lvl 14 E/mo getting really bored...
Please tell me the game gets better than what it is. I see no reason to continue to lvl 20 I dont know anyone that plays, and don't have a clue what I'm doing. I've done every single quest I can find, and done every mission as well. All with NPC's that suck so bad its not even funny. As for the player base. The only times i've grouped has been with 1 or two guildies who are lvl 20. The other 3 or 4 groups ive been in were like....train wrecks.
did anyone else felt this way when they first started playing?
I've played both EQ and WoW for about 3 years a piece and I really enjoyed playing both. Although WoW is going a direction I think sucks so I quit.
So what do I do? throw in the towel? or does it get better at lvl 20?
did anyone else felt this way when they first started playing?
I've played both EQ and WoW for about 3 years a piece and I really enjoyed playing both. Although WoW is going a direction I think sucks so I quit.
So what do I do? throw in the towel? or does it get better at lvl 20?
Well the player base is less focused on PUG grouping... it didnt use to be like that but unforuntaly, thats how it has become.......
what campaign are you in?
I don't believe you could have completed every mission and quest and not be level 20.
Where are you in that campaign?
If you are in an area that is designed for higher level people it wouldn't be that surprising if you have difficulty getting into groups and staying alive once there.
I would say it does get better, you can create much better builds available once you have progressed further and have elite skills and more skills available. But of course it depends really on why you aren't enjoying it at the moment.
I don't believe you could have completed every mission and quest and not be level 20.
Where are you in that campaign?
If you are in an area that is designed for higher level people it wouldn't be that surprising if you have difficulty getting into groups and staying alive once there.
I would say it does get better, you can create much better builds available once you have progressed further and have elite skills and more skills available. But of course it depends really on why you aren't enjoying it at the moment.
I will mention though, that you can't possibly have finished every mission if you are only level 14. You get to level 20 about 1/3 of the way through the game. You really haven't seen anything yet. The game is very story-driven through the mission structure, so if that doesn't appeal to you, you're not playing the right game.
what game you playing in??
were are you atm??
get a better guild - if you think the members are like train-wrecks?
yes hench AI is bad - get used to it - but its 10fold then 90% of players...
learn to play if you don't know what your doing?! play with people / chat in outposts / talk to experienced guildies...
and of course get to lvl20 the game gets better as you progress - its just getting to lvl20 that sucks - either though it can be done in a day if you power-grind :P
were are you atm??
get a better guild - if you think the members are like train-wrecks?
yes hench AI is bad - get used to it - but its 10fold then 90% of players...
learn to play if you don't know what your doing?! play with people / chat in outposts / talk to experienced guildies...
and of course get to lvl20 the game gets better as you progress - its just getting to lvl20 that sucks - either though it can be done in a day if you power-grind :P
Originally Posted by captain_carter
what campaign are you in?
I don't believe you could have completed every mission and quest and not be level 20. Where are you in that campaign? If you are in an area that is designed for higher level people it wouldn't be that surprising if you have difficulty getting into groups and staying alive once there. I would say it does get better, you can create much better builds available once you have progressed further and have elite skills and more skills available. But of course it depends really on why you aren't enjoying it at the moment. |
I am also in Prophecies.
Mr. Undisclosed
To be honest prophecies is the most boring of the campaigns so that might be part of the problem. The main deal I think is your guild, I'm guess you just picked up with some random guild from local chat?
Super Igor
telling you that it gets better, also, what district are you playing at?
You see, guild wars is good because it is creative, in pve, there are so much ways you can play and make up your builds so they work, as you progress through the game you should fine some players to join you, although large teams are very rare in guild wars, apart from Ursan groups which are organized by alliances or guilds to vanquish areas, do hm elite and non elite missions, thanks to the introduction of customizable npcs called heroes (and trust me, when you will start messing with your and your hero builds you will never stop doing that
) you can still get several players to join you depending on how large the area is and have very fun time killing stuff.
When you get to level 20 which is fast, go through a campaign, unlock hard mode and will start grinding titles it would be so much fun, for now, try to find a huge big mature profesional PvE guild a be active there, it always helps and when you start playing at higher level i would be very fun.
In the rest try geting some friends, and if you need help/groups write it here or pm someone, people usually help.
