PvP Mode
Prior to the recent update, use of gamebreaking skills and effects could be controlled by discussing what would and would not be used with your party members. With the recent anouncement that they would be leaving overpowered skills in PvE and balancing them only in PvP, this is no longer an option.
To remedy this, I'm proposing an additional controller that would put the game into "PvP Mode". This would be done by adding a check box to the party selection screen next to the hard mode/normal mode selectors and would operate independently of them as shown below.
The effects of this check box would be threefold:
1) PvE Only skills will be locked
2) Consumables will not be usable
3) PvP versions of dual effect skills will be used.
A necessary byproduct of this would be removing the PvE only status from signet of capture, but I think that would be a pretty popular change anyway.
To remedy this, I'm proposing an additional controller that would put the game into "PvP Mode". This would be done by adding a check box to the party selection screen next to the hard mode/normal mode selectors and would operate independently of them as shown below.
The effects of this check box would be threefold:
1) PvE Only skills will be locked
2) Consumables will not be usable
3) PvP versions of dual effect skills will be used.
A necessary byproduct of this would be removing the PvE only status from signet of capture, but I think that would be a pretty popular change anyway.
I like skill balances making skills change and...stuff.
What's this doing in Sardelac?
I like skill balances making skills change and...stuff.
What's this doing in Sardelac?
Sardelac Sanitarium is the forum for posting suggestions. This thread is in the right place.
Maybe I misunderstood but isn't PvP mode only available in PvP and PvE mode in PvE?
Edit: Oh, nevermind, I understand. I personally feel that'd be rather pointless, however. If players want more challenge in their PvE modes, I say it'd be more reasonable to go Hardmode or simply do those elite missions or whatever. I don't think giving people ability to use 'nerfed' version of their normal skills would really ge anywhere.
Maybe I misunderstood but isn't PvP mode only available in PvP and PvE mode in PvE?
Edit: Oh, nevermind, I understand. I personally feel that'd be rather pointless, however. If players want more challenge in their PvE modes, I say it'd be more reasonable to go Hardmode or simply do those elite missions or whatever. I don't think giving people ability to use 'nerfed' version of their normal skills would really ge anywhere.
Poasiods, it's a saying because at least 95% of the ideas spawned in Sardelac, are actually quite bad.
But this isn't really to make it harder, but to keep the skills the way you want them, updating and the same as PvP skills if you are a PvX player.
But this isn't really to make it harder, but to keep the skills the way you want them, updating and the same as PvP skills if you are a PvX player.
y bother to try to force ur play style onto others?
if u dun want to use pve skills, dun use em
likewise with consumables
pve/pvp versions however i spose can be personally toggled...
but not partywide
however i dun feel its needed
anet wont buff woh to heal 500hp
they're buffing skills like lod which r rarely used in pve
and when was the last time u used lod in pvp?
if u dun want to use pve skills, dun use em
likewise with consumables
pve/pvp versions however i spose can be personally toggled...
but not partywide
however i dun feel its needed
anet wont buff woh to heal 500hp
they're buffing skills like lod which r rarely used in pve
and when was the last time u used lod in pvp?
sure, solong as you dont get to keep any gold/titles/golds, infact anything from a pve enviroment. that makes it totally unfair on those who dont know/understand how to use pvp only skills as to those who would quite simply, be able to walk through anything.
Originally Posted by jiggles
sure, solong as you dont get to keep any gold/titles/golds, infact anything from a pve enviroment. that makes it totally unfair on those who dont know/understand how to use pvp only skills as to those who would quite simply, be able to walk through anything.
instead of monsters dropping loot and gold
they give out balthazar faction
gives a whole new definition to "farming balth faction"
or just put it in the file in the dev's drawer known as 'stupid ideas'
Originally Posted by cellardweller
Prior to the recent update, use of gamebreaking skills and effects could be controlled by discussing what would and would not be used with your party members. With the recent anouncement that they would be leaving overpowered skills in PvE and balancing them only in PvP, this is no longer an option.
To remedy this, I'm proposing an additional controller that would put the game into "PvP Mode". This would be done by adding a check box to the party selection screen next to the hard mode/normal mode selectors and would operate independently of them as shown below. The effects of this check box would be threefold: 1) PvE Only skills will be locked 2) Consumables will not be usable 3) PvP versions of dual effect skills will be used. A necessary byproduct of this would be removing the PvE only status from signet of capture, but I think that would be a pretty popular change anyway. |
This actually sounds like an interesting option.
In regards to other people's comments about just not using PvE skills/consumables, that solves effects 1 & 2 in cellardweller's post, but the main issue is actually point 3: PvE versions of dual effect skills have no work around. By having a PvP mode, you can opt to use PvP versions of dual effect skills in PvE.
Why ?
Are you a masochist ?
Why do you want to play the game a harder and more time consuming way ?
