The most disappointing thing in GW.
/report...its useless
Ursan, dumbest addition to the game ever.
A-net not being able to provide better teaming options and creating heroes to 'solve' the teaming problems. This problem is also known as abandoned outposts.
Next thing: character based grind titles.
P1: "7/8 lf monk for FoW"
P2: "I need that one on ranger for my HoM"
P1: "but you are awesome monk"
P2: "monk already has title, need on ranger now"
Titles are ok but hurt the team build.
Now I know you don't need the most efficient efficient team to do most things in the PvE part of the game but it would be fun to team up with an efficient team instead of a mix of professions because all want a spot on a specific character because of titles.
Next thing: character based grind titles.
P1: "7/8 lf monk for FoW"
P2: "I need that one on ranger for my HoM"
P1: "but you are awesome monk"
P2: "monk already has title, need on ranger now"
Titles are ok but hurt the team build.
Now I know you don't need the most efficient efficient team to do most things in the PvE part of the game but it would be fun to team up with an efficient team instead of a mix of professions because all want a spot on a specific character because of titles.
Originally Posted by NoXiFy
Lie more please? You CANT sell a tormented weapon. It wont let you even click on it, no matter what mods or anything thats on it.
Go sit undrneath another bride plz. |
nox-1 tasai-0!!!!
I Think everithing that envolves individuality is a dissappointing thing... GW IS A TEAM GAME HEROES WILLL STAB UR BACK 1 DAY!
ScoobyDooby Dooo
Originally Posted by Molock
Ursan, dumbest addition to the game ever.
The fact that enemies in PvE have near-unlimited of the reasons mesmers are so fail in PvE ='(
Sir Pandra Pierva
people hating mes
people thinking warriors are only for tanking, paly tanking.
whammos trying to be a sin.
dervish being nothing more than glorified palies.
tank and spank
GWEN period
people thinking warriors are only for tanking, paly tanking.
whammos trying to be a sin.
dervish being nothing more than glorified palies.
tank and spank
GWEN period
Originally Posted by Sir Pandra Pierva
GWEN period
Alright... no comment at this..
Sir Pandra Pierva
Originally Posted by Azora
Alright... no comment at this..
the new races suck.
norn-The over sized humaniod race
Sylvia(or whatever they are called)-Elves
Charr-Beast Race
Humans-best race<_<>_>
the idea of having different races is good but why not actually use the ones that were in the games already
Centuar, tengu, charr, humans
that would have been better than lame over sized useless half naked barbarian people.
romeus petrus
The most disappointing thing in GW has to be the addition of all these grind based PvE titles that took a good portion of good PvEers out of the cooperative playing and threw them into a grind fest for meaningless titles. A big portion of PvE players seem to think that you need to show high rank KoaBD to be considered "leet", and thus; are wasting endless hours grinding for more titles. Little do they know that my dog can get "God Walking..." if I park him in front of my computer long enough.
Malice Black
Titles are fail. GW wouldn't survive another year without them though.
Originally Posted by romeus petrus
The most disappointing thing in GW has to be the addition of all these grind based PvE titles that took a good portion of good PvEers out of the cooperative playing and threw them into a grind fest for meaningless titles. A big portion of PvE players seem to think that you need to show high rank KoaBD to be considered "leet", and thus; are wasting endless hours grinding for more titles. Little do they know that my dog can get "God Walking..." if I park him in front of my computer long enough.
But those grind titles are halting my completion process in my 10 characters. So they are bad.
Those teeny-tiny hills that you can't ascend or descend unless you walk around them ><.
the map rotation changes for halls
The lack of freedom of movement.
I would like to get into buildings / houses, climb mountains, explore everywhere and get into the Kurzick tree houses.
I would like to get into buildings / houses, climb mountains, explore everywhere and get into the Kurzick tree houses.
Monk Gsb
Ursan Blessing not having a heal skill *only thing I hate about it* |
mine would be how little i actualy play pve with people any more, i just play with my guild (2 other people) and hero's and i like my hero's more than people that i spent around 10-20k each for my 5 "main" hero's buying armour(runes and stuffs), wepons ect ect.