You see, guild wars is good because it is creative, in pve, there are so much ways you can play and make up your builds so they work, as you progress through the game you should fine some players to join you, although large teams are very rare in guild wars, apart from Ursan groups which are organized by alliances or guilds to vanquish areas, do hm elite and non elite missions, thanks to the introduction of customizable npcs called heroes (and trust me, when you will start messing with your and your hero builds you will never stop doing that
When you get to level 20 which is fast, go through a campaign, unlock hard mode and will start grinding titles it would be so much fun, for now, try to find a huge big mature profesional PvE guild a be active there, it always helps and when you start playing at higher level i would be very fun.
In the rest try geting some friends, and if you need help/groups write it here or pm someone, people usually help.

Originally Posted by payne
what game you playing in??
were are you atm?? get a better guild - if you think the members are like train-wrecks? yes hench AI is bad - get used to it - but its 10fold then 90% of players... learn to play if you don't know what your doing?! play with people / chat in outposts / talk to experienced guildies... and of course get to lvl20 the game gets better as you progress - its just getting to lvl20 that sucks - either though it can be done in a day if you power-grind :P |
Originally Posted by Super Igor
telling you that it gets better, also, what district are you playing at?
You see, guild wars is good because it is creative, in pve, there are so much ways you can play and make up your builds so they work, as you progress through the game you should fine some players to join you, although large teams are very rare in guild wars, apart from Ursan groups which are organized by alliances or guilds to vanquish areas, do hm elite and non elite missions, thanks to the introduction of customizable npcs called heroes (and trust me, when you will start messing with your and your hero builds you will never stop doing that When you get to level 20 which is fast, go through a campaign, unlock hard mode and will start grinding titles it would be so much fun, for now, try to find a huge big mature profesional PvE guild a be active there, it always helps and when you start playing at higher level i would be very fun. In the rest try geting some friends, and if you need help/groups write it here or pm someone, people usually help. ![]() |
im also in district America 1...i think =D
This reminds me of when I was new to the game. I had an ele, and levelled him up to about lv 15 just staying in Ascalon, thinking that was all there was to the game. I was about to quit when i started playing missions, at which point i arrived at Lions Arch and was like OMG!!! This is amazing lol
Anyway point is you're probably not exploring all the game has to offer. When you do, I'm sure you'll enjoy it a lot.
Anyway point is you're probably not exploring all the game has to offer. When you do, I'm sure you'll enjoy it a lot.
Originally Posted by oliverrr1989
This reminds me of when I was new to the game. I had an ele, and levelled him up to about lv 15 just staying in Ascalon, thinking that was all there was to the game. I was about to quit when i started playing missions, at which point i arrived at Lions Arch and was like OMG!!! This is amazing lol
Anyway point is you're probably not exploring all the game has to offer. When you do, I'm sure you'll enjoy it a lot. |
Mr. Undisclosed
Try and find a guild off guru, random guilds advertising in local chat are usually bad, the point of missions is to progress through the story line.
Cosmic Error
Because they get you to new areas, and they're crazy fun to play.
If you're just power-leveling in Ascalon, you're playing the game wrong.
If you're just power-leveling in Ascalon, you're playing the game wrong.
Super Igor
Originally Posted by Mr. Undisclosed
To be honest prophecies is the most boring of the campaigns so that might be part of the problem.
ALRGHHH, I hate the campaign, trust me Methal, prophecies s the longest, dumbest and most boring campaign there is in game, It has EXTREMELY stupid henchies with EXTREMELY stupid skill setups so hero/henching proph is so much harder especially on HM were you get bashed by anomally strong melee buffed by some annoying prot spell or a dazillion of migrane mesmer mobs or whatever and the only thing your monk henchies can do is spam woh or something while other henchies are just useless to take, so basically you are left in four, you and your heroes, with not so vst low level grouping in this game you should have a good guild that can help you or just group with you so you get the idea, so if you are uite bored of it now dont worry, it is normal for 85% of all people doing it, get yourself together, get a good guild and try to finish it though, then buy Nightfall or GW:EN so you et yourself some heroes, and you will defo feel the difference in your playstyle and fun you would get, even getting factions and playing it would feel deffrene though you should get hold of heroes from nf or gwen as fast as you can.

pumpkin pie
nope, there's nothing more. because you are looking for the wrong thing.
