do you wish there were more armor sets?
Ama Seraphim
just killed shiro.. and sadly this was a bad rumor.. no armor sets for dervs/paras in factions..
Noel Hope
Would I like more? Sure, why not? More variety would be nice. I would especially like to see more sets for newer classes (Derv, for instance).
Do we need more? Not really, no
Will we get more? No, I truly doubt we will get more armor anytime soon.
Do we need more? Not really, no
Will we get more? No, I truly doubt we will get more armor anytime soon.
All I really do is farm, buy armour(as, to me, most weapons and shields look horrible), and do some low-end PvP. Thus, I would like new armour sets, but would also love armour storage.
fanatic 's faith
Originally Posted by Arduinna
No, I don't wish there were more armor sets. And tons of tons of people with the exact armor as you? Why don't you get an other armor then?
Seeing you are a W/Mo, you have choice of 35 different armors. ![]() And that are just the complete sets, as soon as you start to mix them you can get 1000+ variants, not to mention you can also dye them differently. |
Originally Posted by Thierry2
....i prefer them to work on GW2 now.. not on new armors for GW1
Aera Lure
I'd like to see more armor sets, but to me, the problem with variation of character appearance in GW lies more in the character creation system not having enough depth.
Originally Posted by fanatic 's faith
uhh oh wow, 35 armor sets, spread over millions of people? ~~
35 armor sets + the ability to mix and match 5 armor pieces from different sets = 52.52 million combinations
+ dye combinations = 1.26 x 10^11 possible combos
Of course, the number of people wearing black primeval armor is like 1 out of every 5 warriors (like when Factions was new and EVERYBODY had 15k Kurzicks). Don't blame the masses for being unoriginal.
Aera Lure
Originally Posted by HawkofStorms
Don't blame the masses for being unoriginal.
I'd love to see a fully developed character creation system for GW2. There are numerous examples in other MMOs so I wont cite any, but things that might be treated would be character proportion, not just height, full range color picker for hair and eyes and sliders for skin tones, more hair styles, face proportioning, etc.
If you then add to that armor parts being added to a character in possibly two parts where now one exists, you might be able to get around problems like the knee joints, bonelace stopping at an awkward spot when used with another armor part etc. May not be possible, but the numerous glitches in armor always suprised me.
Finally, a new dye system, so you could achieve the same color between various armor sets. Possibly armor has two dyable areas, not one. It comes pre-dyed, but you can change both color areas on a part, for more variety and no residual conflicting neon green that you cant change. Also, dye application should render on a base medium-light grey, so we can get the same color across multiple sets.
Would go a long way towards allowing a lot more variety and removing the cloning phenomenon, though you'd still see some from time to time.
since you are a warrior/monk ardunnia said try one of these combos =) anyways dropped armor from mobs pretty much gay (like runescape)

Originally Posted by fanatic 's faith
uhh oh wow, 35 armor sets, spread over millions of people? ~~
And it's not like you are going to encounter every one of them...
i wouldnt mind having more amors, in fact i would like to have more armors, and weapons and continents and everything more, more expansion ftw
Chasing Squirrels
Originally Posted by reanimatorX
one thing I like about WoW is the fact that even though you are 70, you can still wear armor that looks different then another 70 of your same class.
but with guild wars, I see tons and tons of people with the 100% exact armor as me. does anyone wish guildwars had more armor sets/pieces? or even mob dropped armor pieces? I know that GW is not WoW but I think wearable dropped armor pieces would be cool. |
Chrono Re delle Ere
More same looking sets? Naaah....
just go and try to mix something....but be aware that there is a "Ugly Armor Mix"
thread in sceenshot exposition
just go and try to mix something....but be aware that there is a "Ugly Armor Mix"
thread in sceenshot exposition

the focus of the game is not about bling
I only wish that every second I'm playing. Lack of new armor options for me is the biggest problem about GW no longer getting expansions.
Paragons and dervs only having 8 or 9 distinct armor options (not counting reskins) is in my book, the biggest problem with those two classes.
If I could have any kind of expansion at all, it would be an armor pack, with 4 totally new suits for each class. You know, kinda like what we were promised with EOTN before we found out they were mostly reskins.
Paragons and dervs only having 8 or 9 distinct armor options (not counting reskins) is in my book, the biggest problem with those two classes.
If I could have any kind of expansion at all, it would be an armor pack, with 4 totally new suits for each class. You know, kinda like what we were promised with EOTN before we found out they were mostly reskins.
Originally Posted by Ama Seraphim
so has anyone seen the new paragon/derv armor that is supposedly added to divine path?
i would love to see new armors for the kurzicks and luxons for the para and derv. even if they were hero armor reskins.
Powerful White Man
No. I don't even like the majority of the armor we have now, what makes you think the same designers, making new sets, would be anything more than a let down?
some proph armor for Rits, Sins, Dervs, Paras, and Factions armor for Dervs and Paras would be nice. I don't understand why they've made GW for forward compatible when everything nowadays is backwards compatible.. hmmm. Maybe some effing PANTS for those two! Maybe then I'd actually use my Derv, I love the class but the armor is horrible... and Paras are even worse.
i would love more armor sets not enough like there should be some armor scatterd around all games like a scavenger hunt for armor but there leet and still cost like 1mil a piece if that happnd i would be happy
If we do get more armor sets, can we also get more storage/inventory space or an armor bag/wardrobe to go along with it?
I merch my armors usually to save space when I get better armors. Its such a waste
I merch my armors usually to save space when I get better armors. Its such a waste

Fear Me!
Originally Posted by upier
It's not really such an issue because most of the time GW can be played like a single player game. And heroes and hench don't usually wear the same armour as I do.
BUT it's not like I'd say no to more armour. It would be a welcome addition BUT it's far from being needed. |
I would like to see more armor sets for A/Rt/D/P. The core classes have plenty to choose from