bandana, destroyer gloves, etc for pvp
Yeah 200 tournament points = bandana 1000 = chaos cloves 400 = blindfodl etc Woo.
Can someone at least post an argument against the idea, instead of repeating 'pve stuff for pve' and vice versa?
I mean, it's begging the question logically, who says what is to be pve-only and pvp-only? It helps to divide the community, which is not a good thing and therefore it should be avoided.
The main reason why the pvp'ers, I think, don't want to play pve to get these items is because all it takes it more or less mindless grinding, which many pvp'ers dislike. Why not give them a way to earn prestige armor, in a way they like? - playing pvp.
Adding armors as pvp rewards, to me, only seems like a good thing with no identified bad outcomes. If there is any, then please present arguments for them.
I mean, it's begging the question logically, who says what is to be pve-only and pvp-only? It helps to divide the community, which is not a good thing and therefore it should be avoided.
The main reason why the pvp'ers, I think, don't want to play pve to get these items is because all it takes it more or less mindless grinding, which many pvp'ers dislike. Why not give them a way to earn prestige armor, in a way they like? - playing pvp.
Adding armors as pvp rewards, to me, only seems like a good thing with no identified bad outcomes. If there is any, then please present arguments for them.
if you can hold halls for a full day then you can get anything you want imo

Originally Posted by Deleet
Can someone at least post an argument against the idea, instead of repeating 'pve stuff for pve' and vice versa?
I mean, it's begging the question logically, who says what is to be pve-only and pvp-only? It helps to divide the community, which is not a good thing and therefore it should be avoided. The main reason why the pvp'ers, I think, don't want to play pve to get these items is because all it takes it more or less mindless grinding, which many pvp'ers dislike. Why not give them a way to earn prestige armor, in a way they like? - playing pvp. Adding armors as pvp rewards, to me, only seems like a good thing with no identified bad outcomes. If there is any, then please present arguments for them. |
to get ANY of the EOTN prestige amour, it requires grind - boring, but IT IS a requirement for them. so, call it 12 hours or so of grind. now, add to that the actual cost and material costs. for most of the EOTN armours, that's 50k + materials, which can be intense on expenses, depending on the armour - so, ballpark it at 90k, +time to get all the materials, reputation requirements, etc.
chaos gloves are another matter though. they cost a stack of glittering dust (cheap) and 75 ecto. (decidedly NOT cheap) and the aforementioned grindfest for the reputation requirements.
all of the requirements for them for a PvEer, are stuff that's above and beyond the scope of "normal" gameplay.
now, to get them on a PvP character, for RP, means that you're just playing as normal. no extra effort, no mindless time spent. there's nothing at all beyond your normal gameplay to get RP (to get ENOUGH might be a different matter...)
to make the comparison - getting chaos gloves for RP without meeting the requirements (both time and financial), would be like granting them to anyone who makes it halfway through a campaign in PvE.... see where i'm going?
there should be some extra effort, equivelant to the grind and cost, required for a PvP only char to get the elite armours. holding halls for 3 days (not neccesarily 3 days running, just 3 days total). getting 50+flawless victories. something clearly above and beyond the normal scope of your gameplay.
and, were they to be awarded to PvP only chars, i would prefer them to be a single shot deal - not like the standard PvP armour - you want a second set of gloves with a different rune? you have to earn them again.
if there was a system that included those requirements, then i *might* consider it fair for the PvP community to get high-end PvE only items.
Prof Of Black
/signed x 1000%
i honestly dont care either way...i play both pvp and pve and could care less that pvpers get GWEN armor.
i do agree that PvP FOW (or anything unlocked in pvp with reward points) carries more prestiege because it requires players to have what i feel seperates GW from WoW...SKILL as apposed to hours played (grinding). not only can u grind your way to pve fow but theres the possibility of buying gold with RL money...and therefore making it simple to purchase the mats and get a run to the armor crafter...a couple simple mouse clicks to get fow in pve (im not saying that everyone with fow did that but honestly, it does lose some prestige when its possible to do).
and as far as i know...u cant trade tourny reward points
oh...and i get the idea that some ppl posting here may confuse Reward Points for Balthazar Faction...they are 2 different things! Reward points are not nearly as easily obtained as balth faction
i do agree that PvP FOW (or anything unlocked in pvp with reward points) carries more prestiege because it requires players to have what i feel seperates GW from WoW...SKILL as apposed to hours played (grinding). not only can u grind your way to pve fow but theres the possibility of buying gold with RL money...and therefore making it simple to purchase the mats and get a run to the armor crafter...a couple simple mouse clicks to get fow in pve (im not saying that everyone with fow did that but honestly, it does lose some prestige when its possible to do).
and as far as i know...u cant trade tourny reward points
oh...and i get the idea that some ppl posting here may confuse Reward Points for Balthazar Faction...they are 2 different things! Reward points are not nearly as easily obtained as balth faction
Onyx Ftw
Originally Posted by Deleet
Can someone at least post an argument against the idea, instead of repeating 'pve stuff for pve' and vice versa?
