Originally Posted by Fril Estelin
I'm starting to think that people only read the cover of the book here, i.e. the OP. 3 pages of posts, discussion and explanations? "Don't care, I'll just add one more opinion to the list and one message to my counter."
So let's repeat again: such a council of players would have no power. They'll report questions, concerns and suggestions (which, btw, influence the game design already) in (that's the real question here) a better way than is currently done.
I'm starting to think that may be a lolcatz could explain it better than I do, or shall I draw more diagrams?  Or may be I should let the thread die and move on.
PLEASE no cats hehe
Fril, what I think a few of us are saying, me included, is that it
is, although mild, giving a body of players a position of power. I know you'd prefer to discuss that at a later point, but I don't think it can be ignored now.
If you (just example) have the ability to speak with Anet directly and I don't, you have a position that does hold influence. That if xNumber of players, elected to serve a role to represent, has direct contact with Anet that noone else has, it gives them greater influence. They might not have official title and they might not be "employed", but they will be put into a position that the rest of the player base won't have access too and the community should worry about that. Perhaps "power" isn't the proper adjective, but it best describes what would become a hierarchy directly within the player community. Also, to note; If the goal isn't to have some sort of influence on decisions, then it would seem to me that there is no reason to consider having such a representative body in place.
I don't think it's wrong to be concerned about that body properly, without
any bias, informing Anet of issues on the minds of players. I would be greatly concerned, that if I had an issue I felt needed to be brought to great attention, that my message would be given in the same manner I delivered it without being taken out of context in any fashion.
I would also like to add that I don't believe Devs and Relations are out of the loop on issues players have. Quite the opposite, in my opinion, Devs and Relations are probably ahead of the curve in knowing what key issues are and what issues will come.
I'm all for making communication more efficient, more clear, and I'm all for having issues resolved as quickly as possible and effectively as possible. I, speaking only for myself, just feel having a representative body is not the proper way to improve the matter.
If a tool of sorts should ever be created it
must be a tool everyone has access too directly. The ideas of a suggestion-box setup, directly in game, is a wonderful idea and somewhat mimics a similar idea I brought up about a more detailed Report Page that players could have access to. It's ideas like this, where every player can have a "voice", without going through a new additional channel, that can be an improvement.
Fril, don't let things die. You're one of the few posters around here I highly respect and always make sure I read for your articulate approach and your willingness to discuss and
debate(as opposed to just arguing one liners which is not debate at all)without resorting to net-antics. You're a believer in the exchange of ideas and so am I. You're a believer in the idea that even though two parties can disagree on something, they can still respect each other. I believe that too and while I don't agree with the proposal set forth in this thread, I still have great respect for you and undoubtedly always will