massive clearout of items..quitting the game
elendil elf
Can i have ectos / plat im broke ingame. game nick : elendil elf
Anna Ryan
Hé, I'm not a greedy person, anything you got left is appreciated, even as much as a goldpiece ^^
<---- IGN
<---- IGN
to all you lolcat picture posters.....
Alastor Slayer
I guess I'll give it a shot. If I win I'll take some ectos.
Ron Ng
Can I have a Elite Derv tome
A wonderful Joke to share.
Share with me whatever from your list it may be worth.
Thank you!
A Minneapolis couple decided to go to Florida to thaw out during aparticularly icy winter.
They planned to stay at the same hotel where they spent their honeymoon 20 years earlier.
Because of hectic schedules, it was difficult to coordiate their travel schedules.
So, the husband left Minnesota and flew to Florida on Thursday, with his wife flying down the following day.
The husband checked in to the hotel.
There was a computer in his room, so he decided to send an email to his wife.
However, he accidentally left out one letter in her email address, and without realizing
his error, sent the email.
Meanwhile, somewhere in Houston, a widow had just returned home from her husband's funeral.
He was a minister who was called home to glory following a heart attack.
The widow decided to check her email expecting messages from her relatives and friends.
After reading the first message, she screamed and fainted.
The widow's son rushed into the room, found his mother on the floor,
and saw the computer screan which read:
I know your surprised to hear from me. They have computers here now and your allowed to send emails to your loved ones. I've just arrived and have been checked in. I see that everything has been prepared for your arrival tomorrow. Looking forward to seeing you then. Hope your journey is
as uneventful as mine was.
P.S. Sure is freaking Hot down here!!!!!
Share with me whatever from your list it may be worth.
Thank you!
A Minneapolis couple decided to go to Florida to thaw out during aparticularly icy winter.
They planned to stay at the same hotel where they spent their honeymoon 20 years earlier.
Because of hectic schedules, it was difficult to coordiate their travel schedules.
So, the husband left Minnesota and flew to Florida on Thursday, with his wife flying down the following day.
The husband checked in to the hotel.
There was a computer in his room, so he decided to send an email to his wife.
However, he accidentally left out one letter in her email address, and without realizing
his error, sent the email.
Meanwhile, somewhere in Houston, a widow had just returned home from her husband's funeral.
He was a minister who was called home to glory following a heart attack.
The widow decided to check her email expecting messages from her relatives and friends.
After reading the first message, she screamed and fainted.
The widow's son rushed into the room, found his mother on the floor,
and saw the computer screan which read:
I know your surprised to hear from me. They have computers here now and your allowed to send emails to your loved ones. I've just arrived and have been checked in. I see that everything has been prepared for your arrival tomorrow. Looking forward to seeing you then. Hope your journey is
as uneventful as mine was.
P.S. Sure is freaking Hot down here!!!!!
Loki Aesir
Voltaic Spear
storm bow
otherwise I'll take the ectos
Some of my favorite comics
Just so you know, this is my brother and what my mom made his friend and him do after a lengthy conversation about nipple hair and them jokingly mentioning waxing. The quality is all my phone could manage, but the scream is priceless.
storm bow
otherwise I'll take the ectos
Some of my favorite comics
Just so you know, this is my brother and what my mom made his friend and him do after a lengthy conversation about nipple hair and them jokingly mentioning waxing. The quality is all my phone could manage, but the scream is priceless.
slarevyn warlord
Could i have an Elite Monk tome???
If they have run out then could i have an elite ele tome of a group of ectos
IGN: Phantom Shadowfang
If they have run out then could i have an elite ele tome of a group of ectos

IGN: Phantom Shadowfang
Miss Achaea
132 ectos (come as a group of 2)
667 plat (come as a group of 8)
Many other aegis..Just ask!
Amethyst, Darkwing, Gloom, Magma, Zodiac, Celestials, etc the most worth
Amethyst Aegis r9 strength
Many other aegis..just ask for any
Golden Pheonix Blade r9
Storm Bow r9
Celestial Bow r9
Hornbow (mursaat) r9
Eternal Bow r9
Voltaic Spear r12!!!! (this goin to the ultimate post)
3 Elite Monk tomes
1 Elite Ele tome
5 Elite Sin tomes
1 Elite Mes tome
3 Elite Derv tomes
23 Normal Nec tomes (come as a group of 2)
2 Normal Monk Tomes (come as a group of 2)
4 Normal derv tomes (come as a group of 2)
35 Normal War tomes (come as a group of 2)
TONS of materials...come as a group of 20 (excludes rare ones)..just ask for any
Weps first then monk elite tomes
sorry for ur quitr
Hmm, cant really find anyone o.O but maybe ill post some

