Originally Posted by cataphract
PlayNC's security could - and should - be a lot tighter.
The users security should be tighter and that's about it. There is no hacking involved at all.
People who claim that they got hacked were simply uncautious.
Let's see the chances of either.
1. You downloaded a keylogger/trojan, gave your info away, used a weak password for a known email.
- You do not even need to download trojans activly. There are browser exploits to do that for you. Furthermore they can be hidden in pictures, email attachments and other media.
- Your info is available on several forums and a lot of people tend to give their email addresses away for whatever reason and use their
[email protected] as game account. That combined with a weak password is another good way to get your account. There is still the option to exploit forums to get a database full or email addresses. While it is unlikely to crack a salted vBulletin password hash there are a) other forums that have your data with less security and b) email + weak pass is enough in some cases.
now compare this to 2.
2. The account really got hacked, meaning someone got access to the Anet database containing all account information.
- That would require access to the server. Chances are the Anet servers are protected about 10000000000X better then any home PC out there. It is still possible to get on it though.
- Next problem is finding the database. IF a real hacker managed to get access he has to find the database. Now you can be pretty sure that the database is hosted on a seperate network requiring him to find this server and gain access.
- Accessing the database. For the very unlikely case that someone really managed to access 2 super protected server networks fast enough to bypass all logs and security measures he still needs access to the database. You can be sure that Anet or any other online game does not use MySQL or text files to store your data so there is a big chance our hacker faces a system he doesn't know or where he doesn't know any exploits for. Now he has to gain access fast enough not to get caught.
- Cracking the passwords. Even the GW ingame packets are encrypted with a key nobody managed to find yet. Now the passwords won't be plain-text so even if our hacker gets the hashes he still needs to crack them or have enough access to the database to find his own hash and replace all others with it to have the password.
- Getting out without traces. Now if he succeeded to perform the whole chain he still needs to find the logs that had his traces stored to delete them. A lot of companies store log files on a sepearate server...you know what that means + most professional networks are mirrored so he needs access to the mirror containing the logs too.
Is all of that possible? Yes. Very unlikely but possible since nothing is impossible to hack. Would anyone go through all that for some ZKeys and Ecto? Never. It's just not worth it since anybody that could perform all this should have a million better ideas to gain profit and even if someone had access. Why should he take your items when he has the power to create stacks over stacks of items with full access?
Now compare the chances of the scenarios yourself.
1. the lost account being your fault
2. someone really went through all the above to sell 47 ZKeys, some Ecto, some gold.
I do understand though that nobody would confess that he downloaded something from a unknown source or visited a suspicious website. After all it would destroy your self-given right to QQ.
Something nobody considers is Social Engineering. Read it up. People are smart enough to ask the right questions to get the answers they need without you knowing it.