Remove the death animation from /resign
please remove the death animation when all type /resign.
thats just non-sense
/resign is different from /mass-suicide
thats just non-sense
/resign is different from /mass-suicide
Yeh I agree...
First time I saw it I was really confused.
First time I saw it I was really confused.
Rue The Day
I find it amusing actually. I would be a bit disappointed if it were suddenly gone.
I find it amusing actually. I would be a bit disappointed if it were suddenly gone.
I would be a bit disappointed if it were suddenly gone. |
Rue The Day
Well it's not like it bothers me when it's a /resign. Why would it? She's a fake character in a game. Besides, some of the death screams are great.
It is kind of funny though.
"Let's go back our heroes have no weapons."
"Fine, all die then."
It doesn't make a lot of sense.
It is kind of funny though.
"Let's go back our heroes have no weapons."
"Fine, all die then."
It doesn't make a lot of sense.
/signet. Faster, wait time is the suck.
/signed - worth it
Siirius Black
it takes about 3 seconds to die when you resign
it takes about 3 seconds to die when you resign
It's so dang hard to get people to resign I think, in part, because they don't want to see their characters "die."
It's so dang hard to get people to resign I think, in part, because they don't want to see their characters "die."
Originally Posted by Siirius Black
it takes about 3 seconds to die when you resign |
3 seconds too long!
When you resign, you abandon whatever you are doing.
When you resign, you abandon whatever you are doing.
Does it really matter? Death animation or not, you're still resigning. Resigning doesn't count as a death, so it doesn't really matter.
Zahr Dalsk
Why? For the lulz. I like seeing the party drop dead.
Why? For the lulz. I like seeing the party drop dead.
the kurzick eater
it kind of ruins the feeling of failure that anet was probably trying to achieve.
(anyways, does this count towards survivor?)
it kind of ruins the feeling of failure that anet was probably trying to achieve.
(anyways, does this count towards survivor?)
I like how the Minions will go after the Spirits after that. Kinda funny, but for the longest time, I thought it added to /deaths
time to smash
/notsigned, really who cares if i shows it or not, ur still giving up
Originally Posted by the kurzick eater
(anyways, does this count towards survivor?)
and also, i could care less about this. i say keep the death scene. you are RESIGNING. so, in technical terms, you failed to do whatever it is you were doing (according to the game). as other people stated above me, the deaths shouts are rather funny to hear.
my personal fav is hearing a male warrior type voice go "UUUHHHG".

Eh... I could go either way but I guess /notsigned because I find the spontaneous mass suicide of a party kinda funny...
Are you running out of things to complain about or what?
you should just resign get the message of your team resigned and then directly load screen back to previous outpost
you should just resign get the message of your team resigned and then directly load screen back to previous outpost
pumpkin pie
/not signed
unless its change to everyone holding a white flag.
unless its change to everyone holding a white flag.
people are bored these days lol
Phoenix Tears
signed, this mass suicie is just senseless, and when you've seen it a 1000+ times, its absoutely not funny anymore, it is just extreme annoying...
when all /resign, the game should just automatically instantly warp all to the last outpost the group started from, without that anyone has to click a god damn button first to prevent dumb problems with AFK Group Leaders
when all /resign, the game should just automatically instantly warp all to the last outpost the group started from, without that anyone has to click a god damn button first to prevent dumb problems with AFK Group Leaders
Originally Posted by Turbobusa
people are bored these days lol
/notsigned UARRRRG |

Does it really matter? |
go farm or something
I died enough of time, and it does not make sense to see charater die.
I died enough of time, and it does not make sense to see charater die.
I'm sorry but I believe their are other, more important, matters that the programmers need to work on.
I'm sorry but I believe their are other, more important, matters that the programmers need to work on.
Malice Black
Originally Posted by Arkantos
Does it really matter? Death animation or not, you're still resigning. Resigning doesn't count as a death, so it doesn't really matter.

Originally Posted by maverickthewolf
but u need to see your loved character dying? lol
I personally couldn't care either way, but I think it would be cool to see like, the whole team raise their hands up surrender-style and maybe a white flag appears at your location instead of just... dying. I think they were just too lazy and didn't want to code any new animations.
Originally Posted by pumpkin pie
/not signed
unless its change to everyone holding a white flag. |
unimportant topic this update would be a waste of time for Anet
unimportant topic this update would be a waste of time for Anet
I'm also guessing that ANet would have to change a few mechanics to get the return party to outpost menu to show without your characters being dead. Just like in FoW or UW, when an eternal/reaper dies, the whole party dies (but does not count as a death) so the return party to outpost menu shows up.
I'd replace it with a 'teleport away' animation like the Vizier Khilbrom uses, but it's not really important.
Shayne Hawke
I don't really mind the death animation. What I do mind is when I'm getting my ass whooped, and I resign, and my character falls down, and I have no way of telling whether I died by being killed, or died through resignation.
If there was a recognizable way of knowing when your party has resigned instead of dying, I would sign this.
If there was a recognizable way of knowing when your party has resigned instead of dying, I would sign this.
Im masochist.
Im masochist.
it doesn't count for deaths anyway, and if you quit you should have to watch your character keel over in agony.
it doesn't count for deaths anyway, and if you quit you should have to watch your character keel over in agony.
Limu Tolkki
It doesnt really matter. So for gw1 notsigned, but would be cool in gw2 if theres such opinion as resigning.
Fitz Rinley
I have heard a rumor that when you resign you do not die. I don't believe this rumor and my Survivor will not use it. I will keep mapping as long as the system makes people keep dying.
Egh, from all the useless things someone could suggest...