Hi everyone, I was hoping someone could post a build for the infamous imbagon for me. I've heard so much about it now but have never actually seen the exact build I don't believe.
Thank you!
Thank you!
Anything with Focused Anger + Save Yourselves is really considered an Imbagon ^^
[Aggressive Refrain][There's Nothing To Fear][Save Yourselves][Focused Anger][For Great Justice] + 3 attack skills or whatever.
[spear of fury]+[Anthem of weariness] works well
[go for the eyes]+[Vicious attack] is a classic combo but will cause you to use [save yourselves!] (BTW, why does this always default to the kurz version?) less than you normally would.
[Merciless Spear] for alt. source of DW.
[Spear of Redemption] for blind removal
[Spear of Lightning] for armor penetration.
[go for the eyes]+[Vicious attack] is a classic combo but will cause you to use [save yourselves!] (BTW, why does this always default to the kurz version?) less than you normally would.
[Merciless Spear] for alt. source of DW.
[Spear of Redemption] for blind removal
[Spear of Lightning] for armor penetration.
the savage nornbear

Red bars barely move build:
[spear of lightning][spear of fury][go for the eyes][anthem of flame][save yourselves][there's nothing to fear][focused anger][aggressive refrain]
Red bars never move:
[spear of lightning][spear of fury][go for the eyes][song of restoration][ballad of restoration][save yourselves][there's nothing to fear][aggressive refrain]
[spear of lightning][spear of fury][go for the eyes][anthem of flame][save yourselves][there's nothing to fear][focused anger][aggressive refrain]
Red bars never move:
[spear of lightning][spear of fury][go for the eyes][song of restoration][ballad of restoration][save yourselves][there's nothing to fear][aggressive refrain]
Originally Posted by Savio
[Aggressive Refrain][There's Nothing To Fear][Save Yourselves][Focused Anger][For Great Justice] + 3 attack skills or whatever.
Usually some spamable chant to keep Aggressive Refrain up as well ([[anthem of flame] isn't a bad option for this).
Imbagons aslo work well in groups of paragons (see Rac's paragon's buddies thread in the Heroes section), and echos gain a lot of power in those builds.
Imbagons aslo work well in groups of paragons (see Rac's paragon's buddies thread in the Heroes section), and echos gain a lot of power in those builds.
Kale Ironfist
The typical Imbagon build revolves around two skills, [skill]"Save Yourselves!" (luxon)[/skill] and [skill]"There's Nothing to Fear!"[/skill].
Everything else is used to help maintain these two as much as possible to grant a party massive damage reduction.
Everything else is used to help maintain these two as much as possible to grant a party massive damage reduction.
[save yourselves] and [there's nothing to fear]
You should also be using
[aggressive refrain][go for the eyes][spear of lightning]
You may also wanna try [for great justice] or [spear of fury].
You should also be using
[aggressive refrain][go for the eyes][spear of lightning]
You may also wanna try [for great justice] or [spear of fury].
For the 3 free slots:
[skill]spear of fury[/skill] big domage + adrenaline is cool
[skill]holy spear[/skill] owns groups with spirits and minions
[skill]spear swipe[/skill] unconditional daze? yes plz
[skill]spear of fury[/skill] big domage + adrenaline is cool
[skill]holy spear[/skill] owns groups with spirits and minions
[skill]spear swipe[/skill] unconditional daze? yes plz
imo, this is the best way to set it up purely to spam SY!
*not sure if that will work, first time posting a build
swap SoL for SoF, and FGJ! in the optional. oh ya, and anthem of weariness instead of flame
*not sure if that will work, first time posting a build

swap SoL for SoF, and FGJ! in the optional. oh ya, and anthem of weariness instead of flame
I must be missing something really important with the Imbogon builds because I have a question, and I am asking because I don't understand not for any other reason:
Q: How do you distribute your attribute points in a common Imbogon build?
It appears that you have 3 or 4 attribute lines used by these builds and I cannot see how to make anything really devastating when you have to spread points around to that many lines. Can someone please enlighten me on this, either publicly or not, it dose not matter to me.
Q: How do you distribute your attribute points in a common Imbogon build?
It appears that you have 3 or 4 attribute lines used by these builds and I cannot see how to make anything really devastating when you have to spread points around to that many lines. Can someone please enlighten me on this, either publicly or not, it dose not matter to me.
Originally Posted by Wyler_Clan
I must be missing something really important with the Imbogon builds because I have a question, and I am asking because I don't understand not for any other reason:
Q: How do you distribute your attribute points in a common Imbogon build?
It appears that you have 3 or 4 attribute lines used by these builds and I cannot see how to make anything really devastating when you have to spread points around to that many lines. Can someone please enlighten me on this, either publicly or not, it dose not matter to me.
