Was it wrong or was it just Guild Wars?
I was doing my usual Norn faming runs today in Varajar Fells with the usual Ursan related group. One member however was adamant about aggroing, not just all the 'wrong' groups but had no reason to do so, perhaps if his Rampage Bonus was in jeaprody I would not have minded so much but it never was. Things finally came to a head when we were approaching the final bosses and he proceeded to run around the area aggroing 4-5 extra Shock Phantoms. The extra monsters weren't necassary since our group had just reached 250 kills so he placed extra burden upon the monks and could have caused party members to die (and lose their own Rampage Bonuses should they have it). After he causes his 5th Shock Phantom to spawn he's far away from our group which is by now at the boss spawn point; a monk runs after him putting himself in danger. Anyway just the one monk couldn't heal the damage he was taking and no-one else wanted to help since he'd gotten himself into the trouble by himself. The player dies and the monk manages to get back safely; having finally being annoyed enough I suggested that he be left dead so that he doesn't aggro any more enemies unnecassarily. Everyone agrees and he's left dead.
Then either the second to last, or the last, I forget which, boss drops a R11 Elemental Sword for the dead guy. The choice then arises, res the player and let him claim his loot or leave him dead, wait 10 minutes and then have a free for all on the weapon after 10 minutes. Sufficed to say that of the 7 of us nobody volunteered to ressurect the guy - after a 10 minute wait the item is picked up. Luckily I was doing this Norn run with my brother, and he was the one to pick it up; he gifted it to me (as I'd found a R9 Elemental Sword on his account, which he kept, the day before whilst farming Raptor Nestlings). Had the guy not annoyed me with his antics I would have honestly res'd him and let him claim the loot (the monks, whom I did not know, seemed decent enough I would certainly have res'd one of them). I also hit R10 on this run so it was my last ever on that character but this isn't really relevant.
Sufficed to say afterwards the dead guy wasn't happy and threatened to 'get us banned' with the screenshots he had captured of our conversation (presumably the leaving him dead part and him not getting the sword). I probably made it worse by just spamming 'lol' whenever he mentioned 'ban'. Now I know that R11 Elemental Sword isn't exactly the bee's knees but I was certainly happy about getting it. After this behemoth of an explanation of the surrounding story; the question(s) is(are): Was it wrong to do that? How many of you would have done the same?
I seem to remember that a similar thing happened to me just over a year ago in FoW; a Shard dropped for me and half the party was dead. The other half waited 5 mins and picked it up then res'd everyone and we pretty much carried on as normal.
Then either the second to last, or the last, I forget which, boss drops a R11 Elemental Sword for the dead guy. The choice then arises, res the player and let him claim his loot or leave him dead, wait 10 minutes and then have a free for all on the weapon after 10 minutes. Sufficed to say that of the 7 of us nobody volunteered to ressurect the guy - after a 10 minute wait the item is picked up. Luckily I was doing this Norn run with my brother, and he was the one to pick it up; he gifted it to me (as I'd found a R9 Elemental Sword on his account, which he kept, the day before whilst farming Raptor Nestlings). Had the guy not annoyed me with his antics I would have honestly res'd him and let him claim the loot (the monks, whom I did not know, seemed decent enough I would certainly have res'd one of them). I also hit R10 on this run so it was my last ever on that character but this isn't really relevant.
Sufficed to say afterwards the dead guy wasn't happy and threatened to 'get us banned' with the screenshots he had captured of our conversation (presumably the leaving him dead part and him not getting the sword). I probably made it worse by just spamming 'lol' whenever he mentioned 'ban'. Now I know that R11 Elemental Sword isn't exactly the bee's knees but I was certainly happy about getting it. After this behemoth of an explanation of the surrounding story; the question(s) is(are): Was it wrong to do that? How many of you would have done the same?
I seem to remember that a similar thing happened to me just over a year ago in FoW; a Shard dropped for me and half the party was dead. The other half waited 5 mins and picked it up then res'd everyone and we pretty much carried on as normal.
happened to me way back... i was teaching some guys how to do Icy Dragon Sword runs Jan 2006. I get 3 warriors... we make it to the location. We farm them but I got snared and died so did the noob.... the idiot other warrior was left he just waited picked up loot and logged off.... we tried to get it back he said pay me ....
ofcourse at that time it was worth around 50k.... I wasn't worried about money as i rarely care... but that noob guy was really poor he needed that drop badly.
Kinda pissed me off... i knew anet would nothing so i didnt bother
ofcourse at that time it was worth around 50k.... I wasn't worried about money as i rarely care... but that noob guy was really poor he needed that drop badly.
Kinda pissed me off... i knew anet would nothing so i didnt bother
The Meth
Well, as far as getting banned goes I would say you are 100% in the clear.
As for whether it was immoral, thats a personal opinion. I would have done it too though. If it was a normal death and he was a decent player I would have ressed him. But since he seems to want to run off and die alone, not be a team player, why should the team res him?
As for whether it was immoral, thats a personal opinion. I would have done it too though. If it was a normal death and he was a decent player I would have ressed him. But since he seems to want to run off and die alone, not be a team player, why should the team res him?
When he was alive and he purposely aggroed monsters intentionally to annoy everybody in the party, then I say he got what he deserved. Also If you guys asked him not to. But if he was just mindless newb and didn't realize what he was doing then meh.
nothing wrong with that, lol 
but idling 10 mins for a crappy ele blade .. meeh
another reason to get points with books and heroes

