from a game that I used to play, the Stealther from Dark Age of Camelot.

Like the assassin it had huge imbalances, one being that you could be cloaked and only another stealther could see you until you attacked, which made jumping random leveling noobs fun, but added a huge amount of griefers in the game that would camp certian areas and kill any lone one or two players that came through. If you weren't traveling in packs of 4-5, a stealther that was worth a shit ate you for lunch.

similarly, the assassin's shadowstepping allows for pretty much that. Its an instant occurance to your target and can usually be fatal for the lone character/npc/whatever that isn't prepared for it. Without basically dedicating an entire character in an 8 man party to be on assassin patrol, they have free reign to do pretty much whatever they want too and get away with it onyl because if it gets too hectic, then oops teleport out and overadvantage the stand team.

They provide no real utility other than 3,2,1 gimmicks, no real skillful gameplay, no tactics other than run the opposite of where everyone else is running, and no real knowledge from the player. If the player can run around in circles long enough, that player will eventually accomplish something on this class, wether it be a free npc kill, a free player kill, or either. It threw all tactical play out the window and any movement control such as snares, conditions such as cripple, etc. can be easily negated that they may not even be brought into the fight.

When I first heard of an assassin, I immediately thought of the diablo 2 assassin thats kind of balanced (until certain runewords screwed that up). This class has utility, can shadowstep but only in the form of attacks, can melee and be an effective caster, and has immunities against it to keep it in check, same with every other character except the hammerdin, but this aint d2, so enough of that shit. Sadly, the assassin we got was completely RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOed up in comparison.

The assassin in Guildwars fails due to its lack of direction. Its not ment as a mobile skirmisher due to its low armor and the fact that it throws movement out the window. Its not a pressure class because it doesn't rely on pressure, it relies on more spike damage in the form of attack chains. Its not a caster, because it doesnt have the weapons/items/energy pool/regen to be an effective caster not to mention that the caster skills it has blow nuts. It's not ment to be a team build due to the fact of the class relying on its ability to dash in to something kill it and dash out.

So where does this leave the class in any state other than the 12 year old "I want to be a ninja" or the "I'm a naruto nerd" category? What has the assassin brought to the table other than griefer builds (shadowform), spike builds and instagibs (shadow prison, etc.), or an outnumber build that doesn't have to worry about things collapsing to attack it that instantly puts it out of danger and the opposing team at an instant advantage (Aura of Displacement)?

Name me one good thing the assassin has brought to the table that has helped in a team play oriented game that has benefited the game and I will take back everything I have said and welcome assassins in GW2. But sadly, I think you'd have a much easier time milking a cat.

Stormlord Alex

Stormlord Alex

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Dec 2005

Beyond the Forest of Doom, past the Cavern of Agony... on Kitten & Puppy Island

Soul of Melandru [sOm]


Originally Posted by Yichi
Assassins, like most other "rouge" classes, add nothing but degenerative gameplay. I will take a common class from a game that I used to play, the Stealther from Dark Age of Camelot.

Like the assassin it had huge imbalances, one being that you could be cloaked and only another stealther could see you until you attacked, which made jumping random leveling noobs fun, but added a huge amount of griefers in the game that would camp certian areas and kill any lone one or two players that came through. If you weren't traveling in packs of 4-5, a stealther that was worth a shit ate you for lunch.

similarly, the assassin's shadowstepping allows for pretty much that. Its an instant occurance to your target and can usually be fatal for the lone character/npc/whatever that isn't prepared for it. Without basically dedicating an entire character in an 8 man party to be on assassin patrol, they have free reign to do pretty much whatever they want too and get away with it onyl because if it gets too hectic, then oops teleport out and overadvantage the stand team.

They provide no real utility other than 3,2,1 gimmicks, no real skillful gameplay, no tactics other than run the opposite of where everyone else is running, and no real knowledge from the player. If the player can run around in circles long enough, that player will eventually accomplish something on this class, wether it be a free npc kill, a free player kill, or either. It threw all tactical play out the window and any movement control such as snares, conditions such as cripple, etc. can be easily negated that they may not even be brought into the fight.

