Originally Posted by cgruber
They should nerf the HFF faction farming and add points for killing stuff like eotn.
But on topic, something needs to be done about these titles. The amount of grind is just nuts, even if it's account wide, running 5 characters though factions each gaining 10,000 gives you R1 in the one your guild is allied with, and not even R1 with the other.
It's particularly unfortunate for the Luxon side, as their HFFF isn't even as good, and the challenge missions for them are screwed up and just not worth playing.
Just a collection of suggestions (not all mine) that seem like good ideas:
Offer blessings and finishing bonuses for Ugroz and The Deep. - They're elite areas related to each faction, so it makes sense game wise too.
Increase faction gained in AB/Fort Aspenwood/Jade Quarry - Double kill rewards, bigger winning bonus, for Fort Aspenwood/Jade Quarry, perhaps rewards scaling based on play, so the one being played less over time gives bigger rewards. Might revive Jade Quarry even.
Faction reward for finishing Unwaking Waters - From whatever side you left from. You are doing it for your respective faction. You get something from each of the side specific missions already, why not a little for this?
Adjust rewards of the Challenge Missions, and fix scoring loopholes - The 2 Luxon missions really suck as constituted, as players can play them nearly indefinitely, which means you need to in order to get any decent reward (Which even max isn't given the time).
How about a double faction week/weekend?