Originally Posted by Antheus
No, not really. People right now have stockpiles of keys that they've accumulated since they were released. So the time it took to get r9 is the time since keys were added to game. Multiply that by 5 to get the time till max rank.
Rank 12 Zaishen Title - an Analysis
Originally Posted by Frank Dudenstein
Ah ... I see. But now that you mention it ... anyone that made that much ecto so early in the game's lifecycle probably did not hold onto it. It must have been very tempting to buy lots of cool stuff, most if which is now quite worthless.

true and i still think that the title was a great idea, who cares if no1 maxes it
Frank Dudenstein
Originally Posted by MarlinBackna
You mean you are going to tell me that this guy had over 4000 keys already in his stores?
the title is another worthless gold sink, that takes even less talent than the emotes in HA to achieve. great. i love skill>time..
Crack is not supposed to be maxable.
Personally I think rank 7 is when HoM should consider it an achivement.
Ah darn loads thing changes in 10days i havent played.. So new title? o.O
Originally Posted by Magikarp
the title is another worthless gold sink, that takes even less talent than the emotes in HA to achieve. great. i love skill>time..
Frank Dudenstein
Originally Posted by Magikarp
the title is another worthless gold sink, that takes even less talent than the emotes in HA to achieve. great. i love skill>time..
A gold sink by definition is a mechanism by which gold LEAVES the game. This balances the fact that gold is constantly entering the game, and is intended to limit inflation.
Titles like this only transfer gold from one person to another - NOT a gold sink - just a fun diversion. IMO Guildwars could really use more true gold sinks.
Want a textbook gold sink? Gambling in Diablo2. You traded large amounts of gold for (usually) worthless crap. In GuildWars, FoW armor is a good example.
Grim Aragorn
the one thing u have to understand is when u open the chest you have odds of getting very rare items if ur opening it in such large amounts u have better odds , lets say u get an everlasting tonic, a voltaic etc etc u can almost make back about 1/4 or more of your money. You have to calculate that in their as well
my 2 cents.
Zen , OUT.
my 2 cents.
Zen , OUT.
I see most top pvpers sell their z keys... like some guys in high end.
Most probably dont care about it but I guess maybe some do
Most probably dont care about it but I guess maybe some do
hard core GvGer will get high rank very fast.
I play AT as guest for rank ~200-500 Guilds almost everyday (around 5-6 AT / week ) still manage to get 1 full stack of Z-Keys to sell every month.
Imagine about top rank Guilds who always win AT, how many Z-keys they gonna make .....
I play AT as guest for rank ~200-500 Guilds almost everyday (around 5-6 AT / week ) still manage to get 1 full stack of Z-Keys to sell every month.
Imagine about top rank Guilds who always win AT, how many Z-keys they gonna make .....
~ Dan ~
Originally Posted by jiggles
because anet went to every single pve'er gave them about 100mil and said 'shushh dont tell the pvp'ers?' thought so, making money in pve isnt the simplest thing on the planet. before ursan (no im not going to whine about it) alot of people had ALOT of money anyways and to get that they put alot of time and effort into the game.
I will play AoC and earn things through skill, whilst you can stay on GW and grind for stupid text. Enjoy.
and as for the dude that said about a title that isnt grind>skill. The gamer title track, if you leech in any of the matches your team is going to lose |
In dragon arena for example, 3 skilled players would beat 6 headless chickens. It was easy for people to leech gamer points.
Originally Posted by jiggles
like the first mini panda ever sold went for something like 32mil, the buyer mustve got the money some how
![]() |
How do you even _trade_ 32 million. Other Minipets with a value greater than 250 ecto? Armbrace stacks (heh)?
Scary stuff.
I agree with the OP; the title works as a concept. A target for grind-lovers to go for, and a shiny emote for those that want. Everyone knows how simple it is to get the early ranks, so no point being bitter about people /zranking your corpse.
I disagree with the economics. Already there's way more sellers than buyers. I'd argue that many title hunters are only interested in GWAMM, so will dismiss this title as unmaxable. Coupled with the montly influx of TRPs I say keys will fall to ~4k within 2-3 months and be 3k or less by the end of the year.
X Tigercat X
Originally Posted by BlueNovember
I say keys will fall to ~4k within 2-3 months and be 3k or less by the end of the year.
English Warrior
R12 is hard to achieve so what R15 Is hard to achieve in HA i just think the ranks could have been made better instead of the allegiance ones>.>
Don't forget that if you were a rich PvEer wanting to burn 100 million on this, you would get a fair return from all those Z keys (rare skins, sweets, alcohol, tonics) so you'd probably get a few million back so it wouldn't be as simple as throwing the money away.
