Originally Posted by Chthon
1. I'm very pleased with the new changes and I completely agree with the policies behind them.
2. Let me repeat #1. I'm very pleased with the new changes and I completely agree with the policies behind them. 3. I am a bit apprehensive that there will be too many false positives. Adequate care is not taken with account bans, and I certainly hope support is more careful with IP bans. 4. First of all, as Fusa said, the clock may have already started ticking on that account's eventual ban. If it takes 48 hours for a-net to catch up to credit card fraud and ban the account, removing 24 hours of trade cuts the value of a new account in half, doubling the cost to the RMT company. Second of all, guessing when accounts are going to be banned and need replaced is bound to be an imprecise science. Up till now, when an account got banned, they could buy a new one on the spot and be up and running again. Now they can't do that. If they buy too many accounts in anticipation of bans that don't come as soon as expected, they waste money on more accounts than they have farming employees and/or spammable districts for; and if they buy too few accounts because bans come sooner than expected, they end up with gold farming employees and/or a spammable districts without enough accounts to exploit them. Either way the RMT company's bottom line gets driven up. |
And if it is credit card fraud they aren't out any money either - that's why it is called "fraud."
In the mean time - what about:
The new player who finds a black dye in pre on his first day? (as happened to my son when he stared playing). Sure - it's just an "inconvenience" to wait to trade it but it makes the game less fun to have to do so.
The new players to whom I used give things like unnatural seeds or spider legs so they can get armor. Sure it just saves them a little time but it makes the game more fun for them and me - now I can't do that.
The new players (dozens of them) to whom I gave weapons that were too nice to merch but I didn't want to spend the time spamming to sell - most of these were first day players And I'm far from the only one (look under the "nicest people I met" thread" many of them remember a more experienced player giving them something which they kept for months because it reminded them how welcomed they felt).
I'm sorry but I'm not willing to be inconvenienced just to catch the botters - restricting play style to do so is just a stupid move and I suspect you are going to find all the "wow good job ANet" comments on this thread turn to major complaints in a very short time.