Wyler. I run 12 Leadership, 13 Spear Mastery, 9 Command I believe. I have them like so:
Spear Mastery: 11 + 1 + 1
Leadership: 11 + 1
Command: 8 + 1
Q: How do you distribute your attribute points in a common Imbogon build?
It appears that you have 3 or 4 attribute lines used by these builds and I cannot see how to make anything really devastating when you have to spread points around to that many lines. Can someone please enlighten me on this, either publicly or not, it dose not matter to me.
Wyler. I run 12 Leadership, 13 Spear Mastery, 9 Command I believe. I have them like so:
Spear Mastery: 11 + 1 + 1
Leadership: 11 + 1
Command: 8 + 1
Everything you need to know.
Originally Posted by MrSlayer
I run 12 Leadership, 13 Spear Mastery, 9 Command I believe. I have them like so:
Spear Mastery: 11 + 1 + 1
Leadership: 11 + 1
Command: 8 + 1 Some people run 12+1+1, 11+1, and 6+1, and then find a 7q 15AR shield, but the above will work almost as well (less damage, but better command/motivation skills)
Command and Motivation are interchangeable.
Spear Mastery: 11 + 1 + 1
Leadership: 11 + 1
Command: 8 + 1 Some people run 12+1+1, 11+1, and 6+1, and then find a 7q 15AR shield, but the above will work almost as well (less damage, but better command/motivation skills)
Command and Motivation are interchangeable.
Originally Posted by ScythXIII
Originally Posted by Savio
Or not, because of the inclusion of Anthem of Flame and "Go For The Eyes!", the lack of "For Great Justice!", no mention of req 7 shields, and the note that your allegiance rank should be at least 3. I wish PvXwiki would get things right for once.
Don't forget they suggest a sundering spear
Don't they have 2-3 variants up there on PvX though?
PvX did have a good article on the 55 and 600 general builds for monks, so i'll give them that.

Don't they have 2-3 variants up there on PvX though?
PvX did have a good article on the 55 and 600 general builds for monks, so i'll give them that.
First build.
First build.
So I get the basics of the build now, thanks guys.
Can anyone provide me some info about weapon sets that will go with this build now?
Can anyone provide me some info about weapon sets that will go with this build now?
Zealous/Vampiric/elemental Spear of Fortitude
Shield with "I Can See Clearly Now" inscription
Shield with "I Can See Clearly Now" inscription
Originally Posted by Savio
Or not, because of the inclusion of Anthem of Flame and "Go For The Eyes!", the lack of "For Great Justice!", no mention of req 7 shields, and the note that your allegiance rank should be at least 3. I wish PvXwiki would get things right for once.
Ehm... variants, much? You got me on the req 7 and notes, though.
Oblivious Moose
some1 should get rachtoh's imbagon build and stiky it. im getting annoyed by how many threads there are about the damn build...
Hey man, its just a simple question, you dont have to answer it or even read it. I'm just trying to get a little help.
Ahhh, thank you Washi!
Originally Posted by Angelus...
Hey man, its just a simple question, you dont have to answer it or even read it. I'm just trying to get a little help.
That's what you get when not following the links helpful people post in your very own thread
Brian the Gladiator
[build prof=Paragon/Warrior][Spear of Lightning]["There's Nothing to Fear!"]["Save Yourselves!"][Focused Anger]["For Great Justice!"][Anthem of weariness][Aggressive Refrain][Signet of Return][/build]
That's the build I use for Imbagon...
That's the build I use for Imbagon...
Originally Posted by Brian the Gladiator
[build prof=Paragon/Warrior][Spear of Lightning]["There's Nothing to Fear!"]["Save Yourselves!"][Focused Anger]["For Great Justice!"][Anthem of weariness][Aggressive Refrain][Signet of Return][/build]
That's the build I use for Imbagon... I use almost exactly the same setup. I just use [spear of fury] instead of [Spear of Lightning] for the extra adrenaline.
That's the build I use for Imbagon... I use almost exactly the same setup. I just use [spear of fury] instead of [Spear of Lightning] for the extra adrenaline.
Originally Posted by Nightow
I use almost exactly the same setup. I just use [spear of fury] instead of [Spear of Lightning] for the extra adrenaline.
I say screw the rez and go for the extra attack!
When you're imbagon, you're basically impervious so there should be no dying. Should death occur (which is unlikely), one of your heros can do the job.
When you're imbagon, you're basically impervious so there should be no dying. Should death occur (which is unlikely), one of your heros can do the job.
Originally Posted by MasterSasori
I say screw the rez and go for the extra attack!
When you're imbagon, you're basically impervious so there should be no dying. Should death occur (which is unlikely), one of your heros can do the job. Right, then I'd most likely take [Merciless Spear] or [Vicious Attack] if there's a second paragon spamming GftE!