but idling 10 mins for a crappy ele blade .. meeh
another reason to get points with books and heroes

Esoteric Mesmer
I would have done the same thing. I don't think he can have you banned either. Don't quote me on this but I don't think anywhere in the EULA does it say you need to rez party members, and allow them to get their drops.
Just think of it as payment for having to deal with him the whole time in the group.
Just think of it as payment for having to deal with him the whole time in the group.
/full wipe except monk
-"lol got no rez, sry.."
-#~?!%!! (x7)

THAT, would be hilarious
-"lol got no rez, sry.."
-#~?!%!! (x7)

THAT, would be hilarious
Yuhe Ji
Personally, I would probably have done the same thing. The guy had been messing up your group the whole time. It sounds like he had actually been a negative, so I would not really have wanted to rez him either.
Lady S Shiva
"when i'm leading the team, u kill what i aggro, if u aggro stuff on ur own then u deal with them by urself, if u die, don't bring half of the team with u, and i would stop any1 from rezing the sorry ass."
according to that, u did the right thing...
according to that, u did the right thing...
ID it.
Salvage it.
Hand him the iron ingots.

Seriously, I wouldn't feel bad about not giving it to him. Sounds like the team did the work, and the team deserves the loot. You just happened to be the member of the team that ended up with the drop.
If anything, he's deeper in ban territory for griefing 7 other players. Don't sweat it. Enjoy the loot.
Salvage it.
Hand him the iron ingots.

Seriously, I wouldn't feel bad about not giving it to him. Sounds like the team did the work, and the team deserves the loot. You just happened to be the member of the team that ended up with the drop.
If anything, he's deeper in ban territory for griefing 7 other players. Don't sweat it. Enjoy the loot.
i would have picked it up
and then salvaged it for materials
dropped them on the floor
and res him
omg your my evil twin!
and then salvaged it for materials
dropped them on the floor
and res him

Originally Posted by Firebaall
ID it.
Salvage it. Hand him the iron ingots. ![]() Seriously, I wouldn't feel bad about not giving it to him. Sounds like the team did the work, and the team deserves the loot. You just happened to be the member of the team that ended up with the drop. If anything, he's deeper in ban territory for griefing 7 other players. Don't sweat it. Enjoy the loot. |
Well, in all honesty, if he was as bad and annoying as you said he was, I'd leave him for dead. Especially if he caused that many problems. Besides, there's no reason to reward Leeroyers; if they die, it's their fault. You can't expect one monk to heal an idiot who gets spiked every two seconds because he thinks his R5 ursan makes him invincible.
idk if you could have pulled it off with pugs, but I'd much rather have the sword salvaged and dropped again (it's a worthless sword anyway). It would drive the guy insane to be the only one left in the area and sitting there staring at his sword. 
EDIT:I got beat to the post, Guru'rs are evil and I love it.

