Retire certain item skins?
Sorry if this idea has been brought forward before but I was thinking. Just like all types of collectables; Precious Moments dolls Disney movies, etc., it would be interesting if Anet started to "retire" certain skins. Let's say they retire the Elemental Sword. I chose that particular one because it jumps out as the current one that has plummented in price due to farming. The price will start to rise again for those holding onto a few. Others will have been customized, merched or salvaged. It would also be interesting as players tried to determine what would be next on the "retirement" list.
Well, let's see if the flames come out or if it sounds interesting to the rest of you.
Well, let's see if the flames come out or if it sounds interesting to the rest of you.
If I were to retire some items, I think I would start with the storm bow, fellblade, etc (things that are considered old school items).
Overall though, I wouldn't retire anything.
Overall though, I wouldn't retire anything.
Oh man, while I don't have a problem with the concept, let's not make that Playskool-lookin' thing any more sought after than it already is.
I like the idea, think it would help the PvE side of the game quite a bit. Also agree with genofreek.

i like that idea actually. i always thought that retiring greens and also have wandering spawns for green bosses would be kinda nice. Solo builds would still be viable but you couldnt just destroy a green market through saturation. IE. woespreader scareater. both excellent staves that are worthless now. lol anyways i like the idea. But to stay on point i believe the Raven staff though a wonderful and epic skin can go the way of the DOE DOE BIRD (sic)
Originally Posted by turnkey1970
Sorry if this idea has been brought forward before but I was thinking. Just like all types of collectables; Precious Moments dolls Disney movies, etc., it would be interesting if Anet started to "retire" certain skins.
Rangers Death
I Kinda like the idea of retiring skins the games economy is plumiting just like the US economy. If you start to "retire" certain skins eg.( fellblade, chaos axe, stormbow, eternal bow) personaly i would retire this only the tyrian type because this would still let the skins be out there just not the tyrain type. This would make the price of the items go up and would make the game econmoy better.
no thanks
no thanks
Originally Posted by jiggles
no thanks |
Fitz Rinley
Originally Posted by turnkey1970
Sorry if this idea has been brought forward before but I was thinking. Just like all types of collectables; Precious Moments dolls Disney movies, etc., it would be interesting if Anet started to "retire" certain skins. Let's say they retire the Elemental Sword. I chose that particular one because it jumps out as the current one that has plummented in price due to farming. The price will start to rise again for those holding onto a few. Others will have been customized, merched or salvaged. It would also be interesting as players tried to determine what would be next on the "retirement" list.
Well, let's see if the flames come out or if it sounds interesting to the rest of you. |
Originally Posted by angmar_nite
/signed |
you realise i was being sarcastic right? (or did i totally read what you said wrong?)
I've never thought about it and now I like the idea!
But you have to carefully choose which skins to 'retire'. There are many old skins which have their value 'protected' by the fact they don't drop inscribable or their inscribable versions are very rare (like Zaishen/HoH chest only). Those will retain value for long long time.
The problem are the ones commonly dropping inscribable, those can look very cool and potentially valuable, but the market is full of perfect versions of them so even req9 are(Dead Swords, Elemental Swords, Greater Sage Blades, Dead Bows, Sephis Axes, and a lot lot of Nightfall skins which are now straight merchant food even req9). Nothing that's in infinite supply cannot be valuable.
I've never thought about it and now I like the idea!
But you have to carefully choose which skins to 'retire'. There are many old skins which have their value 'protected' by the fact they don't drop inscribable or their inscribable versions are very rare (like Zaishen/HoH chest only). Those will retain value for long long time.
The problem are the ones commonly dropping inscribable, those can look very cool and potentially valuable, but the market is full of perfect versions of them so even req9 are(Dead Swords, Elemental Swords, Greater Sage Blades, Dead Bows, Sephis Axes, and a lot lot of Nightfall skins which are now straight merchant food even req9). Nothing that's in infinite supply cannot be valuable.
Arguement based entirely around 1337 speak aren't exactly taken seriously.
It might not be a bad idea. Of course, they should try to introduce a few new weapons skins just to balance it out (especially spears, daggers, and sycthles, which just get shafted in terms of variety).
It might not be a bad idea. Of course, they should try to introduce a few new weapons skins just to balance it out (especially spears, daggers, and sycthles, which just get shafted in terms of variety).
Snow Bunny
Anet would never promote hoarding.
*stares at his one minipig*
Oh yeah, I guess they do. I'd rather them give random people stacks of ecto each month than do this - and it would have about the same effect.
*stares at his one minipig*
Oh yeah, I guess they do. I'd rather them give random people stacks of ecto each month than do this - and it would have about the same effect.
/signed for retiring raven staffs!

/not signed
Silly idea. Just another way of complaining that people can't charge hugely inflated prices for any old crap anymore.
Silly idea. Just another way of complaining that people can't charge hugely inflated prices for any old crap anymore.
/not signed.
all this would do is add to the idea that to be good at the game you have to have leet items
all this would do is add to the idea that to be good at the game you have to have leet items
Numa Pompilius
So this is yet another qq-thread from farmers who feel they don't get enough gold from selling their loot.
Play the game, dammit. If you want training for when you grow up and become an accountant, get EVE.
Play the game, dammit. If you want training for when you grow up and become an accountant, get EVE.
Wow, thanks for the responses. I honestly didn't think it would get a lot of attention. To all those who agree, thanks. To those that disagree, thank you as well. I would like to point out, speaking for self of course, the point wasn't to make me "leet" or uber-rich in a day; it was just a thought about how to throw a twist into the game and help, at least a little, in snapping back the economy. If I want to be rich I will go and grind out the ecto like any self respecting farmer
. Again, thanks for all the responses.