Originally Posted by oliverrr1989
This reminds me of when I was new to the game. I had an ele, and levelled him up to about lv 15 just staying in Ascalon, thinking that was all there was to the game. I was about to quit when i started playing missions, at which point i arrived at Lions Arch and was like OMG!!! This is amazing lol
Anyway point is you're probably not exploring all the game has to offer. When you do, I'm sure you'll enjoy it a lot. |
In Lion's Arch, you learn about capturing skills (I think from there, you're not capturing ELITE skills, but regular ones...)--which can alter the game notably, as you start diversifying your builds.
I felt like half the game early was learning to synergize skills, to kill a little faster, a little smarter, after each mission or quest.
If you want to speed the game up, just play the missions, and ignore the side quests. If you want to enjoy how rich the game world is, do the side quests, explore, walk around and kill, try to uncover your map.
And to answer your last question: Yes, it gets better at level 20. The last 6 or 8 missions in the game, skill capping, and hard mode vanquishing, will hopefully alter your boredom.
Originally Posted by Methal
Proph. I just got to yaks. My guild is ok. though most of them are a bit unhelpful, the leaders are great but i still hate begging for help though., I think they are all lvl 20 anyway, In wow a 99.99% of lvl 70s wouldnt even return a tell to you if you were under lvl 66.
Look for a good friendly guild (no need for it to be huge, you'll probably change anyway), and not by the "lf a guild"-in-local-chat way. Look on forums, talk to people, etc.
Also, Proph's beggining is quite boring. It gets better when you'll get to the Desert.
Well, if you were online we could go do something right now!
If you're in Yak's Bend, part of your problem may be that you've got several quests in your quest log that pile on the enemies in Traveler's Vale. The best thing to do if that's the case is to drop all but one and then do each of them one at a time. (Yes, the quests will be available at the NPC you got it from)
To proceed in the story-line, do the Primary quests; they'll take you to the next mission area.
To proceed in the story-line, do the Primary quests; they'll take you to the next mission area.
Trader of Secrets
First of all get in a guild that you like! Second get more campaigns, more the better. I dont really see GW that fun unless you have all campaigns; from my friends experience who owns Proph and Factions. I recommend Eotn for a band of heroes and Ursan skill (lotta groups demand ursan), then you wont need to get a group for every single little thing.
Originally Posted by Methal
whats the point of missions?
This game isn't like a lot of other games you've played online. It's not about grinding to the high level cap and then finding stuff to do, it's storyline based. It's a linear game mostly. You play through it, and if you want you can experience all there is to be offered in other ways outside the storyline.
Like collecting loot, trying different builds, trying to get all skills (especially the elite ones), PvP, AB (if you have factions), 'elite' areas like FoW and UW. Exploring, chatting in towns and outposts, selling/trading (yes some people find that fun), trying different professions out, setting a goal for yourself (like titles, or shiny new armor, or a certain weapon you'd like).
If you're having any problems learning the game try going to either of the wikis. The official one, or the none official one. Lots and lots of tips in those.
It may be the case that this just isn't the game for you, however

Rage Quit.
It's the only thing to do.
It's the only thing to do.
Revan Bastille
Heya Methal,
Lemme guess, you're in the Maguuma Jungle area? When I took my first couple toons through there, I didn't know where to go or what to do. One of my guild mates set me straight and I was able to get through it. Another option is to look at the wiki sites for Guild Wars for help. I prefer and there is the 'Official Guild Wiki" at (or you can go to and click on the wiki link). One quick way to get your bearings is to look at the Missions pages -- see where you're at, where you need to go, and how to get there.
Hopefully that will help you out a bit.
Lemme guess, you're in the Maguuma Jungle area? When I took my first couple toons through there, I didn't know where to go or what to do. One of my guild mates set me straight and I was able to get through it. Another option is to look at the wiki sites for Guild Wars for help. I prefer and there is the 'Official Guild Wiki" at (or you can go to and click on the wiki link). One quick way to get your bearings is to look at the Missions pages -- see where you're at, where you need to go, and how to get there.
Hopefully that will help you out a bit.
And you still have grinding for Ursan to look forward to.
Super Igor
Originally Posted by Lagg
And you still have grinding for Ursan to look forward to.
Fay Vert
Originally Posted by Methal
I was hoping to gain a few levels so that I dont have to beg some retard to help me finish it.
What do you want from games? If you want competition and the MMO-universe, then GW is the choice.
If you want PvE-progression"grinding"-games, GW is probably not a good choice.
If you want casual-PvE, then GW might be the choice--especially if you can play with a friend or two. If you get to EotN or NF, you can get heroes, they are more better than henchmen. The game is pretty much empty, I'd suggest joining a large guild.
