Originally Posted by I Is Special
Ok. We've come to the conclusion that the Z chest is for both PVP and PVE players. Now, shouldn't the PvE'rs be able to obtain keys without relying on PVP?
Red Sand
obsidian ectoplasm
Originally Posted by manitoba1073
What they should have done with it is give 10 balth faction a kill in HM. Makes both sides happy.
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Originally Posted by Yichi
dumbest idea ever.
Divinus Stella
Originally Posted by manitoba1073
500 foes in HM killed would equal 1 key or 5k balths faction.
pumpkin pie
Originally Posted by BlackSephir
If this zaishen key is for pvp people why does it give pve stuff?
Originally Posted by manitoba1073
What they should have done with it is give 10 balth faction a kill in HM. Makes both sides happy.
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Originally Posted by EinherjarMx
as if it was hard to kill 500 raptors
it would take you like 15 minutes to kill'em , you (probably) can't make 20k balths faction in an hour thats why it's a dumb idea the answer is written some posts above "buy them with the gold you earned farming" as simple as that |
Originally Posted by Arkantos
Yes, give PvE farmers a way to obtain zaishen keys. Keep the suggestions coming please.
Its not just about farmers. Everyone who also plays in HM, such as Vanquishing. With such crappy rewards it needs more to it. |
Originally Posted by Arkantos
Then give people who play hard mode something other then an item that was implemented for PvPers. Although I don't see why they deserve more, seeing as the whole point of vanquishing is for a title, not for gold.
Snow Bunny
pumpkin pie
Originally Posted by HawkofStorms
Pumpkin_pie, PvPers want shiney stuff too. Also, keep in mind that PvP players do NEED money (guild invites, buying sigils for Guild Halls). Being able to sell junk golds made by the z-chest to the merchant or sell the keys dirrectly to PvE players are the only way PvP only players can reliably make money (not counting HoH chest, but that only gets opened 8 times every 10 miniutes, not a good source of income unless you get a mini ghostly).
Snow Bunny
Originally Posted by pumpkin pie
I know pvpers need cash, i just don't understand why players say this is a pve title when it is obviously a pvp title. if it is a pve title players should be playing pve to get it and only play pve to get it.
do you see? |
pumpkin pie
Originally Posted by Snow Bunny
No, I don't. Explain it, because otherwise you have seriously flawed logic.
PvPers do PvP, get faction, turn it into keys, sell keys, get money. PvPers care very little for a crappy little emote, especially one that looks absurd. The Zaishen emote and title are PvE. PvE'ers have been crying for an emote for some time now. Well, this exemplifies it. You can spend all those ectos and whatnot to purchase a shiny little emote, because you sucked too much otherwise to get yourself the emote people clamored for. |
Originally Posted by pumpkin pie
have you 1 vs 1 me? is that fair?
pumpkin pie
Originally Posted by BlackSephir
You don't get this pathetic title by pvping but by opening the z chest. Most pvpers don't bother with it and it's pvers who went on a rampage "omg must buy z keys" instead of playing some pvp and getting the keys themselves. |
Phoenix Tears
Originally Posted by Sigma Onkoron
In Pve you get money really easily as in pvp you dont. So making it pve would make it so pvpers would have a harder time getting money. Keep it PVP
/notsigned |
Pyro maniac
Originally Posted by Phoenix Tears
some rant about z-chest
Snow Bunny
Originally Posted by pumpkin pie
lol, I don't have ectos, never go to elite dungeon or endgame thing or what ever, don't like it, because those are to me = pug, which i hate.