Lolll the last picture i found on the internett lawl!
667 plat (come as a group of 8)
Many other aegis..Just ask!
Amethyst, Darkwing, Gloom, Magma, Zodiac, Celestials, etc the most worth
Amethyst Aegis r9 strength
Many other aegis..just ask for any
Golden Pheonix Blade r9
Storm Bow r9
Celestial Bow r9
Hornbow (mursaat) r9
Eternal Bow r9
Voltaic Spear r12!!!! (this goin to the ultimate post)
3 Elite Monk tomes
1 Elite Ele tome
5 Elite Sin tomes
1 Elite Mes tome
3 Elite Derv tomes
23 Normal Nec tomes (come as a group of 2)
2 Normal Monk Tomes (come as a group of 2)
4 Normal derv tomes (come as a group of 2)
35 Normal War tomes (come as a group of 2)
TONS of materials...come as a group of 20 (excludes rare ones)..just ask for any
Weps first then monk elite tomes

Hmm, cant really find anyone o.O but maybe ill post some

Lolll the last picture i found on the internett lawl!
HEy, sorry that ur leaving. Unlike many others i wont go for the voltaic. I would like to have(if they are gold and insc) the storm bow , amethyst aegis, magmas shield, or any of the other rare req.9 inscribable shields. U can rate my post to whatever worth u want.
Context: MY older bro's 7th b-day party. A bunch of kids over to play and it's cake time. They sing to him and he blows out the candles. THen, my mom starts cutting pieces of the cake and, like a nice person, gives them to the guests first. THen Ernie, as fat as he was when he was young whines out: "WHERE MY PIEEEECE?!" WE have a video of it and i burst out laughing every time.
Context: MY older bro's 7th b-day party. A bunch of kids over to play and it's cake time. They sing to him and he blows out the candles. THen, my mom starts cutting pieces of the cake and, like a nice person, gives them to the guests first. THen Ernie, as fat as he was when he was young whines out: "WHERE MY PIEEEECE?!" WE have a video of it and i burst out laughing every time.
The Stormbringer
I've got a few jokes:
Visiting the modern art museum, a lady turned to an attendant standing nearby."This," she said "I suppose is one of those hideous representations you call modern art?"
"No madam," said the attendant. "That one is called a mirror."
A woman got on a bus with her child, and the bus driver said "Miss, you have the ugliest child I've ever seen." The woman took her child to the back and sat down, saying to the man next to her "Can you believe the bus driver just insulted me?" The man replied "You go talk to him, I'll hold your monkey."
What's the similarity between Michael Jackson and McDonald's?
They both stick beef between 9 year old buns.
Well, those are just a few jokes. Whatever you want to give me is cool, ill take any of those swords/shields, some ectos or an elite derv tome.
IGN: Novan Stormbringer
Visiting the modern art museum, a lady turned to an attendant standing nearby."This," she said "I suppose is one of those hideous representations you call modern art?"
"No madam," said the attendant. "That one is called a mirror."
A woman got on a bus with her child, and the bus driver said "Miss, you have the ugliest child I've ever seen." The woman took her child to the back and sat down, saying to the man next to her "Can you believe the bus driver just insulted me?" The man replied "You go talk to him, I'll hold your monkey."
What's the similarity between Michael Jackson and McDonald's?
They both stick beef between 9 year old buns.
Well, those are just a few jokes. Whatever you want to give me is cool, ill take any of those swords/shields, some ectos or an elite derv tome.
IGN: Novan Stormbringer
i would like
voltaic /any other weapon or any left over
A guy comes to his friend and finds him beating his d%ck with a hammer.
- What are you doing?
- I'm masturbating.
- Masturbating with a hammer!? Are you enjoying it at all?
- Yes, each time I miss it.
While making love, he says:
- Darling, let's do 68!
- 68??? What's that?
- You do it to me and I'll owe you one
Two friends:
- Tonight I am going to organize a group s%x session in my apartment. Do you want to come?
- Of course! How many people are coming?
- Three, if you bring your girlfriend.
Which animal has two gray legs, and two brown legs?
- Elephant that has diarrhea!