EDIT:I got beat to the post, Guru'rs are evil and I love it.
Crom The Pale
Hard to know with us only hearing one side of the story.
If everything you said was perfectly acurate its hard to feel sorry for somebody that goes out of thier way to agro only to keep a rampage up for some worthless title points.
If everything you said was perfectly acurate its hard to feel sorry for somebody that goes out of thier way to agro only to keep a rampage up for some worthless title points.
shru - i like it, leaving him on the floor with the sword just our of reach
For a second I thought this was a thread about me. I've griefed many of those Ursan runs by over aggroing and wiping parties, hey its more fun then playing the game. But alas, this is not my work.
Originally Posted by GaaaaaH
shru - i like it, leaving him on the floor with the sword just our of reach
As far as I can tell you've also just saved someone else the trouble of having to deal with this guy. He'll definitely think twice next time about over-aggroing everything.
So IMO, you did the right thing.
So IMO, you did the right thing.
Originally Posted by CyberMesh0
Problem: Once everyone else leaves, he'd be resurrected- unless you know he would DP out. Leaving him with a pile of iron ingots would be so much more effective.
You won't get banned.
Although, the logic in "stealing" a weapon worth... oh 7k if you are lucky, doesn't make much sense to me.
Although, the logic in "stealing" a weapon worth... oh 7k if you are lucky, doesn't make much sense to me.
As crom said only half the story here.
wow you guys are jerks oO two wrongs don't make a right.
Master Knightfall
I'll just go back to the famous old and wise saying: Two Wrongs Do Not Make Right.
What you did was just as wrong as what the guy did. There are no levels of wrongness, a wrong is a wrong and in my book you are just a thief and so is the rest of your party who become accomplices. You're a bad person and I wouldn't want to associate with you in life.
What you did was just as wrong as what the guy did. There are no levels of wrongness, a wrong is a wrong and in my book you are just a thief and so is the rest of your party who become accomplices. You're a bad person and I wouldn't want to associate with you in life.
Originally Posted by Master Knightfall
I'll just go back to the famous old and wise saying: Two Wrongs Do Not Make Right.
What you did was just as wrong as what the guy did. There are no levels of wrongness, a wrong is a wrong and in my book you are just a thief and so is the rest of your party who become accomplices. You're a bad person and I wouldn't want to associate with you in life. |
let me say something to you: Welcome to the Real World!
people get what they deserve, no reason for them to get more than they deserve. this guy was clearly being an ass and intentionally trying to screw their party. so they treated him like an ass and took his drop. nothing wrong with that! it's actually right!
manners dont hurt you know, neither does education...
Shayne Hawke
Originally Posted by arual
A Shard dropped for me and half the party was dead. The other half waited 5 mins and picked it up then res'd everyone and we pretty much carried on as normal.
I can't say that what you did was the morally correct way of handling things, but I would certainly see it as the fair way of dealing with it.
I've had several instances where a party member is leeching or playing Leroy. When I catch them at it, I give them fair warning. If they don't knock off their BS, I'll do my best to get the rest of the party to agree not to rez the bum. Once they've been dead for a while, they'll either leave (no great loss) or clean up their act.
Would I feel bad if that meant that the person lost out on a piece of nice loot? Not at all. If they're not working with the team and/or pulling their weight, they don't deserve the drops. That being said, I don't think anyone else in the party should pick it up. Whatever it is, it should just lay their.
Would I feel bad if that meant that the person lost out on a piece of nice loot? Not at all. If they're not working with the team and/or pulling their weight, they don't deserve the drops. That being said, I don't think anyone else in the party should pick it up. Whatever it is, it should just lay their.
All this for q11 (yes, I know q annoys many people) elemental sword?
Off topic I find it hilarious that for some reason all the same opinions that just so happen to coincide be posted at the exact same times.
On topic, I personally I wouldn't have taken the guys drop but I would have been annoyed by someone who did something like that. This is why I play with my heroes, when jin goes and leroy's a bunch of people I just scream at the screen a bit and then res her later.
On topic, I personally I wouldn't have taken the guys drop but I would have been annoyed by someone who did something like that. This is why I play with my heroes, when jin goes and leroy's a bunch of people I just scream at the screen a bit and then res her later.
Aera Lure
Personally, it was his drop, he was in your group, I would have ressed him and let him have his drop. Given the circumstances, I agree with leaving him dead and not ressing him while you finished, provided someone had at least once asked him not to over aggro (sounds like you did) before leaving him dead. I, however, would not have taken his drop. Pretty dishonorable, imho, even if he was being annoying.
That said, nah, you wont get banned.
Not really for a Req 11 Ele Sword specifically. Its more the happenings in general.