I mean, it's begging the question logically, who says what is to be pve-only and pvp-only? It helps to divide the community, which is not a good thing and therefore it should be avoided. The main reason why the pvp'ers, I think, don't want to play pve to get these items is because all it takes it more or less mindless grinding, which many pvp'ers dislike. Why not give them a way to earn prestige armor, in a way they like? - playing pvp. Adding armors as pvp rewards, to me, only seems like a good thing with no identified bad outcomes. If there is any, then please present arguments for them. |
And yes pvpers don't like to think most of their effort went into a pve cause. They like to manage their time in a pvp cause. So if you fail so hard to not get reward points, then QQ moar plz. There's a lot more prestige for a pvp character sporting fow armor than a pve character nowadays.
The Lurch
I don't PvP, but I do /sign this.
PvE'rs have a rweard: the Hall of Monuments (however, I haven't played for a while, so if PvP'rs can somehow acess the HoM without a PvE char, forget all of the following).
We, as PvE'rs get to port most, if not all, of our achievements into GW2. PvP'rs...don't. While I disagree with FoW armor being more prestiegous in PvP (unless you buy money, they both take equal amounts of effort to get, and as far as I'm concerned, PvE'rs have it worse - we have to farm, while PvP'rs get to....pvp....) I'm all for it. In the long run, PvP'rs get NOTHING! When an old skool PvE'r jumps into GW2, they will have things already there - a legacy, so to speak. PvP'rs WON'T. However, I DO agree with an above statement, which says the gloves and stuff are a one-shot deal, if you want two pairs, you gotta earn 'em again.
PvE'rs have a rweard: the Hall of Monuments (however, I haven't played for a while, so if PvP'rs can somehow acess the HoM without a PvE char, forget all of the following).
We, as PvE'rs get to port most, if not all, of our achievements into GW2. PvP'rs...don't. While I disagree with FoW armor being more prestiegous in PvP (unless you buy money, they both take equal amounts of effort to get, and as far as I'm concerned, PvE'rs have it worse - we have to farm, while PvP'rs get to....pvp....) I'm all for it. In the long run, PvP'rs get NOTHING! When an old skool PvE'r jumps into GW2, they will have things already there - a legacy, so to speak. PvP'rs WON'T. However, I DO agree with an above statement, which says the gloves and stuff are a one-shot deal, if you want two pairs, you gotta earn 'em again.
Mr Fizzle
IF you don't know 200 reward points a armor set isn't exactly fun/easy to do.Depending on who you get in the AT it can be very cruel lol.
Originally Posted by quickmonty
/not signed
You want them, earn them thru PvE. |
I Is Special
Originally Posted by The Lurch
PvE'rs have a rweard: the Hall of Monuments (however, I haven't played for a while, so if PvP'rs can somehow acess the HoM without a PvE char, forget all of the following).
We, as PvE'rs get to port most, if not all, of our achievements into GW2. PvP'rs...don't. While I disagree with FoW armor being more prestiegous in PvP (unless you buy money, they both take equal amounts of effort to get, and as far as I'm concerned, PvE'rs have it worse - we have to farm, while PvP'rs get to....pvp....) I'm all for it. In the long run, PvP'rs get NOTHING! When an old skool PvE'r jumps into GW2, they will have things already there - a legacy, so to speak. PvP'rs WON'T. However, I DO agree with an above statement, which says the gloves and stuff are a one-shot deal, if you want two pairs, you gotta earn 'em again. |
Originally Posted by Floski
It is easy. It's just time-consuming and boring. Do PvPers really want to do something time consuming and boring when they could earn them through RP instead? You must be daft.
My statement is clear and simple. If you really want something that bad then put in the effort to get it.
The Toe Tag
i wish they would kill the RP armor and weapons and turn it back into the way it know making a real chars and farming for your stuff before you go off to pvp.
Iv always seen pvp chars as a quick char made to role fast,not a char to keep and earn things for...whats next char based titles for pvp only chars?
Iv always seen pvp chars as a quick char made to role fast,not a char to keep and earn things for...whats next char based titles for pvp only chars?