IAS, Speed, 2-3 skills for spiking, interrupt, res sig, single utility [omg, so flexible, one skill...

PvE requirements:
Apparently, pros thinking anything can work, stupid or not... Some even mention using no skills. I'd LOVE to see a screenshot of a team using no skills Vanquish a large hard mode place...
I suppose my guess was true of this place. It's either cookie cutter, BARELY modified cookie cutter, or not worth posting...
Frenzy / Sprint vs. Flail / Rush. They practically accomplish the same goals through very minor different means. (and yet you either bring F/S or you're a noob...) My builds are practically cookie cutters missing 1-2 essentials and WHAM, I'm labeled noob. [fact is I was playing open beta of prophesies WAYYY back in early 2000s when Healing Signet was a common skill. I've played longer than most of you morons...

Can someone post a radically new build that can be regarded as efficient? Several others and myself have tried and failed multiple times. At least I have to say, my mindset of having my warrior get out there and deal damage using any means necessary is an old-school method that I'm gratefully seeing still works... Barely modified cookie cutters? I guess we're all forced to use those...
Some 'pro' prove me wrong. Some pro show me a build we've never seen before [especially if it's pvp] that would be highly efficient.
Good luck working without speed buff, IAS, Res Sig, Deep Wound (wait, I like deep wound, keep that ^_^), etc.
Why not let every warrior in the game use cookie cutters and barely touched/modded cookie cutters, then we'd all be the highest level now wouldn't we?

I've listed the essentials. I know how warriors supposed to be played. Can someone show me a non-essential pvp war of W/X?
If not, we should all stop posting anything new for PvP cause [axe example]
you must run
Eviscerate, exe. strike, Disrupting Chop, Bull Strike, Frenzy, Sprint, Res Sig, and MAYBE a utility skill from your other profession (self heals don't cut it)
or be noobed.
Sever, Gash, Galrath, Final, Frenzy, Sprint, Res Sig, bull strike. [swords]
You get the idea...
So... anyone?