When I first heard of an assassin, I immediately thought of the diablo 2 assassin thats kind of balanced (until certain runewords screwed that up). This class has utility, can shadowstep but only in the form of attacks, can melee and be an effective caster, and has immunities against it to keep it in check, same with every other character except the hammerdin, but this aint d2, so enough of that shit. Sadly, the assassin we got was completely RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOed up in comparison.

The assassin in Guildwars fails due to its lack of direction. Its not ment as a mobile skirmisher due to its low armor and the fact that it throws movement out the window. Its not a pressure class because it doesn't rely on pressure, it relies on more spike damage in the form of attack chains. Its not a caster, because it doesnt have the weapons/items/energy pool/regen to be an effective caster not to mention that the caster skills it has blow nuts. It's not ment to be a team build due to the fact of the class relying on its ability to dash in to something kill it and dash out.

So where does this leave the class in any state other than the 12 year old "I want to be a ninja" or the "I'm a naruto nerd" category? What has the assassin brought to the table other than griefer builds (shadowform), spike builds and instagibs (shadow prison, etc.), or an outnumber build that doesn't have to worry about things collapsing to attack it that instantly puts it out of danger and the opposing team at an instant advantage (Aura of Displacement)?

Name me one good thing the assassin has brought to the table that has helped in a team play oriented game that has benefited the game and I will take back everything I have said and welcome assassins in GW2. But sadly, I think you'd have a much easier time milking a cat.
Quoted for epic truth.
Though I doubt anyone else here can actually understand it

Also quoted for epic truth

xDusT II

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2006


Originally Posted by Lord Darksoul
This is where I laugh. If a monkey can roll his fingers down the keyboard and kill you, that's pretty pathetic. Here's a few skills even RA players will use that will easily destroy sins' capability of easy 1-2-3-4-5-6 combo kills. I'll even put up the guildwiki for these skills so once you cap the elites in pvp or trap farm the Zaishen you can grab these skills and kill sins.

You can pretty much say that for all non-core professions. What does the Paragon that add that's so great, shouts? What does the Dervish do, scythe attacks, wow I look lieks the grimz reaper nows! What does the Ritualist do, wow spirits! So, please get a clue, because you're incapable of killing sins, does not mean they are unbalanced or broken.
Have you actually ever played a GvG against a sin split. Do you even know how much some of the counters you listed will fail tremendously?

Guardian - Rigor Mortis
Insidious Parasite - 2s Cast, Hex
Spiteful Spirit - 2c Cast, Hex
Blackout - Good luck, siphon speed.
Cry of Frustration - lol?
Diversion - It's a counter I guess, if you want to split off your mesmer.
Empathy- Hex
Clumsiness/Ineptitude - Sinept them back?
Ethereal Burden - Shadow steps, hex
Every other hex you mentioned - hex
Shield Bash / Tenai's Wind - Doesn't stop NPC ganking.

Firstly, 90% of the counter's you mentioned are hexes, usually mesmer/necro ones. Aside from the fact that they gamble a lot on actually running against sins, you'll end up being run all over the joint not achieving much.

Also a lot of your counters have long casts and punish attacks. Standard base-gank sin runs Shadow Prison, Iron Palm, Falling Spider, Vampiric Assault, Impale and Signet of T.shock, meaning half your listed counter's won't do jack all. And that's if you manage to get the cast off. Do you honestly believe you can disable 2 sins before they Iron Palm you and your screwed?

Basically gg catching the sins, gg surviving the sins, gg getting your casts off on the sins, gg actually hoping you go up against sins and gg protecting NPC's.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Dec 2005

Left gw..yawn


i feel sorry for Flaming Metroid.

he provides nice art and discriptions and all you people can do, is whine and flame *as always* and pretty much say nothin about the concept and take over the thread with your usless crap.

aside from that i think it is a neat idea and kudos to the effort ^^, i like it.

