please explain your answers
Are you happy with the idea of GW2?
are you happy with the idea of a completely separate game or would you rather have had utopia?
please explain your answers
please explain your answers
I'm intrigued by all the stuff that Anet has mentioned in intervies. But at the same time worried that it'll somehow end up like the that massive burning pile of MMOs that were supposed to be amazing and revolutionary. For some reason sequels to MMOs don't seem to ever do well because they stray too far from their roots.
I guess what I'm saying is that I'm excited and happy about GW2, because expansion after expansion gets old fast. But it's not as if I'm going to rush out and buy GW2 immediately when it's released.
I guess what I'm saying is that I'm excited and happy about GW2, because expansion after expansion gets old fast. But it's not as if I'm going to rush out and buy GW2 immediately when it's released.
Persistent World, higher level cap, improved pvp and pve, Guild Wars 2 was the right move. It will have a greater opportunity to appeal to other mmo gamers not just current Guild Wars players which is a good thing for everyone.
yes, cant wait to play
if i wanted a game that sounded exactly like WoW, id buy wow
ill probably still buy gw2 anyways
ill probably still buy gw2 anyways
Arcane Spark
I love everything exept the part about a higher level cap.
I hate the idea, honestly. From what I've gathered, GW2 is going to be an all-out grindfest, just like WoW, DAoC, EQ2, and all the other MMOs.
I would have liked both eventually, but then I am greedy
Good as GW1 is at some point a game isn't fixable any longer and it's better to stop regroup and make a better game.
Its possible the code used wouldn't let them move in some directions or some parts of gw1 they want rid of and its just easier to start again with the benefit of hindsight.
I expect a game superficially familiar but graphically improved.
One with a totally different character generation based on decisions made in one area opening new skill lines and closing others.
Perhaps with default character builds for those in a rush.
Trading and storage improved but not that different from the present one.
Level cap will possibly be raised to 30 maybe a little more but I doubt it would exceed 40.
other thoughts on gw2
It will be interesting to see if they separate pvp and pve completely or offer inducements in both to encourage participation.
Other inducements might encourage party play again, I think people will take part in all aspects of the game if encouraged to do so either with items or skills.
I didn't read much on utopia and I guess many of its ideas will come into GW2 anyway.
Certainly looking forward to gw2
Good as GW1 is at some point a game isn't fixable any longer and it's better to stop regroup and make a better game.
Its possible the code used wouldn't let them move in some directions or some parts of gw1 they want rid of and its just easier to start again with the benefit of hindsight.
I expect a game superficially familiar but graphically improved.
One with a totally different character generation based on decisions made in one area opening new skill lines and closing others.
Perhaps with default character builds for those in a rush.
Trading and storage improved but not that different from the present one.
Level cap will possibly be raised to 30 maybe a little more but I doubt it would exceed 40.
other thoughts on gw2
It will be interesting to see if they separate pvp and pve completely or offer inducements in both to encourage participation.
Other inducements might encourage party play again, I think people will take part in all aspects of the game if encouraged to do so either with items or skills.
I didn't read much on utopia and I guess many of its ideas will come into GW2 anyway.
Certainly looking forward to gw2
If they told us about GW2 now and not back then last year, I probably would be excited. Right now, I enjoy Guild Wars 1, and will continue to play it till I find a reason to play something else.
I'd rather wait to see what GW2 will really be before deciding what's best for me. Till then, I'm one person who could care less about the "ultimate Guild Wars game".
I'd rather wait to see what GW2 will really be before deciding what's best for me. Till then, I'm one person who could care less about the "ultimate Guild Wars game".
Lady Syve
Yes, I'm very excited about GW2. I agree with ArenaNet when they say that if they had continued with the campaign-every-six-months model, the game would have become much to bloated and cumbersome with unnecessary game mechanics, in addition to an incredibly diluting the population over all the areas.
Also, it's good to have GW2 instead of Utopia, because that gives the team free reign to explore completely new mechanics (such as jumping and new species!), which would otherwise have not been feasible on the current GW1 engine.
I also like the idea of starting fresh. Can't wait for the beta!
Also, it's good to have GW2 instead of Utopia, because that gives the team free reign to explore completely new mechanics (such as jumping and new species!), which would otherwise have not been feasible on the current GW1 engine.
I also like the idea of starting fresh. Can't wait for the beta!
Operative 14
I'm very excited about GW2 and the concept seems great, as long as it's not all about title grinding so that you can get this level of armor, or use that level of weapons.
Personally, I would rather have GW2 than Utopia, but I wish they had released Utopia instead of GW:EN so GW1 finished on a grand, epic note instead of just frittering out into a lead in for GW2.