That said, nah, you wont get banned.
Originally Posted by Antheus
All this for q11 (yes, I know q annoys many people) elemental sword?
Two wrongs don't make a right...but 3 rights make a left so it's all good. I would've left him for dead as well, he was being a griefer so justice was served. May a lesson be learned.
that norn point run is full of joe wammo that thinks ursan=invincability. I tried it a few times as a pug, all the pugs fell apart before the bosses, just for the reason you said aggroing things just to fight for no reason. Did it with guildies and allies and it went perfect.
I also think you guys did the right thing, keeping the sword, I would have done like the others and left some iron, just from a junk white though, he would never know.
Two wrongs may not make a right, but the stupid should be punished.
I also think you guys did the right thing, keeping the sword, I would have done like the others and left some iron, just from a junk white though, he would never know.
Two wrongs may not make a right, but the stupid should be punished.
Would you have rezzed him had it been a lesser drop? or a drop for someone else?
I can't answer that for you, but "To Thine Own Self Be True". Deep down inside, would you have rezzed him if it had been a blue raven staff? Did the value of the drop affect your decision. Again, only you truely know, and that place where you know the answer, is where honor comes from....
I can't answer that for you, but "To Thine Own Self Be True". Deep down inside, would you have rezzed him if it had been a blue raven staff? Did the value of the drop affect your decision. Again, only you truely know, and that place where you know the answer, is where honor comes from....
I would have rezzed him to let him have his drop because it seems wrong to me to steal it no matter how much of an annoyance he was.
Originally Posted by Carinae Dragonblood
Would you have rezzed him had it been a lesser drop? or a drop for someone else?
I can't answer that for you, but "To Thine Own Self Be True". Deep down inside, would you have rezzed him if it had been a blue raven staff? Did the value of the drop affect your decision. Again, only you truely know, and that place where you know the answer, is where honor comes from.... |
I have to re-read the post but it seems like he was left for dead for awhile BEFORE the drop.
I'm not an accomplished player by any means, but if I see someone spamming for help I'll do what I can.
Did this the other day for a lvl6 who found his way to a pretty far outpost in NF and wanted to be run to the next.
Since I was using a survivor I told him to follow me and don't aggro.
What's he do ? Aggro every freakin enemy near us.
Eventually he dies & gets my monk killed trying to revive him. I then get a purple drop from said enemy.
Dude's QQing to rez him for "his drop" - I ask you mean the one that got you & my Monk killed & is assigned to me? him - "yeah, I need a bow"
Long story short I zoned out to the GH but ended up giving it to him because my anger had turned to pity.
I personally would have done what you did, despite being apart of your group if somone dosen't stay with the group and actually help with the group they are hurting the group, and it's better off they're dead than actively hurting the group at that point.
From the sounds of things denying him his sword was very fitting on the principle that he shouldn't be rewarded for detrimental behavior. He ran off and got himself killed on unecessary foes entirely away from the objective boss that dropped said sword. He did not contribute to that kill whatsoever, he only made it harder for the rest of the group by not being over there with everyone else helping with the kill.
I wouldn't want to do this to somone who hadn't done it intentionally, but this behavior isn't easily mistakable. If it's persistant and the person in question generally disrespects the rest of the group they need to be given a dirt nap timeout; if it's a one time accident and person acknowledges their error rez them and move on hopefully they're learning from the mistakes.
From the sounds of things denying him his sword was very fitting on the principle that he shouldn't be rewarded for detrimental behavior. He ran off and got himself killed on unecessary foes entirely away from the objective boss that dropped said sword. He did not contribute to that kill whatsoever, he only made it harder for the rest of the group by not being over there with everyone else helping with the kill.
I wouldn't want to do this to somone who hadn't done it intentionally, but this behavior isn't easily mistakable. If it's persistant and the person in question generally disrespects the rest of the group they need to be given a dirt nap timeout; if it's a one time accident and person acknowledges their error rez them and move on hopefully they're learning from the mistakes.
Would I leave a player dead if he got killed by his own recklessness and it's very likely that resurrecting him would only make it happen again? Depending on if the player in question would jeopardize the entire objective of the group through his actions it might well be wise to let him lie low for a while until the worst part is over.
Would I grief somebody over a petty drop? Never.
Living by the principle "If you pee in my well I'll pee in your well" only leads to lots of sick people
Would I grief somebody over a petty drop? Never.
Living by the principle "If you pee in my well I'll pee in your well" only leads to lots of sick people