a mind trick nuff whit jokes and funies

nice give away thnx
have fun away from gw you rock btw...
voltaic /any other weapon or any left over
A guy comes to his friend and finds him beating his d%ck with a hammer.
- What are you doing?
- I'm masturbating.
- Masturbating with a hammer!? Are you enjoying it at all?
- Yes, each time I miss it.
While making love, he says:
- Darling, let's do 68!
- 68??? What's that?
- You do it to me and I'll owe you one
Two friends:
- Tonight I am going to organize a group s%x session in my apartment. Do you want to come?
- Of course! How many people are coming?
- Three, if you bring your girlfriend.
Which animal has two gray legs, and two brown legs?
- Elephant that has diarrhea!

a mind trick nuff whit jokes and funies

nice give away thnx
have fun away from gw you rock btw...
celestial bow and all elite monk tomes pls if its ok. thanks.
IGN: Isaac The Wise
IGN: Isaac The Wise
sry to hear that ur leaving gw but GL and HF
if possible id like the voltaic or Amethyst Aegis of tactics or command if u have, if not than any of the items would be great ty so much
IGN: Raging Blackfire
hope this is good
if possible id like the voltaic or Amethyst Aegis of tactics or command if u have, if not than any of the items would be great ty so much
IGN: Raging Blackfire
hope this is good
Mr Leet
thnx guys for all the nice posts
just to clear sum things up:
i really dislike people pming me asking for tons of items...(no im not gonna give u 56 ectos)
also..the reason dat i didnt list my IGN here is that i wuld expect that tons of ppl wuld be pming me ingame
one more thing...try not to post tons of pics or hav a massive post...takes long to load xD...and remember ..quality over quantity
just to clear sum things up:
i really dislike people pming me asking for tons of items...(no im not gonna give u 56 ectos)
also..the reason dat i didnt list my IGN here is that i wuld expect that tons of ppl wuld be pming me ingame
one more thing...try not to post tons of pics or hav a massive post...takes long to load xD...and remember ..quality over quantity

akio pwns
i cant offer funny stuff as these guys can because some stuff really made me fall out of my chair. well i can only say that i hope you rejoin the gw community when GW2 comes out because personally not knowing you, i bet you where helpfuls in some ways.
if i win i would like to recieve either voltanic spear/rubies or sapphires/ 2 ectos/Amethyst Aegis
But as you asked.. my funny pictures galor.
got them up... hope you like?!
if i win i would like to recieve either voltanic spear/rubies or sapphires/ 2 ectos/Amethyst Aegis
But as you asked.. my funny pictures galor.
got them up... hope you like?!
beagle warrior
it is probably all gone already but...
i am currently trying to buy 15k armor so any money is appreciated thanks alot
i am currently trying to buy 15k armor so any money is appreciated thanks alot
Lector G
lol one word for you CHEESE
sorry just one random moment best of luck to you
<--- ign or at least ive been told it was
if you decide i deserve anything is fine by me :P
sorry just one random moment best of luck to you
<--- ign or at least ive been told it was
if you decide i deserve anything is fine by me :P
Lord Deathblade
i'd like any of the elite tomes really...or an ecto set... Although, a voltaic wouldn't hurt TOO much either!
Unfortunately, due to may lack of pictures with cats and obese children failing, I guess I am doomed to a life with no spear after all. Curse my lack of funnys! noooooooo..... what are you doing? I'LL NEVER PUT THE STRAIGHT JACKET BACK ON!!!! noooooooooo....

Unfortunately, due to may lack of pictures with cats and obese children failing, I guess I am doomed to a life with no spear after all. Curse my lack of funnys! noooooooo..... what are you doing? I'LL NEVER PUT THE STRAIGHT JACKET BACK ON!!!! noooooooooo....
hmmmmmm what was the question?
Foxy Melody<--------IGN