Personally, I would rather have GW2 than Utopia, but I wish they had released Utopia instead of GW:EN so GW1 finished on a grand, epic note instead of just frittering out into a lead in for GW2.
Phoenix Tears
also excited about GW2, in hope they learned from their lots of fails in GW1 to make them for GW2 NOT and to come up with better thought out concepts and naturally lots of new features to improve the game over GW1
I especially like the descision, that GW2 will becvome alot more like a traditional MMORPG, what has not to mean, that it will be automatically a WoW-Clone >.> Somethign that people must get finally out of their heads oO if they would ever intend to create a WoW Clone, Anet's Devs could give up their firm direct and walk al over to Blizzard lol
Other Point: I would have personally 1000x more prefered a full 4th Campaign as last campaign with utopia, than Eye of the north, which ist just only a half Wannabe-Utopia with some parts of Utopias Concepts setted into an other region instead of an own new continent. Was somehow disappointing as usual in last time...
However, anet should come over finally with more infos about GW2, wait now any longer than max 1 month and I'm sure, lots o people will go crazy, if they come up not finally with somethign great of info, about what the community can talk and discuss about to try to gett a better imagination of what GW2 will become like.
I feel like beign a Cat, that needs something new to play with XD
I especially like the descision, that GW2 will becvome alot more like a traditional MMORPG, what has not to mean, that it will be automatically a WoW-Clone >.> Somethign that people must get finally out of their heads oO if they would ever intend to create a WoW Clone, Anet's Devs could give up their firm direct and walk al over to Blizzard lol
Other Point: I would have personally 1000x more prefered a full 4th Campaign as last campaign with utopia, than Eye of the north, which ist just only a half Wannabe-Utopia with some parts of Utopias Concepts setted into an other region instead of an own new continent. Was somehow disappointing as usual in last time...
However, anet should come over finally with more infos about GW2, wait now any longer than max 1 month and I'm sure, lots o people will go crazy, if they come up not finally with somethign great of info, about what the community can talk and discuss about to try to gett a better imagination of what GW2 will become like.
I feel like beign a Cat, that needs something new to play with XD
Master Sword Keeper
i might have a look at Gw2 but i've spent way too much time and money developing and playing Gw1.
If i need to restart fresh, deffinitely not buying and deffinitely staying on Gw1 and playing all my other games... (but ofc theres always Gh3) heh
If i need to restart fresh, deffinitely not buying and deffinitely staying on Gw1 and playing all my other games... (but ofc theres always Gh3) heh
Are they still planning to do the whole MMORPG style PvE...
going to a map and people are there instead of what GW has right now (only you and your party on that map)
is there a name to this??
going to a map and people are there instead of what GW has right now (only you and your party on that map)
is there a name to this??
Neo Nugget
Don't know enough about it to say which I would rather have.
Aera Lure
Originally Posted by Buster
Persistent World, higher level cap, improved pvp and pve, Guild Wars 2 was the right move.
What kept me playing for so long was friends, and the opportunity to explore a new expansion every six months or so (which wasnt soon enough for me). Fun as that was, I'm very much ready to move on.
Originally Posted by jiggles
if i wanted a game that sounded exactly like WoW, id buy wow
They lost me at persistent world.
Nothing I read about GW2 when it was announced sounded appealing to me. Maybe a lot has changed since then but I wouldn't know since I stopped paying attention to it, due on my initial reaction.
I certainly wish Anet well with the new venture and might pick up _a_ copy at some point just out of curiousity.
As long as they keep the GW servers going, as they've pledged to do, I'll be a happy camper.
To expound a little more fully, since you asked:
To me GW is unique in being both a single- and multi- player game. If you want to play with other people, you can; if you don't (or if you can't get a group up), you can just grab hench/heroes and still play.
How's that going to work in a persistent world where some goals (a la WoW) might require the cooperation of large groups of 40 or 50 people? Even back when it was only Proph, it was often hard to round up 8 people to do something. I know it's possible, since that's how WoW does it, but doesn't that make it pretty much a strictly multi-player game in the process?
The higher level cap doesn't really bother me so much in one sense because on the one hand you keep playing the char anyway so why not continue to level up as you play? On the other hand, though, the whole point of GW was that the game didn't really "start" until you hit level 20 and, it that sense it makes GW very egalitarian in that everyone is "equal" (though, sure, some players are better - more skillful or knowledgable - players than others) and everyone has equal access to max armor and weapons.
We've already seen in Factions the problems that wide disparity in char levels can cause; will this not just get worse (despite this "buddy" system) once the level cap is removed?