Musei Karasu
Originally Posted by Frank Dudenstein
The hard part now is getting the next 75K starting at nothing.
I dont get it. I thought dupeing was fixed? your saying people can dupe keys?
I might just have to state some obvious words:
If you plan to get the title, best of luck to you.
If you plan to not get the title, then just don't.
If you plan to complain about how people are able to get a title by means of outside the game activity, just don't. In the end, let idiots be idiots and well mannered people do what they do too.
If you're not having fun, don't play the game.
If you plan to get the title, best of luck to you.
If you plan to not get the title, then just don't.
If you plan to complain about how people are able to get a title by means of outside the game activity, just don't. In the end, let idiots be idiots and well mannered people do what they do too.
If you're not having fun, don't play the game.
Originally Posted by StormDragonZ
I might just have to state some obvious words:
If you plan to get the title, best of luck to you. If you plan to not get the title, then just don't. If you plan to complain about how people are able to get a title by means of outside the game activity, just don't. In the end, let idiots be idiots and well mannered people do what they do too. If you're not having fun, don't play the game. |
There's a company out there that became infamous using this passive stance. To this day, every MMO developer keeps repeating they will never pull an NGE on their community.
There are lessons to be learned there. Shame that some still insist on repeating the same mistakes over and over.
Anet recently mentioned it as well. Oh, the irony....
Red Sonya
NGE arghhhhhh did you have to even mention NGE omg omg omg the best game ever I played got hit by NGE and it tore me apart and ripped me to pieces and I swore NEVER EVER to play another pay to play game afterwards. Yes, it was SWG's who ruined many lives and gaming pleasures with an NGE. Still get a lil queazy everytime I see those letters.
a guru thread in which i read the whole of the first post ..welldone

thanks to anyone trying to max z title since I'm making a killing off the keys
I just want to say Frank, that people are selling keys for ectos as well, so it won't be that hard to turn ectos into keys as you can trade 1 for 1.
??? L??wLi????????? ???
Dont know if anyone posted about this today, but theres a r10 in pre atm spamming there emote.
Frank Dudenstein
Many posters have pointed out that I failed to factor in proceeds from the sale of the chest drops. I definitely missed this (I have only gotten crap from the chest so it never crossed my mind lol). But someone trying to max this title would inevitably get some rare stuff that could contribute quite alot of keys.
As such I have revised the OP with an estimate of 20% return. Honestly I can't see it being higher than that (that number is a guess based on some wikidata that I massaged).
BTW if anyone has good data regarding the true rate of return over a large number of drops, I will include that in my post.
This is an excellent point - I know a large chunk of the population is spending all of its money on maxing titles, and since this one is basically unattainable it will not be on the list. However, the chest does offer some very unique stuff (especially the new everlasting tonics) and the current glut in supply is based on a 6+ month surplus. IMO demand and supply will come back into line preventing the precipitous drop you predict.
However your point is well taken ... I have modified the OP to a long-term estimate of 4.5 plat per key.
As such I have revised the OP with an estimate of 20% return. Honestly I can't see it being higher than that (that number is a guess based on some wikidata that I massaged).
BTW if anyone has good data regarding the true rate of return over a large number of drops, I will include that in my post.
Originally Posted by BlueNovember
I disagree with the economics. Already there's way more sellers than buyers. I'd argue that many title hunters are only interested in GWAMM, so will dismiss this title as unmaxable. Coupled with the montly influx of TRPs I say keys will fall to ~4k within 2-3 months and be 3k or less by the end of the year.
However your point is well taken ... I have modified the OP to a long-term estimate of 4.5 plat per key.
I think there are lots of people out there willing to sell off the keys they have gotten so far to those willing to buy this title....now how long it takes to get to the chest and open it and rinse repeat to get the title is more interesting to me than how people will manage to get enough keys to do said activity. .....
About the difficulty of liquidating assets to get keys. Here's a thought:
WTT stacks of [250] Ectos for [250] ZKeys
Much faster, the people buying probably have lots of high-end currenct, and the people selling keys by the stack probably want high-end currency anyway. The numbers could be adjusted as the prices of the two change, but right now they're both at about 5k so 1:1 trades are a possibility. Trading keys for armbraces (maybe at 8 or 9 per stack) would also work. This way, the only things that would need to be liquidated would be rare minis or other "high end" goods with astronomical values (unless key sellers wanted these).