Foxy Melody<--------IGN
Loli Krasivaya
Agh, the one time humor could aid me I find myself failing! I wish my computer could handle lolcats to make up for my failure in humor
Seriously, I was that kid who told the silly a-b-c's joke until I turned fifteen and realized it really wasn't all that funny.
Butttt since that's all I got in my funny arsenal I guess you're in for some corny, corny, corniness. Maybe you can laugh at my utter geekdom
So one day when Johnny was in class his teacher told him that his assignment was to learn the first five letters of the alphabet. He wrote it down in his notebook and went home to get to work.
He went to his older brother and asked, <insert silly little boy voice here, make it sad sounding since it's a girl voicing it> "Big brother, what's the first letter of the alphabet?" His brother replied "Shut up!" and he wrote it down.
Then he went to his younger brother, who was watching cartoons and asked "Younger brother, what's the second letter of the alphabet?" His brother replied, "Nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh BATMAN!" So he wrote it down.
Then he went to his older sister, who was on the phone with her boyfriend. He asked "Older sister what's the third letter of the alphabet?" She blushed at something her boyfriend set on the phone and muttered "Ohhhhh yes." So he wrote it down.
Then he went to his father, who was watching the 49er's. He asked, "Daddy, what's the fourth letter of the alphabet?" His father threw some popcorn in the air and yelled "49! 49! 49!" at the television frantically. So he wrote it down.
Finally, he went to his mother who was cooking hot dogs for dinner in the kitchen. He asked, "Mommy, what's the fifth letter of the alphabet?" His mom sniffed and looked at the oven, crying out "My buns are burning, my buns are burning!" So he wrote it down.
The next day at school, his teacher called on him.
"Johnny, what's the first letter of the alphabet?" she asked.
"Shut up." He replied.
"Who do you think you are?" she asked.
"Nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh BATMAN!" He yelled.
"Do you want to go see the principal young man?" He asked.
"Yes yes yes!" he replied.
And he left.
When he got to the principal's office the principal asked him how many spankings he wanted.
"49! 49! 49!" he responded.
And the boy got what he wanted, and was sent back to class.
When he got to class his teacher asked him how he felt about himself now, and all he could reply was "My buns are burning! My buns are burning!"
See? Epic lameness, now seriously, imagine me still telling that joke in my sophomore year of high school.
I'm surprised I didn't get beat up, maybe being a girl and all.
Since I can't outdo anyone on lolcat pictures or cute jokes, I can just be nice.
I'm sorry that you're leaving Guild Wars, but it is true that there are much greener pastures out there. I hope you find a nice one, and settle down and get epically leet
I, on the other hand, just started playing this game in October. It's actually my first MMORPG ever, my boyfriend introduced me to it because I was starting to find my freshman year of college lonely and stressful.
Guild Wars, or at least the social aspect of it, really made life easier on me for awhile. It was reallllly hard getting away from home for the first time. Unfortunately, now that I'm in a nice guild with some sweet friends, I'm starting to get into the game itself, you know, the title hunting, the storyline, all of that.
The problem is, the grind is really getting to me. In order to go along with my guild on some things I have to bring consets, which are hard to afford. In order to attain some titles like skill hunter I have to have sig caps, which is hard to afford. I've tried farming, but I don't really make all that much. I guess definitely not as much as those who farmed pre-lootscaling. It's getting harder and harder to enjoy the game because I feel like I can't catch up with all the leet players who came before me.
I know I know find another game right? Unfortunately this poverty issue has decided to follow me into real life, so it's either an epic grind but free rpg, or a pocket busting WoWish rpg. Ack XD
I'm not even going for the spear, a lot of other people would appreciate that a lot more than me. I would really just appreciate some gold, or some ecto, so I can go along with my guild in UW, FoW, and all those other elite missions I've never been able to do before because I'm not experienced enough for pugs. That amethyst aegis is absolutely gorgeous too though, I definitely wouldn't mind that.
Also, I don't know what your life is like, or if you are moving around anywhere near as much as I am, but if you ever feel like you need to talk I'll be playing for awhile
I don't know, it's always nice to feel like someone wants to hear you out when finals become crushingly stressful or jobs decide to be stupid. So yeah, if you ever like to friend me and we can chat. It would be nice to meet someone new, and definitely someone this generous. ^^
Well, guess it's time to finish up this silly post. Sorry I couldn't give you some more lolcats, but with your leetness I'm sure you've been around to see them all. Thanks for anything you decide to give me, and thanks for everything you decide to give others. Maybe I'll get a chance to talk in game!
IGN: Loli Krasivya
Butttt since that's all I got in my funny arsenal I guess you're in for some corny, corny, corniness. Maybe you can laugh at my utter geekdom
So one day when Johnny was in class his teacher told him that his assignment was to learn the first five letters of the alphabet. He wrote it down in his notebook and went home to get to work.
He went to his older brother and asked, <insert silly little boy voice here, make it sad sounding since it's a girl voicing it> "Big brother, what's the first letter of the alphabet?" His brother replied "Shut up!" and he wrote it down.
Then he went to his younger brother, who was watching cartoons and asked "Younger brother, what's the second letter of the alphabet?" His brother replied, "Nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh BATMAN!" So he wrote it down.
