Reward Tombs of the Primeval Kings.
Tombs of the Primeval Kings - an "Elite" area. Totally deserted. why?
unlike all other elite areas this one didnt get an endchest reward, nor did it get a HoM statue. The greens from there are totally worthless.
Imo (and many others?) i think to populate it, and make it more worth it, this area needs to be revived with an endchest and (maybe not THAT needed) a HoM statue.
Would really make it more fun and get more ppl to finish this place more.
unlike all other elite areas this one didnt get an endchest reward, nor did it get a HoM statue. The greens from there are totally worthless.
Imo (and many others?) i think to populate it, and make it more worth it, this area needs to be revived with an endchest and (maybe not THAT needed) a HoM statue.
Would really make it more fun and get more ppl to finish this place more.
ToPK is really fun but people seem to lack the incentive to do it nowadays.
Better rewards+a statue would be a nice addition
ToPK is really fun but people seem to lack the incentive to do it nowadays.
Better rewards+a statue would be a nice addition

yeh. I used to go there quite a lot, until it died out. I miss the place.

Dr Evove
I used to have a blast in tombs when it was first converted into a PvE area. But, other than 1 H/H excursion, I havent been back since Factions came out. An end chest would make me consider doing it more often.
I used to have a blast in tombs when it was first converted into a PvE area. But, other than 1 H/H excursion, I havent been back since Factions came out. An end chest would make me consider doing it more often.
I used to enjoy it loads when it came out, but it died out seeing as there's nothing of value there.
I used to enjoy it loads when it came out, but it died out seeing as there's nothing of value there.
Strange. The Tomb was bustling when my main Prophecies character reached it around a month and a half ago. Of course, that was in North America's evening, which skews things a bit.
/signed. I remember about 2 years ago, that was the only place that people would be. Bringing it back would be great, now if I only made a ranger to do r spike.
/signed for statue
pumpkin pie
One of my favourite area, and since no one is there to play, its quite impossible to go in there alone.
*have happy memories* that is the one place that I enjoy pugging.
One of my favourite area, and since no one is there to play, its quite impossible to go in there alone.
*have happy memories* that is the one place that I enjoy pugging.
It needs moar attention!
It needs moar attention!
loved doing tombs, but the greens are basically worthless...the only reason to go there now is some slight ecto farming of the dryders and dream riders, but even then they don't drop that often. an end chest with a bunch of drops like FoW/UW would be nice.
loved doing tombs, but the greens are basically worthless...the only reason to go there now is some slight ecto farming of the dryders and dream riders, but even then they don't drop that often. an end chest with a bunch of drops like FoW/UW would be nice.
*remembers old days, bp lfp"
*remembers old days, bp lfp"
I made my main char (R/) purely for the reason of going to Tombs, that was two years ago and I still play it more than any other. Whilst I've long since moved on from wanting to do a Tombs run every night it's still a huge shame that it is deserted these days. So:
statue, and a low end reward chest. They should eliminate the chances of getting voltaics/eternals/obsidian/emerald stuff outta there just because it's easy to do, and it doesnt take half the effort to do that compared to fow or UW. But just a little something at the end would be nice.
statue, and a low end reward chest. They should eliminate the chances of getting voltaics/eternals/obsidian/emerald stuff outta there just because it's easy to do, and it doesnt take half the effort to do that compared to fow or UW. But just a little something at the end would be nice.
/signed for the statue only
end game weaps are a dime a dozen
end game weaps are a dime a dozen
It's a Dungeon in almost by definition. You have to clear the area instead of getting a key, but it's almost the same. Go further and further until getting to the 'final boss'.
The changes needed in the Tombs are the following ones:
- Repeatable quest. One of the NPCs in the outpost will give a repeatable quest. 1k and 15 XP wouldbe a goo reward for doing it. The quest is finished by killing the Darknesses.
- Reward chest. There will be only one, that will drop 1 non-green rare boss drop (materials, rare equipment, etc) and one random unique (green) from the their drop list for each party member that uses it. 2 drops of each in Hard Mode. That way if you get one of th funny green items, the other reward may still be good. The Darknesses will no longer drop items.
- HoM statue.
- Dungeon icon. Sorrow's Furnace, Urgoz, the Deep, the Tombs and the Anguish will get their respective Dungeon icons, with a chest once they are finished once in each mode.
- Replace timers with rifts. Instead the timers that appear when you clear an area, some of those dark rifts will spawn in various places of the area. Players will then have to 'talk' with the rift to teleport to the next area.
* Aditionally, if players are too slow or take too long to use the rift, Margonites and other Nigthfall demons may spawn from the rift. To prevent they been farmed and making them just a downside for slowpokes, they will drop nothing and give no XP.
The changes needed in the Tombs are the following ones:
- Repeatable quest. One of the NPCs in the outpost will give a repeatable quest. 1k and 15 XP wouldbe a goo reward for doing it. The quest is finished by killing the Darknesses.
- Reward chest. There will be only one, that will drop 1 non-green rare boss drop (materials, rare equipment, etc) and one random unique (green) from the their drop list for each party member that uses it. 2 drops of each in Hard Mode. That way if you get one of th funny green items, the other reward may still be good. The Darknesses will no longer drop items.
- HoM statue.
- Dungeon icon. Sorrow's Furnace, Urgoz, the Deep, the Tombs and the Anguish will get their respective Dungeon icons, with a chest once they are finished once in each mode.
- Replace timers with rifts. Instead the timers that appear when you clear an area, some of those dark rifts will spawn in various places of the area. Players will then have to 'talk' with the rift to teleport to the next area.
* Aditionally, if players are too slow or take too long to use the rift, Margonites and other Nigthfall demons may spawn from the rift. To prevent they been farmed and making them just a downside for slowpokes, they will drop nothing and give no XP.
/signed for obvious reasons.
Well, the problem with ToPK is that it was overfarmed at release (since it, SF, UW, and FoW were like the only thing for a lvl 20 to do). The green's being worthless is set by the community, not by I remember Victo's Axe going for 100k+30 ecto when it was still newish.
Miska Bow
Sign for all the good reason mention above.
Was pretty dispointed after my first time finishing it. i mapped to me HoM only to find out that nothing was to display.
On the other hand, both end bosses drop me their greenies on that first run.
Was pretty dispointed after my first time finishing it. i mapped to me HoM only to find out that nothing was to display.