If you want PvE-progression"grinding"-games, GW is probably not a good choice.
If you want casual-PvE, then GW might be the choice--especially if you can play with a friend or two. If you get to EotN or NF, you can get heroes, they are more better than henchmen. The game is pretty much empty, I'd suggest joining a large guild.
Originally Posted by Fay Vert
I recommend you quit now, or just go straight to Random Arena.
Got to wonder about a person when they call somebody THEY would need help from a retard :/
Anyhow, it's probably best the OP goes back to WoW, or do like you suggested.
PUG'ing a true challenge
proph is kinda boring
try Nightfall cuz there you get heroes and somewhat a control on situations to put a good tactic
proph is kinda boring
try Nightfall cuz there you get heroes and somewhat a control on situations to put a good tactic
It is a good stopping point as it gets even more boring. most of the end game parts are ghost towns so you can get full pug groups...
try h/h if u got NF but... that still is boring.
try h/h if u got NF but... that still is boring.
I think I may have missed a big memo or something because I think Proph is the best campaign :/
Prophecies is basically unplayable solo with henchmen, which is probably the source of your problem. Do you own Nightfall or Eye of the North? If so you'd just need a bit of help to get to a point where you'd have heroes, which are much more useful AI party members than henchmen. If that's the case, drop me a PM and I'd be happy to help you get to where you need to go.
Alternatively you could simply start a Nightfall character. The game provides you the heroes you need to be able to solo even in the early going.
Alternatively you could simply start a Nightfall character. The game provides you the heroes you need to be able to solo even in the early going.
ax mastery
Prophecies is the best campaign hands down for new players. The difficulty increases very gradually, so i find it tough to believe that you got stuck somewhere early in the game. I'd be happy to help you beat some of the missions though. I enjoy them much
Sir Pandra Pierva
prophicies can be done with henchman buts its a real challenge....i think i have found a way to waste another month<_<
all in all proph is the epic plot campaign.
the others were too short.
factions.......4 hours to beat.....great going, yes i did haul ass through it but its a stupid plot anyway. WOOT glorified assassination re attempt.<_<
Nightfall....longish, but all in all its kinda a proph twist only it didn't pull it off as well as it could have.
GWEN......ummm fail....what the hell is the point of the plot. Diakatana had a better plot than GWEN, for those of you who dont know that game consider yourself lucky.
GWEN had good things in it.
Dungeons are fun for about 4 days until you get tired of em.
More Heros are good, and better looking ones at that.
SOme new weapons that were good
and some decent armors even if most of them were lame reskins.
all in all proph is the epic plot campaign.
the others were too short.
factions.......4 hours to beat.....great going, yes i did haul ass through it but its a stupid plot anyway. WOOT glorified assassination re attempt.<_<
Nightfall....longish, but all in all its kinda a proph twist only it didn't pull it off as well as it could have.
GWEN......ummm fail....what the hell is the point of the plot. Diakatana had a better plot than GWEN, for those of you who dont know that game consider yourself lucky.
GWEN had good things in it.
Dungeons are fun for about 4 days until you get tired of em.
More Heros are good, and better looking ones at that.
SOme new weapons that were good
and some decent armors even if most of them were lame reskins.
Originally Posted by Sir Pandra Pierva
prophicies can be done with henchman buts its a real challenge....i think i have found a way to waste another month<_<
anyway all in all proph is the epic plot campaign. the others were too short. factions.......4 hours to beat.....great going, yes i did haul ass through it but its a stupid plot anyway. WOOT glorified assassination re attempt.<_< Nightfall....longish, but all in all its kinda a proph twist only it didn't pull it off as well as it could have. GWEN......ummm fail....what the hell is the point of the plot. Diakatana had a better plot than GWEN, for those of you who dont know that game consider yourself lucky. GWEN had good things in it. Dungeons are fun for about 4 days until you get tired of em. More Heros are good, and better looking ones at that. SOme new weapons that were good and some decent armors even if most of them were lame reskins. |
Fair enough, but I'm not sure how Prophecies story is that much better than the rest. It was very drawn out and seemed to jump around so much it was irritating to follow. That and by the end we'd more or less screwed over the whole continent by running away from nearly every evil force we encountered along the way. The titans are about the only thing that actually has a definitive "end" everything else just kind of gets forgotten about while you get wasted in droks in celebration. Most of what we know about the state of things post proph has to be explained in GWEN and even then it raises more questions than it answers.