One of the "bad" things about single-player CRPGs, I always felt, was the eternal quest for the next, always "slightly" better, armor and weapons (though that _was_ part of the "fun", too) which, once you got them, meant that the game was almost over because you only got those last, "best" things shortly before the final conflagration where, of course, you triumphantly saved the entire known universe.
GW stood that paradigm on its head by giving you the "best" stuff early on and then letting "you" master the skill(s) to put it to the most effective use.
Are we to go to a system where we must constantly chase the next "uber" item (which is how I gather WoW works) in order to be a more effective player?
No thanks.
Yes, I am happy with the idea of GW2. GW1 is getting real old, and I want to play a more traditional style MMORPG. However, I've been waiting for a good one without a monthly costs.
In addition, I wouldn't trust making real good persistant, highlevelcap MMORPG to anyone but ArenaNet.
EDIT: Hi Regina
In addition, I wouldn't trust making real good persistant, highlevelcap MMORPG to anyone but ArenaNet.
EDIT: Hi Regina
the savage nornbear
GW2>Utopia-for now
im hoping that GW2 is a whole lot larger than GW1, with better,longer quests that have good rewards. ive run out of stuff to do in GW1. I play with real life friends and its hard to get everyone together to gvg or do any kind of high end pve. basically i need more stuff to do that i dont need 8 experienced, competent real people to play with.
GW2>Utopia-for now
im hoping that GW2 is a whole lot larger than GW1, with better,longer quests that have good rewards. ive run out of stuff to do in GW1. I play with real life friends and its hard to get everyone together to gvg or do any kind of high end pve. basically i need more stuff to do that i dont need 8 experienced, competent real people to play with.
Most definitely, and I would've stayed with wow if it didn't look like a game made by a bunch of 10 year old retarded artists.
Crom The Pale
I am an optimist.
I like to think they will take all that they learned from GW, all that went right and all the mistakes they made along the way, and create a truely AWSOME game......but I could be wrong.
I like to think they will take all that they learned from GW, all that went right and all the mistakes they made along the way, and create a truely AWSOME game......but I could be wrong.
Originally Posted by Itokaru
I hate the idea, honestly. From what I've gathered, GW2 is going to be an all-out grindfest, just like WoW, DAoC, EQ2, and all the other MMOs.
Doesn't this completely depend on the content? I realize they've said about what they want as an ideal Guild Wars 2, but who knows if it'll be like they've portrayed before. Guild Wars 2 could be the best step ever, depending on what they do..or it could be the worst choice ever. We'll have to see.
I'm thinking of moving away from guild wars, the recent changes have not sat well with me. Mainly the ridiculously overpowered PVE skills and the lack of any response whatsoever from anet despite the outcry from the community from numerous fansites.
Guild wars 2? I think not...
Maybe a move to a pay per month mmo is the way forward, support or answers tend to be more forthcoming...
Guild wars 2? I think not...
Maybe a move to a pay per month mmo is the way forward, support or answers tend to be more forthcoming...
Dr Strangelove
I like Guild Wars.
I imagine I'll like GW2, though there's no way to know until it comes out. However, the no-monthly-fee business model kicks so much ass that I'll likely buy it anyway.
I imagine I'll like GW2, though there's no way to know until it comes out. However, the no-monthly-fee business model kicks so much ass that I'll likely buy it anyway.
Shayne Hawke
From the little I know about Utopia, I believe it was another campaign/expansion. Since players have been complaining about the difficulty of dungeons and the unfairness of Ursan and the elitism of people excluding people based on low reputation ranks...
I think I'll be glad when GW2 is released.
I think I'll be glad when GW2 is released.
Willow O Whisper
I like it so far...But i'm gonna assassinate the dev team if the higer lvl cap isen't cosmetic -_-'
I'm neither happy nor unhappy with the idea of it at the moment; it's just another game that I might play when it arrives. Plus it's hard to develop any sort of overall opinion seeing as they won't bloody tell us anything about it. Grrr.
I'm unsure about the idea of persistent worlds, as things like kill-stealing, looting, leeching, griefing and spawn-camping come to mind.
Also unsure about racial traits, and the possible idea that you'll need to roll a certain race in order to play a certain class because of the benefits that race has.
The supposed story doesn't really grab me at the moment either. This is mostly because I'm a big fluffy girlpants and wanted Ascalon to be all re-built and nice and pre-searing-esque again. *sigh*
I'm unsure about the idea of persistent worlds, as things like kill-stealing, looting, leeching, griefing and spawn-camping come to mind.
Also unsure about racial traits, and the possible idea that you'll need to roll a certain race in order to play a certain class because of the benefits that race has.