Then he went to his older sister, who was on the phone with her boyfriend. He asked "Older sister what's the third letter of the alphabet?" She blushed at something her boyfriend set on the phone and muttered "Ohhhhh yes." So he wrote it down.
Then he went to his father, who was watching the 49er's. He asked, "Daddy, what's the fourth letter of the alphabet?" His father threw some popcorn in the air and yelled "49! 49! 49!" at the television frantically. So he wrote it down.
Finally, he went to his mother who was cooking hot dogs for dinner in the kitchen. He asked, "Mommy, what's the fifth letter of the alphabet?" His mom sniffed and looked at the oven, crying out "My buns are burning, my buns are burning!" So he wrote it down.
The next day at school, his teacher called on him.
"Johnny, what's the first letter of the alphabet?" she asked.
"Shut up." He replied.
"Who do you think you are?" she asked.
"Nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh BATMAN!" He yelled.
"Do you want to go see the principal young man?" He asked.
"Yes yes yes!" he replied.
And he left.
When he got to the principal's office the principal asked him how many spankings he wanted.
"49! 49! 49!" he responded.
And the boy got what he wanted, and was sent back to class.
When he got to class his teacher asked him how he felt about himself now, and all he could reply was "My buns are burning! My buns are burning!"
See? Epic lameness, now seriously, imagine me still telling that joke in my sophomore year of high school.
Since I can't outdo anyone on lolcat pictures or cute jokes, I can just be nice.
I'm sorry that you're leaving Guild Wars, but it is true that there are much greener pastures out there. I hope you find a nice one, and settle down and get epically leet
Guild Wars, or at least the social aspect of it, really made life easier on me for awhile. It was reallllly hard getting away from home for the first time. Unfortunately, now that I'm in a nice guild with some sweet friends, I'm starting to get into the game itself, you know, the title hunting, the storyline, all of that.
The problem is, the grind is really getting to me. In order to go along with my guild on some things I have to bring consets, which are hard to afford. In order to attain some titles like skill hunter I have to have sig caps, which is hard to afford. I've tried farming, but I don't really make all that much. I guess definitely not as much as those who farmed pre-lootscaling. It's getting harder and harder to enjoy the game because I feel like I can't catch up with all the leet players who came before me.
I know I know find another game right? Unfortunately this poverty issue has decided to follow me into real life, so it's either an epic grind but free rpg, or a pocket busting WoWish rpg. Ack XD
I'm not even going for the spear, a lot of other people would appreciate that a lot more than me. I would really just appreciate some gold, or some ecto, so I can go along with my guild in UW, FoW, and all those other elite missions I've never been able to do before because I'm not experienced enough for pugs. That amethyst aegis is absolutely gorgeous too though, I definitely wouldn't mind that.
Also, I don't know what your life is like, or if you are moving around anywhere near as much as I am, but if you ever feel like you need to talk I'll be playing for awhile
Well, guess it's time to finish up this silly post. Sorry I couldn't give you some more lolcats, but with your leetness I'm sure you've been around to see them all. Thanks for anything you decide to give me, and thanks for everything you decide to give others. Maybe I'll get a chance to talk in game!
IGN: Loli Krasivya
Anything really will please me,so I won't leave a long post about trying to attempt to be funny,because in reality I fail at being funny :}So anything small is alright with me,wish you the best of luck and have fun with your life.
here is my picture of my character and my minipet... why ? because I dont like tons and tons funny pictures like that in this topic....I runned any places in
Tyria and found this nice panorama with "flying castle" so i screened it and posted here as your remebrace for GW and please never forget your happy times
in this great game....thx and thats all gl in your real life ....remember: You never fight alone!
Ps: sorry for my English and sorry for picture quality
Always sad to see someone leave.
Good luck in real life, or wherever you go from here.
I don't really need anything, just wanted to say goodbye
Good luck in real life, or wherever you go from here.
I don't really need anything, just wanted to say goodbye
can i have some ectos pleas ign: pbnation ftw
Ferret Deathsquad
I think your english is fine and the picture you posted is very nice. Where are you is where I would like to know? Which Chapter is that in?
I just came back from a long break (over two years). Sounds like your in a similar place to where I was in that game had kinda of played itself out. Good luck with whatever new gaming route you take and maybe we'll meet in GW2.
On my return I just bought the expansions so hopefully that will keep me busy for awhile. However since coming back I found myself as leader in an empty guild even though when I left I wasn't the creator nor an officer. But since I don't see a "welcoming guild invite" on your list
there are a few things that any of which would be a thankful gift. I was never big on unique weapon skins but what I did enjoy the most was collecting armor and skills so plat/ecto to help with getting the new 15k armors or any type of tome would be appreciated.
Thanks again for your generous act to the community.
IGN: Arabella Adair
On my return I just bought the expansions so hopefully that will keep me busy for awhile. However since coming back I found myself as leader in an empty guild even though when I left I wasn't the creator nor an officer. But since I don't see a "welcoming guild invite" on your list

