Un-dedicate mini pets
We need unlimited sources for miniatures that o not have them. Like those given in contests and as torunament rewards or riffles only.
For the rest, birthday and Reward chest ones, there is no problem, they are unlimited.
If you dedicate a miniature, you lose it, and get a dedicated version, which is a different item.
The only problem with that is that sooner or later the limited miniatures will disappear. And that's BAD.
Only that is to be fixed.
We need unlimited sources for miniatures that o not have them. Like those given in contests and as torunament rewards or riffles only.
For the rest, birthday and Reward chest ones, there is no problem, they are unlimited.
If you dedicate a miniature, you lose it, and get a dedicated version, which is a different item.
The only problem with that is that sooner or later the limited miniatures will disappear. And that's BAD.
Only that is to be fixed.
Is it not funny that in the game you are more committed to your weapons and minis than most people are to their spouses? I always thought that "Til death do us part" was fairly dedicated, but apparently you can pay a fee and remove the customization label there too.
I say keep the customization/dedication the way it is. Maybe it will teach the next generation about committment. You may not always want it around, but you are going to be with it for a lifetime, make it work!
Is it not funny that in the game you are more committed to your weapons and minis than most people are to their spouses? I always thought that "Til death do us part" was fairly dedicated, but apparently you can pay a fee and remove the customization label there too.
I say keep the customization/dedication the way it is. Maybe it will teach the next generation about committment. You may not always want it around, but you are going to be with it for a lifetime, make it work!
Well, this is simply a terribad idea
Originally Posted by Mohnzh
Is it not funny that in the game you are more committed to your weapons and minis than most people are to their spouses? I always thought that "Til death do us part" was fairly dedicated, but apparently you can pay a fee and remove the customization label there too. I say keep the customization/dedication the way it is. Maybe it will teach the next generation about committment. You may not always want it around, but you are going to be with it for a lifetime, make it work! |
sadly marriage ends in divorce 50% or more of the time but, on a brighter note dedicated minis are forever.
~the rat~
I Can Cure Cancer
Ummmm they put countless warning screens for a reason..... If you don't want to heed them then fine, but if you don't plz don't complain.
Originally Posted by legion_rat
sadly marriage ends in divorce 50% or more of the time but, on a brighter note dedicated minis are forever.
Shai Lee
Similar reasons as Vilaptca.
Similar reasons as Vilaptca.
Prof Of Black
No rofl
/signed, because i feel bad for this person

Lycan Nibbler
While Im at it, can I unbuy my TV as its price just got reduced in the store too?
If a miniture becomes undedicated, it should be removed from the Hall in which it was dedicated. Only the character/account that dedicated the mini can undedicate it.
That said,
That said,
..suggested before...
also MAssive /not-signed
also MAssive /not-signed
/notsigned, what else.
I'm actually surprised there are no lolcats here yet.
I'm actually surprised there are no lolcats here yet.
Drelias Melaku
/not signed, no matter how you try to justify it
So, what you're saying is, buy a dedicated mini, then undedicate it, and it won't be in in the HoM of whoever dedicated it? Or you could only undedicate minis that you dedicated yourself? No matter what you're trying to say... It's never going to happen.
So, what you're saying is, buy a dedicated mini, then undedicate it, and it won't be in in the HoM of whoever dedicated it? Or you could only undedicate minis that you dedicated yourself? No matter what you're trying to say... It's never going to happen.
El Presidente
Originally Posted by Jetdoc
A big /notsigned on this one. Absolutely no reason to do this, since that's the purpose of having them dedicated.
- Tain -
Originally Posted by Arkantos
Don't want your minipet dedicated? Don't put it in your hall of monuments. Don't want your weapon customized? Don't customize it.
We don't need to be able to un-dedicate/customize. If you think you're going to want to sell your mini pet/weapon, then keep it as it is. It's as simple as that. /notsigned |
Originally Posted by Arkantos
Don't want your minipet dedicated? Don't put it in your hall of monuments. Don't want your weapon customized? Don't customize it.
We don't need to be able to un-dedicate/customize. If you think you're going to want to sell your mini pet/weapon, then keep it as it is. It's as simple as that. /notsigned |
The Little Viking
no. it would cause to many problems. I can see it now, put the pet in the hall, undedicate it, jump to a differant charicter, put it in the hall for that one....
No, bad idea.
No, bad idea.
/not signed!
there is a reason you get the warning message before deciding to dedicate your pet to your HoM.
undedicating dedicated minipets will just wreck havoc on the minipet economy.
as for customization, if you're not a PvP char using PvP weapons DONT customize weapons! you may want to sell them in the future, so just dont do it...
there is a reason you get the warning message before deciding to dedicate your pet to your HoM.
undedicating dedicated minipets will just wreck havoc on the minipet economy.
as for customization, if you're not a PvP char using PvP weapons DONT customize weapons! you may want to sell them in the future, so just dont do it...
/not signed.
Yes, where are all the cat pics...
Yes, where are all the cat pics...
borik oakwood
/unisigned enough said.
/NOTSIGNED in the extreme
terrible idea, rife with all kinds of exploits and opportunities to cheat. There's a reason they ask before you add the mini, or weapon, to your hall. Ugh.
terrible idea, rife with all kinds of exploits and opportunities to cheat. There's a reason they ask before you add the mini, or weapon, to your hall. Ugh.
Too easily exploited. everyone could have a Mini Kanaxai or Polar Bear in GW2 if undedication is allowed
Too easily exploited. everyone could have a Mini Kanaxai or Polar Bear in GW2 if undedication is allowed
Tender wolf is back with more stupid ideas to make the game easier and so is my
/notsigned for your ideas
/signed to ban her from sardelac
/notsigned for your ideas

/signed to ban her from sardelac
yeah, yeah crap idea /notsigned
/Not signed
All this boils down to is you want to sell your dedicated minipets reaping rewards of both. Not good enough reasoning.
All this boils down to is you want to sell your dedicated minipets reaping rewards of both. Not good enough reasoning.