Originally Posted by Tearz1993
Because forced grind is better than optional grind yes?
But when you can't even explore 20% of the map without grind, it's more problematic.
Originally Posted by Tearz1993
Because forced grind is better than optional grind yes?
Originally Posted by Dante the Warlord
Its been pretty evident from the easier to get things in GW, that thats whats killing it. People are finishing to fast and its made too easy(in PvE). Only hardcore gamers like PvP, so they only finish the storyline and they are done.
Numa Pompilius
Originally Posted by Richardt
Is the reason GW is compared to WoW because WoW is one of GW's biggest competitors? I.e. If EQ2 or EVE or heck, even Ultima Online was as big as WoW, would GW be compared to it?
Bryant Again
Originally Posted by Tearz1993
Because forced grind is better than optional grind yes?
Originally Posted by Saraphim
Yeh? I did a bit of reading that seemed to imply that arms was mostly a PVP build (which is what he's specced as). I was gently trying to get him to try Fury.
Zinger, I heard they're dropping attunement requirements. Can't see that going down well. |
Bryant Again
Originally Posted by Master Knightfall
WRONG! We'll take a lil survey to prove how wrong you are: Question 1: Does GW & WoW provide a central meeting place for players to meet and group up beyond the group max size? Answer: Yes to both Question 2: Does GW & WoW provide quests and missions from inside these meeting places for the players to gain and do? Answer: Yes to both Question 3: Are the prefixes for GW & WoW MMO? Answer: Yes to both Question 4: Does GW and WoW have grind for achievements, titles and character progression? Answer: Yes to both Question 5: Are there NPC merchants to trade with in the towns/outposts of both games? Answer: Yes to both Question 6: Does GW and WoW offer up UNIQUE loot on a level scale to their maximum levels ALLOWED by the perspective games? Answer: Yes to both Question 7: Does GW and WoW offer player trading amongst one another for profit and gain or even loss at times? Answer: Yes to both Question 8: Are GW and WoW RPG's in the sense and definition of what RPS's are ONLINE (not related to what an actual RPG is as per tabletop DnD) Answer: Yes to both Question 9: Can you SOLO efficiently and well in GW and WoW? Answer: Yes to both Question 10: Can you SOLO ALL the content in both GW and WoW? Answer: No to both (you can't solo any of the epic level dungeons or missions from start to finish even in GW you are limited to certain areas). |
Balan Makki
Originally Posted by Zinger314
Do you have examples of that ludicrious claim?
Originally Posted by Saraphim
Just got to 70 in WoW and the *real* issue with that is unless you're willing to devote a minimum of three nights a week to a four hour raid you haven't got a hope of getting into a decent raiding guild.
![]() ![]() |
Originally Posted by Zinger314
Recently, I logged into Guild Wars, just for fun, and entered a FoW group. I was the BiP. In the end, I had no use, because the group was fully buffed with consumables and steamrolled through FoW. (I actually left so that the group would actually have a challenge)
Originally Posted by Zinger314
Whereas in the dungeons in WoW, especially the Heroic dungeons, no one can sleep through it. All 5 players have to be playing to their utmost ability. And the reward there (Badges) are 100% more useful than a 1/8 chance . . .
Blizzards next MMO will be a Guild Wars clone. |
Bryant Again
Originally Posted by Balan Makki
Saraphim said Minimum, which says a lot, and is correct in his/her assessment.
Originally Posted by Balan Makki
How much of that fabtabulous World of 'wow content' is useful to a level 70 player? Your answer should be example enough. I'm being generous with 85/15% ratio. I'd bet its far less. Considering all that great and glorious content, your end-game character is really at a dead end
To each his own. I log in determined to PuG my way through the Crystal Desert Missions+Bonus (NM). . . amazingly difficult for a PuG to complete--almost a dozen failures. Half the players running the wrong way, the other half just standing around taking damage. . . something that can be done (was done) using heroes easily, seems virtually impossible for a random team. Seems we're playing different games, or there is a decided majority that don't measure up to your skill leetness. Somthing I'm sure you can do Hard Mode with ease. . . ![]() |
How much of that fabtabulous World of 'wow content' is useful to a level 70 player? |
Numa Pompilius
~ Dan ~
Originally Posted by Numa Pompilius
What I'm wondering is... When is WoW2 due? Or a substantial update of WoW at least? Is it even on the horizon yet?