Holly Herro

Holly Herro

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Dec 2005


Blades of the Dingo [AUST]

Originally Posted by Stormlord Alex
I'm under the impression you know nothing - any fool can list counters. Rather than debating the inherent flaws of the 'sin, you're merely insulting my ability as a player, which says a lot about you and your argument (you're a scrub with no actual argument, or you realise what you believe is wrong and flaming is the only way forward) Prove otherwise and we might have a debate.
Untill then, I'll just laugh at you.

and yes, the other non-core proffessions are pretty bad too - I'm not sure what retard at Anet thought it would be good to make a character with the damage and armour of the warrior at range, with a permanent IAS and silly partywide unstrippable damage and defense buffs. Every non-core class has added little but gimicks, but this thread isn't the GW2 Paragon concept
I love you.

But more importantly, how cute is your avatar? =3

Originally Posted by xDusT II
Have you actually ever played a GvG against a sin split. Do you even know how much some of the counters you listed will fail tremendously?

Guardian - Rigor Mortis
Insidious Parasite - 2s Cast, Hex
Spiteful Spirit - 2c Cast, Hex
Blackout - Good luck, siphon speed.
Cry of Frustration - lol?
Diversion - It's a counter I guess, if you want to split off your mesmer.
Empathy- Hex
Clumsiness/Ineptitude - Sinept them back?
Ethereal Burden - Shadow steps, hex
Every other hex you mentioned - hex
Shield Bash / Tenai's Wind - Doesn't stop NPC ganking.

Firstly, 90% of the counter's you mentioned are hexes, usually mesmer/necro ones. Aside from the fact that they gamble a lot on actually running against sins, you'll end up being run all over the joint not achieving much.

Also a lot of your counters have long casts and punish attacks. Standard base-gank sin runs Shadow Prison, Iron Palm, Falling Spider, Vampiric Assault, Impale and Signet of T.shock, meaning half your listed counter's won't do jack all. And that's if you manage to get the cast off. Do you honestly believe you can disable 2 sins before they Iron Palm you and your screwed?

Basically gg catching the sins, gg surviving the sins, gg getting your casts off on the sins, gg actually hoping you go up against sins and gg protecting NPC's.
Dust. What are you doing here?

Get back to the guild before I hit you! :P



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2006



The only reason Assassins were put into the game in the first place was to please the naturotards/ninjawannabes. Assassasin do not belong in a game like GW.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005

Boston, MA

Blood Of Orr [BoO]

I like the idea, but my first concern is the weaponry that you suggest. While I haven't done the actual math, in situations where there are two types of weapons where one does slightly more damage while the other is slightly faster, one usually ends up being a better weapon in the long run. Want an example? How many hammer wars are there out there? Axes and swords not only attack faster and thus provide a higher DPS, but also give the option of having a shield.

The runes you suggest also seem like something that could just not work at all. From a quick glance of someone who doesn't know all that much, it seems like they'd be a bit overpowered.

Aside from that, it's a very nice idea. While I agree that the core classes are really all that's needed, you've done a very nice job setting all this up and it sounds like a fun concept.

Great picture, by the way. I love the little caption up at the top. ^_^

(And seriously guys, take the assassin complaints elsewhere. This really isn't the place for it.)



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Sep 2007

standing on your last control point, while the rest of your team is to busy killing mine

The Luminaries [Lumi]


Added skills, If you don't like something about it for a reason other that "its an assassin," then feel free to post. I personally like playing the high risk light tank type class, thats why I hardly ever PvP, you cant use Death Blossom Farmer there XD I've tried every other class, but always stick with my assassin. No other class gives me the same satisfaction of completing something with an assassin. Personally, I wont be playing GW2 very long if the assassin or something comparable isn't available.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Dec 2007

somewhere over the rainbow....