Originally Posted by Carinae Dragonblood
Would you have rezzed him had it been a lesser drop? or a drop for someone else?
I can't answer that for you, but "To Thine Own Self Be True". Deep down inside, would you have rezzed him if it had been a blue raven staff? Did the value of the drop affect your decision. Again, only you truely know, and that place where you know the answer, is where honor comes from.... |
Maybe the guy was just being noob, someone who has never done this run before, and was just thinking 'oh the more monsters I aggro, the more we can kill, the more Norn points we can get'.
Personally, I'm getting sick from all the pro-people with all their 'unwritten rules'. ...Don't aggro too much monsters, don't talk to the shrine guy yet, don't open chests it'll only slow us down...
It is all just mindless farming now, with the players doing the exact same manouvres over and over and again. (ever done a FoW HM run lately? People ragequit because you aggro the wrong group in the beginning, forcing them to kill 5+ monsters.)
So, yeah I would've rezzed him. Kinda childish leaving him dead on the ground, only for the sake of revenge. And as I can see from most reactions, people think a req 11 Ele Sword is worthless. Well, maybe for this guy that drop was worth a lot, because he likes that skin that much.
But hey, if the mentally is 'you get what you served' at the moment, I can't blame you or your party for not rezzing him. Not that it earns any respect though.
Rushin Roulette
You want to make the punishment fit the "crime" of being a griefer and agroing everything. I would have done the ironic thing.
Give it to the monk who tried to cover him best he could to ID... then send the monk to agro another few Eles and drop the sword behind the eles where the Warrior will never reach it due to his high DP... After that, just res the leeroy and have fun watching him fail over and over again (dont forget to res him with Rebirth... or better yet Vengance if you have it with you
Give it to the monk who tried to cover him best he could to ID... then send the monk to agro another few Eles and drop the sword behind the eles where the Warrior will never reach it due to his high DP... After that, just res the leeroy and have fun watching him fail over and over again (dont forget to res him with Rebirth... or better yet Vengance if you have it with you
Originally Posted by garethporlest18
I would have rezzed him to let him have his drop because it seems wrong to me to steal it no matter how much of an annoyance he was.

Originally Posted by zling
wow this is hillarious...
let me say something to you: Welcome to the Real World! people get what they deserve, no reason for them to get more than they deserve. this guy was clearly being an ass and intentionally trying to screw their party. so they treated him like an ass and took his drop. nothing wrong with that! it's actually right! manners dont hurt you know, neither does education... |
"Clearly being an ass"?? After hearing only one side of the story?? Or were you there??
So many sad, immature people here.