Or are we looking at a Sims situation, with Blizzard bleeding the userbase by releasing WoW Houseparty updates for years and years? |
Alex the Great
Originally Posted by enxa
Those kind of comments just come from poor people who cant afford to pay for WoW so they flame over it. :P
Originally Posted by Numa Pompilius
What I'm wondering is... When is WoW2 due? Or a substantial update of WoW at least? Is it even on the horizon yet?
Or are we looking at a Sims situation, with Blizzard bleeding the userbase by releasing WoW Houseparty updates for years and years? |
Master Knightfall
GW's problem is that every scrub wants to be everything and have everything for free |
Numa Pompilius
Originally Posted by Cacheelma
And releasing WoW2 is different from releasing WoW expanssion, how?
Trust me, most companies don't make a short-sight, subpar first game to build a customer base and then make a second game after a very short time. |
Originally Posted by Biostem
There are a few things about WoW that I have observed:
5. There's a sort of circular process that keeps the playerbase in WoW large; there's a lot of players, which is used as a selling point to attract more players, etc. Because it isn't instanced, and because there are so many players, WoW feels like a real world, which is a big attraction to those looking for an escape from reality. In GW, it can feel pretty dead, and even a little lonely, because it is mostly instanced, and only the main towns are |
Originally Posted by Master Knightfall
...and give more to players who have the TIME as well as the SKILL and that's really fair.
Originally Posted by Alleji
Starcraft > GW because I paid less for SC and I'm enjoying it more because blizzard didn't break their game with imba shit in their half-baked expansions. It also has better replayability. Discuss. |
Originally Posted by Tarun
Master Knightfall
Quote: Originally Posted by Master Knightfall ...and give more to players who have the TIME as well as the SKILL and that's really fair. Is it? If I've spent 1000 hours playing and you've spent 10000, do you really need to have a r10 Ursan instead of a r5 Ursan? |
Lord Sojar
Originally Posted by Savio
Some of us enjoy games where you have to think a little bit. Potions and unlimited skills are the opposite of what GW was made for.
Master Knightfall
isamu kurosawa
Originally Posted by Master Knightfall
Not a chitload of skills on the skillbar, but, the ability to LOAD ANY skill onto the skillbar at any time. I never liked I was limited to 8 skills for a whole mission or through a whole zone not even knowing what I was up against. Even in the fantasy world the adventures can call upon ANY of their SKILLS at ANY time during their quest. I'd rather they use the DnD method and have us rest during the adventure or mission and be able to rejuv our skills as we use them up. DnD still has the best and most fun method of adventuring.
Rocky Raccoon
Originally Posted by Master Knightfall
Not a chitload of skills on the skillbar, but, the ability to LOAD ANY skill onto the skillbar at any time. I never liked I was limited to 8 skills for a whole mission or through a whole zone not even knowing what I was up against. Even in the fantasy world the adventures can call upon ANY of their SKILLS at ANY time during their quest. I'd rather they use the DnD method and have us rest during the adventure or mission and be able to rejuv our skills as we use them up. DnD still has the best and most fun method of adventuring.
Originally Posted by Tarun
[*]Potions - How can you have an RPG and not have potions for health and mana?
~ Dan ~
Originally Posted by Taurucis
One growing problem in a lot of MMOs is that potions are becoming even stronger than healers. Taking damage? Forget the healer, drink a potion. Drink two at once. And if you're good at making potions, you can just sit down and make healing potions and make a fortune.
Bryant Again
Originally Posted by dan-the-noob
Growing problem eh? Atleast MMOs are going in the right direction. If i can heal myself better than any team-mate, great! I'm fedup with relying on retards.
Originally Posted by Master Knightfall
Yup sure do that shows I put in the time to be MORE efficient than you are. I have a better quality character build than you do (R10 to your Rless) and more than likely better SKILLED than you are since SKILL = TIME PLAYED + INTELLIGENCE. <grin>
As GW2 will present a persistant world things will need to be harder and harder and require more time an effort just like the titles and PVE Only skills do now. Those of us who put in the TIME are now REWARED for that time, but, of course these are NOT REQUIRED Skills or titles, but, they do enhance the CHARACTER of the Player and his characters who have accomplished the more important ones that allow hiim/me/whoever to get to places and play there that others cannot or couldn't before. <grin> Not all titles are beneficial, not all PVE only skills are beneficial, but, there are enough of them to make some characters/players pretty POWERFUL over others and that's what's fair about the game now and in the future with GW2 as well. <grin> |