On the other hand, both end bosses drop me their greenies on that first run.

Make it a bit harder to bring it up to par with the other campaigns' elite missions, and do the same for Sorrow's Furnace, too. They're both really easy compared to the other elite missions.
Make it a bit harder to bring it up to par with the other campaigns' elite missions, and do the same for Sorrow's Furnace, too. They're both really easy compared to the other elite missions.
Horseman Of War
Oh man TOMBS That place is the only reason my necro has so many hours!!
A fun place to play. An elite spot for Prophecies. It needs at least a monument, but I would also think the idea of a chest with greens+golds be used instead of random drops from the Darkness. I don't know how many times I have seen 1 person get 3 greens and 1-2 other people get none. A chest giving everyone the same stuff (chance, not actual items) would be fair.
A fun place to play. An elite spot for Prophecies. It needs at least a monument, but I would also think the idea of a chest with greens+golds be used instead of random drops from the Darkness. I don't know how many times I have seen 1 person get 3 greens and 1-2 other people get none. A chest giving everyone the same stuff (chance, not actual items) would be fair.
It needs some attention too.
It needs some attention too.
For all the reason stated above
For all the reason stated above
Thank You Tombs for funding my obsidian armor (back when victos axe was still worth something) and teaching me real in game teamwork. Offering you some respect these many months later is the least I can do for you.
A big /signed on this one. I love doing ToPK every once in a while (especially in Hard Mode), and it's a shame that it isn't viewed on par with the other Elite areas.
remember also that no cons cant really be used here (cuz of teleporting after like 10 minutes) unless you dont want to waste them :P
also i really hope anet does this now as you clearly can see everyone wanting it... /hope
also i really hope anet does this now as you clearly can see everyone wanting it... /hope
id like to do all elite missions someday :X especially for HoM
id like to do all elite missions someday :X especially for HoM
This place is so fun to do, but rewards are not even worth spending time selling them.
This place is so fun to do, but rewards are not even worth spending time selling them.
/signed. I loved it when the splinter/barrage BP teams were popular...although I always managed to get the worst possible green.
But what great fun that area is!
But what great fun that area is!
yea give it a statue at least
yea give it a statue at least
El Presidente
/signed for the statue
Stormlord Alex
They need to make ToPK at least slightly challenging before it's deserving of 'elite' mission status.
Make it harder, and then maybe it should have an end-chest and HoM statue. Until then, it can stay as a quirky little place you go for nostalgia, lulz and hero fodder.
Make it harder, and then maybe it should have an end-chest and HoM statue. Until then, it can stay as a quirky little place you go for nostalgia, lulz and hero fodder.
Sparks Dawnbringer
/signed a lot of the areas could use a bit of revamping in rewards.
Why the hell not? I might actually complete it, then.
Why the hell not? I might actually complete it, then.
the savage nornbear
/yes please. I miss TOPK. Made me some good cash back in my hayday. Man... goodtimes...
THink it's a good idea.
THink it's a good idea.
The Red Messenger
I just did tombs the other day...totally felt like i missed something after we killed the bosses.
I just did tombs the other day...totally felt like i missed something after we killed the bosses.
i miss the days with b/p teams
i miss the days with b/p teams

Originally Posted by Tosha
yeh. I used to go there quite a lot, until it died out. I miss the place.
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