The supposed story doesn't really grab me at the moment either. This is mostly because I'm a big fluffy girlpants and wanted Ascalon to be all re-built and nice and pre-searing-esque again. *sigh*
wont be getting gw2 dont like 90% of what they are going to change (and I dont NEED to swim/fly/z axis stuff)....
wont be getting gw2 dont like 90% of what they are going to change (and I dont NEED to swim/fly/z axis stuff)....
The concept of GW2 is OK, but im very wary because I fear anet will #$ck it up just like EOTN.
Basically, they're on my not so cool list, but i cant make any solid arguments or accusations till they RELEASE SOME BLOODY INFO ON IT ALREADY!
We still have no friggin idea how classes, consistent worlds, 2ndary classes, races, skills, etc... will work!
EDIT: This is the kind of post that should have come up BEFORE anet planned to make gw2.
Basically, they're on my not so cool list, but i cant make any solid arguments or accusations till they RELEASE SOME BLOODY INFO ON IT ALREADY!
We still have no friggin idea how classes, consistent worlds, 2ndary classes, races, skills, etc... will work!
EDIT: This is the kind of post that should have come up BEFORE anet planned to make gw2.
Originally Posted by free_fall
They lost me at persistent world.
Originally Posted by free_fall
Are we to go to a system where we must constantly chase the next "uber" item (which is how I gather WoW works) in order to be a more effective player?
No thanks. |
Sir Tidus
Originally Posted by jiggles
if i wanted a game that sounded exactly like WoW, id buy wow
ill probably still buy gw2 anyways |
Smokin elementalist
i think itll be ok. but i dont like the higher level cap i just quit WoW for GW... not its like going back to WoW again...
the entire concept of guildwars was to make a game where level and skill was not baised on amount of hours played.. now thier throwing that out basically
the entire concept of guildwars was to make a game where level and skill was not baised on amount of hours played.. now thier throwing that out basically
I'm excited.
I want to play a Charr
and like threaten to eat my human friends/guildies
*gets hot sauce*
What I've heard about Utopia, I'm intrigued about the story line. I would like it if they would share more about it.
I want to play a Charr
What I've heard about Utopia, I'm intrigued about the story line. I would like it if they would share more about it.
I'd rather have GW2. Fresh start new game. Utopia may have been fun, but it was scrapped so we didn't get to see much. Best to just move on instead of wondering what could have been.
MMOs are lame. Persistent world = spawn camping which is lame. High level cap = forced grind which is lame. These are the things GW was sold on NOT being, and these are the reason I bought it. If I WANTED to play WoW, I would PLAY WoW (well, actually I wouldn't play WoW, since I hate the ugly graphics and the way it completely massacred the Warcraft storyline, but I'd play one of the million MMOs out there).
To answer the question: Yes, I would prefer a new game over Utopia. GW1 has too many flaws to be fixed in the game as it is. But GW2 isn't that game. GW2 is Generic MMO #542.
To answer the question: Yes, I would prefer a new game over Utopia. GW1 has too many flaws to be fixed in the game as it is. But GW2 isn't that game. GW2 is Generic MMO #542.
Alex the Great
i just want me some persistant worlds and huge battles!!!
gw2 ftw.
gw2 ftw.
I'm on my toes for GW2 as GW1 has nowhere to go but down from here.
You have no idea what the game is going to be like, the persistent areas could end up having no enemies at all, and could just be larger explorable hubs like towns are today. They already stated dungeons and missions would be instanced, which means the "phat lootz" shouldn't be campable. And they said that the high level cap would most likely be aesthetic.
Don't jump to conclusions about a game that hasn't been released, or even previewed yet.
Originally Posted by Nyktos
MMOs are lame. Persistent world = spawn camping which is lame. High level cap = forced grind which is lame. These are the things GW was sold on NOT being, and these are the reason I bought it. If I WANTED to play WoW, I would PLAY WoW (well, actually I wouldn't play WoW, since I hate the ugly graphics and the way it completely massacred the Warcraft storyline, but I'd play one of the million MMOs out there).
To answer the question: Yes, I would prefer a new game over Utopia. GW1 has too many flaws to be fixed in the game as it is. But GW2 isn't that game. GW2 is Generic MMO #542. |
Don't jump to conclusions about a game that hasn't been released, or even previewed yet.
I'd rather have had a game I would play (Utopia) than a game I won't buy (GW2 - a true MMO with a persistent world, high level cap, and twitch-based skill system).
I'm extremely happy. About time we got some persistence and hopefully they do have mobs so I can laugh at all the people who think it equals spawn camping and kill stealing because they're ignorant of how it can be prevented because they don't play the right games.
That's all I'll say for the time being as none of us really know what it's going to be like, but this old claim of persistent areas is really annoying.
That's all I'll say for the time being as none of us really know what it's going to be like, but this old claim of persistent areas is really annoying.