Thanks again for your generous act to the community.
IGN: Arabella Adair
Hello can i have ANYTHING or as much as u can give!??!!
Blood Executioner
Let me know plz
Blood Executioner
Let me know plz
I hope u find something else funner to do lol
Sad ur leaving
Sad ur leaving
Anything u can give me plz
I've always found these two rather amusing.
(Warning: some vulgarity)
A Voltaic spear would be awesome, but if this post is as lame as I know it is, ectos are awesome too.
Good luck in your future endeavors
(Warning: some vulgarity)
A Voltaic spear would be awesome, but if this post is as lame as I know it is, ectos are awesome too.
Good luck in your future endeavors
Blood Executioner
Some plats or extos would be great but if none are left no worries il take ANYTHING good n take a quite a load of ur hands XD!
Blood Executioner
Some plats or extos would be great but if none are left no worries il take ANYTHING good n take a quite a load of ur hands XD!
So i am not funny .... Can i have the Storm Bow r9 .. Thank you
in game name
Re Re R O L L
in game name
Re Re R O L L
Sorry you're leaving.

I wish you well in the world outside of GW.

I wish you well in the world outside of GW.
I would like to have Amethyst Aegis or Elite derv tome if they are still available.
IGN: Kamasa Oderison
IGN: Kamasa Oderison
Shadow Shot
It's really great that your giving all your stuff away before you leave because if i decide to quite GW I would most likely just leave my account alone and let everything just be waisted.
I dont know if your a fan of Star Wars but maybe your a fan of Squirlles.
I would like the Eternal Bow if this is funny enough.
I dont know if your a fan of Star Wars but maybe your a fan of Squirlles.
I would like the Eternal Bow if this is funny enough.
Any rare skinned weapon would be just great ! =)
I'm not that funny, and i can't really think of any funny things at the moment lol (see, that wasn't funny but i still laughed, that's how lame i am >.>). All i'll say is that i wish you good luck in the future and in life in general.
IGN: Derranged Dervish
*EDIT* I just thought of something, it's very funny actually:
I'm not that funny, and i can't really think of any funny things at the moment lol (see, that wasn't funny but i still laughed, that's how lame i am >.>). All i'll say is that i wish you good luck in the future and in life in general.
IGN: Derranged Dervish
*EDIT* I just thought of something, it's very funny actually:
I just want something, lol, I would prefer ectos, stormbow, or voltaic spear,
Warning, the following video is very uhm.....not, yeah, don't watch it if you don't want to:
Good luck outside of Guild Wars man. Personally, I think you should consider yourself lucky, as you are now not addicted to an MMORPG 0_o
I just want something, lol, I would prefer ectos, stormbow, or voltaic spear,
Warning, the following video is very uhm.....not, yeah, don't watch it if you don't want to:
Good luck outside of Guild Wars man. Personally, I think you should consider yourself lucky, as you are now not addicted to an MMORPG 0_o
gimme something pls pls pls pls i have been playing for a month now and the weapons i have arent that good.I always wanted a vlotaic spear but be fair give it to the best
its a shame that u dont have a mini kuunavang
gimme something pls pls pls pls i have been playing for a month now and the weapons i have arent that good.I always wanted a vlotaic spear but be fair give it to the best
its a shame that u dont have a mini kuunavang
hey man sad to hear your getting rid of the game -- can get boring sometimes but i find myself always comming back to play it like
i think it wud be totaly awsome if u can give me 1 set of the ectos or a set of the platinum please :P it can help me and my guild thanks man please get back to me like add my char on your freinds list ok?
and if u get too bored on your computer i can give u sum funny websites to amuse you hehe
hope to hear from ya oh ye soz my IGN is Inanity Factor i have all the chapters so cud pretty much meet u anywhere well apart from the placces near the end of the game cuz i aint that cool :P
and if u get too bored on your computer i can give u sum funny websites to amuse you hehe
hope to hear from ya oh ye soz my IGN is Inanity Factor i have all the chapters so cud pretty much meet u anywhere well apart from the placces near the end of the game cuz i aint that cool :P