PvP Mode
Orange Milk
Nice idea, but I don't see it happening.
For one, too many Ursans, you can't ursan in PvP mode. Plus alot of the other IMBA PvE only skills.
So I'm going to say 5 - 10% of the GW world would be checking that box. Not enough people involved for ANet to make the move.
I for one would love it though, If the Party leader could pick NM/HM AND PvP mode that would be awsome, though GL finding a PUG for anything that way.
If it were per individual, meh, not much of a point to it like I already stated.
For one, too many Ursans, you can't ursan in PvP mode. Plus alot of the other IMBA PvE only skills.
So I'm going to say 5 - 10% of the GW world would be checking that box. Not enough people involved for ANet to make the move.
I for one would love it though, If the Party leader could pick NM/HM AND PvP mode that would be awsome, though GL finding a PUG for anything that way.
If it were per individual, meh, not much of a point to it like I already stated.
5-10% is 250 000 - 500 000 players... not enough?
Originally Posted by Orange Milk
So I'm going to say 5 - 10% of the GW world would be checking that box.
Orange Milk
Originally Posted by Kanyatta Seeing as around 70% of the GW world no longer plays the game, that would be about 1/3 of the current player base. |
And tbh I'd say that only 5 -10% of the CURRENT GW player base would use that toggle.
which would be (5mil*30%)10% = 150,000 tops
Like I said, I LOVE THE IDEA, I just don't see it happening. It would be like a "Mens Big and Tall" store, it's nice to have, but is just not going to get used like normal stores do(i.e. normal play). Sorry for being all "Cup half empty"
am i missing something? what's the point of this, to put restrictions on yourself and your party? at which point anyone in the party that dosen't want the restrictions leaves. seems like all you'd have to do is not use what you don't want to, and ask anyone in the party not to use it, at which point they will leave if they don't want restrictions. problem solved no update needed?
This is an excellent idea.
After reading Avarre's open letter/rant, I came to Sardelac to post exactly this idea. Thanks to CellarDweller for beating me to it by several weeks!
My idea was only a little different than the OP. The main thing is that there must be better rewards for PVP mode. Why take the extra challenge if there isn't something to be gained?
This idea could single-handedly resolve the Ursan debate. Don't like Ursan? Play PVP mode for the challenge and the drops, instead. Like Ursan? Play it.
After reading Avarre's open letter/rant, I came to Sardelac to post exactly this idea. Thanks to CellarDweller for beating me to it by several weeks!
My idea was only a little different than the OP. The main thing is that there must be better rewards for PVP mode. Why take the extra challenge if there isn't something to be gained?
This idea could single-handedly resolve the Ursan debate. Don't like Ursan? Play PVP mode for the challenge and the drops, instead. Like Ursan? Play it.
Originally Posted by Orange Milk
And tbh I'd say that only 5 -10% of the CURRENT GW player base would use that toggle. |
I over-estimate people.

Originally Posted by Prokiller88
It's a good idea for pvx players and could be fun but what if someone in your party doesn't want it, then what happens?
Originally Posted by munky
am i missing something? what's the point of this, to put restrictions on yourself and your party?at which point anyone in the party that dosen't want the restrictions leaves. seems like all you'd have to do is not use what you don't want to, and ask anyone in the party not to use it, at which point they will leave if they don't want restrictions. problem solved no update needed?
1) PvE skills and title effects mean that a player using an a "PvE ready" toon has an advantage over one that is "PvP ready" only.
2) Consumbles, both special event and eotn crafted provide distinct advantages to those with more money.
3) Varying opinions over what is considered "using cheat codes". For some anything goes, others would say no cons or no pve skills. This has fractured the competitive PvE community - you need look no further than the elite mission time thread from a month back to see the disagreements.
The point is to bring back the level playing field that made GW a fun and challenging experience and to provide a baseline set of rules to allow people compare performances with their peers.
Originally Posted by orange milk
Like I said, I LOVE THE IDEA, I just don't see it happening. It would be like a "Mens Big and Tall" store, it's nice to have, but is just not going to get used like normal stores do(i.e. normal play). Sorry for being all "Cup half empty"
Changed the OP's idea slightly
<3 idea, makes pve feel more like i remembered it/loved it as
Originally Posted by cellardweller
Blah blah. Blah blah blah.
The effects of this check box would be as follows: 1) PvE Only skills will be allowed. 2) Consumables will be usable. 3) PvE versions of dual effect skills will be used. 4) Ursan Blessing is placed on all non-monk bars. 5) No progress to any titles would be made. In fact, you loose progress on any titles that would normally be affected. A necessary byproduct of this would be removing the PvE only skills from normal gameplay, like the game was intended to be.. |
I think it will add a bit more challenge to pve. I was going to say something else but Magma stole my words :P
I think it will add a bit more challenge to pve. I was going to say something else but Magma stole my words :P
Originally Posted by munky
am i missing something? what's the point of this, to put restrictions on yourself and your party? at which point anyone in the party that dosen't want the restrictions leaves. seems like all you'd have to do is not use what you don't want to, and ask anyone in the party not to use it, at which point they will leave if they don't want restrictions. problem solved no update needed?
romeus petrus
I guess it adds diversity and challenge so..
Not sure If I understood it right.
You give the choice to player to play with PvE skills or the PvP skills? Which mean choosing PvP remove the PvE skills only.
If it is that so, what if you want to group with a non "PvP" player. Can he keep his PvE skills? And also, your giving player the "easy" and "hard" options with no benefics of choosing the hard one, so people will just use the easy one.
Maybe what about changing the PvE skills to balance them a bit more. Like Ursan blessing for exemple, it could work like res signet. Recharge only on morale boost. So allow player to use use more than once, but not too much so that all the other skills are useless.
Note that I don't do any PvE at all.
You give the choice to player to play with PvE skills or the PvP skills? Which mean choosing PvP remove the PvE skills only.
If it is that so, what if you want to group with a non "PvP" player. Can he keep his PvE skills? And also, your giving player the "easy" and "hard" options with no benefics of choosing the hard one, so people will just use the easy one.
Maybe what about changing the PvE skills to balance them a bit more. Like Ursan blessing for exemple, it could work like res signet. Recharge only on morale boost. So allow player to use use more than once, but not too much so that all the other skills are useless.
Note that I don't do any PvE at all.
Originally Posted by snaek
y bother to try to force ur play style onto others?
if u dun want to use pve skills, dun use em likewise with consumables pve/pvp versions however i spose can be personally toggled... but not partywide however i dun feel its needed anet wont buff woh to heal 500hp they're buffing skills like lod which r rarely used in pve and when was the last time u used lod in pvp? |