Originally Posted by Yichi
Assassins, like most other "rouge" classes, add nothing but degenerative gameplay. I will take a common class from a game that I used to play, the Stealther from Dark Age of Camelot.

Like the assassin it had huge imbalances, one being that you could be cloaked and only another stealther could see you until you attacked, which made jumping random leveling noobs fun, but added a huge amount of griefers in the game that would camp certian areas and kill any lone one or two players that came through. If you weren't traveling in packs of 4-5, a stealther that was worth a shit ate you for lunch.

similarly, the assassin's shadowstepping allows for pretty much that. Its an instant occurance to your target and can usually be fatal for the lone character/npc/whatever that isn't prepared for it. Without basically dedicating an entire character in an 8 man party to be on assassin patrol, they have free reign to do pretty much whatever they want too and get away with it onyl because if it gets too hectic, then oops teleport out and overadvantage the stand team.

They provide no real utility other than 3,2,1 gimmicks, no real skillful gameplay, no tactics other than run the opposite of where everyone else is running, and no real knowledge from the player. If the player can run around in circles long enough, that player will eventually accomplish something on this class, wether it be a free npc kill, a free player kill, or either. It threw all tactical play out the window and any movement control such as snares, conditions such as cripple, etc. can be easily negated that they may not even be brought into the fight.

When I first heard of an assassin, I immediately thought of the diablo 2 assassin thats kind of balanced (until certain runewords screwed that up). This class has utility, can shadowstep but only in the form of attacks, can melee and be an effective caster, and has immunities against it to keep it in check, same with every other character except the hammerdin, but this aint d2, so enough of that shit. Sadly, the assassin we got was completely RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOed up in comparison.

The assassin in Guildwars fails due to its lack of direction. Its not ment as a mobile skirmisher due to its low armor and the fact that it throws movement out the window. Its not a pressure class because it doesn't rely on pressure, it relies on more spike damage in the form of attack chains. Its not a caster, because it doesnt have the weapons/items/energy pool/regen to be an effective caster not to mention that the caster skills it has blow nuts. It's not ment to be a team build due to the fact of the class relying on its ability to dash in to something kill it and dash out.

So where does this leave the class in any state other than the 12 year old "I want to be a ninja" or the "I'm a naruto nerd" category? What has the assassin brought to the table other than griefer builds (shadowform), spike builds and instagibs (shadow prison, etc.), or an outnumber build that doesn't have to worry about things collapsing to attack it that instantly puts it out of danger and the opposing team at an instant advantage (Aura of Displacement)?

Name me one good thing the assassin has brought to the table that has helped in a team play oriented game that has benefited the game and I will take back everything I have said and welcome assassins in GW2. But sadly, I think you'd have a much easier time milking a cat.
this is so true it's not funny.

i hope that sins are given some depth in gw2 or else i might just play para

i actually hope sins in gw2 are more like rouges in WoW because ther much cooler ^_^



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2006

Kronos HQ


Hmm.. the whole thread has become a flame-fest against the sin. While i agree that the concept is pretty much ruined in GW i still dont think it should be REMOVED but ALTERED for GW2



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2007

The Corleone Family


GW2 needs ALL prev. Characters, includint Assassins too.They are great warriors, if you CAN play with them.
Otherwise they are only free targets.

Metroid, you're right!
But the Armors..yes...I think the BEST idea is make a LOT Armor, make some light, mid-strong, and "Heavy" armor 4 them.
And the best Assassin armor is the New Goblin's in Spiderman 3, watch him!
(Google search, Guys!)

Some of you guys crying becouse they are easy targets for an assassin, and they cant survive a sin...Cheers!



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2007

I live in an Igloo in southern BC, neer US border.

The Pig Pen [PIGZ] & We Aint All [NロロB]


Asassins in GW2 ? Well thats just crazy talk!
Hey, hmmm, whats this i see?