Maybe for the feeling of achievement...but it would still be the same because it would be only fair that if you are in PvP Mode, the monsters should be in it too xD.
Are you a masochist ?
Why do you want to play the game a harder and more time consuming way ?
Maybe for the feeling of achievement...but it would still be the same because it would be only fair that if you are in PvP Mode, the monsters should be in it too xD.
Red, the skills would be easier to remember, by far.
Some people don't have the memory to remember 2 sets of every skill in the game.
Just wondering, though. How exactly is it "forcing playstyles"? It's a checkbox therefore an option, which is good.
It's not like it's harming you in any way if you choose not to do it, as alot of PuG's will probably tick it off anyway.
And Snaek, LoD was used in PvP when it was 5/1/5, with around 80 heal. It was extremely passive and easy to use, and relieved pressure at a great extent.
Some people don't have the memory to remember 2 sets of every skill in the game.

Just wondering, though. How exactly is it "forcing playstyles"? It's a checkbox therefore an option, which is good.
It's not like it's harming you in any way if you choose not to do it, as alot of PuG's will probably tick it off anyway.
And Snaek, LoD was used in PvP when it was 5/1/5, with around 80 heal. It was extremely passive and easy to use, and relieved pressure at a great extent.
/not signed.
What makes a skill balanced in PvP doesn't make it balanced in PvE. The game dynamics of each type of play are very different and by incorporating this latest change to how skills work in each game type is A-Net's recognition of that fact. (I also think they're testing this in GW to see how it works for GW2)
What makes a skill balanced in PvP doesn't make it balanced in PvE. The game dynamics of each type of play are very different and by incorporating this latest change to how skills work in each game type is A-Net's recognition of that fact. (I also think they're testing this in GW to see how it works for GW2)
I actually agree with the OP, let those PvX players have the PvP mode option, for them to get used to it.
Remember its an option, so pple can choose to use it. That in itself is fair already.
The only people against it are those who demand that others play the game they deem fit.
Remember its an option, so pple can choose to use it. That in itself is fair already.
The only people against it are those who demand that others play the game they deem fit.
Artisan Archer
I can imagine that PvX players would get confused when they constantly would have to switch between two skill descriptions. Or for the PvE player who wants to do some PvP.
I think this is a good suggestion to not totally seperate PvE from PvP.
I think this is a good suggestion to not totally seperate PvE from PvP.
You are right Tyla, 2 description for the same skill is hard to remember for a PvX.
I am not against this idea, I just find it strange that you want a mode that will make the skill you use less efficient xD.
I am not against this idea, I just find it strange that you want a mode that will make the skill you use less efficient xD.
Stormlord Alex
Originally Posted by RedStar
I am not against this idea, I just find it strange that you want a mode that will make the skill you use less efficient xD.
/signed for a PvP-mode.
Skill balances are FUN
/signed would be a nice alternative
sounds fun
sounds fun

2 good suggestions in one day. This is unheard of.
mafia cyborg
i was gonna open the exact same thread.
it would also be cool if in pvp mode the MOBS would be groups REPLICATING some of the popular PVP BUILDS.....so that the pve can be some sort of tfraining ground for pvp.....and so that u r not just mindlessly spamming skills in pve but actually having some fun with using certain skill on appropriate opponents etc learning more about the game.
for example in 4/4 areas u would be facing up to mobs replicating some of the popular TA builds.
in 8/8 areas the GvsG builds (minus the flagger).
and as a reward for vanquishing a pvp mode area (with lets say 10 groups of pvp mobs) u get a zeishen key.
i was gonna open the exact same thread.
it would also be cool if in pvp mode the MOBS would be groups REPLICATING some of the popular PVP BUILDS.....so that the pve can be some sort of tfraining ground for pvp.....and so that u r not just mindlessly spamming skills in pve but actually having some fun with using certain skill on appropriate opponents etc learning more about the game.
for example in 4/4 areas u would be facing up to mobs replicating some of the popular TA builds.
in 8/8 areas the GvsG builds (minus the flagger).
and as a reward for vanquishing a pvp mode area (with lets say 10 groups of pvp mobs) u get a zeishen key.
Originally Posted by snaek
y bother to try to force ur play style onto others?
This would save the little bit of challenge PvE is about to lose.
This would save the little bit of challenge PvE is about to lose.
~ Dan ~
Originally Posted by snaek
y bother to try to force ur play style onto others?
Did you understand the part about a toggle, and so using it is optional? Nobody is being forced?
And using leetspeak doesn't make you look cool. Try harder.
PvP mode?
So the monsters would be at level 20, have no moster skills, proper attributes and controled by players that will be able to choose builds?
XDDD. Strange really strange, XD.
I don't care if you want that of if they add it, as long as it has no special or unique rewards.
So the monsters would be at level 20, have no moster skills, proper attributes and controled by players that will be able to choose builds?