At least Faction and Nightfalls stories had definitive conclusions.
Honestly, I really hate the PvE. It's boring and long and just makes me want to cry. And Prophecies is the worst...It's really long and really drawn out. But on the upside, you get some smexy armor and weapons! =O
The PvP is where this game really shines, but since ANet took out the arenas in the lower-end towns, you have to wait until level 20 to PvP now.
The PvP is where this game really shines, but since ANet took out the arenas in the lower-end towns, you have to wait until level 20 to PvP now.
Originally Posted by Sir Pandra Pierva
prophicies can be done with henchman buts its a real challenge....
really if you want a better group, but don't want to worry about playing with crappy players, you should go to nightfall or eye of the north and get some heroes. at least that way you'll be able to control what skills they're using and come up with something that works with what you're using. also if you're switching guilds after just a day, you're not giving that guild enough of a chance. a lot of people don't have that much time especially during weekdays to play. weekends and nights are when most of my guild is on. nights are still a little sketchy also.
but like other people have already suggested, the further you go in the game the better it gets. if you want to skip the boring stuff and get to the fun stuff in prophs, get a runner to droknar's forge (you will have to pay for this) then get a runner to the iron mines of moladune mission (pay here too). this mission is where the game starts to take off. if you're lucky you may have a guildmate that has a running character and can run you there for free.
the southern shiverpeaks (area with droks forge and iron mines) are the first areas of the game to offer elite skills also. once you capture those, your experience should change. it makes it a lot more fun to see all the yellow numbers pop up in waves instead of a few at a time.
but like other people have already suggested, the further you go in the game the better it gets. if you want to skip the boring stuff and get to the fun stuff in prophs, get a runner to droknar's forge (you will have to pay for this) then get a runner to the iron mines of moladune mission (pay here too). this mission is where the game starts to take off. if you're lucky you may have a guildmate that has a running character and can run you there for free.
the southern shiverpeaks (area with droks forge and iron mines) are the first areas of the game to offer elite skills also. once you capture those, your experience should change. it makes it a lot more fun to see all the yellow numbers pop up in waves instead of a few at a time.
E/Mo's are always bored.
Could just listen to some rock music and slit your wrists?
Could just listen to some rock music and slit your wrists?
When Prophecies first came out (just known as Guild Wars then), everything was done either in a PuG or a guild group. The henchmen were there just to fill in a gap if necessary. The problem is now that, since the release of Nightfall and Eye of the North, the majority of the player base is using heroes raher than humans.
I does need to be said that pugging is where you really learn the game. When I first started, I was too shy to join PuGs - thinking they would mock my skillbar/noobishness, etc. It wasn't until I made some real online friends that the game really began to flow. Then, when I finally found a good guild, the game really came to life.
The reason you find PuGs to be train wrecks is that most PuGs tend to consist of guildless people or brand new players who don't have a clue what they're doing.
Prophecies is boring only when you get stuck, like you have done. It's the greatest chapter in size, content and learning curve. It's not until you get to Droknar's Forge that the fun really begins - that's when you start capping elite skills in earnest and can really start messing around with different builds for different purposes. By then you will have obtained the means of changing your secondary profession, opening up whole new avenues of game play.
Don't give in - stick with it. Make sure your armor is the highest available in the area, and make sure you have a respectable skill bar.
Finally, as mentioned before - join a big guild. Make online friends and play with them. Go out and ENJOY yourself!
I does need to be said that pugging is where you really learn the game. When I first started, I was too shy to join PuGs - thinking they would mock my skillbar/noobishness, etc. It wasn't until I made some real online friends that the game really began to flow. Then, when I finally found a good guild, the game really came to life.
The reason you find PuGs to be train wrecks is that most PuGs tend to consist of guildless people or brand new players who don't have a clue what they're doing.
Prophecies is boring only when you get stuck, like you have done. It's the greatest chapter in size, content and learning curve. It's not until you get to Droknar's Forge that the fun really begins - that's when you start capping elite skills in earnest and can really start messing around with different builds for different purposes. By then you will have obtained the means of changing your secondary profession, opening up whole new avenues of game play.
Don't give in - stick with it. Make sure your armor is the highest available in the area, and make sure you have a respectable skill bar.
Finally, as mentioned before - join a big guild. Make online friends and play with them. Go out and ENJOY yourself!