OMG, they will be in gw2?! nooooo

Musei Karasu

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2007


Originally Posted by FlamingMetroid
Added skills, If you don't like something about it for a reason other that "its an assassin," then feel free to post. I personally like playing the high risk light tank type class, thats why I hardly ever PvP, you cant use Death Blossom Farmer there XD I've tried every other class, but always stick with my assassin. No other class gives me the same satisfaction of completing something with an assassin. Personally, I wont be playing GW2 very long if the assassin or something comparable isn't available.
I honestly love my assassin. In fact it's my main character for PvE. But unfortunately they're rather hit or miss for PvP. They're either in style or not. There's not much of another option. It IS an unbalanced class.

Don't get me wrong, I like your idea FlamingMetriod, you've brought some interesting things into play. Some of your suggestions are overpowered, but it could be scaled down to actually allow balance. Disabling skills after using a L, D, F could be a really serious step in the right direction. I'd love to see a BALANCED assassin in GW2.

Unfortunately I think you're banking on the fact GW2 will be much like GW, where as I don't think that will be the case.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Sep 2007

standing on your last control point, while the rest of your team is to busy killing mine

The Luminaries [Lumi]


Originally Posted by Musei Karasu
I honestly love my assassin. In fact it's my main character for PvE. But unfortunately they're rather hit or miss for PvP. They're either in style or not. There's not much of another option. It IS an unbalanced class.

Don't get me wrong, I like your idea FlamingMetriod, you've brought some interesting things into play. Some of your suggestions are overpowered, but it could be scaled down to actually allow balance. Disabling skills after using a L, D, F could be a really serious step in the right direction. I'd love to see a BALANCED assassin in GW2.

Unfortunately I think you're banking on the fact GW2 will be much like GW, where as I don't think that will be the case.
I'm not, thats why I didn't totally toss out spiking.

GW2 will be a solo game as well as a team game, so the whole "GW is a team game" stance will go out the window for the most part in GW2

I use current GW attributes because I don't know how the GW2 attributes will work and neither does anyone else

Musei Karasu

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2007


Originally Posted by FlamingMetroid
I use current GW attributes because I don't know how the GW2 attributes will work and neither does anyone else
Guess that works, I just took it the wrong way then. My appologies.

Oh and a great image BTW, but that's not an assassin, it's a ninja (which I tend to dislike). Personally I'd like to see the assassin be an ASSASSIN not a ninja, but you get brownie points because it's a cool pic anyway.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Dec 2007

somewhere over the rainbow....


yea i've always wanted a armor like the guy in sins creed wears



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Sep 2007

standing on your last control point, while the rest of your team is to busy killing mine

The Luminaries [Lumi]


Personally I wouldn't mind either, but I like ninjas a bit better



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2007

I live in an Igloo in southern BC, neer US border.

The Pig Pen [PIGZ] & We Aint All [NロロB]


Hmm, why not just make one set ninja-looking, and other set "our current Asassin looking"?

Or for GW2, one race (maybe charr or somthing) become asassins, Sylvari maybe become hitmen, humans become ninja, and asura become pathetic little guys in masks .

Konig Des Todes

Konig Des Todes

Ooo, pretty flower

Join Date: Jan 2008

Citadel of the Decayed

The Archivists' Sanctum [Lore]


Yichi, I doubt anyone will care if you don't get gw2 because assassins are in it. Also, don't have the profession because people are too idiotic to play it. As for you, Stormlord Alex, your arguement seems complete nonsense to me. First you say its overpwoered, then you say there are counters, then you agree with someone who says that sins suck because people don't get it that they are not tanks, after that I just stopped reading because it was pissing me off. If you hate 'sins, whatever, they are not anymore overpowered then monks or any other profession, all professions are equally balanced, so I don't get how you get that 'sins are overpowered, especially when you say monks are not. I'd love to continue an arguement, I am sure you will call me stupid like you did about those who don't get what your saying, but I will say now, I am not stupid and I can understand a lot of crazy stuff, so if you want to try t oget me to understand where you are coming form on this, please tell me.

