Originally Posted by aspenwi
So what your saying is I can't transfer gold between my char without the possabilty of a ban? If that's the case then they need to up the amount you can store in storage.
They also only tend to flag high value transfers - gold sellers aren't going to bother with 50k or probably even 100k (not sure the cut off) so those amounts tend not to get noticed. Higher gold trades that are one sided tend to get flagged and the larger they are the more likely they are to get flagged. Things like pre-gold for post-gold are going to be hard to track so they will tend to get banned if they get high enough to get a flag. Said bans tend to initially get automated responses, a little further down the support chain and things get fixed.
Such is life in an online game and isn't unique to Anet, and in my experience in other online games Anet is - at worst - middle of the road (and those that tend to be more lenient have MUCH more issues with gold traders). Given how most logs are stored I *really* doubt that they are going to be able to see a series of trades that occur that far apart in that way and know what it is.
Once the ticket goes to support it is not hard to track as they know exactly what, when, and where to look, but until then if *you* are support and you see 300k sent to one account for either nothing or something that is totally worthless what are you going to think? Will you look at that and think "Obviously this was a trade for a pre-mini pet for post gold and I have to look through 30 minutes of *everything* those accounts did to track down that it may be that or the myriad other legitimate reasons that make up .01% of these instances".
Like any other online game you do a reasonable look at the account and ban if you don't see anything - if it is unfair then they will e-mail support and things get fixed. For whatever reason in no monthly fee online games people get *really* bent out of shape over this even though the pay to play games are no better or generally worse (and that is supposedly part of what you are paying a monthly fee for). If you really can't stand this you need to go back to offline games where you can't get banned as this is Situation Normal. Even in real life there are times where there is no reason why the authorities should initially know you are in the right without you telling them something. In those cases they also remove your rights until you talk to a position of authority (police or in harder cases the courts).