now that's out of the way. PvP'ers do pvp get the original emote, right? now you get a second one for doing PvP while its is consider PvE title... right? Fair? Logic? NO. PvP'ers don't like crappy little emote, right? many PvP'ers on this forums express their dislike and scord this emote that is suppose to belong to PvE'ers calling it absurds and crappy little emote, but still you get to turn this into money on-top of all the fame, blathazars factions, sigils drops in halls. Fair? Logic? NO PvE'ers Crying for emote, right? Right, but wait, not only did we PvE'ers not get what we ask for, we get absurd looking ones according to you that players keep saying its "crappy little emote" that both PvP and PvE players can get? Fair? Logic? NO. Weather i sucked or not at this game ![]() |
Originally Posted by Phoenix Tears
a lot of QQ
Phoenix Tears
Originally Posted by EinherjarMx
as pyro maniac stated, that's not the point
but now you're on it, there are titles that are impossible for the average player to get (drunkard, sweet tooth, party animal), so why are you crying for another impossible title? fyi there are people who paid several stacks of armbraces for a mini vizu, and if my maths aren't wrong, you need less than 3 stacks to get max /zrank, so yeah, it's pretty much impossible... not and as for pvping, if you suck, you'll pass hard times to get 5k balths, the same logic applies to pve, if you suck at farming you profit less. now the "free items" thing, just because they don't pay "gold" it means its free? thats just stupid, go get obsidian armor via pvp and then you tell me if it didn't cost you a thing just because pvpers don't use cash it doesn't mean their achievements are worthless |
Originally Posted by Phoenix Tears
PvP is about Skill, not about Looks imo still and I can't remember the possibilty to get as PvP-Character Obsidian Armors, because PvP Characters don't can go to the Fissure of WoE ... you need a PvE Character to craft this armor to unlock it for PvP.
Hmm, at least so was the gameplay of GW long ago, I'm no PvP'er but thats the fact of gameplay I know of GW, since I started playing it, when my preordered Proph CE came to me, 3years passed, hmm, many can change, but such changes i'd know from, but then otherwise I don't look very much after Updates that correspond PvP anyway XD so i might have missed something or forgotten somethign over the time lol However, fatc is, PvP Characters can unlock mostly everything alone through playing PvP, collecting BP and usign them to unlock, Skills, insignias, upgrades ect. As PvP Character you can't craft you armors, you just are able to select you some generic normal armor pieces, that aren't even Elite Armor, when you create you your PvP Character. So far I'm right or ? So where is there now the point in, that PvP Characters need money, when in the end it are only PvE Characters, that can craft for themself all the armors, that you want for as said money? Whatever, all this will change nothing on the point, that the whole stuff around Z-keys, the Z-Chest and this new title is retarded crap of ANet, that proves again, how much those Developers fail at implementing good things to the game, which don't become instantly then a new part of the whole, which destroy the games economy... Nothign of this stuff isn't even a Money Sink, that makes all of it even worser. |
Sparks Dawnbringer
Snow Bunny
Originally Posted by Sparks Dawnbringer
/signed PvP gets a lot more stuff than PvE about time the tables were turned!
Originally Posted by Sparks Dawnbringer
/signed PvP gets a lot more stuff than PvE about time the tables were turned!
Originally Posted by Arkantos
136 explorable areas 18 dungeons 38 missions 33 titles hundreds of quests hundreds of monsters hundreds of items PvP: Fort Aspenwood/Jade Quarry/Alliance Battles Random Arena/Team Arena Heroes' Ascent Guild Battle Hero Battle 6 titles I'm sure there's stuff I missed, but I think I made my point clear. Unless I'm mistaken, it looks like PvE has a lot more than PvP. Please, think before you post. |
Originally Posted by Snow Bunny
PvE'ers can buy this emote, with a chance to make good returns on their money. Buying the /rank emote is expensive, this one less so.
So yes, it's a PvE emote. |
Originally Posted by Gli
Where's the Zaishen key merchant?
Originally Posted by timebandit
Great Temple ID 1
Originally Posted by MagmaRed
I won't belabor the issue, but you didn't mention the number of maps the various arenas get. Quite small compared to the amount of areas you get for PvE.
I can't find him, whereabouts does he stand? |
Originally Posted by Gli
I can't find him, whereabouts does he stand?