Probably HOM because now mostly everyone who is trying to get titles is reduced to playing 1 character.
Originally Posted by makosi
Amen. Amen.
I don't think it is. It happens even with a healthy green ping. |
Originally Posted by masta_yoda
highly doubt it... get two comp, get 2 accounts, meet same area and auto run same direction and u will clearly see 1 character will be ahead of the other always on either screens in different positions
Ursan skill.
As the DKC's GM, i had to add a new rule in my guild in order to keep guild events not boring and still have some difficults things to do in PvE.
New rule => Ursan way is forbidden in guild event !!!!
I hope and pray all days for a great nerf on this awful skill.
As the DKC's GM, i had to add a new rule in my guild in order to keep guild events not boring and still have some difficults things to do in PvE.
New rule => Ursan way is forbidden in guild event !!!!
I hope and pray all days for a great nerf on this awful skill.
ScoobyDooby Dooo
Originally Posted by Monk Gsb
yea, i lol'd.
mine would be how little i actualy play pve with people any more, i just play with my guild (2 other people) and hero's and i like my hero's more than people that i spent around 10-20k each for my 5 "main" hero's buying armour(runes and stuffs), wepons ect ect. |

Originally Posted by ScoobyDooby Dooo
Ursanway in DoA
/Nerfitplease |
Originally Posted by poppu
Ursan skill.
I hope and pray all days for a great nerf on this awful skill. |
O.......M.......G.......... *sighs loudly...takes deep breath*
Another thread that is being used as an excuse to whine and moan about Ursan Blessing... There are other threads where you can QQ. use those please.
THIS thread is about disappointing things that can happen to YOU in GW. If you find Ursan Blessing to be disappointing, then simply DON'T USE IT! Leave it be for others to enjoy! Do not take away the enjoyment of certain skills for others just because YOU think it sucks. End of discussion. please God make it stop!
A disappointing thing would be something that can happen to you in the game, while just playing it the way YOU usually do, NOT OTHERS.
That doesn't mean that OTHER players cannot disappoint you, because they sure can. But being disappointed becasue others are using a skill that you don't like, well, then you're just using this thread as another excuse to QQ.
And THAT, my fellow GW players, is MY biggest disappointment about GW: QQ-ing on forums about the SAME damn thing OVER and over again in Multiple threads... sigh.
</end rant>
back on topic: a disappointing thing that happened to me in game: Finding out one day before newyearseve that a certain minipet (whose name I shall not use) could be gotten from a certain chest untill newyearsday...
But that also is a very dead rotten horse that should not be beaten again.
on a sidenote: Why not make a thread with most pleasant things in the game? Why all the QQ-ing threads? It's a game, it's here for fun, and although every game has its downsides, just play it or quit.
Discussing things is fine, but please, try to cut back in the QQ-ing and the constant trolling (especially about things that have been QQ-d about in hundreds of threads already).
I second that.
(althought I'm not a fan of ursan myself)
(althought I'm not a fan of ursan myself)
~ Dan ~
The skill balancer.
playin GUILDWARS! ><
Introducing Ursan to the game, compleatly removes the foundation of GW, Experimenting with skills and create your own skillbar. Enough of the Ursan complaints now!!
Seriously, my biggest disapointment would be the HoM, or Lack of info about it for GW2. All we know is that titles will play a huge roll and what you got in your HoM, But WHAT? The title hunt has got a end for me, since we don't know what they will do.
Feels like you are working on getting the biggest and most rare fish, yet you are fishing in strange waters you know nothing about...
Basic, worst thing atm: We don't get more info about the HoM before it's tolate.
Seriously, my biggest disapointment would be the HoM, or Lack of info about it for GW2. All we know is that titles will play a huge roll and what you got in your HoM, But WHAT? The title hunt has got a end for me, since we don't know what they will do.
Feels like you are working on getting the biggest and most rare fish, yet you are fishing in strange waters you know nothing about...
Basic, worst thing atm: We don't get more info about the HoM before it's tolate.
Nightmares Hammer
Accidentally leaving an Outpost/Town with an empty Skill Bar.

