Skill buffs
Now that we have the freedom of changing skills in PvE without affecting PvP, here is the list of skills I want buffed. This will bring skills up to the level of ursan, and give players a choice of what to run:
SY: increased to 4..9 seconds.
Triple shot: 5 energy. 7 recharge.
Selfless spirit: 30 recharge.
Elemental lord: attributes increased by 3.
Whirlwind attack: 4 adren.
Seed of life: 2..8 duration.
Cry of pain: 5 energy. 7 recharge.
Critical agility: changed to skill.
TNTF: 40..104 heal.
Great dwarf weapon: 5 energy. 1/4 cast. 2 recharge.
Snow storm: 5 energy. 5 recharge.
Profession specific:
Triple chop: 4 recharge. hits all foes in the area.
Barrage: +10..22 damage. does not remove preparations.
Light of deliverance: heals for 10..114 health.
Spiteful spirit: 10 energy. 1 casting time. 5 recharge.
Energy surge: 5 energy. 8 recharge. 15 x energy lost.
Mind blast: 3/4 casting time. 2 recharge. 2..12 energy gain.
Moebius strike: increased damage to +15..50. If you strike a foe below 75% health, all other skills recharged.
Ritual lord: rituals recharge 30..66% faster, activate 10..22% faster, and cost 10..22% less energy.
Defensive anthem: 5 energy. 15 recharge.
Chilling victory: 5 energy. 5 recharge.
Obviously, this is just an initial list buffing one of the most common skills in each profession. All other skills can be buffed in subsequent updates.
SY: increased to 4..9 seconds.
Triple shot: 5 energy. 7 recharge.
Selfless spirit: 30 recharge.
Elemental lord: attributes increased by 3.
Whirlwind attack: 4 adren.
Seed of life: 2..8 duration.
Cry of pain: 5 energy. 7 recharge.
Critical agility: changed to skill.
TNTF: 40..104 heal.
Great dwarf weapon: 5 energy. 1/4 cast. 2 recharge.
Snow storm: 5 energy. 5 recharge.
Profession specific:
Triple chop: 4 recharge. hits all foes in the area.
Barrage: +10..22 damage. does not remove preparations.
Light of deliverance: heals for 10..114 health.
Spiteful spirit: 10 energy. 1 casting time. 5 recharge.
Energy surge: 5 energy. 8 recharge. 15 x energy lost.
Mind blast: 3/4 casting time. 2 recharge. 2..12 energy gain.
Moebius strike: increased damage to +15..50. If you strike a foe below 75% health, all other skills recharged.
Ritual lord: rituals recharge 30..66% faster, activate 10..22% faster, and cost 10..22% less energy.
Defensive anthem: 5 energy. 15 recharge.
Chilling victory: 5 energy. 5 recharge.
Obviously, this is just an initial list buffing one of the most common skills in each profession. All other skills can be buffed in subsequent updates.
The Only Warrior
/signed on PvE skills,
/notsigned on rest
/notsigned on rest
We can only hope....
Originally Posted by holymasamune
Spiteful spirit: 10 energy. 1 casting time. 5 recharge.
Why the hell didn't you give Critical Agility movement speed buff?
Buffing skills so that they are on par with Ursan is a nice idea but with Ursan you rely on a monk to heal you. The idea of having an on par Ursan player with self healing and no energy degen just seems a little too much. Not to mention you take away the point of working toward the pve skill itself and defeating a large part of EotN. Pve skills are supposed to be overpowered imo and should remain better then regular skills. If other skills are on par then why not just get the pve skills at max right away like you would buying a regular skill? Then we could just throw out the grind for Sunspear, Lightbringer, Kurzick, Luxon and the race skills. Just seems like a shortcut for others who don't want to work for the power of pve skills.
/signed /signed /megasigned. The ultimate overkill for PVE has arrived. Lets abuse SoL to the point it sues it
Divine, you have gone insane.