Originally Posted by Musei Karasu
Oh and a great image BTW, but that's not an assassin, it's a ninja (which I tend to dislike). Personally I'd like to see the assassin be an ASSASSIN not a ninja, but you get brownie points because it's a cool pic anyway.
I agree with that 'sins should be actual 'sins, not a ninja. I like ninja, but I'd rather have a class look like a ninja and CALLED a ninja. 'sin armor should look a lot me like the guy in Assassin's Creed, thats for sure, maybe we can get a Ninja profession and an Assassin profession in gw2? that would be nice .

Anyways, I like most of your ideas on the 'sin for GW2, but I think adding all that stuff WILL make it overpowering, unless you add just as much tuff to other professions, or take away things from the 'sin. One thing I can say I dislike, is the adding of the short sword, instead of that, how about adding either gauntlets/katars or adding shirokens and throwing knives and calling it a Ninja.

Edit: Just noticed, Stormlord Alex, your profession on your avatar is labeled Assassin/Monk...and yet you hate 'sins? Tell me how that makes any sense??

Phoenix Tears

Phoenix Tears

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2007

Originally Posted by Azazel The Assassin
I agree with that 'sins should be actual 'sins, not a ninja. I like ninja, but I'd rather have a class look like a ninja and CALLED a ninja. 'sin armor should look a lot me like the guy in Assassin's Creed, thats for sure, maybe we can get a Ninja profession and an Assassin profession in gw2? that would be nice .
That would be really ridiculously idiotic, if anet would do this, because Ninjas are only a cultural origin of the Assassin.
Ninjas are nothing else, then Assassins, only with a different Name.

Ninjas in the old Japan worked extremely often as Head Hunters for their Lords to kill for them people that stood in their way to become mightier. The Name Assassin again comes from an other culture, the culture of the old Persia

The perfect Assassin for GW2 would be also something, that perfectly combines both cultures into 1 Profession, that includes both assassination styles.

The Persian Style relies extreme on fighting with Katars, because the Katar is the original Melee Weapon for Asassins and combining their Weapon Skills with deadly Poisons and Nerve Poisons which should cause either paralyzing effects or hallucinations to confuse their victims before they assassin will land the deadly hit.

The Asian Style relies extreme on Martial Arts, Stealth and Throwing Weapons like Shurikens and Kunais (Throwing Stars and Throwing Daggers). Their fight style is much more a hybrid between melee techniques and semi ranged techniques. Their Style is called Ninjutsu. the Asian version of Assassins, the Ninjas are also said to have an own kind of traditional way of using Magic.

While Non-Assassin Magic users have to use Magic Spells to cast their Skills, asian Assassins (Ninjas) are said to be trained in the ability to cast Magic without speaking the magical Spell for them, they use a combination of quick Finger Signs and concentrate their magical energy into them, to cast their Skills without speaking. That has the advantage, that their enemies won't be able, to hear the spell and when you won't hear them, you can't know what kind of magic someone uses.

Sure, all will whine now again like ever about Naruto, but this anime has its good relations about the Ninja Culture, I also don't say, that assassins in GW2 should become Naruto-Clones (simple because they would have then nothing from their persian culture part, which they should have)

I say only, a mix between Naruto, Assassin's Creed,GW1, RO1's Assassins and the upcoming gameplay of EVAN onlines Rogues will make together a perfect Assassin Profession for GW2, because then they would have absolutely everything, people expect from this Class:

- Equipable Melee Weapon > Katars (Persian)
- Equipable Ranged Weapons: Shurikens and Kunais (Asian)
- Equipable Hybrid Weapon: Fuuma Shurikens *large Shurikens, which can be thrown away and will come back like Boomerangs and can be used also due to their size as melee weapon* Fuuma = japanese > Wind Spirit
- Masters of all sorts of Poisons (Persian/RO)
- Masters of Stealth (Asian/EVAN)
- Masters of Ninjutsu (Asian/Naruto) *Finger Sign Magic*
- Clothes (Armors) of both Cultures, either being masked or weiring hoods (Persian/Asian-Assassins Creed/GW)

All together = Perfect Hybrid between Asian and Persian Culture



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2007

I live in an Igloo in southern BC, neer US border.