Ok so I agree that the HoM is a big obscure, but I think more info about GW2 isn't necessarily a good thing. A paradox? Yes, but, say, before you see a movie you don't know the whole plot, nor all the cool scenes, etc. Why should we know everything, or more than we know now, about GW2?
killing about 25 luxon assassins at once and getting 100gold total from it.
Bryant Again
People complaining about using "Q" for requirements. Does it really matter?
More seriously, I'd have to say the templated dungeons in EotN. That really disappointed me to a large degree seeing the same sections in multiple dungeons.
More seriously, I'd have to say the templated dungeons in EotN. That really disappointed me to a large degree seeing the same sections in multiple dungeons.
Killer of solo farming
Killer of solo farming
celestial sigils are less than 20k...
Loot-Scaling, Dishonorable Combatant System, Automated /report'ing System, QQ'ers that QQ about everything (esp. Ursan), Skill Updates..
That's all I got for now.
That's all I got for now.
I will say the people that constantly cry about how lame the events are, but still show up just to let everyone know how bad they hate said event.
Lack of contest, esp in Gwen
QQ of course
No Auction House
Only useing 3 Heros at a time
Lack of armor sets/re-used armor in Gwen
Thats all i can think of right now
To Nadasee: I have to disagree with "All we know is that titles will play a huge roll and what you got in your HoM" Anet never said that it will play a Huge Roll in Guild Wars 2...All we know it will have some Benifit, but will not give us a advantage over other players. Also they have said that when you walk into you hall and walk our you will look Awsome.
QQ of course
No Auction House
Only useing 3 Heros at a time
Lack of armor sets/re-used armor in Gwen
Thats all i can think of right now
To Nadasee: I have to disagree with "All we know is that titles will play a huge roll and what you got in your HoM" Anet never said that it will play a Huge Roll in Guild Wars 2...All we know it will have some Benifit, but will not give us a advantage over other players. Also they have said that when you walk into you hall and walk our you will look Awsome.
Bryant Again
Originally Posted by pfaile
I will say the people that constantly cry about how lame the events are, but still show up just to let everyone know how bad they hate said event.
shadows of hob
And a few skill nerfs.
And a few skill nerfs.
Whisper Evenstar
Originally Posted by Sjeng
O.......M.......G.......... *sighs loudly...takes deep breath*
Another thread that is being used as an excuse to whine and moan about Ursan Blessing... There are other threads where you can QQ. use those please. |
My biggest disappointment is that the days of grabbing a quick PUG for fun in elite areas like FOW are over. We have evolved to a pay to play (7k for cons set) and mindless grind (R10 Norn rank) requirement to join said PUGs. Before you complain that I don't HAVE to do Ursanway go sit in TOA for a few hours and tell me how many non-Ursan PUGs are looking for peeps. What's that??? You didn't see ANY!!!1 That's my disappointment....
I'm not going to even get into how mashing keys 1-3 isn't fun... that qq has been beaten like a dead horse already.
Hugh Manatee
The failure of players to adopt the other norn forms in addition to ursan. Seriously, the raven's AoE blind is awesome, and volfen's DW and party buff are nice.
Pugs themselves. Like the saying, 'you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink', the random adolescent pubes you find running around are what killed 'pugging'. It wasn't heroes or ursan or titles or pve skills(these in fact saved pugging and pve), it was the players themselves that destroyed the 'pug' experience. Personally I haven't gone pugging more then maybe 10 times since factions. It's been henchies or guild groups the whole way. Fact is, Ursan, Heroes and pve titles and skills SAVED pugging, I can be 100% sure that the pubes have decent skills and a moderate amount of experience if I see a high title rank and a 'canned' set of skills(I've seen oath shot nukers, ranger primaries who use oath shot to spam meteors AND meteor shower, ursan is a godsend). I've never seen the end of FoW with a pug, always at least 1 pube douchebag ruins the run or rages or goes afk ect, even if they're not at first, it's like in those werewolf movies, they transform into degenerate monsters. But I have with guildies+heroes and I'm pretty sure anyone with ursan could too. Further more heroes are primarily what saved the random pug. The ass end of tyria(ring of fire, maguuma jungle, ect) was dead and barely active even before factions was out, after even the deep kurz/lux territories were deserted. I can't recall how many times I've spent longer sitting in a outpost spamming to get a monk to join my party over 5 others than the actual mission should take. now, no matter what your classes are, just load up a healer in a can and you're good to go.