When you're imbagon, you're basically impervious so there should be no dying. Should death occur (which is unlikely), one of your heros can do the job. Right, then I'd most likely take [Merciless Spear] or [Vicious Attack] if there's a second paragon spamming GftE!
xDusT II
I would probably avoid "Go for the eyes!" on an Imbagon bar unless you have a particularly high Kurzick/Luxon title. It slows down the rate at which you pump out "Save Yourselves!" and the benefits aren't something to write home about.
Originally Posted by xDusT II
I would probably avoid "Go for the eyes!" on an Imbagon bar unless you have a particularly high Kurzick/Luxon title. It slows down the rate at which you pump out "Save Yourselves!" and the benefits aren't something to write home about.
The extra energy from GftE is useful because SY itself isn't always enough to make up for paragon's worthless 2 pips of energy. You may need the energy if you're spamming TNTF, Spear of lightning, and Spear of Fury. Even if you don't need the energy, its nice to have something to refresh Aggressive Refrain.
The loss of adrenaline is very easy to take care of compared to the energy.
The loss of adrenaline is very easy to take care of compared to the energy.
Originally Posted by MasterSasori
The extra energy from GftE is useful because SY itself isn't always enough to make up for paragon's worthless 2 pips of energy. You may need the energy if you're spamming TNTF, Spear of lightning, and Spear of Fury. Even if you don't need the energy, its nice to have something to refresh Aggressive Refrain.
The loss of adrenaline is very easy to take care of compared to the energy. Energy is quite manageable with just SY. There is no need to mash the attack skills on recharge unless there is a target that absolutely has to die. Also you can always weapon swap if you lack energy for FA/TNTF/FGJ as they recharge.
The loss of adrenaline is very easy to take care of compared to the energy. Energy is quite manageable with just SY. There is no need to mash the attack skills on recharge unless there is a target that absolutely has to die. Also you can always weapon swap if you lack energy for FA/TNTF/FGJ as they recharge.
I can keep up Aggressive refrain just fine by using TNTF. No need to waste slots on junk skills like Anthem of Flame or Anthem of Weakness.
Originally Posted by Racthoh
There is no need to mash the attack skills on recharge unless there is a target that absolutely has to die. Also you can always weapon swap if you lack energy for FA/TNTF/FGJ as they recharge.
That's true. But I rather pick off certain targets faster. Now whether or not removing GftE and replace it with another attack will shorten battles, I'm not sure....
I do know that GftE recharges Aggressive refrain so that's my main reason for having it.
Most of the time when I'm short on energy, its at the beginning after casting Aggressive refrain. Don't have energy issues mid/late battle.
I do know that GftE recharges Aggressive refrain so that's my main reason for having it.
Most of the time when I'm short on energy, its at the beginning after casting Aggressive refrain. Don't have energy issues mid/late battle.
xDusT II
Originally Posted by MasterSasori
That's true. But I rather pick off certain targets faster. Now whether or not removing GftE and replace it with another attack will shorten battles, I'm not sure....
I do know that GftE recharges Aggressive refrain so that's my main reason for having it.
Most of the time when I'm short on energy, its at the beginning after casting Aggressive refrain. Don't have energy issues mid/late battle. At 12 Leadership, "TNtF!" will be enough on it's own to recharge AR and you can use a high energy set in case you need it to get the shout off. In battle, if your running with other paragon heroes, your AR should be constantly refreshed by their shouts.
"GftE!" is really something that will benefit from being on a hero rather than the SY spammer. That additionally killing power it provides isn't spectacular in high-end PvE and is most likely not worth trading a permanent "SY!" for.
I do know that GftE recharges Aggressive refrain so that's my main reason for having it.
Most of the time when I'm short on energy, its at the beginning after casting Aggressive refrain. Don't have energy issues mid/late battle. At 12 Leadership, "TNtF!" will be enough on it's own to recharge AR and you can use a high energy set in case you need it to get the shout off. In battle, if your running with other paragon heroes, your AR should be constantly refreshed by their shouts.
"GftE!" is really something that will benefit from being on a hero rather than the SY spammer. That additionally killing power it provides isn't spectacular in high-end PvE and is most likely not worth trading a permanent "SY!" for.
Originally Posted by Spura
I can keep up Aggressive refrain just fine by using TNTF. No need to waste slots on junk skills like Anthem of Flame or Anthem of Weakness.
I think the idea behind keeping Anthem of Flame/Weariness on the bar is to keep AR refreshed in between battles. That way, you don't start off -25 energy at the onset of the next battle.
Originally Posted by longhornrob
I think the idea behind keeping Anthem of Flame/Weariness on the bar is to keep AR refreshed in between battles. That way, you don't start off -25 energy at the onset of the next battle.
You can already do that with TNTF, that's what spura and xDusT II meant. At 12 Leadership you have a 1 second window after it recharge to use TNTF again. If you find that's too small, craft another headpiece with a Superior leadership rune for 15 Leadership to cast AR then switch back to your normal head piece for a larger window.