WTS Everlasting Ghost Tonic 300 ZKey?
What would be interesting (and probably never happen) is if ZKeys became another high-end currency on par with ectos
WTT stacks of [250] Ectos for [250] ZKeys
Much faster, the people buying probably have lots of high-end currenct, and the people selling keys by the stack probably want high-end currency anyway. The numbers could be adjusted as the prices of the two change, but right now they're both at about 5k so 1:1 trades are a possibility. Trading keys for armbraces (maybe at 8 or 9 per stack) would also work. This way, the only things that would need to be liquidated would be rare minis or other "high end" goods with astronomical values (unless key sellers wanted these).
WTS Everlasting Ghost Tonic 300 ZKey?
What would be interesting (and probably never happen) is if ZKeys became another high-end currency on par with ectos

Originally Posted by † LãwLiþøþ™ †
Dont know if anyone posted about this today, but theres a r10 in pre atm spamming there emote.

Originally Posted by † LãwLiþøþ™ †
Dont know if anyone posted about this today, but theres a r10 in pre atm spamming there emote.
I think ever since zaishen keys came out, I would've gotten around 10000 zaishen points for all the keys I got, if that gives a scale of how easy it is if you pool keys together in a guild.
??? L??wLi????????? ???
well.. r10 is 7200 keys.... if u look on the zaishen drop forum..someone on there over i think 4444 keys but it was before the title was out..so i suppose it could be possible for someone to get thus only if they had been saving there keys
Frank Dudenstein
Originally Posted by holymasamune
I think ever since zaishen keys came out, I would've gotten around 10000 zaishen points for all the keys I got, if that gives a scale of how easy it is if you pool keys together in a guild.
You are in dR - you guys make loads of RP. If there are players in your guild (or any of the other top guilds) willing to give away or pool together their RP ... then yes the recipient could get to the top quickly.
selling 249 zkeys 12k ea
Nice, informative post.
I don't PvP so I didn't realize how hard it would be to obtain the keys through Balthazar faction, and had no idea about the quantity of tournament reward points given out.
Thanks for the writeup.
I don't PvP so I didn't realize how hard it would be to obtain the keys through Balthazar faction, and had no idea about the quantity of tournament reward points given out.
Thanks for the writeup.
selling 249 zkeys 12k ea |
"OMFG what a great deal"
Martin Alvito
The title is clearly aimed at high-end PvP-ers. Look, the whole point of the changes is clearly to provide SOME in-game reward of consequence for winning monthly ATs. Whether the PvP community decides to collect cash from PvE-ers or decides to pursue the title remains to be seen. I consider the former to be a more likely outcome, at least at first.
There's nothing wrong with this in principle. Clearly it's supposed to be an accomplishment to max that title.
As for buying the title - there are a lot more players out there with thousands or tens of thousands of ecto in assets than you all seem to think.
Someone will max this title quickly. There are enough players out there that could go on a massive spending spree to max this title that it's a virtual certainty that someone will choose to do so.
As for "legitimate" means of maxing it: you need 100 million Balth faction to do it purely with faction; Halls wins provide one key each, monthly AT wins provide 300, daily wins provide about 20.
If done purely with faction, you'd need 1,000,000 daily in faction to do it in just over three months. Eek. Key proceeds can defray that a bit; AT wins can knock a much larger hole in it. Still, figure over 30 months to get it done at the effective rate of 100k faction daily.
There's nothing wrong with this in principle. Clearly it's supposed to be an accomplishment to max that title.
As for buying the title - there are a lot more players out there with thousands or tens of thousands of ecto in assets than you all seem to think.
Someone will max this title quickly. There are enough players out there that could go on a massive spending spree to max this title that it's a virtual certainty that someone will choose to do so.
As for "legitimate" means of maxing it: you need 100 million Balth faction to do it purely with faction; Halls wins provide one key each, monthly AT wins provide 300, daily wins provide about 20.
If done purely with faction, you'd need 1,000,000 daily in faction to do it in just over three months. Eek. Key proceeds can defray that a bit; AT wins can knock a much larger hole in it. Still, figure over 30 months to get it done at the effective rate of 100k faction daily.
lol Rank 10 might be around 7,000 keys.. but rank 12 is 200,000 keys.
so good luck anyone.
atleat I think it was 200,000..
so good luck anyone.
atleat I think it was 200,000..
Malice Black
Originally Posted by † LãwLiþøþ™ †
Dont know if anyone posted about this today, but theres a r10 in pre atm spamming there emote.