Originally Posted by Fitz Rinley
Don't know if I want one. And I will Never buy one. The part they never bother with is promotion and support of personal ideal fantasy in the characterization. Elimination of skins also eliminates the option to appear in a manner entertaining to the player. I support no elitest bullcrap in this. Equal opportunity should not be denied in a virtual world because some prick wants to jack up the price on what they own.
The economy, being based on the transfer potentially infinite supplies of items that are 90% vanity, is fine as it is and doesn't need "snapping back".
The bigger problems is that when you kill the increase in the number of the weapons, the supply will decrease, and in the extreme, dry up entirely. Some people will buy them and not resell. Some people will quit the game and those weapons will drop out of the market. Eventually, you'll see some of them going for really exorbitant amounts of money. We have enough stuff going for 100k + XXX ecto, I don't think we need to make more. I understand where you're coming from with this, but it would end up hurting more than helping.
Originally Posted by genofreek
Oh man, while I don't have a problem with the concept, let's not make that Playskool-lookin' thing any more sought after than it already is.
Numa Pompilius
Originally Posted by DRGN
Eventually, you'll see some of them going for really exorbitant amounts of money.
Problem is that ANet listens to uber-farmers like that, as proven by the divine ANet intervention to increase the price of minipigs last dragon festival, for the financial benefit of uber-farmers close to ANet.
Which is why I think that now that this suggestion has been made, it's just a matter of time before ANet implements it. It's exactly what the uber-farmers want, and ANet listens to the "elite".
I'm still going to /unsign it as a supremely bad idea, though.
I don't know about the average farmer, but I don't keep items I find for more than a couple days, so I really don't see why this would be about OP wanting to get rid of his 50 raven stave's for 100k each. The fact is that NOTHING is worth anything anymore.
Numa Pompilius
Which is why farmers want item rarity increased.
Exactly like happened with the minipig, which instantly went from 1K to 20K each when ANet stepped in to raise its price.
Let's assume Raven Staffs stopped dropping today. What do you think a gold perfect one would be worth tomorrow? In a months time?
Exactly like happened with the minipig, which instantly went from 1K to 20K each when ANet stepped in to raise its price.
Let's assume Raven Staffs stopped dropping today. What do you think a gold perfect one would be worth tomorrow? In a months time?
/not signed
I like prices low
I like prices low
I will sign this just for the fact I would like to see all the QQ it causes.
Pyro maniac
/signed for flamberge
This goes against everything that GW stands for...if anything, A-Net will continue to try to make things more accessible, not less.
Originally Posted by Numa Pompilius
Which is why farmers want item rarity increased.

Originally Posted by Numa Pompilius
Exactly like happened with the minipig, which instantly went from 1K to 20K each when ANet stepped in to raise its price.
Originally Posted by Numa Pompilius
Let's assume Raven Staffs stopped dropping today. What do you think a gold perfect one would be worth tomorrow? In a months time?
Also, this wouldn't help many of your hated farmers, as farmers don't hang on to many of the items they get, and very rarely any of the lower end skins.
Zahr Dalsk
Oh, sure, we want the people who were lucky enough to happen to have certain A-net chosen items at the time to get rich while the item reaches unobtainable status for all but the very richest players.
Stupid, stupid idea.
Stupid, stupid idea.
Look, its not about making the "new super rare leet item." Even if raven staves stoped droping tommorow, that doesn't make them as rare and valuable as say... a chaos axe.
The OP just doesn't want to see every single weapon skin in the game cost 500g.
The OP just doesn't want to see every single weapon skin in the game cost 500g.
So my req 8 hammer may be wurth something
/not signed
The only skin I want to see retired in that damn lesser guardian spear.
The only skin I want to see retired in that damn lesser guardian spear.
Originally Posted by AbalaDoon
. woespreader scareater. both excellent staves that are worthless now. Cronk
/not signed
Eh, I dunno if we need another stupid gold sink. But if we did do this...
Retire all the epic FoW and UW skins, which are still epic but I'd love to show off the fact that they've been around since 2005 and "NO YOU NIGHTFALLERS ARE NOT SPECIAL, YOU DID NOT INVENT THEM!".
"retire FDS lololol moar popularz again"
Retire all the epic FoW and UW skins, which are still epic but I'd love to show off the fact that they've been around since 2005 and "NO YOU NIGHTFALLERS ARE NOT SPECIAL, YOU DID NOT INVENT THEM!".
"retire FDS lololol moar popularz again"
Konig Des Todes
I doubt anet would do this, with all the updates that effected teh economy of the game, it seems they want things to be low, with a few mistakes *note the mini pig*, probably to prevent people from not being able to get the stuff they want...sadly, the main problem with this is then people cannot buy things like elite armor if they want that stuff.
You can't see me
/Not Signed, for two main reasons.
I think that it's good that there are many choices to pick from when it comes to weapons and their prices. You have a vast selection at affordable rates that you can mix and match without spending countless hours to get them. The same goes with armor, and I think we all agree that the armor system is nicely done. While it keeps the choices open and budgest friendly, it also has armors that satisfy the need to look rich. (Obviously, Fissure of Woe Armor). I like weapons being the same way.
Secondly, if Arenanet kept retiring old skins, then they would eventually have to make new skins that didn't absolutely make you want to die, and that's not happening.
I think that it's good that there are many choices to pick from when it comes to weapons and their prices. You have a vast selection at affordable rates that you can mix and match without spending countless hours to get them. The same goes with armor, and I think we all agree that the armor system is nicely done. While it keeps the choices open and budgest friendly, it also has armors that satisfy the need to look rich. (Obviously, Fissure of Woe Armor). I like weapons being the same way.
Secondly, if Arenanet kept retiring old skins, then they would eventually have to make new skins that didn't absolutely make you want to die, and that's not happening.