Also the loot you get from HM locked chests and HM drops in general. Also the drops from chests at the end of dungeons. They need to cap the req of dungeon end chest items at 9, and ensure they always drop max with max mods. I spent 2+hours in shards of orr and got a dam R13 curse offhand with 1 non-max mod
The fact fact that I can't take 7 heroes with me. Screw the henchmen and alleged balance and interface 'issues'. Just put a second row of flags beneath the current ones, make the hero windows sizable and let me worry about obstructing my view.
The community in HoH disappoints me too, similar reason to the above. No-one wants new meat, noone wants to help anyone, it's all R X+ and if you're not in a halls guild you're boned trying to pug with affore mentioned pubes who won't get vent/ts, a mic, run the right builds ect. Haven't been in there in about 2 years without an alliance or guild group.
Variety in green weapon stats, there's like a million 15^50 sundering fortitude weapons...
Pugs themselves. Like the saying, 'you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink', the random adolescent pubes you find running around are what killed 'pugging'. It wasn't heroes or ursan or titles or pve skills(these in fact saved pugging and pve), it was the players themselves that destroyed the 'pug' experience. Personally I haven't gone pugging more then maybe 10 times since factions. It's been henchies or guild groups the whole way. Fact is, Ursan, Heroes and pve titles and skills SAVED pugging, I can be 100% sure that the pubes have decent skills and a moderate amount of experience if I see a high title rank and a 'canned' set of skills(I've seen oath shot nukers, ranger primaries who use oath shot to spam meteors AND meteor shower, ursan is a godsend). I've never seen the end of FoW with a pug, always at least 1 pube douchebag ruins the run or rages or goes afk ect, even if they're not at first, it's like in those werewolf movies, they transform into degenerate monsters. But I have with guildies+heroes and I'm pretty sure anyone with ursan could too. Further more heroes are primarily what saved the random pug. The ass end of tyria(ring of fire, maguuma jungle, ect) was dead and barely active even before factions was out, after even the deep kurz/lux territories were deserted. I can't recall how many times I've spent longer sitting in a outpost spamming to get a monk to join my party over 5 others than the actual mission should take. now, no matter what your classes are, just load up a healer in a can and you're good to go.
Also the loot you get from HM locked chests and HM drops in general. Also the drops from chests at the end of dungeons. They need to cap the req of dungeon end chest items at 9, and ensure they always drop max with max mods. I spent 2+hours in shards of orr and got a dam R13 curse offhand with 1 non-max mod
The fact fact that I can't take 7 heroes with me. Screw the henchmen and alleged balance and interface 'issues'. Just put a second row of flags beneath the current ones, make the hero windows sizable and let me worry about obstructing my view.
The community in HoH disappoints me too, similar reason to the above. No-one wants new meat, noone wants to help anyone, it's all R X+ and if you're not in a halls guild you're boned trying to pug with affore mentioned pubes who won't get vent/ts, a mic, run the right builds ect. Haven't been in there in about 2 years without an alliance or guild group.
Variety in green weapon stats, there's like a million 15^50 sundering fortitude weapons...
Originally Posted by Hugh Manatee
It wasn't heroes or ursan or titles or pve skills(these in fact saved pugging and pve), it was the players themselves that destroyed the 'pug' experience.
Example (1): Players in my PUG have Leroy Jenkins'd the entire group out of sheer malice (and we've all had that experience at one point or another).
Example (2): Players see an outstanding drop and decide to lead the entire group to be wiped by intentionally aggroing mobs followed by waiting the ten minute timer, collecting the drop and mapping out.
Example (3): I mistakenly dropped a recent gold weapon (scythe) during a run with a PUG due to lag. Guess what happened next? *EXACTLY*
PUGs = /phailure..
Hence, PUGing's on of the most disappointing things in GWars (if I haven't mentioned that on my previous post).