XDDD. Strange really strange, XD.
I don't care if you want that of if they add it, as long as it has no special or unique rewards.
/signed for choice.
I like choice. Choose to use PvE style skills or choose to use PvP style (I H+H most things).
With friends, have a mature discussion which leads to a conclusion through democratic voting.
Works for me.
I like choice. Choose to use PvE style skills or choose to use PvP style (I H+H most things).
With friends, have a mature discussion which leads to a conclusion through democratic voting.
Works for me.
mafia cyborg
Originally Posted by MithranArkanere
PvP mode?
So the monsters would be at level 20, have no moster skills, proper attributes and controled by players that will be able to choose builds? XDDD. Strange really strange, XD. I don't care if you want that of if they add it, as long as it has no special or unique rewards. |
obviously it should have unique and special rewards to encourage ppl to play without consumables ,broken pve skills and would require players to undertsand a bit of the dynamics of pvp without the stress of pvp.
maybe an occasional z-key could drop as special reward.
/signed for PvP aka How-it-should-be-to-the-very-end mode
I'd love to see ursanites QQ "omg how come tank no wrok!?!/1"
I'd love to see ursanites QQ "omg how come tank no wrok!?!/1"
a simply toggle option in your options menu would be better
something along the lines of :
"only use the PvP version of skills"
could be added to the list of things like "disable mouse walking", ... so PvX people that prefer it can play with only one set of skills.
something along the lines of :
"only use the PvP version of skills"
could be added to the list of things like "disable mouse walking", ... so PvX people that prefer it can play with only one set of skills.
/Signed. And make/change the HM indicator to show PvP mode was used in screenshots.
Originally Posted by mafia cyborg
and as a reward for vanquishing a pvp mode area (with lets say 10 groups of pvp mobs) u get a zeishen key.
/signed for OP
I like skill changes, even when skills I loved using are made into something I don't like. It makes you be creative, find ways to still do what you did before. Builds change, and it makes the game stay fun. As long as it is an option, and a PUG can discuss which mode they will use, it works great.
A bump for a very good idea.
Helps to resolve alot of griefs between the warring factions.
Helps to resolve alot of griefs between the warring factions.
There's basically no down side to this if it can be done without too much trouble, and the option would be terrific.
Excellent suggestion as well.
There's basically no down side to this if it can be done without too much trouble, and the option would be terrific.
Originally Posted by MirkoTeran
/Signed. And make/change the HM indicator to show PvP mode was used in screenshots.
/gratutious self bumpage.
The recent furor in riverside has again highlighted the need for seperate modes for the two elements of the community.
Give us back the game we enjoy.
The recent furor in riverside has again highlighted the need for seperate modes for the two elements of the community.
Give us back the game we enjoy.
Sounds fun, and I don't see how it could hurt as long as it's toggle able.
Sounds fun, and I don't see how it could hurt as long as it's toggle able.
I'm in favor of a "pvp mode" toggle with 2 stipulations:
1. It's for skills only
2. It's player by player, not partywide
As long as those two are met, /signed. It's annoying not being able to test builds based on pvp skills in Great Temple.
1. It's for skills only
2. It's player by player, not partywide
As long as those two are met, /signed. It's annoying not being able to test builds based on pvp skills in Great Temple.
Shayne Hawke
/signed. I could find this useful at times, as some areas don't distinguish between modes properly.
I just thought of something: Does the Isle of the Nameless use skills that are set to PvE or PvP? If something like this was implemented, it'd be easier to test in both modes, or something.
I just thought of something: Does the Isle of the Nameless use skills that are set to PvE or PvP? If something like this was implemented, it'd be easier to test in both modes, or something.
seems like wast of time, if you don't want to use pve skills or consumables then don't. if you don't want your teammates useing them tell them, if they don't like it they'll leave, just like what would happen if this new "pvp mode" was put in and they diden't like it. For the people that want the pvp version of a skill then go play pvp.
seems like wast of time, if you don't want to use pve skills or consumables then don't. if you don't want your teammates useing them tell them, if they don't like it they'll leave, just like what would happen if this new "pvp mode" was put in and they diden't like it. For the people that want the pvp version of a skill then go play pvp.
/Signed x2000
What a brillant idea. I know, unheard of, but good ideas in Sardalaic. Huzzah!
What a brillant idea. I know, unheard of, but good ideas in Sardalaic. Huzzah!
Actually. HM should just be without all the PvE crap to begin with. But that won't happen, neither will this probably. I consider it more likely. /signed.
This would be super hard mode!
Or wait..
Change normal mode to easy mode.
Change hard mode to normal mode.
Make this into hard mode.
This would be super hard mode!
Or wait..
Change normal mode to easy mode.
Change hard mode to normal mode.
Make this into hard mode.
It's a good idea for pvx players and could be fun but what if someone in your party doesn't want it, then what happens?