The Pig Pen [PIGZ] & We Aint All [NロロB]


Well rather than making things complicated...
1) There will be Different Races.
2) There's a good chance, that their armor will not all look the same for each race (of asassin)

1) + 2) = Different race, different style of armour.

We currently have Norn armor, Asuran Armor, and monument armour. Each race = different armour styles (art).

Why would A-net ruin the lore by giving every race the same armour?

So , what I'm getting at is... Your charr may get a persian style asassin, your humans may keep the current look, sylvari may take on a ninja look, who knows... There are almost endless possibilities as to how armour will be designed.

BTW: Asassins creed armour looks liek some kind of Ranger-Asassin hybrid... The long suit coat , rather than the tight suit current asassins use.

Idea #2:

IF there is a Canthan Expansion, ninja-armour would most likely be implemented there.

Voltaic Annihilator


Join Date: Jan 2008


If they make assassins in gw2 and make it look like ur drawing i would definitly buy it!!!!!! (That sin is absolute PWNAGE)



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Sep 2007

standing on your last control point, while the rest of your team is to busy killing mine

The Luminaries [Lumi]


Originally Posted by Voltaic Annihilator
If they make assassins in gw2 and make it look like ur drawing i would definitly buy it!!!!!! (That sin is absolute PWNAGE)
thats actually factions concept art
I'm surprised more people didn't recognize it



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Dec 2007

somewhere over the rainbow....


Originally Posted by xDusT II
Have you actually ever played a GvG against a sin split. Do you even know how much some of the counters you listed will fail tremendously?

Guardian - Rigor Mortis
Insidious Parasite - 2s Cast, Hex
Spiteful Spirit - 2c Cast, Hex
Blackout - Good luck, siphon speed.
Cry of Frustration - lol?
Diversion - It's a counter I guess, if you want to split off your mesmer.
Empathy- Hex
Clumsiness/Ineptitude - Sinept them back?
Ethereal Burden - Shadow steps, hex
Every other hex you mentioned - hex
Shield Bash / Tenai's Wind - Doesn't stop NPC ganking.
bold ones work

most sin splits don't bring a necro with rigor mortis- i have no idea why you said that its just silly

Stormlord Alex

Stormlord Alex

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Dec 2005

Beyond the Forest of Doom, past the Cavern of Agony... on Kitten & Puppy Island

Soul of Melandru [sOm]


Originally Posted by Azazel The Assassin
Edit: Just noticed, Stormlord Alex, your profession on your avatar is labeled Assassin/Monk...and yet you hate 'sins? Tell me how that makes any sense??
I play Assassin.
I'm not a blind Assassin fanboi. There's a difference.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Dec 2007

somewhere over the rainbow....


Originally Posted by Stormlord Alex
I'm not a blind Assassin fanboi. There's a difference.
Quoted for epic truth



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2006

The Sky Pirates


Originally Posted by Stormlord Alex
Assassins are a lame, one dimensional class

I play Assassin.
just run me through how that works again please? you think they're rubbish, but you play one anyway?

anyway, back to the point of the thread.
i quite like your ideas about the 'sin, but im not so sure about the whole "10% chance to crit" on daggers, and im still a bit confused as to what the difference between combat and assassination is...
also, practically all of the skills are way to powerful.

Stormlord Alex

Stormlord Alex

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Dec 2005

Beyond the Forest of Doom, past the Cavern of Agony... on Kitten & Puppy Island

Soul of Melandru [sOm]


edit: actually, doesn't matter
People fail at reading too much to understand