New layout on the Guild Wars site.
Well it looks like they changed around a lil bit. Well more than just a little, I like it. Website changes are always fun, what do you all think?
Not much of a difference that I can see.
Other than Nika's hair color is off on that pic.
Other than Nika's hair color is off on that pic.
Esoteric Mesmer
I prefered the other one, just not feeling this one as much. Whatever though, not that big of a deal
On the Cervantes rating scale:
Before -> 30.45/35.00
After -> 30.45/35.00
I see nothing really too different or that much of a big deal to mention.
Before -> 30.45/35.00
After -> 30.45/35.00
I see nothing really too different or that much of a big deal to mention.
Operative 14
It's a nice looking design scheme but I was hoping they would change the site that drastically only when they had a big bunch of GW2 information (or even just three pieces of concept art) to change it for. :/
Or even a new headline for that matter. >_>
Or even a new headline for that matter. >_>
Maybe we got some comming up?
Neat, preparing commercially for GW2 slowly it seemes, i'm excited ^^
Lady Lozza
Birthday makeover maybe?
Vengeful Spirit
it looks really generally the same to me nothing drastic enough that i would really notice unless i was looking for it and went there everyday TBH
same ol
same ol
same ol
What exactly has changed?
i like the new look.
everything is a lot more organized
everything is a lot more organized
Nomme Moon
Not to get anyones hopes up or anything, but first thing I noticed is that Guild Wars 2 is actually listed on the product list where as before it wasn't.
Fril Estelin
I never seen this art of Nikka (between the necro and the dervish ladies), it's different from the version on Factions' box.
No change on EU GW website.
No change on EU GW website.
It was okay before, I think. It's not too much better, but a bit more sleek. I love what they did with "Latest Headlines."
Jecht Scye
I like it. More organized, and it adheres better to users(top menu is now top left instead of top right and the main nav is now at the top of the page.).
Well they got rid of that annoying full page animated intro which is a good start.
No big changes overthere i see.
No news in 3 weeks....
now where is that thread where everyone predicted the day they will change the site?
i predicted 26. april if i remember correctly
i predicted 26. april if i remember correctly
I think I have Flashblock installed because I hate excessive use of Flash...
Lord Sojar
I like the new layout. It is a bit cleaner, and the game update links are more in the open and easier to see. The headlines are also a bit easier on the eyes. The flash stuff has improved also. Overall, better, but nothing huge.
That was update for GW2 info. I am sticking with May 5th as my guess. I am going to win Norn armor for my ranger!
Originally Posted by enxa
now where is that thread where everyone predicted the day they will change the site?
i predicted 26. april if i remember correctly |
To be honest, I found the old site design a lot easier to navigate around in.
Edit: And when I say old, I mean the really old design.
Edit: And when I say old, I mean the really old design.
Such a handy thing.
The newer layouts keep turning out too flashy imo.
Such a handy thing.
The newer layouts keep turning out too flashy imo.
I still use the site, so I don't really care.
I don't like this change, or the last change. The Rollover menu for news is annoying and now that it's on the right it's even worse. What english reading person reads from the right hand side? You always start from the left.... It's just awkward.
This is the style I preferred, just the regular layout with news all listed. Screw flash. All the website now is marketing and advertising, not news.
This is the style I preferred, just the regular layout with news all listed. Screw flash. All the website now is marketing and advertising, not news.
Originally Posted by Rahja the Thief
That was update for GW2 info. I am sticking with May 5th as my guess. I am going to win Norn armor for my ranger! |
I would say that this could count for out predictions. But lets let Avoc, who initiated it, decide.
Sweet they changed the newsletter subscription in a way that works for me. It's on the GW2 product page.
Guild Wars 2 product page.
It seems as though we will be getting some news about GW2 shortly... I guess this is better than nothing, right?
It seems as though we will be getting some news about GW2 shortly... I guess this is better than nothing, right?
Nightmares Hammer
Originally Posted by Lycan X
No news in 3 weeks....
Not much change...
Layout is fine except we still see the Sarah Brightman headlines for the past 2 weeks.
Originally Posted by Buster
Layout is fine except we still see the Sarah Brightman headlines for the past 2 weeks.
Mr. G
odds are they've run out of "new stuff" to advertise, GW:EN is old, the BMP is old....
Time for GW2
Shai Lee
I like the new look. The only thing that keeps messing with my mind is the look of Nika, since it's different from the box. She looks cool and all, but since I can't create a sin with more meat on her like the one pictured, I can't seem to conform. :P
Wow, actauly the newsletter thing is on the front page, maybe the first set of GW2 info will come through the newsletter.
RSS ftw, saves me from actually going to sites.
Looks ok I suppose. Certainly cleaner than a lot of game sites, not a fan of Flash myself.
Looks ok I suppose. Certainly cleaner than a lot of game sites, not a fan of Flash myself.
just more [Macromedia] Flash happy