I hope you're making another non-serious thread again!
I hope you're making another non-serious thread again!
I think no skill should do less than a 100 dmg at 5 spec to counter mobs with 12 bazillion AL.
/signed for the hell of having overpoweredness :P
Snow Bunny
Blessed Light:
Sac 5%
remove all conditions and hexes
1s cast
heal for 150
Sac 5%
remove all conditions and hexes
1s cast
heal for 150
Overpowered skills would make the game boring, Ursan is already doing a nice job kthx.
Overpowered skills would make the game boring, Ursan is already doing a nice job kthx.
Nightmares Hammer
Why not get rid of PvE skills...? We don't need them anymore...
Originally Posted by Elia
Overpowered skills would make the game boring, Ursan is already doing a nice job kthx. |
So, that's how it feels to be pathetic carebear...
I like all of the suggestions, and would like to see FoC's recharge lowered as well, maybe only 10 energy too.
I agree with the Elementalist ones.
I don't care about the rest.
I don't care about the rest.
Remove Critical Agility's dependency on crit strikes.
Kyomi Tachibana
Change all skills that are "Target other ally" to "Target Ally" cuz that'd be spiff
Illusionary Weaponry : Gain benefit from "On Hit" effects (Splinter Weapon, GDW, etc), increase damage 20...70, attack 33% faster, attacks cannot be blocked or evaded. 10en 1s cast 10 recharge, Skill.
Just because I want to run around with IW on my mes pwning stuff, really.
Illusionary Weaponry : Gain benefit from "On Hit" effects (Splinter Weapon, GDW, etc), increase damage 20...70, attack 33% faster, attacks cannot be blocked or evaded. 10en 1s cast 10 recharge, Skill.
Just because I want to run around with IW on my mes pwning stuff, really.
Originally Posted by Kyomi Tachibana
Change all skills that are "Target other ally" to "Target Ally" cuz that'd be spiff.
Are you crazy?! Barrage not removing preparations! Defense anthem!
Hell my main is a derv and your spin on even I think your spin on chilling victory is REDICULOUS
Hell my main is a derv and your spin on even I think your spin on chilling victory is REDICULOUS
Originally Posted by shoyon456
Are you crazy?! Barrage not removing preparations! Defense anthem!
Hell my main is a derv and your spin on even I think your spin on chilling victory is REDICULOUS |
Kyomi Tachibana
Oh, and give mesmers Spectral Agony, with an AoE effect. ;3
many of those skills r already widely-used in pve
i'd prefer they buff unused skills so that they become usable
ravenous gaze: remove <50hp condition
plague signet: aoe
discord: 1s cast, 1s recharge
i'd prefer they buff unused skills so that they become usable
ravenous gaze: remove <50hp condition
plague signet: aoe
discord: 1s cast, 1s recharge
i tried to do this not being over-the-top stupid
FoC - steal 120hp (doesnt matter what atts youve got its always 120) from every foe within SR range of you, for those with a hex steal an extra 20...80 and double the hexes remaining time, for those with conditions steal an extra 5...40 but remove the condition completely.
of course someone is gonna have to make that shorter and do all the stuff i couldnt be arsed doing, but i feel its completely justified, whos gonna use it if it removes conditions from foes?
FoC - steal 120hp (doesnt matter what atts youve got its always 120) from every foe within SR range of you, for those with a hex steal an extra 20...80 and double the hexes remaining time, for those with conditions steal an extra 5...40 but remove the condition completely.
of course someone is gonna have to make that shorter and do all the stuff i couldnt be arsed doing, but i feel its completely justified, whos gonna use it if it removes conditions from foes?
Originally Posted by Elia
Overpowered skills would make the game boring, Ursan is already doing a nice job kthx. |
Alex the Great
or we could just nerf ursan.............
o, btw, make meteor shower hit every 2 seconds instead of 3 lol!!
no one stands up for 9 seconds
o, btw, make meteor shower hit every 2 seconds instead of 3 lol!!
no one stands up for 9 seconds
Mr Emu
remove aoe nerf completely, then everything would be easy as hell
Sutech Specter
Maybe I missed something in the update section but as far as I understand the PvE and PvP skills are now non-linked? So, Anet can balance both pvp and pve correctly. So... when's Incoming! gonna be brought back to par? I thought that one was hurt most of all in the PvP> PvE skill update. Hmm.
Originally Posted by Sutech Specter
Maybe I missed something in the update section but as far as I understand the PvE and PvP skills are now non-linked? So, Anet can balance both pvp and pve correctly. So... when's Incoming! gonna be brought back to par? I thought that one was hurt most of all in the PvP> PvE skill update. Hmm.
Mind Shock: change to skill.
_ Increase damage to 20..80 an 30..110 damage. 40% AP. Remove up to 1..8 enchantments.
_ Now affects all foes within earshot if you have more energy, AoE effect if you have more energy. Target foe lose all energy and if same energy.
_ Remove the exhausion condition clause.
_ Gain 10e and recharge instantly if more than 1 foe is knocked down.
Now its > GW.
_ Increase damage to 20..80 an 30..110 damage. 40% AP. Remove up to 1..8 enchantments.
_ Now affects all foes within earshot if you have more energy, AoE effect if you have more energy. Target foe lose all energy and if same energy.
_ Remove the exhausion condition clause.
_ Gain 10e and recharge instantly if more than 1 foe is knocked down.
Now its > GW.
xDusT II
I would like to shoot lazer beamz in PvE.
IMO GW needs vehicles.
IMO GW needs vehicles.
No it needs moar Harry Potter.
Originally Posted by holymasamune
OP stuff blah blah blah
Yeah. Right. PvE seriously doesn't need this. In fact, I refuse to take your post seriously (seriously)!

Originally Posted by yum
No it needs moar Harry Potter.
Also, keep in mind the repercussions of the buffs (or nerfs) non-ally creatures will have in both PvE and PvP. Especially in regards to PvE, I'd say, "be careful what you wish for."
Any buffs for "us" are buffs for the enemies.
Musei Karasu
Originally Posted by Kyomi Tachibana
Change all skills that are "Target other ally" to "Target Ally" cuz that'd be spiff
me thinks hes kidding guys...
i want death blossom to actually strike all surrounding foes so i do like 60-80 damage instead of 45. I dont rape mobs fast enough it needs to be quicker
i want death blossom to actually strike all surrounding foes so i do like 60-80 damage instead of 45. I dont rape mobs fast enough it needs to be quicker
Artisan Archer
(You do realise that monsters will also have these uberbuffed skills?)
/unsigned for PvE skills
/unsigned for regular skills
Balance should not be thrown out the window. I can understand changes like LoD being reverted to its 5 energy, 5 second recharge, no 80% clause version. I can't understand making a skill like Barrage (already used more than most other elites) usable with skills like Ignite Arrows. We don't need or want (least not all of us) to have the game become bad.
If this is a joke topic, I'm highly disappointed it was started by a mod. If it isn't a joke topic, I'm highly disappointed a mod thinks these won't ruin the game.
/unsigned for regular skills
Balance should not be thrown out the window. I can understand changes like LoD being reverted to its 5 energy, 5 second recharge, no 80% clause version. I can't understand making a skill like Barrage (already used more than most other elites) usable with skills like Ignite Arrows. We don't need or want (least not all of us) to have the game become bad.
If this is a joke topic, I'm highly disappointed it was started by a mod. If it isn't a joke topic, I'm highly disappointed a mod thinks these won't ruin the game.
The game's already been ruined for the most part.
Artisan Archer
Originally Posted by Tyla
The game's already been ruined for the most part.
I didn't say I don't like it.
It's still been ruined in some ways.
It's still been ruined in some ways.